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@nkchandra Have you ever played around with tile's and tile navigation?
Not much .. but tell me if you have any doubt, will see if I can give any suggestion
@Ahmed.C Hi
Better specify your exact problem you are facing..
hi guys
well my biggest problem is
i cannot open a visual studio 2012 project file for windows phone using visual studio 2012 for windows phone ......
wtf is wrong??
Ahh .. what is the error you are getting ?
infact i cant actually make any file
it says object reference set to bla bla
I will just uninstall
and reinstall
@nkchandra also
did the same proj worked earlier ?
is it possible to use visual studio 2013 professional to make windows phone apps?
yes it did
I don't think So..
Only VS 2012
after installing vsual studio 2013 professional
i tried opening wp files because it had the sdk in it
and after that this error occurred
Before uninstalling and reinstalling .. try this
Create a new WP proj and see if that is working fine or not
no it isn't
when i try to make a project says : puu.sh/6zOSk.png
So you are not able to create new proj also
I'm currently uninstalling
I will reinstall and see
I see, there should be some problem then
Okay .. let us know what happened
Which OS @Ahmed.C
windows 8
had no problem before infact i need windows 8 to do wp8 dev
i hate the fact that you need windows 8
i love windows 7
@Ahmed.C Do u have Upadte 4 of VS for phone
i did all the latest updates and patches
is there a visual studio 2013 professional 64 bit version?
i can only seem to find a 32 bit
Really I m not sure about this
as you can see there is wp8 dev in vs 2013 professional
anyway ill try installing that and se
since higher versions can open lower versions
4 hours later…
Hi Ahmed
Did you fix problem with VS..?
10 hours later…
@kumar yes. I did. I was getting a lot of error because I had the standard Visual Studio 2012 Express for Windows phone installed as well as the Visual Studio 2013 Professional Windows Phone SDK. They were both conflicting so I just uninstalled VS2012 express and VS2013 Pro and just installed Visual Studio 2013
Its all fine now!

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