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Q: How could I polygonise a bool[,,]

NoneIf anyone cares, I'm using WPF.... Beginning of story: I got a series of gray-scale images(slices of a model). The user inputs a "range" of gray-scale values to build a 3D model upon. Thus I created a 3D bool array to make it easier to build the 3D model. This array represents a box of pixels, ...

7 hours later…
@ReedCopsey oh what a timing! I was just thinking about bugging you - can I get an invite for fsharp slack channel please?
i figured i've learned a lot over the years lurking here - may be lurking in f# will help the same
oh nice - thanks Johan
ah thats the one i was looking for Foggy - Johan's one is general functional programming (though i still joined that too)
Thanks Fogy
I see that i have to become a member of FSF to be queued for invite to slack - either of you want to give me a recruiter link or shall I just do it myself? :)
@Maverik foundation.fsharp.org/join
sign up, and invite us automatic
thanks reed - no i noticed there are recruitment urls
and i was wondering if anybody wants to take credit :)
if not, yea I'll just do it in next 5 minutes automatically
I noticed fsharpforfunandprofit.com has improved a lot compared to last time i checked it which was probably more than a year back
spent bit of the weekend running through it - (just a few hours of videos and some posts)
nah, doesn't matter
motivation +1 right now xD

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