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03:00 - 10:0010:00 - 14:00

Hello Java/Android!
@Code-Guru Sup!
@Appu already said hi in Android =p
But I have typed this hi before you said hi there or before I said hi everyone there :P @Code-Guru
@Washu now Im online :(
So can anyone else help me with the item listener in JCombobox?
haha.. like hide and seek.
@Appu yeah exactly
@Shahzaib I don't think someone is here now who can help you with it. It's so silent now to help you.
@Appu let the hide and seek continue then :P
Why? You wanna hide again? :P
@Appu hahaha good one, but no I have to solve this problem today
then you can post it as a question if you are clear enough that is worth to be posted.
yesterday, by Appu
@Neil Do you use github?
@Appu no its just a minor problem that I think can be solved by a person working on java
thedailywtf.com/Articles/Cheaters-Never-Prosper.aspx <-- Interviewee tries to cheat using an SO question
@Appu Are you asking me now?
@Appu If so, yes, I use github
Oh! Okay. Actually the guys who work on java are always busy I guess as the java rooms are always empty with java people :/ @Shahzaib
@Code-Guru Of course. I asked you.
I have created an account recently. I think I don't understand how to upload a project on it. Might be a person who already uses it can give suggestions about it.
@Appu Do you have an existing local repo?
I've a doubt...
Can I ask?
You can ask...but you might not get an answer =p
@Code-Guru Nothing I have just created an account. Nothing more than that. I have referred some posts and those are confusing me a lot ;/
@SenJacob The same from me too. But there is nothing wrong to ask your doubt. Try your luck.
@Appu You need a git client installed on your local machine.
How can I link related questions without putting the link as comments?
I didn't see any option for that..
Just copy and paste the URL into your question. If you have an existing question, you can edit it with the link just below your Q.
Ha. Sounds like a non-technical question. You mean while pointing a question as duplicate.
@Code-Guru You mean this?
@Appu yes. But I think I've seen linked questions which I didn't see in the comments, questions or answers...
Can you give a prototype for better understanding?
Ugh.. Why I always leave interrogation mark?
again :P
@Appu I haven't used that one, but it looks like it should work.
@Appu I use git-scm.com
@SenJacob Can you show an example?
@SenJacob if it's not in a comment, question, or answer where is it?
@Code-Guru I don't wanna take risk. I am surprised with this.
Git is easy to learn and has a tiny footprint with lightning fast performance. It outclasses SCM tools like Subversion, CVS, Perforce, and ClearCase with features like cheap local branching, convenient staging areas, and multiple workflows.
it's easy? o_O
There's certainly a learning curve...but once you get the basics it saves a lot of time and even reduce risks while coding.
@Code-Guru So, shall I download this? for windows
If you break your program, you can easily roll back to the last "save point" using git.
@Appu That's the one I use...in fact, I'd bet that windows.github.com requires it as a dependency
@Appu I suggest that you learn how to use git before you worry about GitHub.
@Code-Guru I couldn't find one now. :P Anyway thanks for your help... It might be a misunderstanding.
@Appu git-scm.com/documentation is a great tutorial. The first three chapters are all you need to get started. The rest describes more advanced features.
@SenJacob no problem
@Code-Guru Okay. Will check the three chapters first and will start using it if I can.
@Appu Let me know if you have any questions.
@Code-Guru Sure. Thanks. But I hope you wouldn't play hide and seek as you play with Washu.
can someone help me with item listener's in JComboBox?
Asking again as there are enough people in this room
@Code-Guru Do you have idea on Swings?
Hahaha @Shahzaib
@Appu: @iOSBee: Good Morning.. Good Morning Guys
@Appu Are you asking for yourself or for someone else?
@Appu lol, did he tell you that I'm hiding from him?
@Code-Guru Not for me.
Only if you are interested.
@Appu I'm not online much longer
No. Lol.. I have seen that ping when you were kidding with him.
@Appu seems as if I'm not the only one playing hide and seek :P
@Appu oh yah...I guess that was pretty public lol
Indeed! :D @Shahzaib
@Code-Guru Yeah.
I got pinged when he asked you if you'd seen me. And he logged on shortly after I replied.
He might have got shocked by seeing that. Lol..
That is why he couldn't wait replying you though the risk factors for chating is huge to him.
risk factors?
Yeah. He says that he couldn't chat much as his boss objects it.
why are there risk factors for chatting for him?
He gave him a warning he said.
@Appu oh...that sucks ;-(
very bad.
I'll have to make sure I get a job where I can chat ;-)
as long as I get the work done, it shouldn't matter...in fact, IMO chatting on SO helps, either blow some steam or even helps solve problems sometimes.
At least he is warned. But I guess for my case if I am ever seen by our boss, he might directly give me pink slip ;) @Code-Guru
yah, that would be worse
That's true chatting on SO helps. But they don't understand it.
What do you do for work?
@Code-Guru I used to work on Swings for a very few months in our company. Later on I have been moved to android development.
oh! Is this what you asked for?
Yup, that's exactly what I was asking.
Sounds fun ;-)
why it sounds fun? :P
cuz you're programming android!
@Washu hi, I was waiting for you
@Code-Guru hello, please see this question: stackoverflow.com/questions/16454249/…
@Washu hi
Hello Guys , Good Morning :)
@chintankhetiya morning how are you, acha hua aa gaye i was waiting for you
see this issue
@ChulbulPandey very good morning , i am good , kya bbat hai bhi aate hi link de di :P
areh bhai sahab bahut hi urgent hai or help nahi mil pa rahi, asha ki umeed ab apse hi hai @chintankhetiya help karo naa, issue chota hai par mota hai
let me check
ky yyar salu tu kabhi samosa to kabhi lassi leker aate ja te ho :P
yahan per kisi ko item listener aatay hein?
hahahah.. thaks
tu intent to user karte honge na?
JCombobox kay item listener mein problem hay can anyone of u help
@Shahzaib sorry dude i am android dev :(
@chintankhetiya no problem :)
@all Hai guys, good morning....
@Appu @Washu Gnite
hoon @chintankhetiya
okay , your first screen is just list of the product
@ChulbulPandey there ? i have other work also , i will give you just fine min if you have then
yes buddy first screen to show list of items\
next is add quan.
then showing selected item in cart with entered quantity
and once user tap on item in cart, showing that particular item,
here i am trying to get description of an item
what is 3 screen in your case , view or add ?
cart view activity
in 3 screen allowing user to tap on item to update quantity, once user tap on it will get screen number 4,
then its simple you have to pass your data via intetn putStringExtra and get that value in next activity
and in screen number 4 i want to show description of an item like i am showing in Screen number 2 @chintankhetiya
1 min ago, by chintan khetiya
then its simple you have to pass your data via intetn putStringExtra and get that value in next activity
please check my code, i was missing something and show me what to replace or add in my code @chintankhetiya
anyone here work on the line chart?
i tried but not getting description and image of an item, like you can see in SCREEN number 4
@all good mrng frnds
@ChulbulPandey then debug your code , what's says logcat ?
@RahulPatel very good morning
@chintankhetiya need help for the line chart.
like you can see in Screen Number 4 getting description word, but not getting item description like showing in screen number 2 @chintankhetiya
@RahulPatel morning :)
@ChulbulPandey now can you listen me please ...
@ChulbulPandey gd mrng
can u pls help me for the line chart?
@RahulPatel chart ? let will try
@chintankhetiya i almost done.
but i want to display all the chart values on the line, how can i achive this?
@Code-Guru Good Night. Take care.
@RahulPatel let me check , never work on that
once i will done with my issue, definitely i will help you @RahulPatel
@ChulbulPandey ok, no prob, thanks.
@RahulPatel what dose mean by on then line ?
can you elaborate more ?
@chintankhetiya it displayed alternate data of the chart values i.e. 2700,2800, one point betwwen 2700 and 2800 is not displyed the values.
can you show me your current output screen ? yet not get your issue :(
ok,in above screen shot there is yellow line
it displayed first value 2700
and third value 2800
but not displayed second value.
what is your second value ?
not the 5 lines for each. but want to display all 5 values on the single line.
sorry that was my false predication so i have removed that
{2200, 2700, 2900, 2800, 2600, 3000, 3300, 3400 };
int[] x = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 };
int[] income = { 2000,2500,2700,3000,2800,3500,3700,3800};
int[] expense = {2200, 2700, 2900, 2800, 2600, 3000, 3300, 3400 };
let me check the code
on the graph 2900 is displayed the point , but not value.
@RahulPatel are you running same download code ?
can you change with your own values ?
y bro.
when i import the same code that time multiple chart values are not displayed.
@chintankhetiya: @Appu bro one issue is there i am using samsung S2 for testing the applications. in one app i have included one layout as a topbar (or as a action bar) at top it was working fine with ics but as i upgraded the os jelly bean it is picking up ldpi images for actionbar .. any idea?
@RahulPatel XYMultipleSeriesRendereare you using this ?
@chintankhetiya: @Appu: i checked that there is only single image with resolution 48x48 but in jelly bean these images looks very small where as in ics it was working fine
23 mins ago, by chintan khetiya
@ChulbulPandey then debug your code , what's says logcat ?
@chintankhetiya yes i used XYMultipleSeriesRender.
@RahulPatel what is that ?
XYMultipleSeriesRendere is class in AChartEngine library. using we can set the attribute of the chart.
@Appu: @chintankhetiya: any idea bro ?
@MahaveerMuttha I can roughly say it considers that screen as ldpi.
@chintankhetiya i tried Register_Renderer.setDisplayChartValues(true);
but not getting
@Appu: yaah but how it is possible that same screen is mdpi in ICS and ldpi in JB??
@MahaveerMuttha There might be some side effects if your device original version is different and if you upgrade it to other version later. Might be this is the cause. Check with the same screen size with the device that has original version of JB.
@Kumar hii
@Venkat hello bro
@all hi guys..
did you get any solution to your problem @Kumar
hii @kumarsu
hey hi @Appu @chintankhetiya and @ ALL
I think so.. within one hour I can confirm you. @Venkat
@Venkat How was the dayy...?
@chintankhetiya thanks for the communication. if is there any idea about that then pls inform me. Thanks bro.
Great @kumarsu
@Appu displaying arraylist value in textview showing item is(784): com.example.CLASSNAME@40f4e078
how to overcome it...@Appu
@Venkat sounds good to hear..
@chintankhetiya @Appu
@Appu hi
@chintankhetiya hi
hiii everyone.. @Appu @Harish @Chintan
@ChulbulPandey Sorry I don't have idea. If you can reduce your code, that would be simpler to understand as the code-guru commented.
@Harish @Venkat @Kumar @SaurabhAndroid Heya!
@Harish You seem to be trying to print an object. Which is the resultant of classname with the hashcode.
@Appu you got nice name. :)
Yeah. I like the name which is why I kept as a nickname. But tbh, it is neither my actual name nor a part of my name.
what's your actual name?
any one any idea why my animation not working .... Intent intent11 = new Intent(HomeScreen.this, Second.class);
overridePendingTransition(R.anim.slide_in_right, R.anim.slide_out_left);
@Appu :P
nice name
from where @Appu
it was working 3-4 days ago but same proj. now animation is not working >(
@Kumar Yours?
@Appu Kumar Gaurav :)
@Venkat Hyderabad.
@Venkat Hyderabad.
@Villan Heya! You seem to be too busy :P
@Appu he is also from hyd
@Appu even now too .. came for relaxation
yes @Appu
@Appu @Villan @Venkat you all guys from hyderabad?
@Kumar It's really a nice name. I like the second part of your name to have attached with the first part.
@Kumar any objection ;)
@Villan Not at all. just curious :)
@Kumar just kidding
@Appu thanks
@Venkat oh! That's great. BTW were you upset with yesterday's happening?
You are from? @Kumar
Oh, Its fine i'm not taking serious @Villan
@Kumar good
@Appu Basically from Jharkhand
@Appu you ?
5 mins ago, by Appu
@Venkat Hyderabad.
ap @Kumar
@chintankhetiya arey o duffer
Please can any one test my project here why the animation not working ... filedropper.com/switchanim
i am just trying to switch b/w two activity with animation and it's not working
are you Androidbee or @iOSBee
:P trying to be AndroidBee ..
but simplest thing is not working :(
@Venkat any guess why it's not working in my proj.
@Kumar Hyderabad.
@Appu can you please look into my proj. it's the simplest thing and idk why not working
will see @iOSBee
Sorry, can't run the project. But you can provide snippets where the actual feature works. So that if not me, others could also be of help.
BTW are you proficient with ios?
Any body know how to draw lines with multiple finger in android canvas
@Appu @Venkat how to remove automatic target to an 'avd'.
Automatic Target Mode: using existing emulator 'emulator-5556' running compatible AVD '1280X720'
Anyone there or went for lunch :P
@Appu how can we made any droid device to root devices..
Sorry guys , i was not here due to internet connection :(
@iOSBee sorry, I never made that kind of transitions, so can't help.
@Kumar You can start any type of avd by going to avdmanager on eclipse and then run on the device by choosing the list of running devices.
2 hours ago, by Kumar
@chintankhetiya hi
@SaurabhAndroid I have never rooted as I am scared that I may lose my device from working.
Google it you can find lots of sources that can guide you.
@Appu it's done ..
Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, Second.class);
overridePendingTransition(R.anim.slide_in_right, R.anim.slide_out_left);
@Kumar hey
need to override the transition after startactivity i was doing before start of activity
@iOSBee Yay! New point learned from you.
@Appu :P
@Appu which one ?
@chintankhetiya Hi ... ?'s up
@iOSBee hey good as always
say about you
busy or free >
@Appu i hv google that thing bt didnt worked correct as i wanted..
I have already opened two avds but while running any Application, its automatically target a avd 1280X720. why is that? @Appu
i m good as well .. hanging in middle of free and busy ..
didn't get any satisfactory answer..
that is nice :P
@SaurabhAndroid hey what is your issue ?
@Chintan hii how can we made any droid device to root devices..
@Kumar That's because you have automatically pick compatible device checked. Uncheck it.
@SaurabhAndroid its not a programming query go to android room at technical side Here
How to remove that? @Appu
Right click on your project --> run as --> run configurations --> select Target tab --> check always prompt to pick device. @Kumar
@SaurabhAndroid But I am afraid I couldn't help you. Because I never dared to root device.
@Chintan ok
@Appu how to print it
@Appu ok wait.
@Harish what?
@Appu ya there is risk.. ok i think i should search more for this.. :)
@Appu displaying arraylist values in textview
it's showing hashcode
@Harish What type of data you stored in that. Is it like ArrayList<String> or not?
@Appu ArrayList<ClassName>
@chintan @Appu when i run any project on avd that time it shows its sq-lite file in file explorer, but when i repeat same thing on any android device that time file explorer doesnt open sq-lite file. what i should do for open that file in file explorer?
So it stores the object of that kind. if you try to get it like arrayList.get(i); , it would return an object. That is why you get that @Harish
@SaurabhAndroid at same location ?
Check that image
@Appu so how to print that value?
three avds are online
and its showing only one
@Kumar Okay. But it shows only one.
Close all and start them again.
Why is that happening? @Appu
Or I always prefer to choose from the below one.
from the option launch new android virtual device.
It might be of several reasons that your adb connection might have failed or unable to allocate ram memory for your avd.
Why? Launching new device taking time na
@Appu How to overcome it
@Kumar Why you start multiple avds at a time. Only have two avds at a time. If you wanna check you check them later.
@Harish What does that object contain?
ArrayList<Classname> it contains some values
Ok. But again same problem. I closed all avd and started new one. And while running the application it prompted me to choose an avd. And I got no avd online.
Okay. Then you have to get the values present in each object through getters @Harish
But already i opened an avd. and its online
Try to start another avd
I did what you prefer. and its working :) else same problem :( @Appu
@Appu ArrayList<Object> how to get from it
@Chintan ya..
@Harish What does that object contain?
means when we go into file explorer that time avd explores but android device doesn't open.. how can we open it..
@Appu 3 different types of values like Name,mobileno,address
@SaurabhAndroid you will never found that location in device , because that is in /root/ SO , and there are other database also of other app. so easy way is make personal Dir and Zip that and encrypted your db file in and decrypt when you need
@Harish How do they contain? What did you do to them to contain those 3 values?
@Chintan what about rooted phone..??
@Appu one class with getter and setter and in activity adding those to arraylist with that class name
i never go up to root in My phone , but 99% you will get
if you have any then try
@chintan hmm
@Harish Then get the particular value with getter like this.. ClassName classObj = arraylist.get(i);
String address = classObj.getAddress();
@Appu i'm getting only lastvalue
@Harish What do you mean by lastvalue? Are you looping through the entire list of objects?
@Harish You are creating a StringBuilder object everytime the loop counts. Instantiate it out of for loop.
And your Student.size() <--- here you mentioned your list as student. In the loop you pointed as stList.I think you have edited your code to paste here?
@Appu sorry i got corrected it now it is working .Thanks :)
@Harish NP. Glad it's working. I still remember when I first chatted with you, you had a problem which included StringBuilder :D
@Appu oh!
are you there
@Harish You want me to send demo to your mail?
03:00 - 10:0010:00 - 14:00

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