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Morning Luca
I am stuck at somewhere and need special guidance. :( I have managed to integrate FileTables functionality with EF Core code first, but there is a problem at conversion time in DbContext class. can someone help?
Hi Imran. I'm still using Framework, not on Core yet
If you know Framework well, that'd help too. They both are almost same. Can I ask you here?
I am using

xyz.HasComputedColumnSql("dbo.StringToHierarchyId(HierarchyInString) PERSISTED")

to create a computed column that store HierarchyId. dbo.StringToHierarchyId is a method which takes hierarchyid in string and returns HierarchyId. Computed column is created perfectly as deemed, but at the time of insertion (using code first), this is throwing error of "unable to cast from byte[] to String. To check, I commented out this field in Fluent API and ignored this instead (but didn't run migration). Then the insertion works perfect. But the issue is, it will reflect in the next migration
Hi Roland
How are you?
could be better, you?
Hanging in there
Vendor finally fixed their cruddy app
got my second job decline yay
No worries
It wasn't meant for you
It's a rite of passage
job looked nice tho
very nice
I roland
hi luca
Trust me, once you get to double digits when it comes to rejections, you bareley even notice it
Tho I hope it never comes to that for you
You'll find where you need to be
If I'd gotten some of the jobs I applied to, I'd been miserable
Had a $100K offer at MySpace back in 2008, in Beverly Hills, no less
Turned it down
Felt bad later
Then MySpace crashed and burned
As long as you just stick to it. Cuz it is pretty common around here that people just keep telling you 'that it is ok to work at a helpdesk' and demotivate you
Nope, shoot for the career you want not the one you have
As Luca said
I even had some company tell me that my skills were way below avarage, not just for them but for the entire industry, and that I could be lucky to get a job at a helpdesk haha
lol whutr
To add, one should know what s/he is capable of. People won't be honest with you about how efficient you are.
Also just a tip, don't rely too much on recruiters. I've found that it is better to keep looking for jobs even after you spoke to them. Often you'll not get any offers back and your CV is just in their system for years
i do
they dont react, so i go look further
It is even sometimes funny once you realize that they did not read your LinkedIn profile. One dude was like 'Oh I see you finished HBO this year.' I was like 'dude, acording to my profile I have studied there between 2019 and 2020 and I'm 20. How many people have you come across that finished HBO in 1 year and are younger than 22?'

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