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10:22 AM
I've had a go at understanding strata, by reading this: citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/…
I think the kind of usages I had in mind would be less about text and more about graphs
11:16 AM
3 hours later…
1:46 PM
@PeterHall Do you have some sample queries in mind?
One thing I'd want to clarify is that it's not just "text", but structured text
Which is how it offers queries like "functions containing variables named foo"
That being said, I do think that Strata cannot represent all types of interesting queries and that both traditional relational / SQL queries and graph-based queries all have a place. I'd totally be down for the tool itself to allow the different types, maybe even interacting among themselves
2 hours later…
3:23 PM
I don't think it could return functions where you constrained an argument by a trait, but the actual function had a concrete type, or vice versa
3:37 PM

1. "T:Ord => fn(T, T) -> bool"
2. "fn(i32, i32) -> bool"
Both queries should probalby return the same results, but in a different order
ordering of results is a (perhaps surprisingly) complex thing
@PeterHall and wouldn't one be a subset of the other?
Yes probably
and definitely search ranking is a hard problem
There are definitely questions about what should be returned in each case
Should (1) produce all binary operators for a type that happens to implement Ord even if the operators don't use Ord
@PeterHall my rough sketch of how this could be accomplished is via a specialized type of expansion. Think along the concepts of a wildcard...
Ord would expand to i32 OR i16 OR bool ... as we'd know every type that implements Ord
But.. if the function doesn't require Ord, it should be ranked lower
and generic functions over T: Ord would be ranked higher than any non-generic function
Knowing that does require more than just source-level information though. We'd have to have a database (in the general sense, not specifically e.g. Postgres) that could provide an answer to the query "what types implement a trait"
And because people never want the same thing, probably need to have support for "only generic, only concrete, both"
3:45 PM
and perhaps there should also be a place for functions of (T,T) -> bool, that DON"T constrain T: Ord. For example, they might have T: PartialOrd, which is something a user might have intended
I was also looking at docs.rs/petgraph/0.4.13/petgraph
> a user might have intended
Which gets into the fuzziness of user-entered queries, a whole different ballgame
I have some passing familiarity with Neo4j, enough to know that it would probably work. But I would definitely want a Rust solution, on principle

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