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It's still doing it, by the way.
my new computer can't find the apps on my phone, anyone know why
Its authorized, but no apps show, even on my phone. says i have 1 app
It's because you talk shit about Apple too much
And dammit Apple...two new resolutions?
There are still non-retina devices on iOS 8...so now we need 4 versions?
As well as 3 architectures
Hope they enjoy bloated IPA files
I'm a little concerned about the resolution downscaling, to be honest.
I will talk shit as long as there is shit to talk about
All table views indent the same width.. ALL
Presenting action and alert controllers don't cancel current touch
Kind of confused as to what happens in a UI with lots of varying pixel lines, including 1px lines.
Im confused by this pixel stuff, what is the issue with it and the new phone?:P
Well, the iPhone 6+ actually renders content at 1242x2208, and then downscales it.
well.. why would they do this
If you render a 1 pixel line at 1242x2208 and downscale it, then something has to give. Either your UI is chopped, or some of your lines render terribly.
and the iPhone 6 just renders it the correct size?
sounds strange
1242x2208 is 3x retina, so they do it to properly interpret UI elements (like contraints, etc)
So the draw routine draws it at 3x instead of 2x (using the same 1x -> 2x style scaling) and then downscales.
I see, ok so both the 6 and 6+ have the new Retina HD display, but the 6+ is the only with with 3x, so 6+ looks better?
I suppose there they are all similar aspect ratios. 1136x640 has 1.775 AR, 1344x750 has 1.778 AR, and 1920x1080 has 1.777 AR.
Max is desperately looking for an excuse to buy 6+
Its too big, but it has features i want
Bah, fuck excuses. "I want a 6+" is all the excuse I need.
Like landscape home screen, WHY IS IT NOT ON IPHONE 6!
I just want landscape homescreen
My wife has a Galaxy Note 3, which I have to say ends up being much easier to use than I anticipated.
So it prepared me for a 5.5" screen.
well the phone is actually 6.22"
the phone
importing all my photos and then time for a clean install
How accurate is the simulator to device:P because the table view separator lines are so bad
Good morning everyone
Except the apple pay, I'm quite disappointed with the presentation
Live stream was a mess
so how long until iPhone and iPad are rebranded as Phone and Pad?
Books, Tunes
Flow works perfect on 6 and 6+ already, woohoo
Has everyone just collectively forgotten the Apple TV exists?
In other words, the TV.
the TV 2 is not supported anymore so nobody cares now
@borrrden No, we only need @2x and @3x on iOS 8. No need for @1x anymore.
where are you?
hong kong?
@EnricoSusatyo What about the iPad 2?
iOS 8 still supports it, and it is not retina
i restored from a backup and half my apps didn't come back
also itunes won't show all apps on my phone or in my library... WTF
what about iPad mini @borrrden @enricosusatyo
It's a good thing I have a 5s, so I can wait 'til the next iPhone to see if it shrinks
That too
And if it doesn't, I guess abandon ship
ugh, itunes is shit
none of my apps sync onto my mac and barely any were synced back onto my phone. clean restore i go
The problem is, shrinking is not where the money is in the mobile market.
If Samsung wasn't cannibalizing market share with 4.7 and 5.5" screens, they wouldn't have even made this move, honestly.
And I think iPhone 6 will sell TREMENDOUSLY. So Apple will be unlikely to move backwards for next gen.
@nayoso Still in Sydney for a couple more days.
borrrden: Ah, I thought you're talking about iPhone. Then yes if you include iPad, it still supports @1x.
@EnricoSusatyo Ugh, I hate AU. XD
I want a smaller phone though.
I'm with nil.
You love Australia, you just don't know it yet.
I have an HTC One, which is 4.7", and it doesn't seem at all large.
Apple should have a replacement plan, $99, bring in non-retina device for retina version:P
get all people off non-retina haha
And my wife has a Note 3. She thought it would be too big, but she loves it now.
I think you adjust once you have it.
I am still not convinced.
I had a 15" laptop too and I still like the 13" better, except for the fact that it's not retina.
so 2 weeks for new iPhones?
Im getting in line
Rats, I almost had a way to do a nice code review on this part of a class to change locking on a list to a built in concurrent lock free queue
As for Australia, no thanks. I lived there for a short time, and it is full of things that want to kill me. Plus, I'm an arachnophobe. One encounter with a huntsman was enough to sour me on AU for all eternity.
ATT convinced my grandma to get rid of 3 unlimited data plans! Woohoo, you go ATT for being dicks
But there is no way to add multiple items to that kind of queue
(Aside from looping and adding one by one)
@xianritchie Watch me care where the market is.
The iPhone 6 will sell only if it is competitively priced
I'd move to Australia if I had a reason to, but I don't.
This move will help Japan but
Alternatively, New Zealand.
I'm just pointing out that .7" seems a poor reason to abandon an entire ecosystem.
Apple is already winning in Japan
I would move to NZ and commute. :P
In a spider-proof bubble suit.
I don't think there's such a thing as a commute in NZ.
I don't even think there's more than once city in NZ. I'm pretty sure it's just an island with about 300 people.
And hobbits.
This would be more convincing if Ethen said it.
If Ethen said it?
I agree with Xian, the bigger phones will sell better actually
It's just that my personal preference are not those.
my mom is getting the 5.5" phone instead of an iPhone and an ipad
i think iPads will sell less
It's kind of a good thing I am going to Hong Kong.
so. many. bugs
iCloud Drive doesn't work because documents and data is off and then iCloud Drive doesn't work because iCloud drive is off
What is this supposed to mean
My iCloud is totally messed up
oh look, iCloud is now working a little, documents are coming back:D
So nobody replies to my developer forum posts. Guess I'm the only person in this world with iOS issues
I mean, if everyone is having such great experience on this GM, they must be doing nothing with it
because all i see is bugs
Lol, it couldn't possibly be because you never articulate things well and don't give any information or reproducible examples?
What do you mean, @borrrden? How much clearer could "something something iCloud sucks a lot well maybe not okay a little" be?
Should be iCloud sucks a lot when I use it
So games and apps will upscale themselves to newer devices right?
I want to play some games (GTA) on the bigger iPhones:P Feel like a PSP to me lol
as in a smallish handled gaming device held landscaped.
Yeah but the resolution will be shit
No bonus for your fancy new screen
I include reproducible examples, One example is that social sharing is disabled with including an 3rd party app extension into UIActivityViewController, I had a sample project, now Apple can figure the bug or ask 1Password for their extension to see it, although just adding it produces the bug without their app
and I included an example for UIAlertController not disabling touches when presented, also not fixed
and someone must have the iCloud picker working, so why not for me? My account is fucked
none of my bugs were fixed but were replied to for samples which i provided
and one bug I know others have is UITableView separator insets don't change now, not fixed! Probably take the guy an hour to fix, had 3 weeks between beta 5 and GM, had more than that because its been since like beta 3 or 2, and no fix
I just figured out the iCloud issue. So thanks to all the people on dev forums who could have told me this
needed to add a data type/the delegate, I thought no data type = all files:P lol
and since it was my issue, why is it telling me iCloud is off?!?!
hree lucky male baboons were injected with Vasalgel and given unrestricted sexual access to 10 to 15 female baboons each.
This sentence makes me giggle
well it took all day to download the betas, still 1 more to go. This wifi sucks lol
and I didn't study for my major test tomorrow, i did a little. I pretty much know it but still! I should have studied more i think maybe
@all can anyone please help me with this error ld: framework not found FacebookSDK
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) getting error like this i have used latest sdk when add to my frame its showing like this..
Great comment too -> I've been trying to impregnate a female baboon myself for six months now and haven't succeeded.....er, wait, she looks like a baboon, I think.
What is unclear about that error?
It says it doesn't know where to find the Facebook Framework file
and show me what are you getting ?
Open "Framework search path" @shantha.kumar
Well, are you making a release build?
I ask that rhetorically, because I highly doubt it
Which means you put that setting on the wrong line
This setting is next to "release" which means it is only valid for release builds
Found another bug:P Custom UISlider thumbs are cut off in a vibrancy view
@borrrden ihave tried to add in frame search path its not adding please tell hw to add it
I just told you what was wrong
Add it to "framework search paths" not "release" under "framework search paths"
Going to use default slider thumb image for now, but this shall be fixed!
@borrrden ok thanks
has anyone use auto renewable in app purchase?
@shantha.kumar remove your path and then add
ok,i am not sure but i think iTunesConnect has a bug when i try to create a autorenewable in app purchase
can anyone please confirm?
I think my iPad mini just got messed up
Was updating and iTunes gave me a message saying the session ID is missing?
Lol I can confirm that you are likely wrong
when i try to create a auto renewable in app purchase i get two fields for "duration",one duration field is a picker and other duration field is a text field
I can also confirm you and Max will be good friends
when i enter some days in the duration text field it shows up as product id
Hi my name is Max
also, App Bundles are awesome.
App bundles sound amazing
i read about releasing beta demos swell is that right?
yes, I think Friday is when test flight works
Yosemite isn't GM yet and I need to make an app preview
This will be bad:O
I assume you mean the iTunes Connect meaning
So hows that work, can anyone download it? testing it for a certain amount of time?
And not the other meaning which has been around for decades
Download the beta of yosmite?
Not anyone, only people you designate
And yes, only for about a month or so
Oh damn that kinda sucks
Well what the hell did you think was gonna happeN?
I thought they were allowing for betas to be released for the public
Public enough (1000 users)
Oh, well thats fine haha
25 users will have immediate access
but they have to be on your team
1000 will have access once your apps past beta review
which sucks
I'm not sure exactly how, but they need to be itunes connect users that you specify
the 1000 can just have email addresses
I made my algorithm which creates randomly generated suburban house btw
Alright the docs say that the 25 users have to be on your team
They have to have either the Technical, Admin, or Legal role
Looks like I won't be using those 25 users
Yeah, personal accounts don't even have teams if I recall correctly :p
I can add people I think, theres a + button
ugh, more issues. UIActivityViewController keeps rearranging my activity order
Thanks activity view
Hmmm, looks like you might be right
I think that's new, I don't remember being able to do it before
Lol, I always saw it there, I don't need to add people though
Anyways, time for bed. Have 3 apps to finish this week
when does the new Xcode come out?
If by "come out" you mean in the App Store, then probably the 17th
But you can get the GM version now, which will be binary identical
(As a developer, that is)
same for yosmite or not?
haha, thanks.
2 hours later…
Here is a hilarious bug...we have a textbook application that you download chapter by chapter
If you navigate to a page which doesn't have data yet, you get a page that indicates that the chapter has not been download, with a button to return to the index on each of the left and right pages
The designer informed me that if you go back to the index, download the chapter, and return to that page it will still show as not downloaded
I thought that was odd since it was something I had taken care of ages and ages ago
So I installed the same version as her and tried it...no problem
But then she demonstrated on her machine that it was happening
So I decided to try it on a third machine. The bug happened. But then I tried again and it didn't
It kept happening seemingly at random for me, but every time for her
Finally I realized what the difference was
She was clicking the button on the right hand side every time, while I was not really paying attention and clicking whichever one. I mean if I got one button right obviously the other one is going to do the same thing right?
Wrong....once I looked I realized that I had two different commands and had only updated one of them. This has gone unnoticed for over a year now
Hi all
Oh my :O!
So I extracted the command into a variable and made sure that both buttons used the same command...
how has this not been discovered until now
I think it's pretty rare that people navigate to pages without data
Anyone know if it will be possible to develop for iOS6 in xcode 6?
Usually they will download all the data before they use it, because most of them use it offline
Makes sense
Nope, why don't you download it and tell us
I don't see any reason for them to bump the minimum target past 5.0
4.3 -> 5.0 was easy because then everybody could use full ARC
Then they could probably optimize out checks for lacking weak references and such
makes sense
But if you want a 64-bit compatible app you need to target 5.1.1+ apparently
luckily we're past 5.X :)
Wow so if i create 1 chunk script runs fine, but if i make more than 1 it breaks with a console error of ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.
like one area of a map
basically i go through a for loop recreating an instance of a class
but once the for loops starts for a second time it just breaks
You've lost me...
it creates separate areas of a map with a for loop
What does?
and for every time the loop runs it creates an instance of the CreateASuburbanHouse Class
And what do you mean by map? MKMapView?
like terrain for a game 0.0
Hmmm I couldn't tell you what is wrong
Other than you might be modifying shared state somewhere
Figured it out, i'm trying to access indexes in an array which don't exist but should because they exist the first time
Wow. to many people pirate nowadays anyway, they going to remove half the country from the internet?
5 hours later…
Has anyone worked with seeds in programming?
never heard of it
Apparently it affects the algorithm for rand()
Meaning of the seed is the same every time, your rand() values will always be the same
That's what I've read there atleast, if so that's really awesome!
How do you remove a build from the new iTunes connect
I cannot seem to find that in the interface
In the my apps section somewhere I presume
somewhere ? thats helpful
They call it rejecting the binary, try ctrl+f type "reject" or "binary"
I'm off to bed night
You dont understand my question, good night
3 hours later…
wake up @Shade !
are you an alien?
are you human?
Yes, I'm turing_mach-copy(2).js
I'll drink to that!
I want to do something in obj-c, but so far hasnt worked, is this a good place to ask?
cool cool cool
have you ever tried to place an annotation on a map, but instead of dragging the annotation to the exact position you want it, drag the map and leave the annotation in the center?
me? no... I haven't done that myself.
but there was another user here in the chat room not that long ago (like, maybe 3 - 4 days ago) who was trying to keep the map centered on some point even though the iPhone (the user's current location) was moving around.
hmm that sounds easy
i think
I have done what I was asking, but the thing is the annotation view gets crazy and stops making sense for some reason
must be a little glitch in the ios, i guess
First time in a SOchat
oh thanks
I'll check it too
1 hour later…
Hi - have any of you tried to submit an app in Xcode 6 GM? If so, did you have trouble getting it to select the correct provisioning profile?
I haven't tried with Xcode 6 yet.
@MichaelDautermann is here
@nil you there?
Hello all... and Michael too... Q: I need to do some fancy translation of the localizable.strings files; I take some data stored in CoreData and place it in a UITableView. Of course, the data is in English, and that's the way it comes out. My thoughts are to take that data, translate it to the correct language and then store the result in the UITableView. Anybody know where I can find the Localizable.strings files?
I'm right here...
are you at the office Laddu?
is the data something that changes often? or is it static text that could be stored in a localizable.strings file?
It's already stored in the Localizable.strings file... I have to do a manual translation because it's stored in English in CD, and when it comes out, it is now stored in English in the UITableView.
Oops... it's not a UITableView... it's a UITextView... big difference! :D
I've spent the last 3 hours looking for the answer: where are the files stored, both in the simulator and device.
have you found the localizable.strings files in your project?
no... device or simulator? haven't a clue what directory they would be in... and I have looked...
if you look in the "Resources" folder of your app bundle,
at the moment, device is more important as to the location of the strings files
I think they might end up in the en.lproj folder within there
and the es.lproj folder (for spanish) and the de.lproj folder (for German), etc.
OK... I figured that much... so do I go at it by finding the bundle and go from there?
I think that's the way to go... I'll be back if not... bye y'all... :D
oh... and thanks Michael... I appreciate it...
@MichaelDautermann how are you
I'm doing fine over here... it's a boring room without you being here to drive nil nuts.
you should show up here more often
2 hours later…
@Gudiya No.
@nil why no
I have something to say
One question related to geometry and programming
Anyone willing to help me with upload task
Good afternoon

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