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hello @IfSoGirl
have you an idea for this issue please ?
Q: How to create contextMenu with condition?

CodeLoverI have a react-big-calendar and I want to add to the events a react-contextmenu, just for events not all the calendar My code is : https://codesandbox.io/s/9llpm579py When I run it, I get : when I click on the right, the react-contextmenu will be display for any click, but I want it just whe...

Hi ) I'll take a look a bit later
thank you @IfSoGirl I need your help ..
@CodeLover I don't understand, what are you trying to do? You want context-menu to appear on the right side of event?
If so, i think you can fix this via styles
yes exactly
how can I fix that please ?
I'm not sure, the problem is that contextMenu parent's isn't an event, it's layer with size of screen. So i'll be difficult co calculate menu position
I suggesst you to leave it as it is now, it looks fine. Or search for another context-menu component, which can be configurable and has an ability to configure menu position
@IfSoGirl have you an example ?
1 hour later…
No, unfortunately i've never implemented context menu
How to make fetch from backend faster @IfSoGirl ?
2 hours later…
What do yo mean?
Usually this is backend problem

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