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James is back!
For an array of objects, how do I access them by a value? (i.e. say I have the string "mushrooms" how do I look it up in the table and get 5 calories as answer?)

                "name": "mushrooms",
                "calories": 5
                "name": "onions",
                "calories": 5
                "name": "roma tomatoes",
                "calories": 5
@Julix Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
Does lodash have a helper function for that kind of thing? I seem to remember such a thing but can't recall the name.
array.find(e => e.name === "mushrooms").calories
Awesome, cheers, @JBis
James will be gone for the next hour or so. Doing some management.
1 hour later…
James is back
2 hours later…
@towc Hey. Thanks again for offering to contribute :) Fortunately, I was able to use the backup and another spare computer to get the server backup and running. James is back.
3 hours later…
wb James
also, why is this chatroom dead?
where is everyone?
Those things legit exist
I used to think they were like fake plants they'd throw in westerns
a mechanism to spread plant seeds
quite ingenious if you think about it
most plants can't expect half that amount of success
1 hour later…
User input only height, how to calculate height to width prop
using js
this is for image
I have only height
How to adjust width proportionlly
figure out the dimension of the image and adjust accordingly?
@RaheelAslam If you set its height and don't set its width, it scales proportionally
same for settings its width and not its height
you can also just set the max-width and max-height instead if you don't know which will be the larger of the two
@Neil height proportional to width
it's means max-width =100% and height: userInput px
Can you confirm it's ok or not
@RaheelAslam Yeah, if you mean to not have the image larger than the width of its container, I think this would work
anyone familiar with parse server?
@Neil Thanks for clear but i am thinking according above image code,
@RaheelAslam My work proxy won't let me see the image, sorry
@towc What are your thoughts on ReasonML?
I get some Haskell vibes.
Alright I am going to be coding in JavaScript ^^ (prepared to be disappointed)
Nice! Have fun with the best language there is!
Yes I do code in Swift
from time to time
Swift is literally the second worst language I have ever seen.
Only surpassed by Objective-C
1 hour later…
@geisterfurz007 Java has that title perpetually, and obv you haven't prorgrammed much then
Swift is amazing 😛
@ShrekOverflow gasp
The language just looks verbose to an extent that is just ridiculous.
or Java? lol
@geisterfurz007 also you have the batch-file tag ... YOU SHOULD KNOW~!
@geisterfurz007 its actually pretty easy to write vOv
it infers a lot usually
Batch. Is literally a dozen times more readable compared to Swift
@objc class AppDelegate: FlutterAppDelegate {
  override func application(
    _ application: UIApplication,
    didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {

    let controller : FlutterViewController = window?.rootViewController as! FlutterViewController
I mean... what in the world is that?!
didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?
That alone is a single argument. That is ridiculous!
#import <Flutter/Flutter.h>
#import "GeneratedPluginRegistrant.h"

@implementation AppDelegate
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication*)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary*)launchOptions {
  FlutterViewController* controller = (FlutterViewController*)self.window.rootViewController;
Only this brutality is more insane :D
@JBis great news :)
@geisterfurz007 I feel it's so un-haskell-like, but I have very little experience with either haskell or reason
a lot of the reason tooling seems to be abandoned/not working, including docs
and that's not a good sign
Oki! Just randomly stumbled upon it today and got flashbacks to my haskell lecture with the tree example there :D
if you want a haskell-y js transpiler, use Elm :)
Last commit on Reason was 20 days ago. Doesn't sound too bad.
@geisterfurz007 oh, what you've stumbled upon is functional programming :)
Yeah, is ugly :D
@geisterfurz007 sure, now try to install reason plugins for vim
Or you try to use a normal IDE or editor >.>
you will be able to, but only for relatively old reason versions, and after a lot of workarounds for 404s
there doesn't seem to be a firefox reasonml devtool extension anymore. There was one, and it's linked to everywhere, including docs, but not anymore
still, it has neat concepts
@towc did not have touched Elm for a while. Did it made some progress last year?
not sure, I've only started learning about it a month ago
I worked with it when the Html package was not even part of the core 😉
thoughts on it?
first reaction: nice
second: it lacks support for dynamically interaction with the page
I had to mix and inject javascript code into the project and use the Signal to have interaction between complex js interaction and Elm interaction
Have you all seen Monica's side of the story? judaism.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/5193/…
I feel much more inclined to believe her side, since I have all the same issues with how SE conducts themselves.
There is this one as well :)
@ndugger is anyone claiming not to believe her side?
I have no idea, as I've been out of the loop for the past month, as I thought it all died down, with SE digging in their heels, pretending like they're the good guys
SE leadership is such a massive joke now
I bet they're reptilian
Anyone know where the article about SE trying to use Node and it not being able to handle traffic is?
Was it a blog?
@JBis they should include a search tool in their blog
stackoverflow.blog/2019/11/18/… That comment... Is mildly suspicious.
> Don't worry guys, it's not sponsored, it's just really cool
@geisterfurz007 I think.
@geisterfurz007 not 100% sure but SE is hiring externals for some blog posts
yeah, it's best to just ignore the blog posts now unless they're by Taryn or Nick documenting something technical
You are so hostile :P
I rather read google blog posts
@geisterfurz007 Do you want me to show you the Java madness of similar comparision (peek into NDK if you fancy absolute lack of sense)? (also flutter really, you are judging the language based on a framework by a company that openly has hostile "security researchers" just to soil the other platforms rep, really? Try SwifUI or the Tokomak)
Needs more pings (:
Thanks :D
> SwifUI
no thanks
Regarding "flutter really": Yes, that is where I saw that example and the Java/Kotlin version on how to establish a Method channel was a LOT more readable.
> Tokomak
wth is that
Some kind of axe :P /s
@geisterfurz007 Ofcourse Kotlin is better on a google framework
tomahawk ?
@KarelG a react port in Swift (I'd just SwiftUI instead)
"tokamak" exists tho
I might not remember the exact name
attempts at react in swift are numerous
@KarelG who (what) hurt you?
And I don't really care about how stuff is implemented in the SDK. That was code you have to write to hook up flutter with a native code. That is nothing internal, that is something you as developer are asked to write.
I would just say "why"
@geisterfurz007 I wouldn't consider Flutter a benchmark for iOS dev
It should be compared with React Native FWIW
But as a demonstation of how methods are defined and that is enough for me already.
I once wrote a simple stopwatch in Swift and it was a poor experience.
@geisterfurz007 Like I said, wanna have a sneak peak in NDK hopswatch that Android / Kotlin create?
@ShrekOverflow it just does not work for multi-view interfaces that you usually see at most apps
Like I said: NDK is internal. I don't dislike the code per se but the syntax
@KarelG vOv I have been fine vOv
but I agree its way too rapid dev atm
and you'll more often than not end up in UIKit
Why do I need three parts for an argument all of a sudden (something, then the type, then the variable name)?
@geisterfurz007 you won't write that syntax 99.9% of the times
so he's in that 0.1% ?
He took flutter example
it's like evaluating web apps using Cordova
Cordova code on Android / iOS is equally sucky (in case you haven't looked at it), and they somehow have managed to make it sucky in Windows' JS Runtime too (WHICH IS A JS RUNTIME FFS)
re: the flutter example, its not just flutter its flutter wrapped version of app delegate (which exists for compat with ObjC)
I didn't mean to attack you personally :D
I really just don't like the extensive verbosity of Swift (:
again, most of the times your code won't be close to as verbose
what you are picking at is delegates, which are imported straight off ObjC and are quite honestly fucked up
I just remember the time I wrote that stopwatch and I did not like it
Lol hackingwithswift.com/quick-start/swiftui/… this should be a stop watch in swiftui now
struct ContentView: View {
    @State var currentDate = Date()
    let timer = Timer.publish(every: 1, on: .main, in: .common).autoconnect()

    var body: some View {
            .onReceive(timer) { input in
                self.currentDate = input
@ShrekOverflow Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
(I don't like the author) but its far less verbose
personally though I have become averse with JS mostly due to web
esp due to nuggets like
I mean it does make fun code like
switch (player.canPlayType("audio/mp3")) {
     case "maybe": break;
     case "probably": break;

which isn't a critique of JS per say
Or the existince of developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Bluetooth_API but the lack of existence of power saving features 😐
@ShrekOverflow oh wow that's lovely
if(player.canPlayType("audio/mp3") == "giveItATryAndSee") {
@ShrekOverflow it goes further than that
I recall an odd passage in its specs
@KarelG ikr
> The canPlayType(type) method must return the empty string if type is a type that the user agent knows it cannot render or is the type "application/octet-stream"; it must return "probably" if the user agent is confident that the type represents a media resource that it can render if used in with this audio or video element; and it must return "maybe" otherwise.
> Implementors are encouraged to return "maybe" unless the type can be confidently established as being supported or not. Generally, a user agent should never return "probably" for a type that allows the codecs parameter if that parameter is not present.
those authors might be on the booze back then
it is just that HTMLMediaElement API is just poorly managed, spec-wise.
Though admittedly, I can see why they did it that way
they can't conceivably read the entire file and verify the whole thing is valid
it could be valid until the last part and then just fall flat
still, they could have thought of something a bit different
@KarelG well YouTube works on chrome
why would the spec authors need to maintain an API anyway?
they have more important things to do
@ShrekOverflow that is because they worked around it within their UserAgent feature.
(medias relies on it)
like get enterprise adoption for Google Apps for Work
which won't happen without physical authenticators
Enter WebAuthn
It's standards based*
Or drive teleconferencing
It's also standards based*
hey does anyone know I can make a 10:10 Color Scale system?
no idea
I dont know if its possible
basically... its like a scale... you tip 10 > 9, then the scale is 9:11
@KarelG to be clear, I am not trying to sound Dystopian
so 10 of one color, 10 of another
no worries.
It's just annoying to see almost all Innovation on Web driving Google products/platforms
moving the scale up or down changes the percent of either color
market dominance with Chromium
and then Google openly funds an agency comparable to state sponsored hackers
solely to attack other platforms (WTF peeps) we as web devs need to be concious, Google isn't our friend :P
like is there a way to calculate the color between the percent of two different colors??
I know it sounds a little strange but its kinda important to me for a project
Take each value of RGBA, get the middle and use that? No clue if that works but work is over okay, byeeee
I also find it hilarious how people don't see the utter irony
Google acts as a patron saint of OSS
while actively reducing their "OSS" parts from their products
@TaylorS as geisterfurz007 said, use RGB values. RGB values are out of 255 so just proportionally scale that down to 10.
5 hours later…
var vid = document.getElementById("video");
        (function localFileVideoPlayer() {
            'use strict'
            var URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL
            var displayMessage = function (message, isError) {
                var element = document.querySelector('#message')
                element.innerHTML = message
                element.className = isError ? 'error' : 'info'
            var playSelectedFile = function (event) {
where is this.files coming from? why is it not undefined?
@Suisse .addEventListener calls your callback with the EventTarget you attached the handler onto as the this.
in this case, inputNode.
@MadaraUchiha but shouldn't the arguments be somewhere in the event?
and not just in this?
It's on both, in most cases.
true its in both
ok mystery "solved"
var in 2019? :p
@ThiefMaster For some values of 2019.
1 hour later…

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