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Good Morning All
1 hour later…
@ShobhakarTiwari hi bro, have you worked on beacon.. ??
2 hours later…
@iShwar bluetooth beacon i worked with
posted on November 28, 2017 by Johann

ViewAnimator is an open source Swift library from Marcos Griselli that provides a nice simple way to create complex user interface animations on components that implement the Animatable interface such as UIStackView, UICollectionView, and UITableView. As the readme states: ViewAnimator is a library for building complex iOS UIView animations in an easy way. It provides […]

4 hours later…
@ShobhakarTiwari hi bro, what about fire base, where could we find the rules, I am getting the permission denied error..
Anyone online that has experience with Swift?
I'm quite new to Swift so I could use some help with a (what I assume is a simple question)
I have a json feed that gives me the following output (which is stored in an NSDictionary)
▿ 1 element
▿ 0 : 2 elements
- key : fejl
- value : Forkert kortnummer og pinkode.
I can see that the jsonObject is of type NSDictionary
But the key and value is inside [0]
And when I try to do jsonObject[0] it returns nil
hello everyone i have one question - How do I add three CollectionViews on one Viewcontroller with different array and loaded at a time please help me
2 way -> 1) with assign tag of your CollectionView and 2) by name given
No one has an answer to my question?
@Krueger you have to type cast of object like dictonary = [string: any] and then fetch value
let json = (try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .allowFragments) as! [String : Any])

self.jsonObject = json[0] as? NSDictionary
I'm not allowed to do the json[0] part
Because then it will just be a string
As you can see my key and value is inside [0]
So I assume it's an array with a dictionary inside?
stackoverflow.com/questions/41971990/swift-get-values-from-json -> see this one help u more convert as! [String:Any] json object
This gave me the message
let array : [Any] = [json[0] as Any]
let errorDict : [String : Any] = array[0] as! [String : Any]
let errorMessage = errorDict["fejl"]
Thanks anyway
@Krueger hi
is the issue solved
For all those who gets confused regarding Keychain . Like how keychain data is bind with certificate , here is my answer and it resolve the issue .
A: Can't able to Access Keychain After revoke distribution certificate

Shobhakar TiwariHere is brief answer which may help you to resolve your issue : keychain group which is tied your team identifier. So, basically, access to keychain after app updates depends on distribution certificate you use, not on the provisioning profile So if you are saying you revoke all old cer...

4 hours later…
posted on November 28, 2017

Apple celebrates Computer Science Education Week from December 4 to 10 with fun and engaging challenges in Swift Playgrounds on iPad. You can learn coding basics with Byte and friends or get creative using Swift code to build The Incredible Code Machine. Host your own Hour of Code event by downloading the facilitator guide or sign up for a coding session at your local Apple Store with Today at

posted on November 28, 2017

The busiest season on the App Store is almost here. Make sure your apps are up-to-date and ready for the holidays. New apps and app updates will not be accepted December 23 to 27 (Pacific Time), so any releases should be submitted, approved, and scheduled in advance. Other iTunes Connect and developer account features will remain available.With the new App Store on iOS 11, you can let customers

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