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Is there a way to count the number of lines printed by the dynamic string in javascript
@priyankadas Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
@priyankadas wdym by "dynamic string"?
The value is coming in an xml tag
For ex: tag name description can have up to 256 character long string
Can you show some code? I'm very confused.
Yup sure.
Dynamic value that I coming from xml will be something like- Customer.entry[I]. description
This description field can have any value. Which could be just 4 char string or 256 char sentence
And I am printing the same string in one column in my output
Do you mean something like this?
||> `

@JBis 5 Logged: `` Took: 0ms
Not really let me give me more descriptive explaination
The data I am receiving is via xml and the data can be of any length or char upton256
So I want to print the data in one column that restrict the data to be printed line 45 char per line but if any word is long enough that should jump in the next line.
For ex:. Football is my favourite
So I want to know the number of lines that got printed
Number of chars I can count but how would I gonna count the number of lines in which the whole string got printed
oh, so some comp sci?
You got my question?
No it's not helping
What if the words is big so it's getting jumping
To the next line
So you want to limit the string to 45 chars per line and see how many lines it will take?
Math.ceil(string.length / 45)
Ya but again if any of the dynamic word is long enough which doesn't fit in the line then it will jump to next line
Is there any way to make the output transparent with the help of javascript
Hey guys, I am facing what is most likely simple mistake with global and local variables, but I can't seem to get it to work, could anyone help me out? stackoverflow.com/questions/65235085/…
1 hour later…
hi guys need help in this:
i have a char restriction for 4 lines each line can hold only 50 chars
i want to print dynamic char but the char should not break
for ex: children" before, and we thought it very charming
    line 2 especially I who had often been told I was "a
line 3 regular Sancho." What fun it was! Papa, with a
so the char should not break like
line 1 children" before, and we thought it ve
ry charming
this should not happen
is there a way
without char restriction i know its easy but how to maintain this char restriction thing here.
like if next char is not space and a continuous character more than 2 char and we have only 2 space left in that line then need to move the whole char to the next line.
@priyankadas you'd need to write a custom algorithm. I'd probably split it by white space, count how many characters. If the word + current line count is greater than 42 than move it to next line.
something like that. We can help but we won't write it for you. Try implementing something and ask for help when needed.
oh wow, I just realized that in javascript (for v8 at least) predefining the array size at chreation (a = new Array(n)) is actually worse for performance compared to letting them grow as needed. That's counter intuitive (v8.dev/blog/elements-kinds#avoid-creating-holes)
2 hours later…
How can I be the only one having this problem: stackoverflow.com/questions/65247889/…
Googling "Cannot use SyntheticEvent as a type" shows exactly one result, above post
has anyone used handle bars for smth like blogs or "wikis" ?
i don't see how it could be so useful
So you'd rather build up all your template logic yourself?
2 hours later…
i mean that i don't see difference between just plain html files and templates
Being able to pass variables from your backend straight into the template is a big one
along with all the syntax helpers etc
2 hours later…
can you recommend to me some tutorial that's will teach me javascript oop in deepth
@AnzorMumladze Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
I've a question for React and its very odd
adBuilderFieldArray.fields.map((ad, index) => (
    <div key={ ad.id } hidden={ selectedAd !== ad }>
        <RadBuilder isSelected={ selectedAd === ad } ad={ ad } index={ index } reactHookForm={ reactHookForm } fieldName={ AD_BUILDER } />
const BANNER_SAVE_REGEX = /^BS.useBanner:/;

const RadBuilder = (props) =>
    const [ radBuilderUrl, setRadBuilderUrl ] = React.useState(null);
    const [ field, setField ] = React.useState(`${props.fieldName}[${props.index}].bannerHash`);

    const onMessageReceive = (event) =>
        if (typeof event.data === "string")
            console.log("Event dispatched! Index and isSelected and props", props.index, props.isSelected,);

            if (BANNER_SAVE_REGEX.test(event.data) && props.isSelected)
In the UI, I can see "isSelected 1"
But once in the onMessageReceive callback function
The props.isSelected is false
Why it is happening?
2 hours later…
@Casper222 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
Is there any way you can query deep inside an object with a string as queryPath in JS or TS? e.g:
const query = 'a.b.c.d';
const obj = { a: b: { c: { d: 'hi' } } } };
const result = obj[query];
Not using bracket notation / native functionality
In other words, you'd need to write a function to do so
Ok, makes sense. Don't ask why I wanna do this lmao
Worst idea ever
My life is some WAP, I just realized the type of story I got :D
I'm srry @KevinB, about being rude yesterday
1 hour later…
Does anyone know how to check the height of a table as you dynamically add rows inside of a for loop? I'm basically trying to split the table into multiple tables if it exceeds a certain type, but do this on the fly.
@AdamJohn Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
I can post code if needed.
i don't think that's possible without slowing down your loop.
the renderer won't render until your for loop is complete, so trying to get a height value pre-render isn't going to work
Can you calculate it? do the rows vary in height from row to row?
repl.it/@skylerspark/WindowTests#style.css ive been working on this beautiful custom windows rendition within the browser... its just too bad I cant figure out how to make windows draggable... but Im getting there
Opinions on my design?
I personally love window's dynamic blur behind the aero theme
so I adapted upon that idea
mixed a little bit of MacOS design features in there
and since the background is a canvas
video / HSLS backgrounds are built into it, rather than relying on addons like WallpaperEngine (Well thats obvious)
oh god but does it kill battery...
seriously went from 100% to 20% in 30 minutes with this thing running
Guys, in my old age here, having a brain moment. What's the technical term when a piece of code is stubbed out for older browsers?
@Volomike Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
ah, I finally remembered -- polyfill
posted on December 11, 2020 by Michael Dawson

Summary The Node.js project will release new versions of all supported release lines on or shortly after Monday January 4th, 2021. These releases will fix: Two high severity issues One low severity issue Impact The 15.x release line of Node.js is vulnerable to two high severity issues and one low severity issue. The 14.x release line of Node.js is vulnerable to two high severity issues and

it's a polyfill

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