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Guys, what is an efficient way to map JSON data to a model? I just want to see if there is a recommended way to do this in ES6. Below is an example

export default class WorkshopBookingModel {
    //@observable id;
    @observable workshopID;
    @observable studentID;
    @observable topic;
    @observable description;
    @observable StartDate;
    @observable campus;
    @observable created;
    @observable creatorID;
    @observable modified;
    @observable modifierID;
    @observable archived;
I think this code create a lot of redundant code
in Typescript
@KendallFrey just comparing grpahics :P the Gear VR is cool, but it's a tad pixely. I assume that's natural because it's running off a phone. Just curious how intense the Rift graphics are
My Cardboard actually has clearer graphics than my Rift
partly because it has less FOV
and probably partly because i'm nearsighted
The focus on the cardboard is different
I can see dirt and scratches on my screen
Once my Gear Controller comes tomorrow I'm gonna play dreadhalls VR :D
So psyched
How good is Gear with latency and judder?
My phone has terrible frame rate/judder
Haven't seen any issues yet. I've only used it for netflix and jurassic park so far and it was very smooth
netflix in VR is awesome. It's like watching a movie in a movie theater
quick googling says 60fps
which is super disorienting when you're using to 90
I also have the latest samsung phone so it's top notch
lol well la dee da
I'll notice if I'm racing and my frame rate drops below 80
it's surprising
Have you watched any 3D movies yet?
Ugh, mysql y u a bitch
No not yet!
I'm gonna watch one tonight
Any suggestions?
um, not Gravity
I watched it because it was the best one I knew of
but the plot is terrible
but the VR experience?
pretty good
3D movies are so inferior to VR though
Get some of those demo shorts on the Oculus store. Things like Lost and Abe VR
Wait 3D movies aren't VR movies?
they're just stereo
no head tracking
Once movies come out for pure VR that's gonna be amazing
like I said, try some of the full VR experiences
They're around 5-10 minutes a piece
Also, do you have a way to see 360 stereo photos?
I have a bunch I took myself
Have you guys seen the Donald's new footage?
the billy bush one?
@KendallFrey yeah.. and multiple like that are comming out now
I was talking about it today with one of my other friends who likes to 🍿🍿 American politics
Kendall you any good with sql queries?
@KendallFrey Ahh what did they say? This is a preety intresting and unique topic.
@SterlingArcher about half a good
Good enough lol
@Dsafds Basically, America will have its first female president one month from now.
@KendallFrey Yea.. i cant see anyone come back from this..
With a country full of bigots, who knows.
@KendallFrey Srsly... I really wanna see the oppinon of a supporter of donald trump that is a women now... Which isnt getting paid to support him
So I have a query that just selects from a view, and returns a list of X. Each of these X has a list of Y in another table. Is it possible to return X -> [y, y, y, y, y] in a query or do I need a second query?
Fascinated by how "Mexicans are rapists," "ban Muslims" etc. wasnt shocking but "grab pussies" when famous is the pearl clutch
@SterlingArcher You're trying to return a list of lists?
Correct, from the query. As is, my query returns tuples for every Y of X, so if X has 7 Ys, the query returns 7 Xs each with a different Y
That's how SQL normally does it
lists of lists are denormalized and not good
I guess I'll just do it the second way lol
Left join
I hit 25K rep today
last privilege unlocked
@AlexP Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hello all, i'm trying to implement googles geocoding API. I have a form where a user inputs and address that enters into a table in SQL. In addition to the address i'd like to call this API to store the lat/long aswell
1 hour later…
Hi Javascript Room
@alfadog67 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
So what do you do when a narcissistic person with a high score and lots of cronies doesn't like your question, and gets hostile?
1 hour later…
@Loktar sneak peek comicbook.com/thewalkingdead/2016/10/09/… do you want to know who dies? :D
Ill pass :P
you can watch the video though
no spoilers there :D
actually, mine's just a guess. do you want to know? :P
3 hours later…
@AwalGarg closures?
I have been trying to understand 3D graphics mathematically for a while, but I can't figure out how to do it. I want points to move as if in a 3D area, but I don't know what to do beyond XYZ positions and setting the camera. Is there a site that explains the math behind 3D points?
Where do I put the orncode.rs file???
recursion works too
Welcome to the hell!
Welcome to heaven!
2 hours later…
i love it!
material-design.storage.googleapis.com/publish/material_v_9/… Perfect How Material Design Makes Color Easy.webm
Can you code it in JS?
I mean, create the video in JS CODE
you can do everything in JS
you can run windows on a JS engine
i know.
do it
and then your pen
will be picked
on CodePen
you will be very popular.
@towc u wot m8
@LearnHowToBeTransparent he is already popular
@littlepootis have you forgotten about copy's work?
He is also a certified hacker, so beware.
I watch you in your sleep
@towc It can't run Windows, though. But it's cool.
because I don't have friends
@littlepootis it can!
not really
@littlepootis copy.sh/v86
I can run Windows XP or 98.
Ah, 98 it is.
yeah, don't think any machine can actually handle a newer version
but you technically can :P
ah, towc's pen is picked already. i still remember codepen.io/towc/pen/VjRpXV
pepperidge farm remembers
do you hate npm?
i hate it
npm is shit because pasting the URL from CDN is easier.
@LearnHowToBeTransparent i do
-_- you're not getting the point of npm
read more about it plz ;)
it's for people who love terminal and vim
I love terminal and vim.
@LearnHowToBeTransparent no
vim is love
npm is for "node package manag"ing
vim is life
i only love terminal
not vim
so, you cheat on terminal occasionally. how bad.
Man, the JS ecosystem is shit.
It's so fucking unstable.
it's useful on the server side of things, mostly, so that you can require packages in the node code without having to wait for them to load, and there's some administration behind it that makes sure no package suddenly goes missing (cough leftpad cough)
@littlepootis vim + vanilla and you can't go wrong :P
15 PHP IS BETTER THAN JS - 2d ago by rlemon ▼
i use php on server side, not node.js
you're bound to not have problems... if you have enough time
And simple scripts as build tool.
@LearnHowToBeTransparent read the story behind that
Node.js is better than PHP, imo.
he doesn't actually believe it (the lemon)
php is easier -_-
i hate callback
There are things that Node.js sucks at.. even then you could delegate things to other programs.
@LearnHowToBeTransparent php has callbacks
@LearnHowToBeTransparent that's just bad code. We're moving onto promises now
@LearnHowToBeTransparent yeah, don't blame the language for someone writing bad code with it
Easy is not always good.
also, their description of async is wrong on various levels
There are use cases for PHP, but Node is by far, easier and a better tool for most web stuff.
Now that PHP has async, promises, and other stuff..
It's nice too.
nah, there's no use case for PHP
You don't say
i think now i need to learn node.js
@towc what about ecommerce?
I mean, maybe a comedy show
@LearnHowToBeTransparent Try this: amphp.org
It's awesome
or to be lauged at in short comics
(new Aerys\Host)->use(function(Aerys\Request $req, Aerys\Response $res) {
	# This is the default status code and does not need to be set explicitly
	# $res->setStatus(200);

	$res->setHeader("X-LIFE", "Very nice!");
	$res->end("With a bit text");
@SiddharthVenu Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
looks familiar?
@SiddharthVenu ohey
@CapricaSix sure :) and hey little pootis :)
how do you pronounce react? i usually say: rict
like how do you usually pronounce react?
Well I have a question. Is there any resource for learning Javascript for a Java developer?
the word react
@LearnHowToBeTransparent you pronounce it "reh-act"
that's the only right pronunciation
Step 1) Forget Java
Step 2) https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide
step 3
Learn DOM and Node.js
@LearnHowToBeTransparent no......
@LearnHowToBeTransparent maybe not
@LearnHowToBeTransparent I tried it. it was kinda too basic
@SiddharthVenu once you get to see some code examples, you'll easily see for yourself the right similarities and the patterns
yeah. you can only try it if you don't know anything about code.
@LearnHowToBeTransparent like rekt
it was like an intro to programming not javascript
get rekt?
MDN's guide is a pretty fast-paced introduction to JS.
var factorial = function fac(n) { return n<2 ? 1 : n*fac(n-1) };
1) look at JS code written by Java devs for a better transition
2) mdn out the tokens that you don't understand until you're perfectly alright with java peoplez code
3) look at code written by proper JS devs and do the same
yeah functions are declared like variables...
@LearnHowToBeTransparent just skip the var declaration
@LearnHowToBeTransparent you already have "factorial" why do u need fac(n)? cant we just write "function(n)"?
hey, it's from mdn!
@SiddharthVenu yes
@SiddharthVenu Because it would them be an anonymous function.
Makes debugging harder.
Always name your functions. Even if unnecessary.
function x() {return this}
anonymous? but we gave a name called "factorial" by writing "var factorial"
@littlepootis what if they're properties? UI.clean = function(){ ... }
The variable factorial refers to that function. That is all. It's not the name of the function.
@towc still
@SiddharthVenu you can either do function fac(n) { .. } or var fac = function(n) { .. }
so yes
I'd love to say function UI.clean(){ ... }
It doesn't hurt to: UI.clean = function clean(){ ... }
@littlepootis oh
@littlepootis but then you get a shitton of messy global variables
@littlepootis i prefer not to, is it just a grammar/style reason?
2 mins ago, by little pootis
Makes debugging harder.
@towc Nah, they don't pollute scope.
@towc it's just a named function, rather than putting it into scope
wait, if I do UI.clean.name = 'UI.clean' maybe it still shows up in the debugger lemme try
var a = function b() { } doesn't expose b
!!> fun = function notfun() {}; notfun
@littlepootis "ReferenceError: notfun is not defined"
oh wait wut
I know nothing
var a = {}; a.b = function(){ throw new Error; }; a.b.name = 'a.b';
works :D
@littlepootis how so? because if i do var hello = function() { var test = somevariable; return test; } i get "RefererenceError: hello:1`
It's always better to name them.
a.b shows up in the stack
var x = function delete() {}; x(); // throw an error
@bitten Look at dat screenshot.
You shouldn't rely on that.
@littlepootis seeing something different on my screen
@littlepootis you are on google chrome
@LearnHowToBeTransparent are you not?
i use google chrome too
mine are named
Yeah, works when you directly call them. But that relies on your anonymous function being held by reference to that variable.
`=> named function is not allowed`
2 mins ago, by Learn How To Be Transparent
var x = function delete() {}; x(); // throw an error
windows10 chrome though
not running on any special flags either :s
but, your screenshot is still valid though
Wait, how is that possible..
there are some instances that will not give useful stack traces
so i consider that TIL :p
VM129:1 Scripts may close only the windows that were opened by it.
@littlepootis maybe chrome loves me
i hate this.
i have been faithful
@LearnHowToBeTransparent delete is a keyword.
yeah, delete is reserved
always comment
  <script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/dat-gui/0.6.0/dat.gui.min.js"></script>
  <iframe src="webgl.html" id="webgl" style="position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; z-index: -1; top: 0; left: 0;"></iframe>
   var gui, rotationDeg, rotationX, rotationY, rotationZ;
  function init_onReady() {

   	gui=new dat.GUI;
@littlepootis which browser/os are you on?
Chrome, Linux
curious about the difference in stack traces :p
Commenting code doesn't mean you comment out all your code.
SERVER_TIME_OFFSET = 1476005322 - (new Date()).getTime() / 1000;
$(function() {
if (!CHAT.RoomUsers) {
$("#loading-message").empty().html("<span style='color:#a00000'>Cannot start chat</span> because your browser has loaded an outdated JavaScript file.<br/><br>Please <b>reload this page</b> to ensure you have up-to-date data.")
var chat = StartChat({
sound: {
file: "//cdn-chat.sstatic.net/chat/so.mp3",
vol: 65,
swfPath: "//cdn-chat.sstatic.net/chat"
may_bookmark: false,
ws: true,
egg: "Cthulu",
this is our room's js code.
@littlepootis IKR! You can implement lists with that in userspace - it is turing complete now!
I love how simple it was to add error reporting with source location and stack traces!
You should document the implemented stuff somewhere
@littlepootis I'll document the code and generate an embedding documentation with cargo. That way I'll get complete documentation as a "spec" for free.
Presently it needs a lot of UX work though and I need to add proper type checking
And a standard library and vectors... :|
Oh and the embedding API should be able to add host objects and possibly extend the parser too. Sooooooo muchhhh tooo doooo. But then we can finally get rid of the horribleness that JavaScript is and move to orn altogether :D
you wish
Also, what are the bounds of the int type?
float is f64, uint is u32
@SomeGuy btw is your github coupon expiring too? Whatcha doing about it? Re-applying?
I forgot about GHE
I'm probably eligible for that now
1 hour later…
@BenjaminGruenbaum stackoverflow.com/q/39942697/871050 for future
@AwalGarg Yeah, I just reapplied
is anyone using Cocos Creator? i've got a problem with the prefabs and i don't know if anyone can help me
Hi, any one tell me reg expression for only (123) 456-7890??
@vineetsah \(123\) 456\-7890
want reg expression (123) 456-7890 pattern
@MadaraUchiha that's just a bug.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yup
I commented about it too
Oh, cool. Super should work.
@littlepootis made public github.com/awalGarg/orn and added readme \o/
Hello! Recently started to dive into momentjs and it functionality. Stumbled upon customize section and a way to add own customization to current locale. But it is unclear how to work with added locale customization. Have anyone maybe come across it as well?
has anyone experience in webgl?
@Prajwal_7 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hi there. Does anybody have experience in dynamically parsing Markdown to generate styled HTML documents?
@NicAguirre Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Sorry @CapricaSix. I am looking to create styled HTML documents created from dynamically-parsed Markdown, much in the same way that strapdownjs.com does. Does anybody know if I can use StrapdownJS with a custom theme? I like the idea of this library but it has no documentation and a very limited theme selection
@AwalGarg While that looks cool, it looks like you're implementing a language first and making up a purpose second
@Zirak Right, that is true. But again, I don't really know what I am doing. It is a pet project, contrary to what the readme claims :D
What'll make it better than bash scripting and makefiles? The primitive unit of unix programs is strings, not ints. The first-class member of makefiles (and alternatives) are source/target nodes, immutable values are a second class concern
@Zirak I disagree with the "primitive unit is strings" parts. strings are the transport mechanism. But that shouldn't shadow the fact that unix programs deal with numbers and what not all the time. Wouldn't you like it that a program which expects a number as an argument from the shell to always receive a valid number, even if it is encoded as a string?
Pattern matching in a type safe language can get us that, among other things. bash and make can't.
@AwalGarg What does that mean "number as an argument"? You can't pass numbers to programs, they receive a bunch of strings
You can pass a string containing a number and it is indeed useful to validate and make sure you pass numbers and can parse numbers and so forth and so forth
Anyway, the major point is that string manipulation has to be a first class member: Joining and splitting PATHs, separators, newlines, file path manipulation, splitting, ...
@Zirak Again - you are focusing on how arguments are encoded. Semantically numbers are numbers, even if put within quotes.
@Zirak yeah, that's terrible in bash. a proper sane standard lib can abstract over stuff, which could be added
That's one reason why perl was so successful, regexps and string manipulation feel more natural to the language than anything else
(how to add standard library the awal way: github.com/awalGarg/orn/blob/master/src/vm.rs#L530-L537)
@Zirak I have heard perl is not very readable, but I haven't read many perl programs. How is it, in real?
It's more difficult to write good-looking perl code than really horrible code
Heh. Anyways, a vague idea is being able to do this:
@ 'start' port:uint {
    env.set('EXPRESS_PORT', port);
    exec('node', 'server.js');
put that in an ornfile in your project root and then run orn start 8080 or something
And something about automatically making autocompletions for the shell due to the static nature, but I have no idea if that is even possible
@AwalGarg lol'd but this looks pretty readable/nice
Hi guys
Has anyone ever used Webcamjs?
someone probably did
@Ekin thanks :) lots of todos in the comments ^_^
I'd imagine it'd be difficult to develop a product without ever using it
@towc haskell
fair enough
Has anyone ever used Strapdownjs?
I'm trying to get 700x700 output image but I can't even figure it out how the calculation even works
literally first few js lines in the "large" demo:
			width: 320,
			height: 240,
I can't make it square
so you want to crop it?
width: 800,
height: 420,
crop_width: 420,
crop_height: 420,
look at "crop demo" XD
@AwalGarg LOL fuck
This is what I found from the demo, but I need to have 700x700
have a width and height bigger than 700, and then have crops of 700x700
@AwalGarg Thanks for making orn read from stdin and file..
When I change the 420x420 to 700x700 it looks extremely wide
@KevinMaxwell your height needs to be bigger than 700 as well :P
I wanted to do that, but I don't rust.
@towc Ok, how big? when I change the height to 1000 it looks rectangle
@littlepootis it doesn't read from stdin, only takes file as argument. why would you want that?
@KevinMaxwell why don't you just have height = width?
real programs read from stdin
@towc like 700x700?
It doesn't work, it should be square but it actually renders wide
@littlepootis I can add the traditional support of reading from stdin if filename is passed as -
or just run a repl if args.len() < 2
No, that prints my advertisement. Can't lose advertising space in free software.
Aw, shit, I wanted to use orn as my shell. That's okay.
I can make it drop to a repl after printing my advertisement :D

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