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A: Debounce function does not work when directly not bound to a button

Z. BagleyYou can add a debounce directly to your onChange() method and call the newly created debounced method directly in your template: component.ts limitedOnChange = this.debounce(this.onChange, 250); onChange(event) { console.log('change detected: ', event) } debounce(fn, delay) { let ti...

does your code just add delays or work the same as Ben Alman's debounce ?
It's a full debounce. Prevents the call from being made more than once ever N ms, where N is the delay.
Is it possible to change it up a little bit to debounce everything when multiple calls are made? And only allow 1 and only 1 call made to the function to pass through? i am not sure if debounce is the right word for this modified behavior.
More Clarification: For example, if two calls are made within 250ms, both calls should be ignored.
Not sure what you mean. This allows the function to be called once every 250ms. Do you want to only let the function to be called once ever?
You mean, delay the function for 250ms, and if it's called twice then cancel all calls?
This is a pretty standard debounce, and throttles the amount of calls that get made to 1 per N ms.
Yes. That's what I want. The reason I am doing this is there is an automatic update call in my code that constantly checks and unchecks these checkboxes I have and I only want to run the onChange() when a user clicks on the boxes.
So what I am doing is I have more than 20 ss-multiselect-dropdown boxes and something called an autoRefresh() turned on. Everytime some changes happen to the dropdown boxes, the autoRefresh() kicks in and starts firing all the onChange() functions. I want onChange() not to be fired unless there is a human interaction which should not be more than 1 clicks within 250ms
That debounce function should do the trick
I use it in production for a similar situation
Just be sure to call the limitedOnChanges()
yeah your code works but in my implementation it still leaks out a function call that breaks things on my end
when multiple calls are made at the within the delay threshold, I can identify as a non-human interaction and would like to cancel that call
Is that possible with your code?
Thanks a lot though for helping me out, Its been a couple of days I have been trying to figure this out

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