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@m59 the value you get is correct
add to it document.documentElement.clientHeight and you will get 6100
@Wesabi but why?
scrolltop + clientheight = 6100
Ah..that's strange.
no it isn't!
@Wesabi why you so smart?? :)
better ^
@m59 knowing a couple of things doesn't mean i'm smart... in fact i'm not xD
its safe to echo via PHP json data into javascript code? var data = <?php echo json_encode($data); ?>
the source code its visible
"Is is safe to … PHP …" – probably not
@nEAnnam looks legit
depends on what you're going to do with data, though
since json_encode strips out any value that isn't scalar, i would say yes, it's safe
If you're going to do eval(data), nothing is safe
im trying via AJAX but is not a single call
but the asynchronous process is killing me
You should probably send JSON, not code, as an AJAX response
thanks :)
lmao @ this guy trying to deny these questions are the same:
Can someone explain the differences between functions and objects in javascript?
They seem like the same thing
@akh2103 you can't call ordinary objects
a function does something (a method/task); an object holds data
including (potentially) functions
Object: {a:1, b;2, c:3}
Function: function(){alert("hello");}
So if an object is a collection of key value pairs
then one of those values can be a function?
it can
var funcs = {plus: function(a,b){return a+b}, minus: function(a,b){return a-b}}
@Jan that is a function that is unnamed, right?
a named version would be
var a = {plus: function(a,b){return a+b}, minus: function(a,b){return a-b}}
you edited it. nevermind
they are still anonymous functions
what are still anonymous functions? what do you mean by they?
a named function would be var funcs = {plus: function plus(a,b){return a+b}, ...}
an an unnamed function would not have the funcs = part?
named function = has something between function and its arguments
IE messes up named function expressions, so named functions normally appear as declarations only
I.E. the line starts with function
@Jan thanks for explaining but I am still not getting the difference between these
a named function would be var funcs = {plus: function plus(a,b){return a+b}, ...}
an unnamed function would be
var funcs = {plus: function(a,b){return a+b}, minus: function(a,b){return a-b}}
funcs is an object with functions
Is anyone following the Fallout 4 arg?
The two look exactly the same
one says plus: function plus
and the other says plus: function(a,b)
so if you put the function name before the parameters it makes it named?
is the idea?
yep. But more important than named/unnamed is expression/declaration
can you expplain what that division is?
it's a declaration if the statent starts with function
It's a part of an expression anywhere else
declarations define the function in its scope so that you can call it by its name
named functions in expressions are only visible by their name inside these functions (except in IE, which declares named functions in the surrounding scope as well)
Shameless plug: Area 51 - Aviation (161/200 committers)
where i can get the complete list of SE sites?
the one on stackexchange.com seems to be partial, or maybe it just doesn't list beta sites
@Wesabi Click the Stack Exchange logo at the top left of stackoverflow.com
On the new header
stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/business/9486085/… <- new slide for our new building woot
lmao @phenomnomnominal
@phenomnomnominal awesome xD
@phenomnomnominal will you actually get to use this"?
We may need video evidence
@rlemon yeah we have one already
but it's only 1 floor
our new building has that big one and two little ones
Also, we're hiring a Senior JS Dev. Come play on the slide.
@phenomnomnominal I clicked the URL in your profile - it tells me there's a new update and to refresh... guess that shouldn't happen since I've never visited before?
@DannyBeckett yeah the dev that just left actually broke that :P
haha nice ;)
And now I gotta fix it haha
> They would have needed internal stairs in their new offices anyway
A slide is not a replacement for stairs
There's something called "up"
@phenomnomnominal what makes one a "Sr. JS Dev"
@KendallFrey the internal part of the slide is stairs
@rlemon haha, just internal criteria
@phenomnomnominal So, slide+stairs instead of stairs.
I have 10K rep on StackOverflow.com
Give me a job!
Sounds like jQuery+JS. jQuery doesn't do anything you can't do with plain JS, and JS is required anyway, but... jQuery is just fun.
@rlemon come apply
@phenomnomnominal work for the gf's father. got a sweet gig already
but thanks
Q: jQuery find number matching range

kursusI have a code that checks the range of a value and set a variable accordingly. if ( 169 <= angle && angle < 191 ) {currentOrientation = "1";} if ( 191 <= angle && angle < 214 ) {currentOrientation = "2";} if ( 214 <= angle && angle < 236 ) {currentOrientation = "3";} if ( 236 <= angle && angle <...

this is cool
That is pretty cool
also cool:
but this is downright unbelievable: liveleak.com/view?i=51e_1385934620
@DannyBeckett That's not that cool, it's just electricity.
@Shea yeah, the one below it's cool though
@rlemon Zirak is afk: flying meatballs
@DannyBeckett That one is kind of creepy, tbh. I would want to know what my kids see.
@CapricaSix I know!
@rlemon lmao that's awesome
Poor little goat D:
@Shea It isn't targetting your kids though. It's a neat way of talking to an abused kid about their abuser, even if they're stood right next to them.
personally I like it... think it's smart
I feel the same way about apricots
@DannyBeckett Yeah, it's cool in that aspect. My mind just always thinks about the worst in things. Like, what if they had some fucked up thing only kids could see. Or if it were used for advertisement, to teach kids bad habits to persuade parents to buy something.
Point is, that one just makes me think too hard, so I find it creepy. lol
yeah thats true
in other news, in motherland Russia, "even car enjoy zipwire"!
LOL Now that's cool.
@Shea you said you've done auth with openid support?
My own take on it, nothing with any standards or anything
okay, well then my question still applies :P
> Mr Brian Flannery was convicted of 2nd Degree Manslaughter today at Peckham Crown Court, receiving a 5 year suspended sentence for the accidental death of his wife, Gloria Flannery, by toxic suffocation, after he gave her a 'Dutch Oven' that went, as the Judge described it, 'horribly, horribly wrong'.
The case for the prosecution argued for the charge of Murder, putting it to the court that, late one weekday evening as Mrs Flannery was reading a Jackie Collins novel in bed and unwinding for sleep, she was suddenly and forcibly pinned under the duvet by Mr Flannery, who sealed the edges wi
how did your basic table structures look
what did the interlinking between the normal login, openid identities, and user profiles look like
I feel there needs to be four tables to do this properly.
It really depends on how complicated you want to get with it....
You should really be able to get away with just a session/auth and user table though.
login with openid or site login, and have a profile. also link openid's to your site login if you like
I've got the php openid libraries working, and i've written a skeleton auth system with registry
Oh yeah, you need a table for website authorizations
now it is just linking them both together sensibly.
There are a lot of conflicting articles out there
whistles... nothing here
How my security went, when you login then you get the auth token (basically session id) and you get a id of the session. So you couldn't just guess the auth token and login to some random account, you needed to know the corresponding id number for where the token is stored.
I also had a column for fingerprints of the browser, or for a hash id for the remote website, a column to tell you which type it was, then the timestamp columns.
Herp derp derp
@RUJordan Welcome back!
Then for the websites table, you have the secret key (used in session auth) and all of the remote site's information/permissions/settings, and a public key to identify itself. Then there's fourth table to log when users allow websites to login or not, and what permissions that site has.
Something like that, but you're right, you need four.
hrm okay. thanks I will have to look at a few implementations
Np, sorry I couldn't be more help. It's not extremely different then normal site authentication, it's just about providing more than one way to login, then extending it to give those different login methods different permissions.
Slow gaining ground on my tag score. 34 JavaScript points lol
64 PHP >=|
Also, I just noticed my computer had a Rebecca Black window open when I returned.
Which one of you was using my computer while I was gone?
@rlemon I just realized I'm a complete idiot, and you were probably talking about the client part of login, not the server part?
@RUJordan regarding your previous answer on the text and canvas. you may find this interesting stackoverflow.com/a/11124580/829835
@Shea no the server
but it's okay
Oh okay
@RUJordan I did a small shitty writeup on it before I was told about the bug sourcoder.blogspot.ca/2012/12/text-wrapping-in-html-canvas.html
other than those corrections it should explain how i did it
I wouldn't have thought about word wrapping the canvas, thats ingenius, yet simple
there are other approaches. probably better than mine
but hey, learn all you can amirite?
Game time decision: Dante's Inferno, Uncharted 3, or Arkham City
State of Decay
Whats that
Uncharted 3
flagging moderator posts is fun
Q: Looking to load views with controllers on scroll of site using Angular

TikaL13I have a microsite that is utilizing Laravel and Angular. It's a one page microsite that is responsive and is broken into 5 sections. Would like to lazy load them to cut down on loading all at once. <body ng-app> <div id="wrapper"> <section id="intro">1</section> <section id="Second">2</se...

Come to think of it....that's a lazy question.
But it was dang fun.
Directly modifying CSS is much faster than using jQuery to switch classes?
Okay, added a new test case. Just cutting jQuery out, like the cancer that it is, is by far the fastest.
copy making a tetris game: es-mx.twitch.tv/copysh
Let's talk about him here, and watch him get distracted
@copy use dat ▇ instead of the X!
@Wesabi He did :)
i'm seeing :P
probably setting the line-height:1 he will also get rid of the gap between each line,,, depends by the font @copy
@BadgerGirl that's awesome
And I use the same ST3 theme. Solarized Dark?
awww yeah
Any Python/Django guys here?
@SomeKittens somewhat.
but not a pro..
Sweet. Mac now supports windows: http://t.co/4YNYLh89R6
^ saw that on ifunny earlier
its hillarious :D
My Nexus 5 supports Firefox OS :$ sqweee :3
i can multi boot to firefox os just for the fuck of it :D
!!weather Herndon
@RUJordan Herndon: 63.1399F (17.3C, 290.45K), overcast clouds
So nice out here on the balcony
!!weather Jabalpur
@AbhishekHingnikar Jabalpur: 21.859C (295.009K), Sky is Clear
It's done.
So now let's vote what he should do next live.
a)Strip poker
it's done?
awesome :P
@BadgerGirl a
Okay but who should he play against?
Jeff Atwood
@AbhishekHingnikar Sounds like a volunteer to be his opponent
@BadgerGirl Zirak
and it goes on uporn :D or ustream
Does anybody else understand this? Can I close it as unclear?
Q: Using W3C Document Object Model how to insert tag for particular text

SathishFor example i have html content like this. <div>go to the text from here.<br> from there <br> Go to the text</div> In the above content, i want to insert span tag for the word alone Like the below output. <div>go to the <span>text</span> from here.<br> from there <br> Go to the <span>text</span>

And suddenly it gets edited. Wow.
@minitech lol happens, tagged it as Java for you
I don't quite understand that comic.
!!google galilean moon
Well that didn't help.
Yes! 4 more upvotes and I get the populist badge!
Wait, is it literally more than 10 or will 10 upvotes with a 0 score accepted answer get the badge?
hi, any one can help me for session, i have a problem in that.
That's no strip poker, but that's still pretty tight
Can you hear me on twitch? :(
No, and it's really laggy
This site has a gay user interface
You have a gay user interface.
Design is cool, but whenever I press any other places than main contents in the centre, it sends me back to the homepage.
@Shea My user interface? What do you mean by "users" and "interface" of me?
Idk I was just rambling
Gay means "stupid" or "idiotic" by the way.
Nooo.... it means happy. Duuuh
It also means homosexual.
I wonder why my maths classes were taught by a fat woman who doesn't care about her students playing "pen15 game" at the back
hi all
@RUJordan What? Since when?? ;P
I believe it gained that connotation around 1920's
We had several reward systems in my highschool for people who got high marks on homework or exams. Interestingly, this fat woman was too lazy to mark her students' homework so she made us to mark our homework for each others. So me and my mate always gave full marks on our homework and both of us got reward for scoring high marks in maths homework ^_^
^ we got a badass here!
So you're telling us that you can't be trusted?
No no, I'm just rambling
You're not allowed to, we had a vote while you were away
^ we got a democracy here
LOL It's funny because you're from Korea :D o/
yeah, all heil to Kim Jung!
Don't leave me hanging :(
I thought you were from South Korea though?
i don't think north korea even have internet access
North Korea at night
How many people here can speak 2 or more languages fluently?
@EnglishMaster i speak html, css, javascript and italian fluently
I speak about 1.25 spoken languages
But most of them are not spoken languages
I know some Spanish, but not fluently :(
I've been meaning to work on that.
On the contrary, I could speak in javascript. It would be very annoying of course.
@RUJordan i don't know if it's more sad all that wasted energy in SK or the completely OFF NK
I would say off is more sad. It's technological deprivation which is the epitome of human evolution.
Look how purdy this is
Chicago makes so much light, it's glaring miles off in the water.
You see where the light goes from New York to Virginia, then goes darker, then starts up in North Carolina ish? I live right where the lights stop in Northern VA
I like how it looks like a grid
It's the roads that do that, right?
@Shea that's the highway system
I'm somewhere in/around that circle
That big line of lights must be I5
Sick, just got me a PS4 finally. Fuckers sold out!
@m59 m59 has 3309 reputation, earned 40 rep today, asked 10 questions, gave 197 answers. avg. rep/post: 15.98. Badges: 0g 6s 29b
Odd. My profile shows 30 badges.
@phenomnomnominal nice!
@m59 duplicates
I only have one badge 6 times..
The rest are singular.
yep, so that's 30.
Eh, it might just update later or something.
!!> 29 + (6/6) === 30
@Shea true
30 = 23 + (1 which you have 6 of) + 6
@Shea true
Her face is so symmetric, if you'd split her face into half and paste a copy of it to next of it, it would still look natural
oh i entered wrong room, it's not javascript it's JavaScript: The Friendly room.
I told you right?
really symmetric like i read in maths Symmetric relation
most of times we first learn how to copy, paste code then learn how to write yourself
and sometimes only first part
@EnglishMaster i wn to learn english
Q: .checked is not working in IE8 browser

Prashant ParekhI have piece of Javascript code. function checkProductId(value){ checkboxid = value; // First create an event var click_ev = document.createEvent("MouseEvent"); // initialize the event click_ev.initEvent("click", true, true); if(document.getEleme...

@PrashantParekh Found the problem
You're using IE8
@NimeshVaghasiya Ok, repeat after me. 'A'
'B', 'C'.
"Please give me a coke"
Can you pronounce "coke" properly? If not, it might offend someone.
@EnglishMaster yes
Ok, say "Here is the deal, though"
@EnglishMaster ok i said out
Good, now say "Good morning, Hue Janus"
@Shea, I am using IE 8
Ok great, now say "Hello, is this Anita Dick's resident?"
@PrashantParekh Yeah, that's the problem. :D
@EnglishMaster You can take this nonsense to another room now.
@Shea, that I know
Q: jquery mobile design select control hanging the page when loading inside cefsharp

DaniI'm facing issue in cefsharp when loading a page with jquery mobile design, Check out this url, http://jsfiddle.net/Dani_90/r5LJ6/1/ Html: <div data-role="page"> <div data-role="content"> <div data-role="fieldcontain"> <label for="select1">Empty Select</label> <select id=...

But how can I resolve this problem?
@Shea any problem
@PrashantParekh Seems to work fine jsfiddle.net/TDNM9/show (open your console)
@Shea its just show me checkbox
What is it that you think checked is?
The only other thing it would be used for is radio
@shea I am not getting your point. Could you please explain me in breaf?
First you explain your problem better.
it's only 1143 in california. why is the html/webdev chat dead
@shea, I have already explain my problem in my question, which I give you before
@zounds You'd be the third person (including me) here to be from California, that I know of.
@PrashantParekh Why are there so many comments? Sure seems to be a lot of confusion with that question.
Q: The quest for a different editor: replacing TinyMCE with a JavaScript editor

javipasI'been using WordPress since 2005 and although I'm pretty much conquered in all respects, I still wonder how some possibilities are not there for the user. One of them: changing the default TinyMCE editor and replacing it with other modern alternatives. The popularity growth of the Markup langu...

haha i'm in new york, where it's 2:43 am. i figured there'd be more silicon valley types here though
Its simple. Which code I post in my question is just working fine in all browser like, mozilla, crome, safari and IE9
but not working in IE8.
All I know is that according to your question, ".checked is not working in IE8 browser." So I showed you that it is working.
@Shea createEvent is not working in IE8. That I know. But whenever I am trying simple click evenet like (document.getElementById("addproduct").click()) its working fine in IE8 but not working safari browser
@PrashantParekh Well that's not at all what your question is about.
@Shea. Is there any solution between IE8 and Safari browser?
That's what I was trying to show you. jsfiddle.net/TDNM9
@zounds What are you doing still up?? I'm going to bed.
@Shea, Can you modify code and post answer there?
UK mom: "Welcome to the world, new born baby"
New born baby: "Hi mom"
UK mom: "Your name is Alex, and your debt is 100,000 ^_^"
Do have any solutions for JQurey is not working in IE8 and bellow versions.

I tried max on internet solution. but not working till.If you have anything please help me.

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