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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 22:00

@EthenA.Wilson I am proud of you. Now you are doing second hand mouth to mouth marketing of Developing Perspective =P
In fact, I think he knows you better than me because he follows you on Twitter hahaha
I found a nice website: dropbox.com/s/023uqk5a3g4n06n/…
You can try this too: translationparty.com/#11435079
WTH is that enrico?hahha
It's to find equibrilium.
And you guys in Japan should listen to this: clarismusic.jp/index.html
I would kill to go to their concert.
Although I hate that their website does not look nice in Retina MBP.
this is a never ending one tho lol
Actually I'm going to here enrico summersonic.com/2014/english
"In many cases" lol
"She often is not"
Wow nayoso: 1DAY TICKET ¥13,000
omg thats bad lol
Is that expensive?
Hahahahaha emotality
for 1 day not so expensive I think
whata hell is the PM/AM for DateFormatter?
a or aa doesnt work? :/
Hmmm I've used this before I believe.
I went to john mayer's concert 2 months ago it's for about 9000円
But I forgot already. aa doesn't work?
nope :<
@"h:mm aa" = 5:28
same with a
That uses a, but is that your exact code?
Did you set it on fire: y/n circles yes
NSDateFormatter *editedDateFormat = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[editedDateFormat setDateFormat:@"h:mm a"];

NSString *emailDate = [editedDateFormat stringFromDate:[NSDate date]];
NSLog(@"emailDate: %@", emailDate);
i tried hh aa, h a, hh a, h aa... wtf
Shouldn't your : and space be in quotes?
@EnricoSusatyo LOL
which of my jokes are you lolling at?
Swift, I think we need to have a talk about the dangers of alcohol.
I mean, really.
Swift is really not happy about upcasting Cocoa classes
Why is it that Visual Studio can export entire classes and their methods from a C++ DLL, but OS X is limited to global symbols?
Gudiya managed to get a green card? God help us...
At least she is forbidden from being president :p
github.com/nilium/SwiftSchemer/commit/… ⇐ Where do I even start on filing a bug report for this?
@borrrden Classes, methods, etc. are global symbols.
can someone please tell me how to fix this Core Data to save for relationship :(

Core data questions must be asked on Stack Overflow.
Jesus christ
been struggling 3 weeks
just for saving
i bet you can answer in 5 seconds
That's Core Data for you.
have u checked the code
Me? I probably can't. I don't use Core Data for anything.
I just know it's the topic from hell and therefore belongs on SO.
emotality: What's the problem? Can you post SO question?
Also, please don't use chat speak in here.
Hi Enrico, did you check my code?
add me skype apptality
I doubt anyone in here is going to do that.
Just chill out and create an SO question.
theyll just downvote it :/
That way everyone on SO can try to help and all the info you can provide will be in the question.
I'm not going to add you on Skype ಠ_ಠ
Create SO question and be clear. I won't down vote you.
If they downvote it, a) ask why, and b) improve your question accordingly.
Also, don't use chat speak. That will get you downvotes.
In case it wasn't obvious, it's frowned upon here and on SO.
The cargo cult programmers in the other iOS/Mac OS rooms don't really care if they're the cargo cultists, but everyone else knows to avoid them and their questions.
And also, don't paste the whole method like that lol.
Just copy and paste the necessary code. Where you think it's failing.
Or, if you're not sure, annotate it with comments as needed.
Basically just make sure the necessary context is there, since everything that's obvious to you about the code is non-obvious to anyone who didn't write it
There's a guy who used to be a regular here called Max... He describe his problems in chat speak and copied 300 lines of code expecting us to understand it, then in the end blaming Apple for his bug.
My point is... Don't be like him, lol.
My reaction to watching Glasslip: I see what you're doing and I'm having none of that. Not again. ಠ_ಠ
My father just sent me a message on Facebook saying booze is bad.
122 public commits in the past four days, including today. Need to pace myself.
Why would your dad send that randomly?
I don't know.
@nil But they are mangled so that they can no longer be used. Admittedly I'm not that experienced in this area, but I was under the impression that you couldn't create new instances of classes from exported symbols
You can.
Using dlsym and friends?
Well, using dlsym is a different matter entirely.
Oh so there is a way I haven't found yet!
Ideally, the compiler/linker should handle setting up the whole symbol loading part.
Interesting, so I shouldn't have to do anything then?
Just use it exactly as if I were using a static library?
Am I barking up the wrong tree by wanting to package a dylib inside of an app bundle?
A Mac app bundle or an iOS app bundle?
os x
I feel like I am jumping through a few hoops to get a project to build a dylib into an app coming from another project
Then again the process would be quite different than a static library I suppose
Don't know what you mean by that, but dylibs would just go in the Frameworks directory of the app bundle
And your app would obviously have to explicitly load them from there
So it's correct to have a build phase for copying the dylib to the bundle then? It won't happen automatically as the result of a dependency?
Lot's of people said they found themselves playing my app for hours at school today :3
Alright then, thanks. I feel renewed
I don't really gain much by this approach but it's something I was always interested in trying
(I mean as opposed to static linking)
Nice, Mutch
Q: How to use dylib in Mac OS X (C++)

Alfred ZhongI made an application (an executable) calling some dylib successfully, However, the dylib files and the executable are in different directory. I added the directory contains dylib files to the $PATH environment variable, however, it still doesn't load. I copy all the dylib files to the executable...

Probably relevant.
I'm building a tool for our designers to convert plaintext into formatted HTML
So really if they need to update it they will just copy the entire app anyway :p
Probably. I only bother with shared libraries for licensing reasons.
I'm bothering with it out of curiosity :p
Well that and I'm in full on cross platform mode
So all the logic is in C++ with a simple UI that calls it
In Windows that's a bit more annoying than it sounds
WinRT can use XAML in C++, but Windows Desktop cannot
am doing chat app . I could not understand how to upload file or send file to friend. and how to get offline messages from my xmpp chat app. please help me
Create an SO question.
Hi all
Any one know is there any open source weather map framework available for iOS ?
There's a lot.
Moorthy: bit.ly/WOfCd3
Annoying problem
Q: How can I stop boost dynamic links from being added into my application?

borrrdenI have a dylib project that is statically linked against two boost artifacts (filesystem.a and system.a) but when I run otool -L mylib.dylib the output says that it depends on the .dylib versions of those two. If I move the boost dylibs out of the path after building, then the application fails ...

A friend of mine is convinced I now have an autocorrect for "ohsempai" on my phone.
Hello All, I hope all are doing good, I am working with UIlocal notifications, to set some reminders in my device, I have a issue, suppose I set a UIlocal notification with fire date in India, then I move to US then whether I have to again set local notification, or the notification will take care of the time zone change, bcoz, I just read the docs, which say this
"You can qualify this “fire date” (fireDate) with a time zone so that the fire date is adjusted when time-zone changes occur. "
any suggestions on this
Make a stack overflow question
Are you still on the same problem you were on a month ago? -_-
Nope, I solved it, this is a different issue, regrading local notification
It sounds extremely similar...
might be, but this is different
Make a question on stack overflow. A detailed one.
Unless you just want a yes or no answer
Do you want A) The time in the original time zone or B) The same local time in your new time zone
A you will get, B you have to change
how-to-support-multiple-screen-sizes-programmatically i having problem regarding 3.5 inch while for 4 inch it is working .. any demo or help ?
@borrrden any idea?
Don't ping people.
Create a StackOverflow question.
just provide me any link if possible
Do you not understand what "don't ping people" means?
I take that as a "no." It means don't use the @ symbol for no reason.
What link? Create the question.
He wants a link for "demo" or "help"
He doesn't even know what he wants. Demo, or help?
Hahaha, that looks enough, borrrden.
This is a guide to the visual format language. It is used to add autolayout constraints to a view at runtime.
wake up @Lucy !
I'd forgotten how bad textured windows look. They look pretty bad.
thanks for taking the time to remind me.
Goodnight all!
what, you're leaving?
you just got here.
@MichaelDautermann is here
what the $@#$@ are you doing awake so early?
go back to bed.
Good early morning
good afternoon
Why afternoon?
I just like to say it.
it usually means the work day is almost over.
Because its the time of day that is "After" "Noon"
or am i stating the obvious here?
Work just started, and i now find out a client hasn't infact signed up for the iOS developer program and they wont be getting the builds i promised them
which will undoubtedly be my fault ofcourse
fun fun fun
make sure they still pay you for sitting around twiddling your thumbs
This is the problem working B2B
if i was a freelancer hell yeah
but i have to win contracts fixed rate
which means that when someone else delay me i get stung
and if i pull up the clause in the contract to say im charging you i will lose the repeat business
it is honestly way better financially to be a contractor
I'm a contractor now
One day i may end up going to contracting
just so i can go home at sensible time every now and again
that would nice
I might be moving to a permanent job soon
I hate fixed price contracts... they are evil.
customer always changes their mind on everything and add tons of work
Congratulations, Gudiya
she is a role model to all.
Hi, Michael
Hello Ashish
My article is again posted to Best of Swift - Week 30
it's again posted?
when was it posted before?
Week 3?
And how many weeks has it been since Swift was introduced? 30 weeks ago?
No, It's posted on twitter by Swift London
how come I don't see it on the first page of results when I type in the keywords "Swift London" into Google?
I want to find it!
Fire your SEO guy.
"Swift Language iTuts" google it
how was I supposed to know about the magical keyword "iTuts"?
I could easily misspell it as iTunes or iTweet or iToots
Ya, It's magical keyword for me :)
I'm glad I don't work in your office...
my office :P
some magical keyword... I don't see you listed on the first page of search results for the magical keyword "iTuts".
Fire your SEO guy.
it's free blog
the first result says "iTuts Channel Hello my name is Teemu and im here to help you with your problems about technology. I also make commentaries and gameplays of PC and PS3 "
With Swift Language it not happen :D
More smaller "Swift iTuts"
Swift is main ;)
yeah, looking at textured windows will do that to a person.
where have you been for the last two hours? in the bathroom?
I'd ask where you've been, but apparently you've been in here, trolling.
it's a nice distraction from looking at textured windows.
Mike and nil, you both aren't asleep too.
@MichaelDautermann @nil @CaptainRedmuff Hi
i m getting push notification in developer mode but while i distribute app to app store i m not able to get notification. i have made both profiles for development and distributions.
i m getting push notification in developer mode but while i distribute app to app store i m not able to get notification. i have made both profiles for development and distributions.
what did you say?
did you say you are getting push notification in developer mode but while you distribute app to app store you r not able to get notification? and you have made both profiles for development and distributions?
@MichaelDautermann Having issue in getting Push notification in distribution
@MichaelDautermann yes
oh, I am not an expert with push notification. I hear nil is.
i m getting push notification in developer mode but while i distribute app to app store i m not able to get notification. i have made both profiles for development and distributions.
room mode changed to Gallery: anyone may enter, but only approved users can talk
what did you say?
Mike, could you tone down the sarcasm?
I didn't get him the first time...
I don't mind sarcasm on its own, but really it's the only thing you do anymore
I do something useful on here once in a while.
That's not the point.
@Gamex Rejected for being a help vampire.
well if I were feeling useful, I'd tell Gamex to look at his Urban Airship console to see if his device is getting properly registered when in distribution mode.
@Gamex Did you create the .p12 file created from the distribution profile and using that with your server side code?
wow too late
I don't care about whether you help him. The dude's a help vampire.
But telling them to ping me?
awww, I figured you needed a break from coding.
The lyrics on the radio just now "When Jesus say[sic] yes, nobody can say no"
over and over and over
maybe the DJ fell asleep and the record is skipping?
Aside from that, your use of sarcasm tends to come across as fairly mean, which I suppose is the point of sarcasm, but I mean you just sound mean and not in a way that even evokes humor.
I don't believe I'm coming across as mean to the help vampires and @ping-ers, but you certainly don't share the same sense of humor that I do.
And what about me?
I like you. I don't know if nil does, though.
And what about Rage?
No opinion one way or the other.
does nil like anybody?
Now that is the real question.
Sure. I just dislike you being a creature of pure sarcasm.
Especially since you seem to apply it to everyone in the room, which from my point of view often makes you look mean, or at least more condescending than even I am.
Sarcasm is my special way of coping and keeping me from throwing my laptop out the window.
Also he has an awesome collection of images.
Videos and gif's too
Lucy, are you really awake?
or is that your cat walking across the keyboard?
I'm actually preparing all the documents necessary for my visa transfer
are you going to try to eventually become a citizen and do the American Dream thing?
yay! This is good.
1 hour later…
Hello Rage, are you awake?
Im not.
you're looking at code too, eh?
im tryign to write code , been writing Testign acceptence criteria, doing accounts replying to emails , meetings e.t.c. all morning
im watching the apple tech talk on the A7 though too though
"If you take your ES2 code and move it to ES3 it will mostly work" thats the scariest thing i have heard in a long time
Damn 3D Graphics really are insane and cutting edge
does anyone actually keep up ?
Instance rendering cool
I wish i had more time to fiddle with OpenGLES again
I'm just having fun (or a wee bit of stress) trying to learn Swift on the side.
work is keeping me too sucked into what's old and boring
yeah i will get up to swift end of next week i reckon
need to go backwards a bit and catchup before i can go forwards
Trying to remember, is it you that's in Japan or is only Borrrrrden?
I've given you write access to NSChat, Ashish...
since you seem to be a conscientious contributor and not a help vampire.
Thanks for access Michael !! :)
I'm looking to implement a random item picker using percentages
or, maybe just weighted items
I wonder if there is a Stack Overflow question for that?
is there a proper term for picking an item based on a percentage/ratio
I'm trying to figure out what I need to search for, @MichaelDautermann
sounds like you have the right terms ("weighted")
so you just need to combine an algorithm that you find with a picker view.
I found a SO question yesterday that looked about right
Can't seem to find it again today though :/
Sorry delayed response
Borrden is the Jim in Japan
you do have a browser history, right Captain?
im the Jim in London
Thats what i'm searching, @MichaelDautermann
The solution in C# looks about right
For what I need at least
Is anyone familiar with a similar approach?
I'm wondering if that implementation will fall short if two items have the same proportions
i.e.: if two items have a proportion of 10%, it will just pick the first one in the array each time
you have totally lost me sorry
I think I know what I need to do now
Great. Looks like my implementation works.
Unit tests for the win!
im watching max headroom, if you have never seen it id highly recommend it
I couldn't get on with MH
Never saw the appeal
I never watched it
til the other day
didn't realise there was a series
Netflix and the internet has broken me though , if i start a series i will watch all of it
cant help it
even if i dont like it
Archer is where it's at
Seen all that ages ago
very damn good
infact i need more
Haha there is a security system on max headroo called the "A7"
it kills things that pose threats to it
lol good picture
2 hours later…
@MichaelDautermann When did you send this message? The timestamps confuse me. Was this at 2:30 isn in the middle of the night for me? Where are you? Or do you stay up all night?
Where is nil? I need his help
Nil is always here.
@Gudiya : I forgot to ask: Did you accept job from AT&T?
I have final interview tomorrow
How many interviewes you gave?
@rohan-patel The bonds that Indian companies usually have in India, like don't leave for 2 years, etc. Are such bonds valid in US?
I gave one telephonic interview
F2F is tomorrow
I have not idea. Ask Nil or @MichaelDautermann about that.
If you had a commitment then you should abide by it
What if I dont
or let new employer pay money for releasing you from that contract/bond.
They can take legal actions I believe which can lead to Visa revoked, just a guess.
because they spent money for your H1B.
But my visa will be with other company, then how visa will be revoked
They must have already earned that much money from me in these 6 months, right?
I do not know what are T&C for sponsorship of H1B. You should consult lawyer in such a case. or let At7t pay termination fees if they want to hire you.
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