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Functions declared within loops referencing an outer scoped variable may lead to confusing semantics.

It's in 2 spots in here.


How do I fix them?
8 hours later…
Hello everyone !!!
I have a program that can download images from google image
for example the pictures here are downloading
What should i do to download from a site ? For example: to download pictures on this food site:-> yemeksepeti.com/city/antalya
Hello! How are you? Can we use inside <TreeView> between the <TreeItem> a for loop? I tried to do that but it doesn't work. I would like to know if in general this cannot work or if I have done something else wrong.
Hey @KevinB How are you? Do you maybe have an idea? If you want I can upload also the part of the code I use the for loop to check.
3 hours later…
How to construct the following type?
type foo = {
    (x: number): number;
    new(x: number): void;

//const f: foo = ?
3 hours later…
@TheRealMasochist you don't construct types - they don't exist at runtime, you need to make a class or a constructor function conforming to the interface
I have Angular related question
    path: '',
    redirectTo: '/auth/login',
    pathMatch: 'full',
    path: 'auth',
    component: AuthLayoutComponent,
    pathMatch: 'full',
    loadChildren: () =>
      import('./modules/auth/auth.module').then((m) => m.AuthModule),
    path: 'history',
    component: ContentLayoutComponent,
    pathMatch: 'full',
    loadChildren: () =>
        (m) => m.HistoryPageModule
    path: 'form',
    component: ContentLayoutComponent,
I am trying to define routes like this
but localhost:4200 loads blank screen
how to fix that ?
5 hours later…
would anyone here know anything about docker
1 hour later…
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