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[ Boson ] New comment posted by C.C.
Thanks AHusain. I'll have to progress further to understand your last paragraph. — C.C. 5 mins ago
3 hours later…
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Bhavin Chirag
@AHusain I meant here O(n) qubits (the same as in the classical case) — Bhavin Chirag 6 mins ago
4 hours later…
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Mark S
Hi remon78eg! Welcome to QCSE! I'm not sure what you mean by "and Qr[0] measuring also gives 1 (without doing any operations to it.)" If Qr[0] is not $|1\rangle$ then a local operation on Qr[0] is needed to make it $|1\rangle$. Can you edit your question to clarify? Also, I'm a little confused about "forc[ing] a qubit to collapse to an exact value." A qubit in a superposition will collapse according to the Born rule. But it sounds like your question is "how can I perform local operations on a qubit that is in $|+\rangle$ to be in $|1\rangle$?" — Mark S 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by cnada
Is not the $\mathbb{Z}_2$ symmetry refering more to $P= \prod \sigma_x$ in this case? — cnada 4 mins ago
2 hours later…
[ Boson ] New comment posted by AHusain
Yes, typo. Edited — AHusain 22 mins ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by remon78eg
i can't understand the formulas , i can understand code only, can you explain by qiskit code, i did cc.h(Qr[0]) , so it is in superposition state now, i will not do any thing to it, i will do changes to qr only to force it to collapse to 1,and if Qr is 1 also , then we succeeded. — remon78eg 12 mins ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by remon78eg
first i did cc.h(Qr[0]) , so it is now (0 and 1) in the same time, then i did cc.cx(Qr[0],qr[0]) so, qr=Qr , now if i measured any of them, the other will be the same because it is a copy, so if i successfully forced qr to be 1, then Qr also will be 1 (without doing any operations to it.) — remon78eg 22 mins ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Mark S
@remon78eg, I don't think you can do what you want to do without local operations on Qr. You cannot "force qr to be 1" and have "Qr also will be 1 (without doing any operations to it.)" If you have two qubits Qr and qr that are both entangled in a Bell state, you cannot do an operation on qr only to "force" it to be "1", and have the second qubit Qr also be "1" with any probability greater than $1/2$, without acting on the second qubit Qr. — Mark S 12 mins ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by remon78eg
@Aman, i do copy, so both (Qr & qr) have the same value, if first one collapsed to 1 then the other must collapsed to 1 also or we do some error and changed the value ,not the probability of being 1 — remon78eg 10 mins ago
2 hours later…
[ Boson ] New comment posted by John Iriye
import qiskit qiskit.__qiskit_version__qiskit.__qiskit_version__ returns a json string. Doea anyone have advice in clearing the error? Could it be an environmental issue? — John Iriye 2 mins ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Mark S
@remon78eg It seems like you wish to have a system go from $\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|00\rangle+|11\rangle)$ to $\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|10\rangle+|11\rangle)$. This is OK. But you seem to want the system to then be in $|11\rangle$ without operating on the second qubit. This is not doable. Being in $\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|10\rangle+|11\rangle)$ means that the first qubit will measure $1$ always, and the second qubit will measure $0$ with 50% probability (and $1$ with 50% probability.) — Mark S 8 mins ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by remon78eg
@Mark S, i want to chage results from {'00': 500, '11': 500} to {'00': 10, '11': 990} ,(if i do excute for 1000 shots) — remon78eg 6 mins ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by remon78eg
@Aman, yes we will do same process to all qubits one-by-one — remon78eg 12 mins ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Aman
@remon78eg yes if the first one collapsed to one the other must collapse to 1. But if you have more than one two qubits and measure one of them you may have a superposition state of the rest of the qubit other than the measured qubits. — Aman 19 mins ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Mark S
@remon78reg, if I understand you correctly, if you are unwilling to operate locally on the second qubit, then you cannot do what you want. If, however, you are willing to operate on both the first and second qubit together then you can do what you are asking. — Mark S 2 mins ago
@Gemmy stop tag ebay
1 hour later…
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Bashir
Awesome, thanks a lot. So, in order to find operation elements, I need to use $U(\rho \otimes |0_E\rangle \langle0_E|) U^\dagger$. — Bashir 5 mins ago
3 hours later…
[ Boson ] New comment posted by snsunx
You mean the Pauli matrices can be thought of as taken from the projective unitary group? In that case should I think of the Clifford group as normalizing $\mathcal{P}_1/U(1)$ rather than normalizing $\mathcal{P}_1$? — snsunx 4 mins ago

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