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excuse me
how do i add a decimal number to another without it going crazy?
for example, when i do this: startNumber = 182.01
startNumber += .01
i get 182.559999999999
if it's 182.55
using (System.IO.StreamWriter file =
new System.IO.StreamWriter(@"D:\BABA.txt", true))
var secretNumber = 209.45;
var startNumber2 = 182.01;
var startNumber = 18201;
while (startNumber2 < secretNumber)
file.WriteLine("sixthirty" + startNumber + " = low == " + startNumber2 + " and sixthirtyh == 1 and sixthirtym == 1");
this is in c# i know a few of u are c# users
you need to use a fixed point rather than floating point representation
@IAMSAMMM Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
New question: I am trying to make a sync cookies page. It would allow two devices to sync cookies. The idea is that one devices will submit all the cookies with document.cookie to a PHP script. Then the other devices will make a request to page containing all the information from document.cookie. How, with JavaScript, can I take that string and set the cookies?
Would it just be document.cookie = get_string_of_cookies()
Sorry if its a dumb question
Anyone know?
guess not :(
3 hours later…
@KarelG You sure you didn't only work 12 hours and didn't take into consideration time zones? ;)
3 hours later…
Morning !
Is there a way to jump to the good character on the inspector ?
I got this :/ vendor.js:1:82024
But I don't know how to check what is the 82024th character
@Baldráni yikes
Gone to vim for the moment
The better question is, would there be any point to reading the 82024th character?
sounds like it's obfuscated
It is :(
I would download an unobfuscated version :P
at least for development
I'd like to too
But I don't get why I don"t find how
Its like gulp-concat is obfuscating it wether or not you use sourcemap or wtv...
hmm, if you're obfuscating the code, then you'd have the original somewhere
Yeah but the original is a mixup of multiple vendor And I don't find how to know which one is the right
This seems to be caused by jquery --'
holy calzone, this room is indeed ded
ded, or aliv?
ded, u def?
I have a basic question to ask
@worstCoder Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
could some one pls help me on this

@SurajRao i dont understand
you need to provide your relevant code in the question itself.. Please read the link
i've already given demo in that link
Angular 2+ question:
If I create component which wraps my input in additional html so I don't repeat it all over the place is it considered a "custom input"
I'm sorry about Ten5
@Raimonds sure
custom component
1 hour later…
@SurajRao Thanks, that simplifies my googling queries. As far as I am aware now in order to use all the fancy stuff I need to implement my own value accesor to bind internal input value to work with whatever I am passing in to it. Seems bit like an overkill if all I wanted is to wrap my input type text with div that has label :D
you need to use controlValueAccessor if you want use angular directives like reactive form stuff or ngModel on the custom component in html
I am trying to make a sync cookies page. It would allow two devices to sync cookies. The idea is that one devices will submit all the cookies document.cookie to a PHP script that will save it to a file foo.txt. Then the other devices will make a request to a page containing all the contents of foo.txt. How, with JavaScript, can I take the string retrieved from foo.txt and set the cookies?
Basically copy cookies from one device to another
@SurajRao Yeah I realized that, just wanted to make sure I am on right track. Thanks again.
If you can get file content already by ajax call, setting cookie is easy
Yes but can I just set that all at once with document.cookie = string_containing_foo_txt
@JBis Sorry, missed your question, you basically need to make ajax request to that page, and set it's content to document.cookie. However it well remove any existing cookies, guess that's fine.
Because I don't think document.cookie contains all the information (expiration, path, etc.). From my understanding it contains only name and value.
@JBis Haven't tried but it should be as simple as you described, since cookie is simply a string
@Raimonds Yes, replacing is fine.
@Raimonds But if cookies are set without a specified expiration date then they will be deleted on browser close.
@JBis it has all data you need. please see url I sent you
Me again =)
Just a question. About this scope
I've got
var SDPHome = function ()
   //do something

SDPHome.prototype.changeImage = function (){
   //do something
Is it normal that the this.chanImage() is undefined ?
what is this, 2003?
@Raimonds Thanks for link, but I just tested it with alert(document.cookie). Only contains name=value.
@FlorianMargaine something like this yeah :'(
From what I understood on MDN "this" is not the function but the window or global scope
@JBis Is it because your cookie has no expiry date?

class SDPHome {

    constructor () {

    changeImage () {

@Raimonds It does. I used this code to set them:
 var d = new Date();
    d.setTime(d.getTime() + (exdays*24*60*60*1000));
    var expires = "expires=" + d.toGMTString();
    document.cookie = 'hi' + "=" + cvalue + ";" + expires + ";path=/";
    document.cookie = 'hi2' + "=" + cvalue + ";" + expires + ";path=/";
    document.cookie = 'h3' + "=" + cvalue + ";" + expires + ";path=/";
@ndugger 'Right I might change everything then
@JBis Google suggests that chrome is acting weird if you are doing it from console, I have no problems setting any cookie by console in chrome, but without exp dates, not tried from actual serverside
@Raimonds and your able to read the expiration date with document.cookie?
@JBis Well you can either try to read it serverside, or just set exp time yourself
@Raimonds Fair enough. thanks
I'm trying to PDF print a page with puppeteer and it seems like the generated PDF appears as though it was made in a lower screen width than what I gave it
I'm seeing the mobile styles despite the width being greater than the threshold
Anyone experienced this before?
(I can even reproduce this behavior for the chrome print dialog)
if you slightly modify the size you give, does the output size change at all?
it might be responsive only in steps
@towc Only if I significantly modify the size I give.
@MadaraUchiha As far as I am aware when it comes to printing every browser acts differently. Media queries are ignored (especially in chrome since it kinda generates its own page with own sizes)
i.e. 500px or more over the threshold
so it's a step-responsiveness thing, likely
It is
The page has media queries
And it obeys them only if I give it a much larger size
Chrome print dialog is a page of its own, with your markup copied to it.
Worth noting that I'm passing emulateMedia('screen') to take the screen stylesheet and obey screen media queries
@Raimonds The main case is puppeteer though
you mean it doesn't obey them for smaller sizes, or that there's nothing to obey for smaller sizes?
@MadaraUchiha Have never worked with it, sorry :(
if it's the latter, then it sounds like it's not a problem from puppetteer, but the pdf itself
@towc It doesn't obey them for, say, 200px over the threshold, but does obey them for, say, 700px over the threshold
oh, I see
ok, no clue then
Printing in my case is at same level as trying to create email templates that would look the same across every mail client, nightmare...
There's an interesting discussion on the definition of "health" going on in the C# room
@Neil Is it a healthy discussion?
Doesn't look that way :)
joking aside, it seems fairly civil
Holy fuck. My manager is driving me nuts. We need a JS charting library, right? He wants me to find one that's built on top of D3 for us to use. I go through a bunch of them and they all have something glaringly wrong with them. Finally, in desperation, I try just raw D3, and it's not that difficult to use. But apparently that's not good enough. He doesn't want us to build up our own charting functions in raw D3, but he wants us to find a pre-built library that USES D3.
did you ask why?
headdesk headdesk headdesk headdesk
he might have good reasons
and if he doesn't, you can try to come up with good constructive counterarguments
at that point you either lose your job, or get promoted
At this point, I'm just hoping that my recruiters find me something decent.
so you're quitting?
any good domain providers with totally free email?
what part of email do you want to be free?
i just want to redirect to google and delete on the host
any domain provider with free MX dns management can redirect the email to a server of your chosing
@KendallFrey that... came accross wrong
@Hypersapien if you're quitting, you might as well try the thing that might either get you fired or improve your job status
That's not an uncommon occurrence for you
Using page.screenshot() shows the correct version cc @towc @Raimonds
@towc you mean godaddy? I can't figure out how to redirect mail from there to gmail for free
@SuperUberDuper I couldn't either. There are rumors that it's possible
who has the rumour?
You mean, an email forward?
godaddy does email forwarding for free
just don't get an inbox
where does it say its free? @KevinB
i dont know that it does
but we have a dozen or so
I need to make a web page that displays a graph of data that is pulled from the server and there are going to be controls on the page to filter the data to get different views. The data consists of many thousands of records that takes a little too long to download. I'm wondering if there's a way to convert the data on the server to some format that doesn't include every record, but still contains the aggregate information for all the permutations of the filters.
i mean... that's certainly possible
it's precisely what i'm doing for a little realtime sale stracker
keeping track of sales for today and the previous two days, week, month, and year
Is there a name for doing this so I can look up what would be involved?
but those are relatively easy calculations to make
what you're doing sounds WAY more broad than that
nah, no idea on terminology
in my case there's no filtering, they decide what they want to see on it ahead of time and i put it there
well, there is filtering i guess, :p
but still, i calculate it all behind the scenes and just send end values
Actually, now that I think about it, I don't think it's possible in my case. One of the filters is against user-created lists of individual records.
Fuck. Oh well.
the filtering available in my case is nothing more than showing/hiding elements
i pre-calculate it
all this bs https://support.google.com/a/answer/33915?hl=en
how do you get this free forwarding pack
for godaddy
Well... when we bought the domain, it came with free webmail
that free webmail gives the ability to create free forwarding accounts
it's certainly possible that we were grandfathered into it
we have an email forwarding 100 pack
"Free email forwarding for MYDOMAIN.COM : US, 16/100 accounts used, - Free Account"
that sucks
for me
@KendallFrey Have a telescope?
How would I go about iterating over a list, finding the minimum value and returning the key of that value?
like, an array?
sort it and grab the first value
Got my first one this weekend. Totally worth a couple hundred bucks dude.
I'm afraid I probably wouldn't use it
I get 10x quality images delivered to my twitter feed for free
I want one, but i'm 99% sure i'll use it, enjoy it, and then put it away and never use it again
@KevinB Like this sort of: var players = {p1:1, p2:2, p3:3}
I thought that's how it was going to be too.
But there's a lot of intricacy to it.
Object.values({p1:1, p2:2, p3:3}).sort()[0]
@KendallFrey Those are almost for sure fake. youtube.com/watch?v=_9NMXy1FKPA
How can you possibly know that without knowing what's in my feed?
I said almost for sure, and I linked why.
@KevinB Thank you but that returns the value instead of the key.
I don't see much HST
You know, it's really hard to take a curved gauge graph and straighten it
Especially when you didn't write the original and don't know much d3
and the ones that are "enhanced" are usually labelled as such
Seeing Saturn's rings with my eyes was pretty different, at least for me.
What were you seeing them with before?
Har Har Har. You know what I meant.
But, you can't see many DSOs even with a large scope without taking multiple exposures on a camera.
You could convert it to an array of objects and sort that instead, but... at that point you mightaswell have just iterated over they keys and calculated which one was the lowest linerally, would have been less iterations.
Unless there's some way to do the conversion without having to iterate over all of the keys
It would be more efficient if whatever gave you the data gave it to you as an array instead
I see, tyvm
@Pigman168 You can loop over entries, and return the key/value pair of the lowest with: Object.entries(o).reduce((a, c) => c[1] < a[1] ? c : a)
@Pigman168 In theory that should be a little faster than sorting.
@Mark_M Thanks very much!
so I'm back to sq 1 with Godaddy, I need a domain provider that offers free email fwd
no way I'm paying them $3 per email per month, what a rip off
$3 per email?
Do you live on Saturn?
run your own email server
cant be bothered
there a pain
It's really not that big of a pain.
@forresthopkinsa Speaking of which I got drunk and forgot I was supposed to try and get into your server.
shoot I forgot too
wasn't checking for odd behavior
been busying myself with vue stuff
right now, trying to run a function on transitionend but can't seem to attach the eventlistener to the vuetify object. Probably just going to give up and be satisfied with form input fields clearing themselves as the dialog closes
maybe an xy; I don't know how people normally go about clearing input fields after the dialog is out of view
Q: Does Java 8 make Spring redundant?

user840930Are there features in Java 8 that make Spring superfluous? Can someone explain how Java 8 makes Spring no longer necessary? Is there a runtime container unique to Java 8?

@KevinB check out this guys top questions.. all 1-2 line sentences -_-
i mean
so... i'm like super addicted to oxygen not included now
and i haven't even gotten into ranching yet
Just the jobs change and rebalancing of energy made a huge difference
Now there's much more reason to go out and explore
Aren't we all super addicted to oxygen?
i caused myself a problem though... I assumed the water sieve would kill germs... it doesn't... and i didn't notice until after 30 -40 cycles of using said water to water crops and wash hands/shower... fortunately cooking the crops and storing them in the freezer kills enough so that i'm not constantly getting sick dupes, but i want to solve that problem
so they've been cooking and washing with piss water for 30-40 cycles
makes it harder to go into the swamp biomes, because the food poisoning is weakening the immune system
never heard of that game before now, looks neat
it reminds me a lot of rimworld, but i like it more
the whole idea of dealing with stress/needs, ranching, farming, etc
there is no enemy other than the problems you cause yourself
gets quite advanced once you start having to deal with heating/cooling and germs
sounds really cool
is there mp
Hey guys how can I remove array item of specific index for example I have array x = [11,23,44,22,34,22] now i want to remove item of index 4 then how can i do this??
Q: How do I remove a particular element from an array in JavaScript?

WalkerI have an array of integers, and I'm using the .push() method to add elements to it. Is there a simple way to remove a specific element from an array? The equivalent of something like array.remove(int);. I have to use core JavaScript - no frameworks are allowed.

"array remove item by index"
is lmgtfy legal
yeah, but it's against be nice
it doesn't say 'was that so hard' anymore
my next task will be to somehow kill the germs... Most likely i'll pipe waste water to the hot biome and put a heater in there to further heat the water high enough to kill the germs, then pass it to the sieve which always outputs at 40c, then pipe that through something that can cool it back down to 23c before depositing it back into my base. I know how i'm going to cool it, but i think heating it to 70c is going to be difficult
the hot biome caps out round 45c
I think I'll hold out for "Oxygen Not Included Together" hahaha
i mean... pausing doesn't really work in multiplayer, and pausing in this kind of game is very important
it'll never be mp
@KevinB You (https://stackoverflow.com/users/400654/kevin-b) have 82999 reputation, earned 18 rep today, asked 7 questions, gave 2310 answers, for a q:a ratio of 1:330.
avg. rep/post: 35.82. Badges: 11g 130s 152b
Is firebase something that might grow even more_
fires continue to grow so long as they are supplied fuel
@Shmiddty Not if there's no oxygen.
Or too much.
waits for schimiddty next question and a comeback
there's no fires in oxygen not included
at least, not that i'm aware of
How's USA doing on the world cup?
Japan should've got Goku in the game
what world cup
you talkin bout the uhh super bowl
@KevinB there should definitely be fires in that game
and godzilla too
let's go full simcity right now
russia 2018
there is heat, and the machines/objects do have max temp, but i have no idea what happens at max temp
Can someone explain to me how I can put a breakpoint on the line var lineNumber = 0; run the page, step past the breakpoint, and somehow lineNumber is now equal to 1?
anyone know a more recent view of this question?
Q: Augmenting the prototype of DOM element nodes?

Šime VidasI know how to add new methods to every object - by augmenting the Object's prototype: Object.prototype.foo = function() { }; But, is it possible to define new methods for DOM element nodes only? Do DOM element node objects have a prototype? Or is there maybe a prototype for DOM nodes in ge...

Curious what browser support is mainly
Is there a difference between invoking, executing and calling a function?
calling may have a different this value I would think
@Hypersapien what was the solution
so invoking and executing cover only () but calling covers .call as well as ()?
I had an expression in the watch list that contained lineNumber++
it's just a terminology question, I dunno the correct verb to use
A: dynamically create a json object in javascript and return it

LGSonYou are missing a lot of brackets {}, so here is how it should be function isPresent(x) { return true; } test = (x, filename) => { if (isPresent(x)) { return { 'result': true }; } else { return { 'result': false, 'value': x + "is missing in file" ...

cc @SterlingArcher
Q: JavaScript terminology: do I (call / invoke / execute) a function?

user7861743Is there a difference to the mentioned verbs which are used in relation to functions ? Initially, I thought they mean the same thing and people use it interchangeably. Now, I am not 100% sure. I feel that there is a chance I might be missing important piece of information when trying to understa...

pedantic pedestrian plebeian
> Invoked when sounding smart. Executed when describing the process. Called when being realistic. And this question is not JavaScript centric.
I do agree with the (only) answer that executed has a perfect-tense feel to it, whereas the other two can be use imperfectly
"invoke" and "call" both say that the function has been started, while "execute" makes it sound like it's completed
@forresthopkinsa you don't have enough rep to see, there's another deleted answer
all three are the same
call has additional meaning only because there's a method named after it
ignoring that, it's no different
That's why I didn't ask the question on SO and didn't request to reopen it.
I turn to the chat for these convention/blurry problems.
reddit might be a better alternative
not sure do I have to constantly refresh the page to see the answers on reddit?
you can use the app and get notifications
but there's at least people there
us javascript folks are not ppl, right :)
i mean... it's hard to generate a useful consensus when there's only 2 people active in the room
come on, there are AT LEAST three people here
again I not sure, but the profiles that scour twitter, reddit and this chat have different interests
It's cool, I'm like 7 billion people
I split my votes evenly amongst all options
Marco Polo the Cuckold.

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