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7:57 PM
got it
Good :)
though, I tend to hit the panic_0v3r1d3 & in other channel i'll often drop a - see group or see issues
Ok :)
not super promising my cloud9 env crashed before it finished setting up docker to accept the repo from github
8:38 PM
i've never done jruby - whats the difference?
What are the chances of us switching to use HAML or SLIM for our views?
thankgod for rails / cloud9 integration - tells me exactly what command i need to run to get jruby working without hitting documenation
i took care of readme for develop....thinking we should change master branch's readme so ppl touch down on the version with wiki contribution page
i'm having to hack around the rvm install ruby-2.3.3,engine:jruby,engine_version: failing ... testing it without version then will try an update...7 different packages failed on c9 already
got it,...was concerned after like almost 20 minutes
9:36 PM
yes, yes it is...just pretty smoothly wrapped, so I haven't had to play with it too much
9:52 PM
Jruby is just a different implementation of the ruby spec. It's done in Java.
I'll look at the develop changes tomorrow, I'm busy with the kid and i have a movie night after.
i'm still setting up env for secrets & psql
That line about specifying the ruby version was for heroku deployment... But it keeps getting problematic with travis and local env
i got it eventually by manual install
Should probably do a env thingy
I put /config/initializers/devise.rb on ignore
should i be echoing that in to ENV too?
9:55 PM
There is a seed for the maps so don't forget to do db:seeds
db, not running, but will put on list for me
The env are managed with an .env file
Devise.setup do |config|

config.secret_key =
should that be an .env held var too?
Probably ! The project wqs done with not much knowledge of rails
i'm of the opinion yes then for giggles, but it's more work for setting up
9:59 PM
I need to step up the documentation for the project oh god!
i'll poke thru my steps on wiki as I go if you want
It's ok I'll do it when i setup my laptop while watxhing tv with the girlfriend
i'm relatively sure you can shove that jruby engine ver in the .env too &…
for heroku to use it
@Mirv That would be perfect!
most secrets go in their control panel and then special var, but in local server you can shove it int he ./bashrc or whatever outside the rails dir
which will set that var without heroku & still read when it goes to heroku....I think that's how i did it this spring
10:23 PM
I feel like this is it's not a .yml file .... config.secret_key = ENV['SECRET_KEY_BASE_DEVL']
In the devise section
This is a value taken from a file name .env that you need to create where the value are stored
In that fil you just put one value per line
Are you asking or saying?
Saying the file is not checkouted to protect the secret that supposed to be in there
you do have it!
which file specifically again? the .bashrc?
I haven't used that in forever, but I can follow it now that you reminded me
The file is simply called .env
At the root folder
10:28 PM
i did the same thing with my bashrc if you can't tell :)
they suggested that as it's outside the rails/app paths
so no chance of commiting or checking into git
Yeah i have a gitignore entry for the .env file
yea - there's a school of thought that if it has to be put in the .ignore it's not secure serverwise - but i'm fine with it
Well on the server file you can provide the env in any multpule way! But I'm not worried about that part yet securiry wise
Thanks for the time you take! Its really nice
10:38 PM
I thrive off coworking
i'm not super good at it, but its the best way to motivate myself
I've got so many shoddy practices in my basicB, but when you get to the point where we want to revise to allow dashboards, multiple players to games, multiple games (basically these are all variations of multi-tenant apps) - i'll be pretty useful
i'm leaving at 6pm sharp
~18 min
My enroller gem is about 1/3 of way done, needs a codereview but will be awesome for helping out later on - i'm just testing it against my basicB now
so i'm excited too
10:59 PM

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