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hi all, may i know, for Apptivate.ms competition, is developing in Metro app is a must? Or, we can develop in Desktop app? As I fail to see ant rule mentioning this.
@YanChengCHEOK I'm not sure about the contest rules, but note that unless you're a company, you can't submit a desktop app to the Windows Store.
So if you're an individual developer, you basically have to go metro.
@AnnaLear Ya. I seen that before. I am going to represent a company. U know any other channel I can ask about the competition rule? As in Q&A section, they mostly discuss on technical stuff.
@YanChengCHEOK I'll ping someone internally and ask for a clarification. We'll get back to you soon. :)
@AnnaLear Thanks Anna. Are you Microsoft representative?
@YanChengCHEOK No, I work for Stack Exchange.
@AnnaLear Great to hear that :)
2 hours later…
hello anyone can say that older perspective point of view for an windows 8 competiton encouraged for e.g you can see the apptivate.ms/apps/26/unitconverter and some of the apps which were submitted where already part of the world where we already utilised the sources so whether the older /familar apps should be encouraged?
Your idea for an app doesn't have to be unique, no. But, the more common your app is, the more effort you're gonna need to put into the polish to make it stand out and gain votes.
2 hours later…
Great contest, but the site is very buggy! I am having trouble voting on apps and leaving comments! Can you please fix it?
hi I have a Windows 8 question and I hope someone knows the answer, please visit stackoverflow.com/questions/12667401/… as I really need help :)
Ying, looked at your question and asked for some clarification in comments?
Hi gyurisc replied and edited my post to include more details :)
Would it be possible to post somewhere a minimal project that reproduces your issue? It would be helping me to understand, so I can compile and debug.
3 hours later…
@vignesh4303 Unfortunately, for the apptivate contest, I think older apps will NOT be accepted. As per the rules, it must be an app submitted on or after Sept 26.
@MamtaDalal then see my link of the app where already many unitconverters available in market
@vignesh4303 it's fine if there are other apps that do the same thing. but the app you submit can't already have been submitted to the store before the contest started.
@gyurisc Do you have javascript enabled? what happens when you try to vote on stuff or leave comments?
3 hours later…
Just wanted to say Hello to all developers and reviewers. This is going to be a great contest and learning experience. Please review my app "All My Peeps" and let me know what you think. I need some Alpha testers as well.
hi @DorisChen
hi Lauren.
@DorisChen any trouble finding the chat?
No, I am good. Very easy to get on with my stackoverflow account
@Lauren I reply to your question and let me know if this is the righ way.
@DorisChen yep, perfect! That was the only thing I was going to suggest :)
@Lauren any other advance feature I need to be familiar with?
For everyone who doesn't know, @DorisChen is a Developer Evangelist with Microsoft and she'll be running some chat events during Apptivate.
@Lauren Thanks Lauren for introduction.
@DorisChen Some markdown is supported, you can get all the guidelines for that here
other than that I think you're good!
@Lauren Great I see all three icons you mentioned in the email. I am good to go.
Cool, let me know if there are any last-minute questions otherwise I'll see you at the first chat event.
@Lauren Thanks for practice with me. I will read the guidlines and chat with you all tomorrow at 10 am PST.
@Lauren See you.
@DorisChen sounds good.
For everyone else, as @DorisChen mentioned, the first chat event will be tomorrow at 10 am PST in this room. There will be announcements made on Apptivate.ms as well, but in case you check here first :-0
1 hour later…
@DorisChen Welcome!
Just found this room
@YanChengCHEOK A desktop app should be fine so long as it complies with all the other terms of the contest. We don't explicitly forbid companies from participating, but you have to submit the app to our contest from your Stack Overflow account and you can't specify collaborators on your submission page.
@YanChengCHEOK Plus the application has to be brand new and never displayed publicly prior to the contest.
Are there any restrictions to what other platforms/app stores the same brand new app can be published to?
Hi. What's apptivate? apptivateapp.com
@ColonelPanic An app for Mac OS. Unrelated to us.

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