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1:07 AM
[ Boson ] New heated comment: Naïve Bayes .99; OpenNLP .55;
Do you really expect him to say, oh yes, when I or others fuck up, I'll blame you? Besides, you have no idea why previously there was not enough budgeted for buffers.Many, many sooo many times companies underbid on purpose, even take on losses if it means securing work to stay afloat,snatching it from competition or winning a certain client or project for instance or to get into the good graces of an attractive, potential repeat client.also, I think your question is too broad and off topic — DigitalBlade969 4 mins ago
7 hours later…
7:47 AM
[ Boson ] New heated comment: Naïve Bayes 1.00; OpenNLP .57;
Welcome aboard, Esther. I don't know why someone downvoted you. The single most frustrating thing about the Stack Exchange sites is people who downvote without explaining why. The second most frustrating thing about the Stack Exchange sites is people who say “I wrote a free-to-download ebook” which might be relevant to the question and of interest to others without giving a URL :-) Btw, I upvoted your answer — Mawg 9 mins ago
1 hour later…
9:02 AM
[ Boson ] New heated comment: Naïve Bayes .01; OpenNLP .92;
@E404 while that's true, but if we talk about stuff like bullying or harassing, the problem is obviously to bring proofs. Unless they write mails with all their harassing stuff in, it's unlikely that you get something to show to HR. For me both Kilisi and MichaelK answers are good. — Walfrat 9 mins ago
2 hours later…
10:42 AM
[ Boson ] New heated comment: Naïve Bayes .06; OpenNLP .90;
@Battle Not just the workplace. At some point, being a decent guy stopped meaning "stand up for what's right", and became "don't do anything bad, even to people who do bad things". "If you don't like it, leave" is an easy way out, and it really does work (trying to fix the problem is fraught with difficulties). And this widespread tolerance of intolerance tends to promote intolerance. Not that this is a new problem - "All that's needed for the Bad guys to win is for the Good guys to do nothing" and all that :) I know many decent guys who wouldn't even tell an asshole he's being an asshole. — Luaan 13 mins ago
1 hour later…
11:57 AM
[ Boson ] New heated comment: Naïve Bayes 1.00; OpenNLP 1.00;
What is the culture around their games' community like? Do lots of folks release game hacks publicly? Do others reverse engineer their products and release tools? Is that activity celebrated by the company or discouraged? If you are one of many that are encouraged in this arena then go ahead and tell them about it. If not, keep it to yourself. If you aren't sure, then err on the side of caution and don't bring it up. — Joe Strazzere 12 mins ago
12:42 PM
[ ChatCradle ] Keeping the room fresh...
[ Boson ] New heated comment: Naïve Bayes .09; OpenNLP .80;
This is terrible advice. It's going out of your way to brew a shitstorm, or at least to stir the pot. Passive aggressive ultimatums will not smooth out any situation. Either OP wants to escalate this disagreement or they don't. Picking a half-assed compromise is just a bad idea. — J... 4 mins ago
[ Boson ] New heated comment: Naïve Bayes 1.00; OpenNLP .58;
@Pudora <sigh /> You must be tired from from shifting all those goalposts. I know I'm tired of chasing them. — motosubatsu 20 mins ago
[ Boson ] New heated comment: Naïve Bayes 1.00; OpenNLP .99;
it is not that I don't like hima s a person, I don't really want to get into detail, but I know for a fact that he tries to sabotage my work to get me out of the company — Pudora 23 mins ago
1:12 PM
[ Boson ] New heated comment: Naïve Bayes .29; OpenNLP .99;
You're all forgetting that letting someone who works full-time-remotely locally for a team, letting them live overseas, 7 time zones away is a hugely generous gesture for a team. Believe me, look at some of my answers, I'm the #1 "worker's rights" writer on here. (My usual answer to almost anything is "Fuck them! get a raise and leave anyway!" :) ) However in this case, there's a danger of the OP being 'obligated' to them - you never want to be in a situation where someone is doing you a favor and they have that over you - never. This is the nature of the difficult balance at hand. — Fattie 10 mins ago
2 hours later…
2:52 PM
[ Boson ] New heated comment: Naïve Bayes 1.00; OpenNLP .07;
@Fattie I am out of this nonsense. If you think you are the ultimate judge to decide whats ethical, feel free to continue thinking so xD — Zaibis 24 mins ago
1 hour later…
4:07 PM
[ Boson ] New heated comment: Naïve Bayes 1.00; OpenNLP 1.00;
@lolbas get off your ass then, young man! good luck and always remember, it's only about making lots and lots of money! :) in software skills -> money and lower-level -> money — Fattie 22 mins ago
3 hours later…
7:27 PM
[ Boson ] New heated comment: Naïve Bayes 1.00; OpenNLP 1.00;
@Fattie, walking up to someone's house and checking to see IF they can pick the lock is absolutely unethical - and so is seeing if you can hack someone else's IP unless they ask for it. Just because a lot of people do something doesn't make it ethical. I despise people who write bots to play against the rest of us who wish to play using our own skills. If you argue that hacking is a skill then so is thievery. Their perspective is, my skill is to rob you, if you don't want to be robbed make your house secure. It's as ridiculous as your suggestion that it's 'not wrong' to probe someone's system. — CramerTV 24 mins ago
7:52 PM
[ Boson ] New heated comment: Naïve Bayes 1.00; OpenNLP 1.00;
Regarding fucks who use bots, etc to mess up video gaming, man come and join my Splatoon team which is called "hunt down and KILL fucks who fuck up the gameplay by messing around" :) :) — Fattie 23 mins ago
3 hours later…
10:47 PM
[ Boson ] New heated comment: Naïve Bayes 1.00; OpenNLP 1.00;
@Luaan I'm a good guy, and if an a-wipe was acting up towards me, my family or a helpless person I would definitely do something. But you pick your battles, I expect other men to stick up for themselves. If they don't then that's their problem on an individual level. Getting involved could be harmful to them. I live in a country where jobs are so scarce a lot of people put up with abuse as part of the job including taking physical punishment. That's up to them, if I interfered I could save them, and then they'd be unemployed feeding their families on grass. It's not black and white, rarely is. — Kilisi 10 mins ago

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