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@Feeds Wrong site /facepalm
@YiJiang that's the point, it finds javascript questions from other sites that might be interesting
@david I mean, he's posting the question to the wrong site
I'm not sure he is... he seems to be trying to make it tiny, so perhaps code golf is the right place
If it's code golf he'd want to use short variable names. The only reason why it looks tiny is because he screwed up code formatting
yeah I guess
@MattMcDonald that is an awesome answer
Anybody got a preferred place to buy domains from?
Incoming script spam ahoy!
stands up ...where?
It... might take a while
oh. I see. I guess I'll just flatten up against the wall.
Q: Collapse interesting and ignored tags sections!

lord_tAre you annoyed by to large interesting/ignored tags sections? I've created a user script to collapsing it! Stack Ignore Collapse .user.js

Q: SE Chat custom notification sound

Lekensteyn Screenshot / Code Snippet About Someone found the current *beep* sound annoying and asked for a way to change the sound. Such a feature did not exist, so I created this Userscript which adds a button next to the notification settings button. This button opens a popup which allows you t...

Q: Stack Exchange Deleted Question Viewer

Jeremy Banks Screenshot About Have you ever followed a link to an old question only to find it deleted? I have, and it very disappointing. Thanks to the way deleted posts can be edited, you can now be a little bit less disappointed! The Stack Exchange Deleted Question Viewer is a user script that ...

Q: Greasemonkey Script: Show all results from a search, even if they would be hidden by your ignored tags

CrazyJugglerDrummergreasemonkey script to make it so no questions are hidden based on their tags when you are searching I'm currently ignoring the Perl tag because I don't know anything about it, but occasional I want to search for something regarding it anyway, like seeing the highest voted question in that tag. ...

Q: Display absolute timestamps (in local time)

Kip Screenshot / Code Snippet About This script converts relative timestamps to absolute timestamps, displayed in your local time zone. For times less than one hour ago, I leave the "x mins ago" relative timestamp, because I think that is more useful in such shourt timeframes. In all cases...

oh is that what you meant? sneaky. You updated the feeds to pull stuff tagged "script" as well, didn't you?!
I registered my domain from 1st-domains, but that's an NZ company so it might not be ideal
@ThomasShields Only from stackapps
@YiJiang ooh right. coolio.
@david ah okay. I was looking at 1&1; they let you get free email and private registration with basic purchase of the domain.
mine does email redirecting, but I didn't use it
what is private registration?
it means your address/phone number and contact details don't show up in WhoIs
ah right
yeah that's probably worthwhile, mine is all there for anyone to see :p
mmmm linux
makes me feel so hardcore
wants Linux but doesn't know of a good Internet Accountability program for it
internet accountability?
pr0n protection?
It keeps track of all websites visited and emails a report to a friend/family member
i'm just using it as a server in a VM
Nice. Hey I think I found something, actually. Now I gotta grab a linux build. This time next week I may just be on Linux.
you going to use it as a main OS?
try it out; at least.
hmm alright
i'd put it in a vm to play around with first
rather than reformatting outright :o
Dual-booting ftw.
dual booting is so old school
why do you say that?
because computers are fast enough now that you don't need to pick one of 2 operating systems to run
you can run both at the same time
Let's just say my computer isn't ideal for VMing.
how fast is it?
3 GB RAM (need another gig and I should be fine) 2.2 dual core. It's got a failure of a graphics card, though.
Nvidia GeForce 8200M crammed into this overheating laptop = epic fail.
I only have 4 gb :(
You don't need a super beast computer for it
yeah, but since my Graphics card sucks the VM's choke.
And I tend to disable 3d support for the vms because i only game on the host
ah yeah. I like the nice GPU stuff in my OS, though. It's nice. :)
yeah fair enough, i tried out unity on ubuntu and it was pretty slick
but I don't need it, so I disabled it
Yeah; I could go without it. But if I'm considering switching from (what I consider) a nice Win7, I want the competition to be running on all cylinders when I try it out.
I'm going to be building a new computer in a few months, and I'm thinking about running a bare bones hypervisor
whoa nice
I'm going to be splashing out, so it should be beefy enough to handle it... hopefully
hi thomas, hi david, and hi yi.....My Should programmers use STL or write their own code? question is closed. perhaps it was better suited on programmers .Is it possible to move it to programmers by re-opening it or is it not good to post there either...what do you suggest
@munish seems you got plenty of excellent answers; why move it? why worry?
@ThomasShields It's got one delete vote. Anyway, not my field, why not ask the people at the C++ room instead?
because its closed and as suggested by @philip its was better suited on programmers ...Actually I was worrying about the [closed] tag? I don't know what it actually means....
yes and one delete vote too
I wouldn't worry about the delete vote; the question's gotten so much attention.
hmm...It really did , you are right too..because its been long and I don't see any changes(i.e any new comments, downvotes etc)...Nevermind..:) and thanks
Q: What is a "closed" question?

Justin StandardQuestions can be closed. What does it mean for a question to be closed? Who can close a question? When should questions be closed? Related How do you challenge the closing of one of your questions? Etiquette for closing your own questions How do you reopen a closed question? How so...

thanks @yi that was helpful
4 hours later…
RT @beverloo: Renewed form validation UI, fuller full-screen and advanced fonts http://t.co/Wwfentc #Chromium #WebKit
RT @ariyahidayat: dissolve effect: pixel #crossfading with HTML #canvas: http://t.co/9uIeG7s #in
RT @slicknet: Using DIVs instead of IMG for mobile performance? Use ARIA to make it accessible: http://t.co/v3F3vxi (credits @ted_drake)
RT @rwaldron: Demo: DOM Joystick Events (available in FF Nightly) http://t.co/rSjznde Using xbox controller for pressure sensitive video ...
1 hour later…
RT @stoyanstefanov: "@bbinto: Testing mobile web performance still challenging http://t.co/k1k3QIK #webperf" <-- very, very good writeup
Hixie added some simple tutorials on using dedicated & shared workers to the Web Workers spec http://dev.w3.org/html5/workers/#tutorials
RT @ebidel: Finer-grain File API support in caniuse.com: http://t.co/ljavGQT
RT @bbinto: And so Google has officially started using its own web "standard" in Chrome to SPDY up page loads http://t.co/EuDl6di via @a ...
RT @mathias: Mozilla and WebKit will support debugging Coffeescript, minified JavaScript, and hopefully SASS/LESS as well: http://mths.b ...
RT @bbinto: http://t.co/9ODLhUe by @stoyanstefanov via @japewisteria #webperf
@IvoWetzel: I'm pretty interessted in a ticket for that cursed jsconf, would be a much better place to talk anyway :D
@ThomasShields I've got 1 GB RAM, with a VGA graphics card. Pretty sure mine is worse. But seriously, Linux runs much faster than Windows for me.
Use it for a bit, you'll get used to it
Has anybody ever used the IE window.createPopup() function as a way to do desktop notifications?
FF nightly has joystick events \o/
@michielvoo that sounds horribly non standard
Yeah I know
but our app is internal
so we know exactly which IE version we can rely on
IE7 in our case
This sounds like a popup window
not desktop notifications
Oh apparently it does work
Q: Are there any JavaScript library for cross browser desktop notification?

Soul_MasterI know W3C just publish their draft version of Web Notification to notify user. So, there is no browser that implement this method in their current or latest build browser. Web Notifications Overview After I search a lot of webs for finding all possible desktop notification in most browser.I fo...

yeah, that was the exact question that led me to it
It's not so much that I NEED a notification, but I do need to draw the users attention when the window/tab is not active
try it :P
The other suggestion is install chromeframe :D
Yes, I wish :-)
it's all pretty locked down at this client
They 'just' recently upgraded IE
Do you know it it's possible to flash the taskbar icon from JavaScript?
As a way to draw the users experience?
Not really
why would you want to do this anyway?
if the browser is minified then tough luck
Browser based chat
well you really need the window open
minimising it is of no use
I would say use <audio>
to play a sound for a new message
but IE7 <trollface />
Just install chromeframe everywhere
Yes, it is sort of a requirement for users, but we expect them to also open other tabs/windows (like Outlook)
I will certainly look into the Chrome Frame possibility
And otherwise keep playing a sound until they switch back to the app
In later IE (from 8) the createPopup doesn't allow positioning outside the browser
Oh well, if only the future was here...
Gotta run, thanks for the chat!
hello, I'm having an issue setting up the textmate bundle for coffeescript. Any one here have any experience doing so?
"nopw" sorry don't understand?
Is there any session function in java script?
like php
@ChamaraDenipitiya afraid not
Iwant to store some values
maybe cookies?
but users can deny them
anything else?
there's better javascript people here, but as far as I know, you can't use sessions in javascript.
room topic changed to JavaScript: Discussion for JavaScript and the many frameworks - jQuery, Prototype, MooTools, et al. Weekly Topic: the face of "foo" [javascript]
Hi Marc, could I have a moment?
er, sure?
I'm learning jQuery and I need to split a variable.
I need to shave the .php off informace.php and am confused as to how.
@MarcGravell why the tag?
@Fallion use a regular expression
we're playing with adding tags to chat - need to update some existing rooms is all
Alternatively remove the last 4 characters
@MarcGravell Oops, sorry, didn't notice you were an admin.
@Raynos Thank you.
@Fallion that's OK; I also code ;p and Raynos is right - a regex would suffice, as would some indexOf and substring
posted on August 09, 2011

The release of US mobile usage statistics allows me to calculate the “smartness” of several platforms in the US market according to the method I proposed earlier. Better still, I can include non-smartphones in the calculation, which gives a more honest picture of the overall phone market. iOS users turn out to surf about 4 times as much as the average phone owner, while BlackBerry

ping @MarcGravell
ping @Gordon
pong @Raynos
Mozilla implementation of the HTML5 “context menu” feature (contextmenu attribute) is in the works http://t.co/8Aar02S http://t.co/1tuBP72
Good Morning
wats up ?
@Raynos ever used the mysql-native module for node ?
use couch instead
or redis, mongo, riak, etc
it was giving me good results but as u say :)
though this is going to be loads of work in transferring existing mysql db'ses to Mongo
so according to you Mysql is NOT so good solution for node right ?
but pragmatically
if you have an existing mysql database
dont bother converting it
if your starting from scratch dont use mysql
@RyanKinal yes they did
I mean, hey, cool. Joystick events. But there's other things you could work on too.
Someone write an arcade game
@ThomasShields but joystick :0
No joystick or I'd try my hand at it. :(
The demo allows you to control HTML5 video with an XBox controller. I'd say that's pretty badass.
I know I have a USB game controller somewhere. I gotta mess with this. grabs nightly
> Note: The Firefox 8 build is actually a “Try Server” build – not a “Nightly” as the url and title imply.
I've got the "UX" nightly. Still should get the same updates though
Firefox Nightlies: TESTING PURPOSES ONLY ... use as default browser?
I wish IE put out updates more often. :( Seems like every other day I've got a Chrome or FF update.
hello. Does anyone here use Ext JS?
This is a bit of a long shot, but have you done a migration from 3.x to 4.x?
room topic changed to JavaScript: Discussion for JavaScript and the many frameworks - jQuery, Prototype, MooTools, et al. Weekly Topic: the face of "foo" [javascript] [awesome]
awesome \o/
@user863680 no
@Raynos Okay, well thanks for your time.
Doesnt it just work?
It's a bit of a bumpy migration. They have a 'migration layer' that you can use to transition half-way and then the rest of the way, but I'm having trouble migrating my site to the migration layer. Lots of external plug-ins that don't support the new version.
yes that is a problem
your going to have to a) rewrite those plugins
drop them
replace them
or switch frameworks
Well, of those rewriting sounds like the path of least resistance. That's probably what I'll do...
Thank you for your input.
personally I would see if they can be replaced
with similar but different extjs 4 plugins
Depends how big the plugins are. Depends how big your code base is
Well I'm working with about 50 devs, so the answer is going to be that anything I can fix is a good idea, and anything anyone else has to fix is a bad idea.
50 devs? o.o
on a extjs web application?
I keep thinking js teams are 2/3 guy things
why so many :\
Is this a huge project or shit management?
It's several projects working off a shared Ext code base. About 10 devs/team.
10 web devs or 10 js devs?
still feels like MADNESS
Okay that's awesome. Grabbed Try-Build. Loaded test case. Plugged USB controller. Awesome
@Raynos what kind of game should I make? Simple of course. I've only made very, very simple games.
Yes, it is madness. Web devs, including back-end people.
@ThomasShields snake
Anyone else missing the chat link on the main so page?
@Raynos ooh okay. @Loktar yup.
@Loktar the one at the top or the one at the bottom?
Weird, one at the top @user863680
Its what I use generally to enter here
heh was worried they decided to remove the chats
bah how does, $("#list").find("option:selected") beat $('#list option:selected') ??
in terms of upvoted answer
.find is less efficient isnt it compared to just using filtering with a selector?
When I move the slide deck activation code into an Initialize file it stops working why is that?
@tanktery can you provide some context please?
@Loktar ...
find is more efficient
bah, thanks @Raynos.
@tanktery please stop spamming; if you need to edit a message press the up arrow to edit your last message.
oh ok tx
@863680 any thoughts ...
@tanktery I'm guessing what you need is to wrap your initialize script in a $(function() { ... });
Once it's in your separate file, that is
$(function() {
3 messages moved to bin
Aside: Interesting thoughts on fixing typeof
Yes I have done so and yet it still does not work. I have a love demo up if that is of any help?
A love demo sounds like it would be NSFW
@tanktery Do you have a broken demo or a working demo? Because at this point, the broken demo would most likely be more useful.
@RyanKinal I will up load the broken demo now one sec.
Hello all!
Hey guys, anyone know if you can use a transparent png overlaying a solid color when using context.createPattern
@user597264 Sorry, no idea
@RyanKinal thanks, I'm struggling when googling. I thought it would be simple enough to draw a rectangle, fill it with a solid and then fill it again with a pattern containing a transparent png that's repeated.
but no lock
RT @devongovett: Introduction to the Page Visibility API: http://goo.gl/C0Jsw
RT @chriscoyier: Where I learn that indeterminate checkboxes are a thing: http://t.co/WzA0rBK
@RyanKinal ok, the live broken demo is up. I have commented out the initializer command in my HTML file which can be found at the bottom of the slide deck. I have placed it in the scripts.js file it can also be found at the bottom of the file.
@tanktery Looks like you might be missing your prettyPhoto plugin?
> Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'prettyPhoto'
Also, every time I read your username, I want a Tanqueray & Tonic.
Can anyone exlpain the advantages/disadvantages of using monotools over jquery?
Use Pure JS and save time worrying about it.
@ThomasShields ... and lose time coding cross-browser.
@RyanKinal ...twu dat.
Though @Raynos would probably say something to the effect of "#@&% cross browser. I code for Chrome Nightlies only." Sometimes I agree.
But I'm a fairly new developer (in terms of js) so would you still recommend starting from scratch?
@Axilus Pure JS is an excellent way to learn, but also an excellent way to miss deadlines.
Especially as a beginner.
as a relative newbie...
@Axilus if you use a framework/library, great. But above all else, make sure you know the DOM!! ...which I don't, very well, btw.
@RyanKinal I have not placed the prettyPhoto plug-in in yet
I've found jquery a great way to learn to love javascript and give me a yearning to learn how to use pure javascript
@tanktery And that's causing an error when you try to initialize the prettyPhoto plugin. That error is halting your script before it reaches the slideDeck
@RyanKinal oh even if the prettyPhoto plugin is to be placed in another page?
@ThomasShields any recommendations for learning the DOM effectively?
@Axilus half a sec while I find a link
@tanktery If there is no prettyPhoto plugin, then $("a[rel^='prettyPhoto']").prettyPhoto(); will fail.
@Axilus jibbering.org/faq - read the whole thing. There is a DOM part.
Use DOM-Shim
Use the DOM and use ES5
use flowjs temporarily or write your own DOM shim
Basically you should use any of n existing polyfills
to deal with cross browser compliance
the other school of thought is to use a DOM/Browser abstraction library to deal with support
like jquery or mootools
@Axilus if you have the time, the best way to learn the DOM is to write a cross browser compliant dom framework
@Raynos, how would I go about writing my own dom framework? :S I don't even know js all that well.
I guess you should learn js
you know programming right?
@RyanKinal ok, I am new to JS so I want to under stand this, even if a plugin is in another page the scripts runs to see if all elements pertaning to it are in place and if not then it stops? right? But it reads plug-ins even the ones that are not in the particular page that is being called? EX: index won't have the pretty photo plugin but gallery will but still the script must read the commponents of this script? is that right?
Reading the good parts, following the MDN tutorials and reading the javascript garden is a good way to go
@tanktery No. You are explicitly calling $().prettyPhoto() in your scripts.js. The problem is that $().prettyPhoto() is not defined, since you haven't loaded the prettyPhoto plugin on the index page. So the script looks for that function, sees that it isn't there, throws an error, and stops.
So, you should either check for its existence, or only attempt to call it on pages that you know will have the prettyPhoto plugin.
javascript garden psh I HATE that site :P
My main focus is java and scala. I just recently got into lift so I figured I might as well become an experienced js developer as well.
actually I find it cool how many places I see it linked
@Loktar why?
@Axilus what is lift?
liftweb.net it's a scala web framework. It's what twitter is programmed in.
@Raynos I was just joking, its a great site
I said that because I know @ivowetzel and @YiJiang worked on it together
@Raynos how would I call it on a given page ... aside from putting an include at the head of a doc?
great reference
back to my original question, is that a no on using monotools then?
@tanktery thats the best way
the other way would be to use feature detection
@Axilus it's MooTools
and generally in production you want to use a library
Mootools or jQuery or ExtJS
lots of choice
YUI, dojo, base2
@Raynos so all though placing scripts into one file cuts down on API requests it complicates things.
lol, that's embarrassing
@tanktery what?
@Axilus did you mean mootools the whole time?
I assumed monotools was some new js library or something
@tanktery In your script.js file, do the following:
if ($.fn.prettyPhoto)
For some reason I read monotools when I came across it.
@Raynos putting all your plugin files into one js file cuts down on HTTP requests but it complicates things.
it doesnt really complicate it
depends really
for development I have a ton of js files, generally one per module, plugin, what have you. Once in production I just combine them all into one file and minify.
@tanktery In your case, it is slightly complicated due to the fact that you're only loading specific plugins on specific pages, but trying to generically initialize them all.
@RyanKinal by generically initialize you mean with if statments?
@tanktery Well, that would be the ideal way to do it. But it's not what you're currently doing.
@tanktery It's best to check for the existence of the plugin (as in my code above) and then do the initialization if it exists.
hi all
@Neal Hello
@RyanKinal ok ... ok I think I see what your saying I will place the conditional statement in and re up load the demo and see what comes of it. TX
Have I mentioned lately how much I hate .NET?
You want to use feature detection
For each plugin it should detect whether its neccessary on a page
For example
add a class "prettyPhoto" to each img you want to prettify in your html
then add
$(".prettyPhoto").prettyPhoto(); to the bottom of your plugin
@Raynos so ... lets say the pretty photo plugin is to go on the gallery page how would I denote this in my script?
Oh simple
add this to your main file
if ($(".prettyPhoto").length > 0) {
@Raynos so in the above case it is looking for an instance of the pettyPhoto class if it finds 1 that makes this statement true so it runs the script right?
well yes
but it does more
it will only asynchronously load (and run) your plugin if it exists
I really should write a library for this
its basically yepnope
where has the link to this chat gone on SO ?
@jAndy Well I had a hunch, but I guess not
@jAndy gone

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