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@1.21gigawatts property: sting | null
I personally like having a helper for that: type Nullable<T> = T | null and usage is like Nullable<string> - mostly I like that it reads better than "something or null". It front-loads the nullableness.
It's also not a huge deal to not have it, of course.
8 hours later…
So my dear js SO-ers, why isn't there a js language parser that generates ast with comments? I was kinda hoping to have a build step that transformed a bit of code, but preserve the comments in the code as is...
because you haven't built it yet
esprima has been there for a considerable time, by now they should have solved it, right?
@deostroll @babel/eslint-parser seems to be doing it: astexplorer.net/#/gist/73daa904f85bfdc7a0e7adf36025760a/…
Also babel-eslint9, @babel/parser, flow, hermes-parser, and traceur
How does a layman come across this website? 🤔
5 hours later…

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