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Fun Fact: The Planet Coaster series filled up my HDD. Had to delete games to finish it. It's the whole left hand side of this pic.
they should send @Loktar's next printer free
@KendallFrey Why not just delete the episodes you already watched?
idk much about being a youtuber but I imagine you wouldn't want to delete all your stuff after you've uploaded it
I also imagine having a box of about 50 hard drives sitting around
Oh. Never heard of the channel or the show
@OliverSalzburg Never heard of NerdCubed? geez dude
I thought it was just some show that someone downloaded
@KendallFrey What are you saying I'm not hip any more?
I'm certainly not saying "anymore"
Looks like lots of gaming related stuff
@Loktar @KendallFrey @Luggage thingiverse.com/thing:12516 work great
I had to drill out the hole for my filament but otherwise, works great
What problem does that solve?
the half used roll is not flimsy and I don't have a length of filament getting all bent out
yea, i'll be printing some filament clips, too.
good to know those worked for you
isn't it a little weird that the guy who invented c++ works at morgan stanley
where should be work?
on actual technology
i bet they need technology
yeah, I'm sure they're happy with that situation
@Luggage again, I had to drill out the hole.
I meant from his perspective
meh, drilling is painless with plastic.
That's a form of processing I don't mind.
5/16th drill bit
my print was getting welded together, so I aborted it.
It failed, but it was mostly successful (up until then). I could make it work. Also, I'll fix the print time before I do it again.
I'm trying my first vase, just loaded on a roll of red pla
Is there a good way to see a nice UI with mocha output in VSCode? Scrolling around in the terminal isn't a particularly efficient way to see test results.
yea, haven't done a 'vase'.
Vases are cool because they print so quickly
@KendallFrey there's an html reporter
@KendallFrey if not "ui", there will be a way to output html and open that in vscode when it's done.
@rlemon 2h print time?
as a 'plan b'
failing that, open in a browser.
@Zirak yea, vase mode is fast
wallaby is pretty neat for vscode
but if you find a nice output for vscode, let me know. I'd like that, too
but need a license
@rlemon oh, that's fast
I need to use a slicer with time estimates again..
@Loktar is simplify 3d worth the money?
@Luggage for me I think so
mostly because so many people share simplify settings it seems like
and idk it has a ton of options to mess with
@rlemon dude...
that layer height is insane lmao
is it actually bonding?
3.2 is the recommended max for a 0.4 nozzle
dunno just started
back. I had to get the door
3.2 what?
3.2 layer height
er 0.32 :p
oh, ok. yea.
anyway.. simplify 3d never leaves you wanting on features?
that's why it's orange @rlemon
it's like wtf bro you can't do a 0.4 initial layer height
$150 is a lot for me at this early stage.. but I don't midn spending money on a product that works..
It doesn't leave me wanting anything at all
BUT if you're getting good prints with Cura then what's the point I guess?
If they had an X/month plan, I'd do it instantly.
I wasn't getting the greatest prints
yeah the price is super steep
it does have a 2 week trial at least though
@Loktar seems to be working
but still, I totally agree
albeit it's only got a few layers down
they're all looking pretty good
@rlemon yeah might just end up being weak is all
cura worked fine. I want to be able to put manual supports or edit them
slic3r does not. not sure on cura
ooh well yeah that's fucking huge in simplify
the manual support thing is badass
as long as it holds water I'm good
I've used that a ton actually
@rlemon yeah let me know, I made one and it didn't :/
lots of people have the issue with small leaks
I don't see how I can reliably print some parts without. parts where you need support, but they have unreachable areas
I made a watering can, it works fine
granted, I don't leave water in it for long periods of time
at 0.36 layer height?
ohh no
yeah def curious to hear how it works out
I think I'll get my dad that cheap printer for his bday
wasn't vase mode either for that
not that it matters I'm using a 0.6 now anyway lol
what was the name again
just printed off a perfect calibration cube
@Mosho which one?
I'm thinking of getting a .8 nozzle
oh, psh I can't even find it for that price now, it was the ender2
199 is the cheapest I can find it now, I got it on sale
@Mosho Doesn't seem to work in node
@rlemon yeah I have a whole set of them now
see this?
yeah I saw that
@KendallFrey the html reporter? well naturally 😛 you have to open a browser
I think our extruder supports up to 0.8
I mean node can't even generate it
how about a 1.75 mm nozzle, put the hot end on 1000 and go as fast as the extruder can go.
@KendallFrey sure can
it generates the html, css, etc.
I'm using it myself, though not out of the box like that
but it should definitely be doing that
but more seriously.. i do need to tune for speed now that I have quality mostly steady
  var div = document.createElement('div');

ReferenceError: document is not defined
doesn't work for me
idk how you're using it
I can take a look later, omw to the gym
@Loktar thanks
I still have the cr10 in my cart at banggood for $349
keep thinking about it lol
I think you have a problem.
only if i hit purchase
this one looks well reviewed
only one in amazon.ca under $300 :\
it's shit, get a cr-10
just kidding. I know nothing about it. :)
the A8 needs a ton of mods to be good
ohh, i have heard the a8 is shit, actually
just now
get out
I think that's the one @hilli_micha has
he was saying it's not bad but needed to mod it
remember it's a gift for my dad
so overspending is not the goal here
I don't regret the CR-10, but I could easiy have gotten away with a smaller (and cheaper) one
or a slightly smaller fancyier one, like the pruse latest thingy
ender 2.
there's 0 selection in canada
yeah my only issue with the ender-2 is that it's missing a cooling fan
I need to attach the mod I printed still
but it still did really well overall on the deer I printed
there are many options. I don't really know them.
off to the gym then
@GNi33 o/
alright trying the deer at 100% now
I'm learning so much esoteric shit about regex right now :S
says 7 hours, prob gonna be 9, wood filament, can't wait
wood filament smells damn good when it's being used.
@Loktar that looks neat :P
do you have any RC Hobby ? [I am just fascinated by what your 3d printer can do with an RC hobby]
give it a horsehead
and call it rob
no supports?
@ShrekOverflow used to, haven't in forever
@Luggage nope, I didn't do one earlier with supports and it turned out ok
you see the pic from earlier?
imgur.com/nfNX81G no supports, on the ender-2
> ever wonder what 1kg of pla looks like off the roll?
haha that sucks
heh I could do that.. I threw away 2 rolls yesterday :/
oh, cool
melca shit I bought, was totally garbage
@rlemon World's most impotent slinky
god glad you call them slinkies...
everyone says Slingo
pisses me off, wtf is a slingo?
lol wat no
THe big airplane I showed earlier, now the wings fold :D
btw did you see the 3d printed "springo"?
the dick?
like a spring/slinky
oh yeah, there is a dick too though
I think he made a slinky version anyway
lots of people have been printing it lately
balls and the tip aren't a slinky portion
the middle is
@Loktar I bet you could put it to good use. heat it up and mold it into cool wireframe art
@Loktar I bet it's the same thing
hmm it is in recycling..
I could go grab it out lol
meh oh well, fuck that filament
I thought my printer was screwed up
I don't like throwing stuff away
I printed like 10 calibration cubes with diff settings
then finally was like.. I'm going to change the filament
perfect fucking cube.
what cube did you use?
@Loktar I didn't know there were cubes designed specifically for that
lots of them.
@Luggage I think the same one you are, the xyz calibration cube
@KendallFrey dude they are so handy
I use a 20mmx20mm cube
Wait did you buy a 3d printer Luggage :O ?
yeah same here 20mm
yes, with x, y, z
@ShrekOverflow yes
@ShrekOverflow lol I think half the room has them now
so did ssube, now
lol yep his is on the way
@Loktar lol whoosh
oh... lmao yeah whoosh indeed
I'll buy one once I can earn in real money :'(
(I just built my own calibration print)
a cube would have sucked cause that's way too much material
they are pretty small
and hollow
only 20x20mm and I do like 10% infill
@Loktar Then it sucks for calibration :P
yeah or hollow, just has issues with the Z
right, that's what i mean
bleh, trying to link it to you but onshape is so slow
boo need a login
oh i figured you'd be able to see
will screenshot
the cube lets you test surfaces a bit more.
I sliced the cube down when tuning the top surface for faster prints
10cm a side
oh interesting @KendallFrey
I was really only after getting correct step sizes
that's pretty neat actually
yea. yours is a true calibration print. the cube is more for tuning the quality for me.
yeah same thing I use it for
What little quality tuning I did came from 3dbenchy
really good for detecting and reducing ringing too
and just based on what I saw from the prints
man that benchy just takes forever
right. and that shift problem I have only shows in the cube.
I print the cube in 20 mins
well when testing .2mm
.1 is like 45 mins
@Luggage Have you figured out anything with that yet?
oh man someone else had that on the group actually, looked similar
/me finds link
@Loktar yea I can already see some layers messing up
gonna stop it
@rlemon lame
print it at .2
If I get a 3d printer i'll probably make an FPV RC that folds
@KendallFrey yea, now I have a change holder
I made a vase once
turned out fucking perfect
it's weird to have a bendy vase though
because it's so thin
@ShrekOverflow better off buying one, the Mavic is well worth it
@KendallFrey was perfect sexually harassed :/
ooh, scrabble tiles
@ssube Thats a Quad
also, I enjoy making RC things :P < thats the fun part.
you could just print replacement scrabble tiles in wood PLA. they'd blend right in :)
@ShrekOverflow Want to help me build a drone?
@KendallFrey I'm in :D
I've done lots of research but I don't have a good grasp of what kind of electronicals I'd need
What are you trying to build, powered drone, chuck glider, will it have control surfaces?
there is a simple drone on thingiverse with a prts list
How big? Is it a quad ?
liek a $10 board, a few motors, rotors
@KendallFrey 4 rotors, an accelerometer, and a controller
and wifi
banggood has drone control boards w/ receiver
WiFi ?
Oh for PFV
@ssube I figured I'd want a gps and camera too, and probably an orientometer (?)
a compass?
And no idea what I need as far as motors
@ShrekOverflow for control in general
Just put an android phone on it ? [covers pretty much anything]
wifi has great range if you have line of sight
@ssube inertial, not magnetic
and wifi chips are cheap
moment control gyro
@KendallFrey I think you can get a combination sensor for most of that
no, a sensor, not a control device
a pi zero would be plenty to control it
You want to make an Auto-pilot?
it would but there are cheapo board with controll and radio
Also I'd want to write the software (rpi + duino) myself
and deal with battery
the hardest part would be correcting for wind
@ShrekOverflow Well, at least some semblance of higher level flight control, or I'd end up in the rhubarb immediately
and sensing slow drift (unless you have GPS)
@ssube Yeah, I thought of that
Ideally I'd have some kind of "rails" tracking mode for taking video
essentially, you want to track a point that's some meters directly above the drone and keep the top oriented towards that
the faster you're going, the further out the point becomes
How would a drone land itself? One easy way would be an ultrasonic range sensor to detect the ground
that's how the mavic does it
@ssube oh that's brilliant, why didn't I think of that
ultrasonic or IR
IIRC there is Microsoft Simulator that lets you write control software and test them (runs in UE4)
I'm scared I'd need to write some kind of PID controller and not know how to calibrate it
@KendallFrey the controller directly controls the anchor, which the drone should follow much like a pendulum
you can switch most drones into a more direct control mode, but the steering is less predictable
slic3r crashes too often
@KendallFrey you can start at adru-pilot
In stuff that I might actually have time to do, I have a couple of steppers that I bought and haven't put to use. What's a good project to use them for?
Hi Meredith
@KendallFrey How big are they ?
NEMA 17 I think
anemic 3D printer level
D: automate your windows?
My windows don't need automating
especially not this time of year
@KendallFrey Jackoff machine?
much too weak for me :)
as retribution for all your hamburgers
How could you do that to a pizza
which part?
the fact that it's half vegetable?
Is there even any meat?
I miss pizza
@Loktar IDK if you intended but the details are amazing on the horn
They should come out better on the one I'm doing now too
they would have been smoother on that one, but it doesn't have a part cooler on it
I was super surprised they came out how they did though lol
I expected to wake up to a mess on the printer bed
ooh, got a tracking number for the printer
are you going to print the cat?
I'll probably print armor or some decorations for him
you can't join the club unless you have a headless cat
obtained though natural means
oh, I'd have to get a different one for that
sounds like it should arrive on Friday, so that's plenty of time to get some test models queued
ugh, I get paid between now and then
I'm going to buy entirely too much stuff for it
so you won't have any money left :?
may as well shred the money and put it on spools
you can't print fast enough to get expensive
not just with filament, but if you add tools, glue, solvents, paint, brushes...
like acetone
> A full ArrayQueue will have one empty slot. This null is to keep your dequeue and enqueue indices from overlapping. They only overlap when the queue is empty. When you create your array, build it using DEFAULT_CAPACITY + 1. This way, the back end array will have an actual size of 11, but will be only able to hold 10 elements.
Isn't that wasting memory?

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