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7:05 AM
Whaaaaaaaaaaat? no new candidate today?
1 hour later…
8:26 AM
Where can I vote?
Who's going to be a moderator today?
You'll be a moderator! And you'll be a moderator! And you'll be a moderator! You will all be moderators!!!!
3 hours later…
11:02 AM
2 days to primary phase...
@rene everyone destroys stack overflow if everyone is a moderator
I'm in for an experiment ....
1 hour later…
12:16 PM
@rene You cannot vote yet. Voting will start on March 11 at 20:00 UTC
@StephenKennedy Blatant copy-paste :p
@Zoe I'm just trying to help a (relative) newbie out
1 hour later…
1:51 PM
@StephenKennedy pass a link to your profile (list of answers) instead and let him start voting
@PetterFriberg I'd rather not, as they'd likely be downvotes :)
2:34 PM
===============================You cannot vote yet===============================
3:29 PM
We can't? Then what button have I been pushing for the past hour?!
3:48 PM
@Zoe That comment about downvoting all my answers was supposed to be a joke!
@StephenKennedy I said button, not buttons... Besides, I have [ctrl] now ;)
4:33 PM
I didn't know that SOCVR had moved here.
What do you think about the election? opavote.com/en/vote/6659325659447296
@Jean-FrançoisFabre I'll issue on nominations once we move into the primaries ...
@rene I have names
4:51 PM
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Incriminating photos might be more useful
Well, for those we know about the face that is :)
We were packed in SOCVR, so we moved all members here. I hope you don't mind.
Plus we're trolling & completely off-topic.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre lol not at all. A happy chat room is a good chat room
I SO hope you are elected @Jean-FrançoisFabre (notice the SO?)
it makes sense regulars from socvr would stand up for election, as they're all interested in moderating the site.
Not me. I just hang around for the jokes.
4:55 PM
socvr? lol
@Yvette I can't thank you enough for your support. As you said if it doesn't work out this year, it will do after a few more tries (when all better candidates are already mods :))
I enjoy the repartee from a talking flower.
the jokes are good, true. Specially when the questions are good and we get bored with nothing to close.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre good. Who knows who will be elected. I have no idea. As the people voting on the election are a far wider audience than those voting on meta
yep we can't lose as a site, there's SOOO many good candidates. Honestly I'd vote for half of them
4:58 PM
yes, it'll be random. Except for Baum who really was that close. So logically it should work out for him this year.
I thought moderators had no vote limits :)
@Jean-FrançoisFabre I hope so.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre nah, that's magical delete and close vote powers. We're limited with up/down and election votes like everyone else...
oh. withdraws out of disappointment
5:00 PM
it's a joke
:P (no pings)
I saw that :)
no ping is good. @smileycreations15
noping around. Is that when someone keeps saying no?
5:01 PM
@Jean-FrançoisFabre >:[ :|
aussie joke ? :)
oh dear. I need to go to bed, it's 4am.
No a very bad joke
@smileycreations15 gotcha, my speaker is on "mute"
@YvetteColomb 4am! that's the end of the day of just the start ?
maybe both.
5:02 PM
I really don't mind being pinged, it's being pinged excessively.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre moping around: "to move from one place to another without any particular purpose or energy, because you are unhappy or disappointed"
@Jean-FrançoisFabre 4 AM = 04:00, 4 pm = 16:00
@YvetteColomb @YvetteColomb @YvetteColomb @YvetteColomb: does that create a nice tune or is it smart enough to make names unique?
@Jean-FrançoisFabre actually, it's been a weird day with lots of looong sleeps and we still have people over chilling. My children are young adults now.
@smileycreations15. Yup I know, I've had japanese "game & watch" since 1982.
5:03 PM
@Jean-FrançoisFabre If you ping someone and edit the message, the ping is sent 1 more time
okay, night then.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre I only got one ping. You need to go to The Shadow's Den to really get to know about pings... I would strongly advise against it though. It's life changing
@smileycreations15 yeah. annoying.
@smileycreations15 You're full of useful information aren't you. Where did you learn all this stuff?!
I prefer pong.
5:04 PM

 Wizards Den

Place for all wizards to share spells, words, and having fun w...
@Jean-FrançoisFabre more annoying with a edit bot that edits messages with pings. Note: you can edit and send a ping without changing anything
Funny how when you visit a room for the first time, it feels like landing on mars.
@smileycreations15 No cheating. What's the capital of Laos?
Wait. I know that one
@StephenKennedy http 500 internal server error
5:06 PM
@smileycreations15 Lol, ok
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Close, but not close enough. As you well know.
I just checked the answer, and I didn't know it. I mean I didn't even knew it once, then forgot. I just never came across it.
5:09 PM
@StephenKennedy According to google, Vientiane
We had to learn the capitals of all the countries in 6th grade.
and you remembered Ventiane?
I know the capital of Belgium, if you want to now.
@BhargavRao What year was that?
5:12 PM
I remember the capitals of most of the countries.
@StephenKennedy 2006
You'll forget.
Yeah, some day
I'll eventually forget everything..
Don't be so dramatic.
I know nothing
5:13 PM
@BhargavRao Except a hard drive.
I'm from Barcelona.
I am sure that you will see this character one day. �
@rene delete votes?
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Is that a Fawlty Towers reference?!
@StephenKennedy yup. Love that show.
but rene started it.
duly starred
5:19 PM
thanks :)
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Really, I thought it was John Cleese?
"no you started it, you invaded Poland"
I could go on forever.
@StephenKennedy technically with Connie Booth as well ...
Connie (maid character) co-wrote the series. She was Cleese wife at the time.
the show is 44 years old and still funny as hell.
I'll get @Zoe the box set for her birthday. Something to watch once she's finished Monty Python.
5:34 PM
nice present!
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Did you ever see 'Allo 'Allo?
Only Fools and Horses?
nope. I don't know a lot of funny BBC stuff.
@StephenKennedy I'm not from the café
5:47 PM
rene saw it.
or googled it
hence I wasn't sure whether to reply with a catchphrase or not :)
@StephenKennedy the what?
What do you think that you will do when you are elected? opavote.com/en/vote/6659325659447296
@smileycreations15 The first things I would do aren't on the list
5:57 PM
@StephenKennedy the comedy genre is so played out... Including older ones >.>
@StephenKennedy Well, choose one from the list and order them. Post here if there are ones that are not on the list.
@smileycreations15 I would resign to candidate again. I like challenge.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre You have a chance of losing the next election if you resign.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre o_o
@StephenKennedy What things are not on the list?
6:00 PM
@smileycreations15 1) Have a quick peek at the tools but touch nothing 2) Introduce myself to the rest of the team on the mods only chat channel 3) Read any onboarding documentation and any other docs that are available 4) Inspect the tools properly 5) Get on with it
Y'all are wrong. There's something which every mod has to do as soon as they are elected.
Handle flags? Get a diamond on the profile?
Agree to the moderator agreement. That must happen prior to getting your diamond. (Hopefully you read, understand, and internalized it first.)
@BhargavRao Sign an agreeement
6:03 PM
The moderator agreement
6:42 PM
@BhargavRao get drunk?
@Jean-FrançoisFabre The moderator agreement
I'm pretty sure that everyone agrees...
6:58 PM
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Throw a party obviously ;)
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Why I am pinged on the comment that I now (this message) replied?
throw "a party"
// cc: @Zoe
function someRandomFunction(){
    console.error(Error("a party"))
    throw "a party"
/* Result:
    Uncaught a party
Meh, the C++ syntax is classier
7:16 PM
throw new Exception("Party"); doesn't work quite so well, does it?
@StephenKennedy If you're gonna go boilerplate, you might as well throw new PartyException("It's time to get wild!!");
@StephenKennedy Exception party = new Exception("Party!"); throw party;
@MadaraUchiha val `party!` = PartyException("PARTY!!"); throw `party!`
// cc: @MadaraUchiha @Zoe @StephenKennedy
// Error: Exception is not defined
throw "Exception is not defined"
@Zoe Where will this wild party be held?
7:29 PM
@StephenKennedy On my yachts ;)
@Zoe I thought it would be on your yacht, but plural?! You must be expecting a lot of guests!
@smileycreations15 welcome to the world of decent languages
@StephenKennedy no, but anything more than 5 people per yacht is just... crowded.
@StephenKennedy Well, Zoe comes from a line of boat makers
Stack Error Overflow
@Machavity I'm not a fox >~<
7:33 PM
@smileycreations15 unclear what you're asking.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre -1, not a real comment.
Stack Error Overflow [closed]
Closed as unclear what you are asking by Zoe
None of Zoe's ascii emoticons mean anything to me, so I just assume she loves all the jokes
@StephenKennedy I'll make a list later ^^"
I'm thinking " >~<" might mean you made a dartboard with Machavity's face on it
7:39 PM
@Zoe you cannot put "-1" in comments :)
@Jean-FrançoisFabre shush :p
@Jean-FrançoisFabre rm -f /comments/filters/-1.filter
@StephenKennedy >~< is roughly the same as >_<
@smileycreations15 site probably runs on windows anyway.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre It does :')
Windows server or something
7:45 PM
@Jean-FrançoisFabre del C:\stackoverflow\comments\filters\-1.filter
Is del a command?
@Zoe yes || 1 || true || +
I thought it was just a crappy overpriced line of computers ;)
lol. Overpriced but quality is good.
And comes with 2 "l"s. That has a cost.
7:46 PM
@Jean-FrançoisFabre I think the site runs on linux. linux is customisable
Stack Overflow: The Architecture - mostly but not entirely Windows
@StephenKennedy windows sql server
@smileycreations15 Sorry to disappoint you but it's written in ASP.NET and hosted on IIS/Windows. The Linux bits are mostly if not entirely 3rd party open source infrastructure such as Redis and load balancing.
@StephenKennedy Mostly true
they could add a decent search engine too... with synonyms and all...
7:53 PM
Click here to see results for a poll about the election. You can fill the poll here
Strong performance from "No" there.
Not really a surprise though
Nobody thinks they will be elected when there are so many good candidates.
Well one of those 4 votes was from me, and if I get elected it would come as quite a shock.
My current bet is on Makyen and Machavity
8:24 PM
Baum will get a position.
There's still a lot of time left in the election though

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