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@KyleHumfeld There is some basic article about Logging and Diagnostic
5 hours later…
Got the 500 bounty on that passwordvault question
well done Lloyd
Morning nov
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
Good morning
Does any of you know a (3rd party) wpf user control that can be used like paint?
Hm... probably that's it, yes. Sorry for being so superficial not to find the obvious solution...
Hm, looking further into the details it seems not to be the case. For example, is it possible to draw basic geometric shapes with InkCanvas?
No, don't think so, not out of the box.
I'm not aware of any library that does it but there probably are many.
You know you can edit messages right? Arrow up or click message > edit.
@Lloyd Yes, thanks. In fact I wanted to save me some work by using a built in solution that makes use of the wpf shapes
what "up" arrow are you talking about
Can't find it, can't find the message thing either
I only have the options to flag and permalink
@Lloyd keyboard arrow up key
You can edit messages for two minutes, for messages older than that arrow up does nothing.
ah okay
The message tools are to the far left, between your name and the text, when you mouse over an arrow appears that expands a toolbox
Pretty nice ux but needs to be discovered.
Yeah I already tried those things, just didn't know about the time limit which is why it wasn't working.
Hi all
hey alex
Hey Lloyd
1 hour later…
Q: Dispatcher hidden from IntelliSense in VS2017

apcI've just started using VS2017 and noticed that in WPF the Dispatcher object no longer shows in IntelliSense when editing inside a window. Looking at the definition I can see: <EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)> Public ReadOnly Property Dispatcher As Dispatcher However the option...

so did anyone burn out their retinas yesterday?
nope - there was nothing to say anything about no solar eclipse
^ I haven't had my drink yet
I need a drink...and a stiff one at that.
Does ObservableCollection updates UI when the list is refilled?
If it is bound yes.
For example binding ItemsSource of an ItemsControl
updates UI - that's rather vague - updates a collection control with new items? yes - updates properties of items that changed? no!
Yes, sure, I'm binding it to a control
please be specific with your descriptions - everything is a control. Johan was specific - do it like that .. an ItemsControl a ListBox a DataGrid
I thought it only updates the UI in case add/delete/update one item .. not the collection itself
that is what it does but a lot of people also expect updates when properties on items change
so being explicit helps us know what you're really thinking
otherwise we're half guessing and half assuming - something is bound to go wrong in there eventually and it'll be hard to figure out why its not working when its working for us
for example "control" -- without actually being involved in conversation nobody can readily answer your question because we don't know what a control is
but for example saying DataGrid.Columns bound to ObservableCollection - now almost all residents can answer without having to actually read through stuff before the question
oh this is handy new little thing with VS 15.3 that's just been released:
1 hour later…
everyone go upvote this...i'm beating my head against a wall
you have an idea to fix it?
Nono, I don't know anything about that stuff. I have some electro friends, I'll ask them, after working hours ofc :P
i just like the picture
voodoo stutff :D
I mean in every theory and practice, this should work 10/10 times
but it's not...then I let it sit overnight and it starts working
Observation often changes the outcome of a experiment
^ it's quantum physics
fortunately we're more deterministic in computer science!
if it's broken in morning, it'll be broken the next morning too :)
Not always maverik
always dude - computers don't fix themselves ;)
electrons can act funny - LoC is constant :)
if you mean things like restarting pc fixing your VS build - that's deterministic too.. as long as you know where to look (hint: lock files / leaked handles)
Oh yeah? what if there is a visual studio bug and I somehow have my visual studio set to update on startup and microsoft fixes it for me.
What then
Then it fixed itself overnight :P
mmm i don't think that's the scenario we're talking about
fixing itself overnight providing zero change from external stimuli
those conditions were not set
they were set in the implicit context ;) - keep up with DataContext :P
did either of you upvote that or was it someone else?
i did
oh :(
i found the question well written with my limited knowledge and i like pretty picture
I thought it was someone that commented on it
and it's a live picture - well yes someone has commented on it
someone else upvoted too
I also enjoyed the nice looking picture as well
so I upvoted it
It was Lloyd
well at least you're getting attention from right folks ;)
except that Curd guy
"well why did you put that at all if it's not something relevant"
My knowledge with electronics pretty much goes as far as high resistor = not broken led lamp
"well it's how I'm replicating the issue so I wanted to be as through as possible to make sure that I put everything needed"
You'll always have nitpickers
well i'd semi-agree with his comment on part number -- you could have explicitly said it's a part number :)
i didn't get it either but ignored out of my lack of any relevant knowledge
ch products xxx -- not sure how that's meant to be part number
(of course googling will tell me CH Products is the company name)
but as it is, i thought it was short hand for something else
I added part number ;)
alternatively - perhaps preserve capitalization in the company name to clue the reader in :)
but yea reads better now
yea yea yea, in a bit of a hurry to get this thing figured out
well good luck - hopefully someone can help
Hey, someone finally tried to give an answer
gl, I'm heading home
was that one of your buddies? he has a very good point.
so that fixed it, but created another problem haha
of course it did
99 little errors in the code, 99 little errors.. fix one up, build it again... 147 little error in the code :)
^ except mine is hardware not software
so it gets to be...well...a LOT harder.
I have to design a current buffer now to keep this reading from changing
heh. I've never done anything with hardware, so I can only imagine
Hey guys. Quick question (I hope). How can I move myself, as a Custom control, to another parent? I'm trying this, but it's not working (all of the casting is valid): gist.github.com/anonymous/…
The exception is thrown on the Add line, and is:

"Additional information: The runtime has encountered a fatal error. The address of the error was at 0x67ebdc7b, on thread 0x2ee8. The error code is 0x80131623. This error may be a bug in the CLR or in the unsafe or non-verifiable portions of user code. Common sources of this bug include user marshaling errors for COM-interop or PInvoke, which may corrupt the stack."
Works if I don't use this. Is that illegal?
Where is the this.?
Or is that just the arugment to Remove/Add; what do you use instead?
I'd say the error is probably spot on and has to do with marshaling. You're likely having threading issue
why is that.. i can't say - but your trouble with this and the error point in marshaling direction.
this is the actual CustomControl. Trying to move it OnApplyTemplate
My guess would be it just really doesn't like you doing that
like it expects it to still be in Parent at the end of OnApplyTemplate or the new panel can't process that kind of request then
indeed that'd be true too
controls really like to stick where they are
So, I'll go back to what I'm actually trying to do. I want to make a panel that "floats" so to speak. I want the user to be able to say what it's boundary will be, i.e. what control it will stay within. And, what I was trying to do to accomplish that was to move it to said Boundary element.
this might be easier in an immutable design strategy but i doubt your code is structured that way (as in create and remove different entities replicating state in between)
I basically need something like a Dropdown, where it will be over all other elements, and I can click to show it. Not sure how the ComboBox element accomplishes that though.
hmm no idea how to achieve that >.<
It opens a Popup
well it's got popup as container that's got a higher z-index
and it merely toggles the display of that popup
Does the Popup not draw just within its parent? I've never used that one before.
Popups can draw anywhere
ContextMenu does the same thing IIRC
Hmm, will look into that. Thanks! (Will report back if I get something working)
Popups can get so annoying they can remain on your screen with your app minimized
(talking from where it can draw point of view - it can claim whatever the app can see i think)
its a mini always on top kinda overlay
though probably not what you want to use for your purpose
yeah; what you are describing sounds more like the docking feature in VS
no idea how they do that; but it is in WPF
Well, I'm going for a FlyoutPanel, where you click something, it can open like a dropdown, but also has a horizontal aspect too.
Like a hamburger menu?
I wrote one of those...
Didn't use a popup
What'd you use?
Since WPF doesn't have SplitView like UWP, I made a grid that changes width on button press
wrapped it in a Canvas so overflow would be clipped
works great
The code is fairly small
Don't suppose it's public domain code?
no, but I can describe it to you
wouldn't it be easier to use a flyout control from something like MahApps ?
Its basically what I just said; plus some stuff to trap the mouse correctly (so it would close when clicked outside). Used the VSM to animate the width change
get standard modern look as bonus
@Maverik, no, wrong type of flyout. Don't want the whole window style.
2 hours later…
@Maverik finally all finished up with this issue. And let me say...I'm releaved.
Anybody here know anything about connecting a localhost IIS server to a localhost Sql Server? I've been banging my head against this for hours and can't seem to make any progress. I feel like I must be missing something obvious, but don't know enough about the domain to know what questions to ask
Kyle, any errors? What's your connection string?
sounds googleable :)
I have several different ones I've tried, here are a few
It's googleable if you know what you're looking for, and I've googled for several hours before asking
@Kcvin Plus, this is WPF room :)
But we'll help if we can, just this once ;)
I know, I've asked in the C# room as well, but this room tends to have people who knos things and that one... eh, not so much
So here's one I've tried: Server=HUNTERTOP7\SQLEXPRESS;Database=dbName;User ID=username;Password=password
I set that up in the SQL Server Security -> Logins as a new user, and I think I gave it plenty of permissions to the db
But when I disconnect in SSMS and try to reconnect with those credentials, it fails
Much less when I try to get ASP.NET to use those connection credentials
When I try to use Integrated Security=True, I get an access-denied error, saying that the App Pool doesn't have permission to access the db
I tried adding the App Pool as a user in SSMS, but the only option I can use is Windows Authentication because it has a backslash (I'm assuming), so it won't let me do username/password combo
But the App Pool's not a user on my localhost computer, and I'm assuming that that's why the connection fails
connectionString="Data Source=(LocalDb)\v11.0;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\Mydb.mdf;Initial Catalog=mySchema;Integrated Security=True"
Yeah, the legacy conneciton string looks more like that: Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=dbname;Integrated Security=True
(LocalDb)\v11.0... remember running into some issues
When I try to set up the connection string in IIS it didn't include 'Data Source' or 'Initial Catalog'
Have you used Server Expl to set up the conn?
No, what's that?
In IIS or SSMS or something else?
Visual Studio has a Server Explorer for creating a connection, just to see if it works
Let me see if I can find anything like that in VS
Well, the connection string seems to be connecting in VS at least because I can see my tables in the Sever Explorer in VS
It originally had a red icon, but when I clicked the Context (specified in the connection string), it turned green and loaded in my tables
Open Server Explorer, right click connection, view Properties
One of those is Connection String
Data Source=HUNTERTOP7\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=dbname;Integrated Security=True
What's the error you get with that?
but that's not the connection string I've specified for it in the web.config
Should I replace the conn str with that, from the Properties of the connection from Server explorer?
Why not?
Yes, try that
`System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Cannot open database "dbname" requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user 'IIS APPPOOL\myapppool'.`
I assume that Integrated Security means that IIS APPPOOL\myapppool is trying to use Windows auth to get into the db, right?
i'd assume that too, but i have no idea
Has it ever worked?
Not on my computer
I inherited this project from someone else
Running it locally?
That's along the lines of something I tried earlier, but I'll give it a shot
I'd recommend posting an SO question on this as it goes beyond my knowledge and this room's focus
Will do, thanks a million for a valiant attempt to lend a hand! =)
@KyleHumfeld check your Groups and Users in admin tools and see if that is a group and user
In IIS, SSMS, VS, or something else?
should be in IIS dashboard or something, where you can see users/groups
open up start menu, type in users, thats how i get to the tool. not sure how it is on IIS
also googleable I'd think
Okay, but I'm not sure what I'd be searching for
See if what is a group and user?
is a group or domain i would think
myapppool is the user
is regular windows, you can specifically add/remove users and assign them what group they are a part of...
thats how your computer works when you sign on
IIS APPPOOL would be the domain I believe, not a group
Adminstrators would be a group
@GANI What help do you expect to get? We don't know what exactly you want. Maybe you can just turn your thoughts into the pseudo-code?
2 hours later…
Is there a way to have a start/stop button for a Storyboard?
UI thread is being blocked by the animation, so I can't stop it until its finished.
Check the example there, I think it is what you want
Sorry, forgot to specify I'm working in code-behind only.
dunno then
maybe there is a refactoring opportunity?
Doing a dynamic animation. It was really just an edge case, so not super important.
If you are using the VSM you could just switch to a zero-animation state
I believe switching states kills any running storyboard
from the last state at least
Might be difficult with dynamic animations though
Meh, not worth the effort.
Outside of the whole dynamic thing; it is really cool
just a bit of a pain in spots
I will have to check it out if I remember when I get home.

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