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Q: Dependency property populated with Binding object?

AspergerHow come that the following populates my dependency property with a "Binding" object instead of a string value? <local:CustomButton MyText="{Binding Name}" /> It works with normal buttons. This is how I register my buttons properties: public static DependencyProperty RegisterProperty(string ...

sure no problem
@mm8 ive posted the full implementation
@quetzalcoatl actually ive posted the full implementation. Im using MyText get getter. Nothing fancy. Im pretty much using the standard procedure.
@mm8 my bad : ( accidently added the wpf tag. Could be a UWP behaviour indeed.
Are you getting any System.Data.Error in output in VisualStudio?
@sTrenat note just: Unable to cast object of type 'Windows.UI.Xaml.Data.Binding' to type 'System.String'.'
@quetzalcoatl this sucks. I could maybe try using a converter or something
Try with path=name, or just declare type as string, not object
And one question, did you do something like: DataContext = this, in your userControl?
@sTrenat could try that. might be the culprit.
@sTrenat oh no. I wouldnt bind to itself .
I think its due to my draw event.
If you check out my post now, you will see what I mean. Added some more code.
@Asperger do you use MyText somewhere else?
Draw event?
The moment the control is created it fires its draw event and inside that event im accessing MyText.
It could be that the binding hasnt finished yet...the compiler and therefore inside my handler im getting an incomplete object. Not sure really
Your render action is empty
ya because it is huge. 200 lines of code. Shouldnt really matter anyways.
If you do something like var test = MyText inside the empty handler.
then I still get a Binding object.
Ill update my question. Forgot to add it to the sample code.
Oh, well, because at init, there is nothing else under your Text, just binding
Ya that might be the case.
Try with addding some action on myText changed, in metaData of your Dependency property, and check, when it's called
Maybe I should add a while loop inside my draw event until the property can be cast to a string.
Will try that now
Ive been reading an article which says: Each DependencyProperty provides callbacks for change notification, value coercion and validation. These callbacks are registered on the dependency property.
So it seems that this could solve the issue, hopefully. Its what you were saying.
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata( DateTime.Now,
OnCoerceCurrentTimeProperty ),
OnValidateCurrentTimeProperty );
Never used this but I will try
@sTrenat solved it. Man thanks. Ill quickly test it once more
Then feel free to answer the question ; ). Ill post the code here if it works
no problem :)
Q: UWP trigger command on keydown?

AspergerI am trying to execute a command when the user presses a key: <TextBox Command="{Binding myCommand}" Height="200" Width="200" FontSize="20"></TextBox> Now using UWP im not entirely sure how this is accomplished. In WPF we have keybindings but here? If possible without third party libraries....

add some details and ill accept : )
Its an older post so im eligible for a bounty
So, i should post anwser there?
Ya just add something so that I can give you the points : )
you could add some additional infos related to the question or something. That should do.
To be sure, i should answer about this question on your older questiom? :d
Now, i can't even open that page :/
Just complement the answer the guy gave me on the older question.
Accepted your answer by the way
i see, i don't know why but i can't open page with your old question :o
Weird. Seriously?
Ok, it's just my network, some page works, some not
Oh. Because 300 reputation was really high. Hope it works so that I can transfer those
In case you are interested:
its the drawing api im using. Win2D which is where the event came from.
OK, i just had to reload my browser
i saved this video, i think this can be intresting :p
@sTrenat hows it going with the answer? Im going to sleep in 10 minutes so if you are done with the answer I will give you the bounty
Doesnt have to be anything special :D
It's done :)
@sTrenat lol it says 23 hours.
Oh, so it can be get too fast :d
Oh well. I guess it doesnt matter. Tomorrow then. Ya they are too smart :)
haha :D
Again thanks for your time and advice and I wish you a great weekend!
Thanks, you too :)

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