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6:41 AM
You can share it here too.
You know everybody can read this too?
ok, i'm just seeking help
But why do you want to give remote access to any stranger?
@SirRufo Why are thinking so complex? so far I have helped more than 50 person here with remote access.
This is the first time I found some one raising unnecessary concern.
6:46 AM
@TanvirArjel thanks for getting online, can we discuss it
@JohnKamaal share team viewer id and pass here.
6:59 AM
all good now? @JohnKamaal
7:15 AM
@ranton187 not really, i tried your solution, it notifies me whenever i don't select a date, which is great however it does not proceed when i select a date.. (Means even if i select a date it does not submit the form and shows the same view )
can you post your code here?
the ChangeDate code only
they deleted my answer lol anyway..
@ranton187 hahah okay sure,
@ranton187 this is the previous code
public ActionResult ChangeDate(PM_InsertEdit_ViewModel ap)

if (!ModelState.IsValid)
var dtl = _context.pm_main_repz.Include(a => a.PM_Evt_Cat).SingleOrDefault(a => a.Id == Id); // Note: It underlines the Id with red and says: The Name Id does not exist in the current context
var vm = new PM_InsertEdit_ViewModel()
pm_main_rep = dtl,
return View("Change",vm);

var item = _context.pm_main_repz.Single(a => a.Id == ap.pm_main_rep.Id);
item.Estimated_Start_Date = ap.pm_main_rep.Estimated_Start_Date;
@ranton187 then i changed it to below as per your solution
public ActionResult ChangeDate(PM_InsertEdit_ViewModel ap)

if (!ModelState.IsValid)

return View("Change",ap);

var item = _context.pm_main_repz.Single(a => a.Id == ap.pm_main_rep.Id);
item.Estimated_Start_Date = ap.pm_main_rep.Estimated_Start_Date;

return RedirectToAction("Success", "PM");
@ranton187 it does the 50% of the job, which is it notifies me if i dont select a date, but the problem is that it also does not submit the form even if I select the date
7:33 AM
does it hit RedirectToAction("Success", "PM"); ?
No it doenst
it always hit View("Change, ap") ??
even though for second scenario?
maybe because there are still errors that are not for datetime
@ranton187 you are right, there was another factor to this problem, I found and solved it based on your suggestions.. thank you very much for your time, highly appreciated..
if you can see my answer
can you accept it? thanks
yeah sure why not, but it is deleted
@ranton187 if you post it, i'll mark it as correct answer
7:48 AM
I'll post again the solution thanks
ok, thanks
added thanks!
8:08 AM
thank you mate that means so much to me
good day

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