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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

even with the iframe the site is still pretty jarring. The rapid colour changes and harsh squares everywhere.
and that flame graphic... shudder
3 hours later…
RT @divya: YAY! RT @ajpiano am officially Developer Relations Lead for @jQuery project. please lob all bouquets and tomatoes in my gener ...
RT @diveintomark: Google Web Fonts v2, now with more open source ampersands: http://t.co/pnZL4VH
RT @erikdahlstrom: very curious to learn what essential webkit-only SVG features are required - http://swiffy.googlelabs.com/faq.html
RT @kangax: Found interesting canvas performance benchmark — http://goo.gl/KwXNV
RT @maboa: For Flash to HTML5 it's also worth checking out @Jangaroo (http://www.jangaroo.net/)
RT @dalmaer: A look at the WebKit2 based N9 browser http://t.co/o1X8Y9p
RT @HTML5Grind: Box2D Support Coming to CraftyJS http://bit.ly/lzbhi1 #html5
RT @andrew_j_baker2: #HTML5 #canvas 2.5D landscape renderer with #PHP GD port pushed to #GitHub! http://t.co/BVsEmFm
Does anyone know why "required" attribute in inputs doesn't work with jQuery dialogs?
Crafty game engine http://craftyjs.com SAT collision detection, "fire & forget" events, sprite maps, entity/component model @craftyjs
Meghan Fox: Game Engines 101: The Entity/Component Model http://goo.gl/R1QFa Abolish the idea of an object… there is only data & components
RT @triptych: IEWebGL - WebGL for Internet Explorer http://owl.li/5ssJH
RT @ODevRel: Introducing the HTML5 History API http://goo.gl/jx6NO by @miketaylr
Dimitri Glazkov: WebKit Shadow DOM API (first iteration) ready for landing http://t.co/otGvWUM minimal Web Component Model aka XBL2 subset
CNN’s David Goldman: "Mobile Web apps escape Apple's iron grip" http://t.co/Eh0GAul "HTML5 could make the Web the new iPad app store"
RT @dstorey: New preview release of Opera Dragonfly 1.1 on experimental. http://t.co/DH5immY Improved console, SVG presentational attrib ...
Geolocation API: talk of adding “proximity alerts” support: http://t.co/hwnodJj not essential (can do in script) but could help save battery
@Feeds I heard you like spam
Hi Raynos
Q: Internet Explorer 8 form auto login

DragosHow can I configure Internet Explorer 8 to automatically log in to an intranet application form when I visit the application address ? Is there a add-on for this or a setting that I have to make ?

Adam Twardoch: "SVG Fonts inside of OpenType fonts?" http://t.co/mn7R9f7
hmm .. Aptana's auto-complete for javascript is disappointing , especially since i stop writing 'hello world' level code
@teresko yes it is.
The only semi-decent auto complete i know of are Visual studio and web storm
Visual studio relies on .vsdoc files to tell it how to auto complete your code.
Of course once you start monkey patching the hell out of everything the auto complete breaks
I doubt it even works with Object.create
hell , i hate monkey-patching
but with all the closures and the rest of non-patching magic , it still gets confused
Google Swiffy ("Flash to HTML5" converter) apparently relies on SVG Fonts support http://t.co/3tlmUZn
there's nothing wrong with monkey-patching
Adding a property to an object at run time is monkey patching I think
I have some objections to monkey-patching native objects
@teresko the main issue is that you can't have auto complete without writing a full interpreter/parser that knows the entire state.
well , i guess they ( aptana's devs ) will soon get around to do it
Might do.
But the big players havn't yet
VS & WebStorm still don't have proper auto complete
well , technically , aptana is one of big players
I guess so.
But then netbeans would be a big player aswell
g'day all
@Raynos what are you wrecking now?
@MylesGray mr gray how are you
Oi. I am not wrecking anything
not too bad sir, not too bad, and yourself?
good stuff, didnt get to sleep till 2:30am cause I decided to change my brake callipers, lines, pads and discs on my car and though "it'll only be a 3-4 hour job" WRONG >.>
Had to finish it or no car for work today :P
so drive to work was the shakedown to make sure they actually stopped the car :P
Q: JavaScript string manipulation with certain logic in it

gryzzlyHow would I make this code look less ugly? // we are looping over an array of images // width is a parameter passed to the current function // // the resulting string looks like this: "30px 0" // (it's a tool that returns coordinates for a CSS sprite) // when iterating over the first item, we d...

RT @souders: new blog post part 2: (lack of) Caching for iPhone Home Screen Apps - use app cache to avoid bad caching on iPhone - http:/ ...
Q: node.js - What's a good example of the advantage of "sharing JavaScript code between the client and the server"?

MikeRandIn reading about node.js, I've read in a few places that one of node.js's advantages is that JavaScript code can be shared between the client and the server. Can anyone provide a simple example where you'd want to do this?

2 hours later…
hI aLL
I have a req in which I need to call a JS function every second to fetch time from server and display it in the JSP ...can anyone help me how can I use that ..
@Sam Do you have code? Or are you looking for code?
@sam Have a look at window.setInterval()
I am not sure how would i club my code...actually am fetching a value from server and needs that to be updated in my jsp every sec
function timer() {

$.getJSON('ajax/getCurrentTimeFromServer.action',function(data) {

$('.result').html('' + data.currentTime + '');
//alert("Getting Hour"+data.displayHour);
//alert("Getting Minutes"+data.displayMinutes);
alert("Getting Seconds"+data.displaySeconds);
document.getElementById("clock").firstChild.nodeValue = data.displayHour+data.displayMinutes+data.displaySeconds;

return false;

this is my JS which would fetch me data from server ...i need to call this evey sec to fecth and update my JSP..the func should stop calling when i get all zeros for 3 params which am displaying
function timer() {
	$.getJSON('ajax/getCurrentTimeFromServer.action',function(data) {
		$('.result').html('' + data.currentTime + '');
		//alert("Getting Hour"+data.displayHour);
		//alert("Getting Minutes"+data.displayMinutes);
		alert("Getting Seconds"+data.displaySeconds);
		document.getElementById("clock").firstChild.nodeValue = data.displayHour+data.displayMinutes+data.displaySeconds;

		if (data.displayHour !== 0 ||
			data.displayMinutes !== 0 ||
			data.displaySeconds !== 0)
			setTimeout(timer, 1000);
@Ryan the setTimeout outside the curly braces at the last is needed for wat reasons??
@RyanKinal : Don't you mean clearTimeout() ?
I am askin don't we need to clear the timeout at some point .
people really should stop using alert() for debugging
@teresko it's not that bad.
How else do you debug in IE6 ?
Write to some HTML box at the end of the page?
well ... granted , but it would is really better to write to some box
Actually I do agree. Use console.debug
@kbok No, I mean setTimeout. The function calls itself again in 1 second if any of the values are not 0.
Otherwise, execution stops
@Sam Clearing the timeout is unnecessary. It clears itself at execution, and unless another is set, there will be no more timeouts.
setInterval is another story completely
Hi i have a doubt in Jquery
Can any one help me
What's the problem?
@RyanKinal Oh, I have read too fast.
i need to change the color of one paragraph when click on button...
i did use $("#Button1").click(function() {

$("p").css("background-color", "Yellow")

but it is not stable in browser
just coming like blinking
It blinks?
means ...paragraph getting yellow color ..but in 1 sec it is getting white color only
@Govind Do you have any other code on the page?
@Ryan <head runat="server">
<title>Untitled Page</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/jquery-1.4.1.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

$(document).ready(function() {

$("#Button1").click(function() {

$("p").css("background-color", "Yellow")



<form id="form1" runat="server">

<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" />
fsafsafa <br/>

this is my code
$("#Button1").click(function() {
    $("p").css("background-color", "Yellow")
    return false;
Just add that return false, and you should be good
@Ryan my problem is now am running into infinite loop as the check is always returning true may be the prob is am passing string from my action classes and the check is ==.any change needs to be done
you are genious Ryan..thanks :D
@Sam Ah, yep. Either use parseInt on your data members, or change !== to !=
Preferably the first one: parseInt(data.displayHour, 10) (etc.)
Or, I suppose, you could change it so that it compares to a string: data.displayHour !== '0'
@Govind You can use the fixed font button to get code formatting
All of the comment formatting options are also available
@Ryan Thnx a ton .....It worked fine for me...used '0' ..
@Sam Good to hear :-)
@Jiang what is fixed font button??
Ryan one more doubt
gm all
@Neal Hello
hows it goin?
w00t got 70 rep already today and i ddnt even do anything yet lol
Ryan one more doubt :)
How can we check condition $("#Details").hide("slow");
if it is hide then i need to show vice versa
$(element).is(":visible") got it :p
@Govind $('#Details').toggle() is better
@YiJiang @Jiang Thanks alot...will there be any browser compatability issues when we are using Jquery??
42 issues
divided by zero
plus 42
@Govind Generally speaking, no
@Neal Well it certainly is the answer, though I'm not quite sure that's the question.
@YiJiang Thanks Jiang...I have one more question..when we toggle some thing will it push entire page or only that control
@Govind What do you mean by 'push entire page'?
@YiJiang or is it?
Means,i have a requirement like when i click on one button i need to show one image..below that button i have some content.so when we click on button wil that content is in same position??or it will go to bottom according to image size...
it is pretty hard to explain for me :P
@Neal I have no idea, but "What is 7 times 6?" seems more likely"
@YiJiang haha no. what is 6 times nine?
@YiJiang Jiang how can we put in minimized position in toggle in initial position
@RyanKinal ??
@Neal I didn't like having to find the little arrow, so I wrote a bookmarklet
@RyanKinal how does it work? it doesnt work in chrome (or i just dont know what its supposed to do)
@Neal Once it's in your bookmarks, click it while you're in chat. Then just click the message you want to reply to.
@RyanKinal Why not use the button? Or even better, use your keyboard?
@RyanKinal ahhh ha
@YiJiang I was unaware of keyboard-based replies
@RyanKinal cool
@RyanKinal Does not work on ff5 .. :(
@RyanKinal how do u keybord reply?
I get a blank page with [object Object]
Hmm. Well that's a bug.
@RyanKinal I guessed that's not what was intended :)
@kbok What browser?
Now I just have to get out of the habit of using "@" tags
@RyanKinal Firefox 5.0
@kbok Will test ;-)
Should I fill a bug report ? ;)
If you really want to ;-)
I'd never written a bookmarklet before.
@RyanKinal try adding a return false; maybe
@kbok That's what I was thinking
Looks like that works
The link is updated
RT @pornelski: Hey everyone stoked by CSS calc(): there is box-sizing:border-box that does the first thing what you wanted calc() for.
hey everyone, didn't someone recently release a site that's like JSFiddle but for REgex?
this does not seem to work
@kbok What?
When I click on a message, it just does nothing
Crap. Stupid return false.
anyone know what i'm talking about?
morning alllllllllll
@ChrisMarisic No idea, sorry
@LiquidNitrogen hola
@ChrisMarisic why do u need that? you can check ur regex on many sites already
@ChrisMarisic for example: quanetic.com/Regex
uhh.....I just found out why everyone thought yesterday my site had terrible formatting......The problem is on google chrome it works fine but firefox it looks weird...Anyone know whats wrong with it :S?
@LiquidNitrogen Er... no... I still thought it looked less than optimal on Chrome
@kbok The bookmarklet should work in Firefox now
its also because you guys arent on our apache server so a web sitei embedded with iframe is there that you cant see messes up formatting if you cant see it
Turns out that returning anything is a bad idea i na bookmarklet
but anyways what do i do to fix it running differently in each browser :S?
@LiquidNitrogen Use valid code?
i dont get what you mean...
not even 10am and i have 6 more rep will 200
@RyanKinal dont egg @LiquidNitrogen on...
im seriously confused....the tutorials never said anything about different browsers
@Neal Sorry :-( stops feeding the trolls
@RyanKinal thank you
It's simply instinct to answer questions :-D
@RyanKinal true true
@RyanKinal I'll try
@RyanKinal It works !
The other thing is that I want to help @LiquidNitrogen get better. We were all at a point where cool was more interesting than good
Different browsers have different default settings for things like margins and padding. Just starting off a .css style sheet with *{margin:0;padding:0;} can reduce them to zero, and then you can set them as you want and have a much better chance of the site coming out close to the same in different browsers. Just that has sorted out problems with a couple sites people asked about in the web design section of this forum.
^_^ thanks ryan
@RyanKinal although there is a one-click button already on the right side
@kbok where?
lol o yea
he doesnt want to find it
@kbok But it's small
@RyanKinal yeah, it's not very practical
plus you don't see it until your mouse is on it, so it's difficult to click quickly
RT @mathias: How to emulate CSS3 text shadow in IE: http://mths.be/baz
can someone approve the edit. i have to fix the formatting, its bothing me and i cant do that until the edit goes thru: stackoverflow.com/questions/6522145/…
w00t. above 200 rep and its not even noon yet
Hi aLL
@Sam Hi there
Hi Neal
@Sam Hi Sam. How's the project going?
@Ryan Going fine ..a blocker now need idea
I have a struts2 iterator object in a jsp page containing a set of objetcs which i need to display page wise..any idea how to implement usiNG js
RT @HTML5Grind: GLGE Puts MD2 Models in WebGL, MD3 and MD5 On The Way http://bit.ly/lStlrG #html5
@Sam The quick and dirty way would be to use something like jCarousel - a jQuery plugin.
@Ryan haven't used this plugin b4..any heads up or any way to use core JS
@Sam There is definitely a way to use core JS, most likely by counting your objects, hiding all but the first, and creating links to display the others.
@Ryan It is a exam simulator app am creating...let me know the best way wich wud suit my reqs..
@Sam I'd suggest doing some research. Check out jCarousel if you actually want "quick and dirty", but otherwise, see if you can implement the algorithm mentioned above.
@Ryan lemme check jCarousel and wud cme back if needed
@Ryan Thnxx in FB???
@Sam I don't understand what that means
i meant ll cme back if i need any help
Ah, kk
@RyanAny idea where to download the .js for using jCarousel
@Sam GoOgLe :-P
@sam see link above
google is your friend :-)
@MattMcDonald yell at this OP please... stackoverflow.com/questions/6523238/…
you're doing fine on your own
@MattMcDonald i cant stand it. and SO is telling me to goto chat. i dont want to chat...
and now someone gave me a -1 on the answer
heh I suggested the same thing as pointy
replace interval with timeout
pretty sure that will fix the build up.
yep, interval isn't the greatest
yeah I never use setInterval
@RyanKinal Ill try it once its out on the PC
curious as to how it is. Lots of console owners seem to like it
@Loktar Yeah... after reading that article, I think I'm going to avoid it.
buying the witcher 2 on the weekend after I get paid
EA is known to be horrible to devs.
EA ruined Dragon Age 2
Bioware is from my city, so :(
yeah I heard DA2 was pretty terrible
Ive never gotten into biowares games though
so much reading :P
Played ME1 for a while, I hear ME2 is alot better.
Im excited for BF3, currently playing the heck out of TF2 since theres so many new players now due to it being free to play now.
Mass Effect 2 is one of the best and most polished games I've ever played
I know ME 1 leveraged some of the flash devs in this city, but I don't think 2 did
TF2 IS FREE TO PLAY NOW!?!?!?!?!?!
happened Thursday I beleive
WHen did this happen?!?!?!?!
you get a reduced backpack count, and cant get special items
i have tfc from 7 years lol
but if you buy ANYTHING from the manco store you get a paid act.
yeah me too, Ive got the vet badge, nov 11th 2007 :P
@MattMcDonald can we move this discussion out of the js chat?
all my friends have the primordial from the beta..
loktar make tf2 chat XD
lol idk how well that would go over on SO.
Does game exchange have chats?
Hmm only 4 rooms and dont look very active.
make them active...
finally....Check out the redesigning of my website....took forever...i hope its good now...
@LiquidNitrogen Er... you redesigned it to a nav bar and a background?
well i just made the menu ill put the rest in once you guys atleast approve of them enu lol
the home and edit buttons links ill be editing to match with this and remove the old junk with orange menu and backgrounds etc
That nav bar is alot nicer.
@LiquidNitrogen It definitely looks good. And it's not as hideous as previous attempts. But I'm not sure about the blurring. It seems like it might be difficult for those with poor eyesight.
but so far how does the nav bar and background go, i dont want to proceed untill you approve of the menu :P
but staring at it for a while can play tricks on the eyes, forces me to hover over them just so they are in focus lol
i could increase the font
For instance, if I take off my glasses, I can't really tell what most of the items are. And my eyesight isn't that bad.
Cool concept, definitely. But not great for navigation.
important advice: build a website as an HTML file, not a PSD
in other words, make any use of images very purposeful
oh, it's CSS3, nevermind
^_^ also it works with all browsers too so its not messed up anymore
doesn't work in Opera 11.11
probably won't work in IE < 9 either
@matt look at the CSS, it will work
uh huh
do people use IE a lot?
i can remove shadow no prob all its used fori s blurring
:) ty
on my IE i can BARELY see the blurred options...almost as if they r dots untill I put cursor on them
that... looks quite cool :o
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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