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so, that still does not explain why it seems to default to the first method?
@Arrow What defaults to what?
if you notice the set method when the proxy constructor is declared on an instance of a person when I set person.age=100, how is the set method immediately invoked without reference to set?
@Arrow Because traps
I have no idea what you're asking.
Ben can you explain traps?
My legal name is a zero length string.
@Ben Fortune set in my class validator is a method and not a setter?
that was before we knew you were using it as a Proxy
the set trap is like a meta set
My legal name contains only alphanumeric characters (or "$" or "_"), and does not start with a digit.
it gets called anytime anything gets set on the property
@Arrow yes, there's no such thing as "anonymous setters"
@Arrow you could do your above example with just a set age
instead of using a proxy
@phenomnomnominal it seems to work no matter what name I put in front of it. I am trying to understand how proxies can be used to validate properties assigned to an object
You understand how a proxy works, right?
that's the point
it works whenever you set something on it
you are defining how the internal JavaScript set operation works for that object
You are modifying the behaviour of the language at runtime
so those class methods are triggered in order no matter what at runtime when used in the context of proxies
They are not class methods
they are proxy traps
a = new Proxy({}, {
    set (target, prop) { console.log(prop); }
a.foo = 1;
a.bar = 2;
a.baz = 3;
this logs 'foo', 'bar', 'baz'
{} is the target
{ set (target, prop) { console.log(prop); } } defines the behaviour of the target as the code runs
Is your goal to validate on-the-fly all the time, or just once when you need it?
on-the-fly all the time,
Yeah this seems like a really strange usecase
cause you're going to have to define the properties you care about anyways
he is in his code example.
only throwing when the prop he cares about is the wrong type, passes through all others.
so only do the setter for that prop
Colleague's Pok3r RGB just arrived. I'm excited for him!
he is. not sure what the problem is
can I do more than one setter for any prop
@Arrow No, in what context would that make sense?
class Person {
    set age (value) {
        if (!Number.isInteger(value)) {
          throw new TypeError('The age is not an integer');
        if (value > 200) {
          throw new RangeError('The age seems invalid');
let person = new Person()
ohh, you meant not in a proxy, yea.
@monners Noice! I've been looking for a 10kless for work
@BenFortune Have you tried a 60% before? I couldn't go back after using a programmable. It's like having my own custom vim binding system-wide!
And normalized across Windows, Linux, and OSX
@monners Nope, I just have a K70 RGB for home
class Person {
    set age (value) {
        if (!Number.isInteger(value)) {
          throw new TypeError('The age is not an integer');
        if (value > 200) {
          throw new RangeError('The age seems invalid');
        this._age = value;
    get age () {
        return this._age;
let person = new Person();
If you're willing to put in the time, programmable keyboards are infinitely more powerful.
what's a '60%'?
is that different than '10keyless'?
no, I mean only in a proxy,
let validator = {
    set: function(obj, prop, value) {
      if (prop === 'age') {
        if (!Number.isInteger(value)) {
          throw new TypeError('The age is not an integer');
        if (value > 200) {
          throw new RangeError('The age seems invalid');

      // The default behavior to store the value
      obj[prop] = value;

      // Indicate success
      return true;
    set: function(obj, prop, value) {
       blah blah
  let person = new Proxy({}, validator);
@Luggage Yep
@Arrow there is just no reason to do it that way.
Basically you use function layers to change the output of keys, so you can switch, say, jikl, to arrow keys, just by holding down capslock
i see. sounds like it requires some effort to adapt to.
Yeah, I couldn't do without the arrow keys
how much does it screw with you to have to use someone else's keyboard?
It takes a bit of time to get used to, but once you do it makes working a lot more intuitive. You don't have to move your hands around all the time
Had my eye on the ducky 10kless for a while
@Luggage A little, that's definitely a tradeoff, but it's not like I've forgotten where the arrow keys are, they're just a pain in the ass to get to now :P
If you already use vim, or a bunch of custom navigation shortcuts in your editor, then adapting to a 60% will take you no time
ok, I just figured it would make sense with redux types
capslock + a = home for me. Never have to move my hands off the homerow
the placement of the arrow keys and the fact you can use command (by your thumb) makes a mabcook pretty easy to use with your hands not moving much
windows is awkward, always using CTRL out on the bottom left.
i should have got a 10kless. my mouse is too far away.
Sure, the Mac setup is better than windows, but this is better than both :P I guess it comes down to what you're comfortable with though. I don't regret making the switch for a second. I think @Loktar'll back me up on this
It was Loktar that convinced me I wanted a 10kless haha
Yea, but it's nice having improvements out of the box for everyone without customization.
@BenFortune Baby steps :P
you see that, broke your consistency.
the bible? we don't allow that type of filth in here.
Jehovah came to my door yesterday
why would I take pics of them?
ohh them. you said jehovah, not jehovah's witnesses
So that would make you a Jehovah's Witness Witness
Jonah came to my door yesterday
he smelled like whale
Anyway, I have a feeling they don't believe what they are selling.
You might be surprised
there selling points were, end times are coming.
End times have been here for give or take 1900 years
their proof was the current wars etc.
So.. glass half empty kinda people, then?
Ah yes, war. The phenomenon that didn't exist until the 20th century.
Crying with laughter at that accent
well, I basically said, people have always been dealing with war. so... and they agreed.
@BenFortune I love that infomercial
then the second guy started telling about how he went to see the eclipse.
@Luggage Or blood donor clinic completely empty, as the case may be.
If someone comes to my door to attempt to make me believe in the invisible sky wizard that they do, I don't talk for long.
so you close the door on their face
No. As long as they don't get pushy, I just give a "no thank you".
"Not my scene"
For me, it'd probably be either 2 hours of debate or 10 seconds of "I've got work to do."
do you include the "not my scene" or is that implied in the "no thank you"
it's never when i really want to debate.. not that i ever do standing at my door..
FWIW, I spent half of today contributing to a discussion on the existence of god
copy and paste in some christopher hitchens?
Although I have no idea which side I contributed more to.
I criticized a bunch of bad arguments on many sides... on many sides.
I'm not a fan of Christopher Hitchen, tried listening to his audio book. I wanted to kill myself after the first 2 min of the contrarian.
which book? on what topic?
Letters to a Young Contrarian
that bad?
I should pick myself up some Dawkins
I think most of his arguments are sort of flimsy. I felt like he was debateing with his own internal demons.
i liked Richard Dawkins the god delusion
My favourite book right now is The Big Picture
I spent half of the time listening to it with my mouth hanging open in amazement.
my favorite is Twilight
I favourite book of all time was the red queen. truly a work of art and science
The most recent book I read was The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable
unfortunately not a Twilight fan.
Team Jacob!
is there a vanilla js version of lodash's extend method? ie update properties on an object with the ones in a supplied object?
object.assign is close-ish, i think
thx will read on that
I can't believe The Red Queen by Matt Ridley only got 4/5 on Amazon, that's bullshit.
Object.assign({}, originalObject, newObject)
Or just const newObj = { ...oldObj, ...newObjProps }
Heh, const objectify = { ...legs, ...cheeks }
That's like the JavaScript equivalent of spelling BOOBS on a calculator
you can spell BOOBS on a calculator?
if you squint
( . )( . )
59009 ubside down
boobs are everywhere in math
!!calc 13544502 * 4
@hsimah That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!> 13544502 * 4
@monners 54178008
80085, wow substituting math for porn.
!!> 13844502 * 4
@hsimah 55378008
on that screen, it almost looks classy
I've remembered this since primary school: There once was a girl who was 13, she lived on 84th at number 45. One day she went 02 (to) the doctor who said take these pills * 4 a day and you will become: 13844502 * 4 = 55378008 or boobless if you turn the calc upside down
no idea why there is a part of my brain dedicated that
it's the screen reflecting another screen
I aspire to be a pessimist
so I can be surprised when good things happen.
declare function utility(worldState: 🌎): 🙂 | ☹️;
if you want to atomize it to a ternary, sure.
but you would be making an assumption about how the world works with that statement.
objectively, we live in the most prosperous time in human history.
Hi, meow!
My bot come with Setting: 'consoleHistory', size: 5062426. exceeded the quota
How can I clear it?
with ES6 do we use semicolons or not? user preference?
did you know WeakMap was made specifically for proxies
I didn't
Yeah I'm also wondering about the semicolons
I still use them though
I stopped when writing ES6, but I see some people using them and others not
the first ES6 tutorial didnt have them, so I assumed it was the new hotness
just follow your linter
Also, the trailing commas
Trailing commas everywhere
Do you use them? Do you not? To be or not to be?
@hsimah It's always safer to use semicolons. But if you want to skip them, you're the one who take the risk, so that is ok too.
i think babel puts them in when it transpiles
Like I said, semicolons is the safe choice.
sigh, why didnt you tell me that three weeks ago
there are a lot of semicolons to add in now :P
thanks though, I will add an item to add them in before I push to testing for this app
Also, while I'm at it, another thing that I don't know what to do about are top level functions now. Do I use function or do I use const and a fat arrow function? What do you guys do, really curious about this one.
in C#, 25 secs ago, by nyconing
user image
@rlemon @Loktar @FlorianMargaine ^
@KendallFrey rlemon is afk: rimworld
😬 wth
@hsimah And who told you it's a good idea to skip the semicolons?
@EnnMichael Use function. It's simpler, and js engines are better optimised for them than const or fat arrow.
@EnnMichael use const when you don't want re-assignment. use the fat arrow when you don't want to scope execution context. it's not an issue of preference but of need
@Sheepy the internet
@hsimah Your Internet must be different from mine. When I google "javascript semicolon", top result is a stackoverflow question that ask whether semicolon should be used, and the answer is yes you should use them.
lol yeah, i was doing an intro to using es6 and the tutorial didnt use semicolons, so I didnt either. tbh i didnt look further than that. everything has worked thus far, but it makes sense to program defensively. semicolons arent difficult to use.
@Sheepy When using function are you ever worried that the function value might change, since it's not constant? Or is this an irrational fear?
I.e. function f(){}; f = something else;
@EnnMichael your question to sheepy indicates you are clueless about javascript I recommend you read up.
@EnnMichael San programmers do not redefine function in a normal program. It's not supported by many languages and that intent is better conveyed by a var.
@EnnMichael Regular functions are different to arrow functions. If you need to reference this within the function (and have it mean the function itself) then you have to use the function declaration.
I don't think he understands the difference between a function declaration and a function expression.
@Arrow Is it that function declarations' names cannot be rebound?
So what I wrote up there is incorrect
@EnnMichael What language are you coming from?
no, it's that they are first class citizens in javascript
I recommend you get a book on JavaScript and read it. You're trying to draw parallels that simply don't exist
@Arrow Can you just say what you mean already ><
if you can't understand my vocab bro, it means we are not speaking the same language, and that language is javascript.
Arrow doesn't know what he means most of the time
^ true
Errr, whoops
Here's what I was saying: a) repl.it/K4eY/0 b) repl.it/K4eY/2
In case a) f isn't always a function
In case b) it always is
Basically what I was saying.
We can still use function in the second case too.Yah I know. But this is what I was aiming at.
I'll let @david answer this one ;-)
a) That's not valid javascript. What you're actually doing is creating a new global variable `f`.
b) That's only invalid because you're using `const`, which doesn't allow you to reassign the variable once it's been declared
But a) doesn't error...?
Nope, because JavaScript tries to be helpful, and initialise a variable attached to window
In strict mode that would error though
It is strict
lol, and it is erroring
'use strict'; is there at least
At least, it's showing a warning
I'm not actually sure what happens if you try to initialise a variable with the same name as a named function...
...Warning !== Error
What are you asking?
It seems to work? At least in Node/V8
a or b?
b won't work.
Well I think I was asking weather the verbosity of b) is worth it
What do you mean?
verbosity like sorority?
Ugh, never mind. I've already told you what to do. Nothing more will come of this conversation
14 mins ago, by monners
I recommend you get a book on JavaScript and read it. You're trying to draw parallels that simply don't exist
^ I already said this
I'm not sure i see what the confusion here is... He's just saying that using const means you can't redefine the variable? Isn't that fine and basically what it's meant for?
nope const is used when you don't want it reassigned
To be honest, I'm not even sure how we ended up here, given the context of the start of this conversation
@Arrow Splitting hairs with that one
@david Thank you! <3
because you can still modify the object's properties of a const. It provided a false impression of permanence outside of its context.
@Arrow that is completely irrelevant to the conversation... Are you drunk?
umm, what would you consider drunk
@Arrow Intimidated
@EnnMichael what?
Nothing, nothing
you're all idiots i'm going afk
He's right you know ^
^ about you.
i'm trying to keep a canvas element sized exactly to its containing div.  but the following code makes the canvas grow in height perpetually on window resize:

                 window.onresize = (e) => {
			this.canvas.width = this.canvasContainerDiv.offsetWidth;
			this.canvas.height = this.canvasContainerDiv.offsetHeight;
@Arrow See I said you were intimidated. I don't know why.
i'm not even certain that .offsetWidth/Height is the right property to use as the height/Width of its parent element to size to. this is what i found on one SO answer.
i have some code somewhere that does it, i'll try find it
@AlexBollbach I'm using CSS to keep the canvas tag the same width as its parent, and then using the following: ctx.canvas.width = ctx.canvas.clientWidth; ctx.canvas.height = ctx.canvas.clientHeight;
where ctx is the context in question, if you have the canvas element itself then just use that
ah so basically the only difference is, in the window resize callback, your updating the canvas' coordinate system to be as big as the client. (Which is the canvas).. and the css ensures that the canvas element box itself is 100% of its parent element's size??
how do I go to a page with a parameter in react?
how do you go to one without a parameter?
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@TylerL Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
Should I use react router with meteor?
don't have to,
askign us if you should is... not that useful
haha yeah idk what I'm doing. I'm used to angular and really like meteor
But want to use react instead of blaze
should you use react-router? my answer would be yes
thank you @AlexBollbach
could anyone help me understand webpack output.publicPath? i have read the docs and tried impl. but still don't know how it used for... i.e. output.path is set to '__dirname + /dist/' and output.publicPath 'assets/', then in my index.html the src/href are prefixed with 'assets/', but it didn't create the folder 'assets/' under 'dist/'.
Do you have any assets?
you meant img/font?
the way i currently used to create folder under 'dist/' is prefixed all the filename option with a relative path, i.e. app.css --> css/app.css. so what's the usage of publicPath? since it doesn't create (sub)folder?
q in short: output.publicPath didn't create folder, it only adds prefix, so why do i need it?
That's so that when you build you can have your paths point to a different directory. It's not uncommon to have a different directory structure in prod vs dev
so in dev i put assets in my local disk, but in prod i put assets to CDN or so? then why not put assets to CDN when dev? @monners
Well, because you don't want to be hitting the CDN on every refresh during dev.
Are you putting non-dynamic assets on the CDN? As in, all of your application SVGs, icons, etc?
is what i said "in dev i put assets in my local disk, but in prod i put assets to CDN" true?
I don't know. That's entirely up to how you want to host your application.
But yeah, some applications do that
So when you're running on prod, you need your asset paths to be relative to the CDN, not your local project
I can't make datatable work it says datatable is not a function
so if I have an error thrown in the .then of a promise, then it would automatically call the catch callback of the promise right?
I have <b>{label}</b><input> for react. It's saying label is undefined... Where do I define it? Anywhere?
Are you passing it in as props? If so this.props.label
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@TylerL Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
  renderForm() {
    this.props.label = "testing";
    return (
      <form className="new-task" onSubmit={this.handleSubmit.bind(this)} >
        <b>{label}</b><br />
Errr... No.
this.props is for accessing properties passed to the component
In your context you could literally just do <b>testing</b>
As {...} denotes escaping to JavaScript within JSX
I want to change the label to testing2 after the value is entered (2 step form)
You'd want to wrap your input and label in a component, and pass it a prop called label, then you'd have something like...
  <InputLabelComp label="testing1" />
  <InputLabelComp label="testing2" />
InputLabelComp being something like...
  <label>{ this.props.label }</label>
  <input type="text" />
That's not how you should be handling refs though
Makey sensey?
hahaha Yeah, still working on it
React has a steep learning curve
But I'm already seeing how it's useful
Oh god... can't change a simple label
Got it to work but it's totally spaghetti code
Once the basic pattern clicks it'll be much easier, as it's the same at all levels
ayy lmao
Q: Chrome returns valid date for string "FY 2000" instead of invalid date

KiraChrome returns valid date for string "FY 2000" instead of invalid date while others browsers are correctly returning "invalid date" Fiddle link: https://jsfiddle.net/Lddr79ek/ Code: function isDate(value) { return new Date(value).toString()!= "Invalid Date"); } is this an issue in chrome...

@Kira Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Just noticed that links to deprecated methods in the list of functions (left side panel) got removed in the MDN docs. So you cannot click it. :/
@Kira don't use the Date parsing API. You have to do that yourself.
new Date uses .parse() internally. But that function is not reliable for non ISO string formats
thanks @KarelG
what's that "FY" btw ?
short for Fiscal Year
do your company uses one date format among all products? If so, you can write a regex to accept such strings and parse manually. (or a simple .split + check len + construct date)
2 hours later…
sorry for the delay, we are a product based company. our customers will use any format like mm-dd-yyyy
I guess its good if we create our own date parsing
that format is weird :P (USA ?)
Is it like a requirement to have gender identity issues to work on NodeJS?
Or is being unable to properly act socially enough, like with any other open source project?
Vertical-align: super. "Aligns the baseline of the element with the superscript-baseline of its parent." Can someone explain this? Superscript-baseline of its parent?
when a radio button is unmarked, by clicken another radio button, why is .change not triggred for the unmarked radio?
@Paran0a Did you have checked the docs? Such questions can be answered by just checking it.
@KarelG Not really, it's a bit tricky to understand
oh it's from MDN itself
I did
I didn't really get what they mean
the superscript is a string that comes above the standard line, like ² <--
the alignment then is placed at the baseline of that ²
I think I get it now ,thanks!
urgh, all the non-tourist shops I've found are closed today :/
and ran out of butter, so can't do a mash
Use yoghurt
my fridge only has oil, blueberries and tomato sauce. I always have pizzas and pasta, but I need to stop feeding into the stereotype
you need to fill in your fridge accordingly ...
you can bake potatoes with that oil though
(shops are closed, would have gone for a major shopping session today)
peel potatoes, cook it partially. max temperature, if it starts to boil, turn it off and let it cook 5 ish minutes. Prick it with a fork. If it's solid, but you can prick halfway, stop cooking. get the potatoes out of water
dispose water. Pour oil on it (small layer), reheat it.
drop the potatoes on it (when the oil is heated) and let it bake.
after a while, when it starts to form a "baked" color below, flip the potatoes and apply herbs. Turn off the heat and wait till it is done
@KarelG do I cut them?
if it's big yes
eg if a potato is 6x5, I cut that in 2 pieces.
otherwise the core would be still hard after you have baked them. That requires experience with cooking potatoes though
if you cook too far, it will fall apart
@BenjaminGruenbaum tbf, the CoC is open for loosened interpretation. It's not drawing the boundaries clearly
@KarelG the thing is, people genuinely think that saying "white men are annoying" and saying "black women are annoying" carries the same weight.
Where really, someone form a minority group is a lot more likely to not participate in a project when they read something like that.
I'm not saying what happened with Rod was good - but I think people genuinely think this is about "SJWs" imposing things on the project where in practice it's just about not being dicks.
Reading all that garbage from existing members about their opinions on gender is really what is driving potential contributors away, not the CoC
@OliverSalzburg the thing is - nothing is driving contributors away - contributions are growing and the project is doing really well.
And the fact that you apparently have to drop all your opinions if you want to work on the project
Node is more popular, a lot of new code is being written, features are being shipped and a lot of the new contributors are from that crowd that is typically excluded from projects.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Good point. It's not something I observed. It's just an argument that came up, which I found to be inaccurate, especially given the reasoning
@OliverSalzburg I don't think you do, I think they've done a bad job of explaining how things work to the outside world.
@OliverSalzburg Node shipped a ton of things this year - not just small things like util.promisify or util.callbackify and stuff I was involved in - Node shipped http2 this year, a ton of code improvements, a lot of V8 upgrades with features like async/await, and much more.
@BenjaminGruenbaum The thing is, I don't even understand why anyone has to explain anything to anyone. I have been contributing to OSS for many years, and I have never seen as much drama as there is with projects that think they need to establish a better society around their project
What is all the fuzz about? People complaining about decisions about the project in general or who is allowed to get "involved"?
@OliverSalzburg Wait what? Every big open source project I participated in had drama - it's because of management and politics and it's inherent - Linux has much more drama, Java has drama, JS itself has drama, Angular has drama etc.

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