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1:20 AM
[ FireAlarm ] FireAlarm started at revision 94456ff on <unknown location>.
@fire blacklist username hank sauri
@NobodyNada Added regular expression hank sauri to the username blacklist.
@fire blacklist keyword test
@NobodyNada Added regular expression test to the keyword blacklist.
@fire stop
1:22 AM
@NobodyNada Shutting down...
[ FireAlarm ] FireAlarm started at revision 94456ff on <unknown location>.
@fire blacklisted usernames
@NobodyNada Blacklisted usernames:
hank sauri
@fire stop
@NobodyNada Shutting down...
[ FireAlarm ] FireAlarm started at revision 94456ff on <unknown location>.
An error (Swift.DecodingError) occured while loading blacklists (cc @<enter owner name here>):
dataCorrupted(Swift.DecodingError.Context(codingPath: [], debugDescription: "The given data was not valid JSON.", underlyingError: Optional(Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3840 "Invalid escape sequence around character 96." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=Invalid escape sequence around character 96.})))
@fire stop
1:27 AM
@NobodyNada Shutting down...
[ FireAlarm ] FireAlarm started at revision 94456ff on <unknown location>.
@fire quota
@NobodyNada API quota is unknown.
@fire quota
@NobodyNada API quota is 9789.
@fire quota
1:39 AM
[ FireAlarm ] FireAlarm started at revision 94456ff on <unknown location>.
@fire quota
@NobodyNada API quota is 9681.
An error (NSError) occured while fetching posts (cc @<enter owner name here>):
Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3840 "Invalid value around character 0." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=Invalid value around character 0.}
[ FireAlarm ] FireAlarm started at revision 94456ff on <unknown location>.
@fire stop
@NobodyNada Shutting down...
[ FireAlarm ] FireAlarm started at revision 94456ff on <unknown location>.
2:17 AM
@fire quota
[ FireAlarm ] FireAlarm started at revision 94456ff on <unknown location>.
2 hours later…
4:25 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Aleksey Zhuravlev
If you already use the u3 gate, your 3-gates circuit (u1;u3;u1 or rz;u3;rz) can be simplified to a single u3 gate. The angles for it (together with the phase) can be obtained from the original unitary matrix e.g. using the function: OneQubitEulerDecomposer('U3').angles_and_phase(unitary_matri‌​x) from qiskit.quantum_info.synthesis or calculate it yourself, e.g. according to the algorithm given in the source code of the same function. — Aleksey Zhuravlev 13 mins ago
4 hours later…
8:35 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by JSdJ
(2/2) Moreover, the noise apparent in these results is more a result of the imperfect gates rather than the degradation of the qubits themselves (which would also be apparent if they were idle). Noise stemming from imperfect gates is tricky and doesn't normally allow such a 'clean' noise model as the deph. or amp. channel. It will also greatly depend on the actual system that is being used. As a last note, if you increase the number of shots in the actual computation, this will not limit the intrinsic noise in the quantum system. It will diminish the effect of statistical noise, however. — JSdJ 6 mins ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by JSdJ
(1/2) Decoherence is not really spontaneous excitation or relaxation, it has more to do with the degrading of the relative phase of the qubit; to some extent it's the process that destroys the thing in the qubit what makes it 'quantum'. Spontaneous relaxation is also known as amplitude damping, and is a much larger problem than spontaneous excitation. — JSdJ 8 mins ago
5 hours later…
1:10 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Jonathcraft
Thanks for the answer, I find this function very powerful, I just think a couple of sentences should be added to the docs so that people don't have to search for this question. — Jonathcraft 6 mins ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Jonathcraft
VS code, I actually saw the hover information right after writting this — Jonathcraft 11 mins ago
2 hours later…
3:15 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Matthew Stypulkoski
An issue has been opened for this problem: github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-terra/issues/4770. It looks like it might be an issue with a specific matplotlib version — Matthew Stypulkoski 8 mins ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Attila Kun
I'm not sure if $2B$ is correct? It looks like when calculating the norm for $001$, you are considering only the $a_0 b_1$ term from $1B$ but ignoring the $a_1 b_0$ term. Same goes for $010$. Also, the $\frac{1}{2}$ terms should be squared, I believe. I think the correct expression would be: $|a_0b_0| + \frac{1}{4}|a_0b_1 + a_1b_0 | + \frac{1}{4}|a_0b_1 + a_1b_0| + |a_1b_1| \neq 1 \tag{2B}$ Which is: $|a_0b_0| + \frac{1}{2}|a_0b_1 + a_1b_0 | + |a_1b_1| \neq 1 \tag{2B}$ — Attila Kun 24 mins ago
1 hour later…
4:30 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by GaussStrife
Thank you for your reply. I have two questions: The first is about $I(X;B)_{\sigma}$. I assume this is equivalent to $I(X:Y)$? The second is that if $I(X:Y) \le \chi(\varepsilon)$, then surely it can only be said that $\chi(\varepsilon) \le log(dim(H))$ iff $I(X:Y) = \chi(\varepsilon)$ which means that will only hold true for classical-quantum states? Or does the same hold true even when $I(X:Y) \le \chi(\varepsilon)$? — GaussStrife 11 mins ago
4:55 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by GaussStrife
Disregard the second question, I answered it myself in my own main question XD so in other words $\chi(\varepsilon) \le log(dim(H))$ as $log(dim(H))$ is the upper bound on the entropy of $\varepsilon$, ie $H(X)$ where $X$ is the whole system? — GaussStrife 20 mins ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by draks ...
Thanks, I'll have a closer look... — draks ... 24 mins ago
5:20 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Amir Naveh
@Connor, Thanks, really appreciate the help! :). I think the questions are similar, but still a concrete example of some sort, even for a really simple function, would probably be the best clarification. I'm also trying to work one out on my own so if I'll share if I get to something interesting. — Amir Naveh 11 mins ago
2 hours later…
7:50 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Chris Granade
In general, this is impossible to do via the No-Cloning Theorem, as you can't learn the probability of a measurement from a single copy of that state. May I ask more about the context to help understand your question better? Thanks! — Chris Granade 7 mins ago
2 hours later…
9:30 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Mridul
How does DumpRegister() work? By No-Cloning Theorem we shouldn't be able to utilize this right? In essence I would like to use DumpRegister but instead of getting visual results, I pick the one with the highest probability and utilize its index value. Context is related to the Durr Hoyer library, specifically QESA, in the last part of the algorithm we must measure the first register, and the qubit with highest probability, where each qubit represents an index, is your min... Utilizing MeasureInteger() is giving back what I believe is Little endian decoding, though this is not what I am after, — Mridul 6 mins ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Bettina Heim
@Jonathcraft Cool! Was it informative or do you have any suggestion what could be made more clear there? — Bettina Heim 14 mins ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Bettina Heim
@Jonathcraft If I may ask to help us make diagnostics more actionable: are you working within an IDE (VS or VS Code, with the QDK extension installed), or are you working in a Jupyter notebook? — Bettina Heim 16 mins ago

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