Lets we will play one interesting guess game... who will win in this competition for grand prize & from each category??? I founf many have no before app also many have no after app... in Games category only first 2 have before & after app other all are just before app or only after app
when would be expect results of apptivate. it already 16th of june. On site it is written that result is going to be announced on 15th of july, But no information. Please let me know the winners.
The judges have spoken! Congratulations to the winners, and thanks to all for participating! what this sentence saying? How they can congratulating winner without announcing them? and Judges have spoken means?
Whoops. The site flipped itself to "Here are the winners!!1" mode before it was told who the winners were. This will be remedied tomorrow, June 17th, during the business day of Eastern U.S. time. My apologies for the delay.