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Okay, thank you for that. At least this part is taken care of now. Unfortunately I still don't see how I realistically can implement that in the CI/CD pipeline without asking developers to put some stuff in Dockerfile that is completely irrelevant for them.
But I have to admit, that this particular concern is not in my OP, so you could not have known about that.
I upvoted your answer, and I believe that this is a big step forward, thank you for being patient with me. I added some more information to my question, why I don't see how to make your answer work easily in my particular scenario. Not really expecting you to answer that, you've already done quite enough, just leaving it there in case someone or even you have ideas how to solve this ;)
Once again, thank you for your time
I also deleted my comments from under your answer, feel free to delete yours also if you find it appropriate
8 hours later…
Awesome, I am glad I could help! I'll clean up my answers and add the relevant details back in my answer when I get a chance.

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