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@NitinGohel @Leena @ALL VGM.
@Abirzen VGM
i need help i want to add custom fonts in my application. i know how can i add them but i am a very very very lazy programmer....
@NitinGohel @Leena @Abirzen i want to set them automatically from my IBOutlets or is there any way that i can change my application fonts fast or automatically..
@AppleMap VGM
@AppleMap there?
@JaiminModi mr lazy programmer
Q: How to set a custom font for entire iOS app without specifying size

Janum TrivediI'm trying to apply a custom font throughout my iOS app. I found that I could use: [[UILabel appearance] setFont:[UIFont fontWithName:@"Proxima Nova" size:17.0]]; to set the default font and size for all UILabels. However, not all my UILabels share the same font size. In Set a default font ...

@NitinGohel Good Morning bhai :) "JSK :) :)"
jsk gm my brother
tum saturday work kar rahe ho :O :P
aj ofc chalu he
sahiiiiii :)
@NitinGohel thanx bro... but i have not IBOutlet references is your given link will work?
you are setting kindOf class logic
with UILabel
Hi developer.. Good morning. I am Implemented NSURLSession for download the file using DataTaskWithURL method. so its downloading foreground, If application is goes to background it won't write into Documents directory??..
Background also the file is downloading Because i checked with Memory its increasing. If locked the Device also. But once fully downloaded it won't write into doc. Dir
that fine downloading in background
Yeah.. @NitinGohel. I check with Memory its increasing.. fine
But the problem is writing into Documents dir
Sorry..@NitinGohel. You getting my point
is there your story file in to doc directory is currect while your app in forground
that stored?
Yeah. its stored. When app Running on Foreground.
are you puting multitasking method in to app delegate
for running app in background mode
for 10 minit
- (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application

    __block UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier  taskId = 0;
    taskId = [application beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler:^{
        taskId = UIBackgroundTaskInvalid;
This code i used in Appdelegate.
@NitinGohel GM SIR
great then that have to work
@AppleMap gm
@NitinGohel ?
@iShwar GM :-)
@NitinGohel.. pls refer this code.. pastebin.com/McipHvv8
this code is currect
i didn't fine any mistake
But why its not writing.. Pls can you give me some ways to resolve.
I enabled this Background fetch also @NitinGohel
gm friends
@ViralNarshana good morning
@crash did you fined crash report?
crash overlap crash, don't know when final
@NitinGohel @AppleMap @iTag @iShwar @crash vGM
sir gm
Very good morning @Mayur
@NitinGohel ji one help urgent
@Mayur @Yohan H R U ??:-)
@AppleMap fine bro
bro do you did adhoc for distribution??
@Yohan say
ask argent
@NitinGohel actually initail our app built by third party now we over took that so now am creating adhoc
for distribution
@NitinGohel ?
@AppleMap su?
@Yohan not getting you
@NitinGohel now the problem is i ve certficate with private key for development but in distribution certificate file i seeing empty
i think you did creat distribution cer with dirrect CSR
i cat see any distribution certificate files there
you should create both with same CSR request
@NitinGohel but initailly account not created by us its by the third party
but we got key
then tel this thirdparty for send .p12 file
when i create distribution certificate it didnt ask CSR bro
@NitinGohel and i ve the .p12 file
@NitinGohel. I posted in Stack Overflow. I think some one will answer.. stackoverflow.com/questions/22727852/…
see simple one that
in to your system are you using other's account
so you need to creat cev or dist cer with currunt system csr thendouble click tha tappear with private key in to keychain
you have to .12 cer from client system of
cer not key
of both dev as well as dist
then you can create provistioning profile with active
that is scenario
@NitinGohel but we are not releasing it as new app we are going to release it as update version so in this what i can i do
i shld use there account
@AppleMap @Mayur Mornings friends :)
then that provistioning profile appear in to account just edit with currunt one
what anissue
good morning
@NitinGohel its k bro now i created distrubtion certificate using existing app ID now when i move on with archieve it saying the private key for the distribution is not installed on this mac error am getting
Q: Xcode "The private key for is not installed on this mac - distributing"

Fabian BoulegueHi i alway get a message if i try to submit my app to the store. I attach a of that message. It would be great if maybe someone could help me resolve that problem so i could submit it to the store.

check this
you got better understand this issue and its solution
posted on March 29, 2014 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS UI Controls,iPad,iPhone,Objective-C     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS UI Controls,iPad,iPhone,Objective-C I’ve mentioned a number of components for easily creating modal views such as BlurryModalSegue which allows you to create modal views with a nice blurred background using the Xcode S

@NitinGohel my final doubt t mentioned revoke all and re create everything if i did like that means it won be update version right it will be a new verison of app only na?
may be
@NitinGohel k bro thx for ur wonderful time u showed a path will try that
any way Good afternoon bro
good after noon enjoy with certificat
@NitinGohel Hello Sir... How r u this fine Saturday :P
@NitinGohel @IronManGill how r u all
@Immi gud and u ?
ya fine bro
@NitinGohel its works like a charm ur link lots of love bro :-p
thx thx thx
@IronManGill at office :(
@Immi gm
@Yohan nice job
@NitinGohel same here bro :P
@NitinGohel not me bro its bcz of u and ur link:))
3 hours later…
Q: How to protect iOS bundle files like plist ,image,sqlite,media files

RavindhiranI have created sample hello world project and then added Data.plist file to resource folder. Now people can easily get the bundle files by unzipping the .ipa file. Is there any ways to protect the Data.plist file that saved in the application bundle of iPhone app? Encryption is a decent method ...

2 hours later…
morning all
@deadlock Good evening :)
@DivineDesert gd' evening man :)
hows u?
oh are you a girl? lol
hi @Yohan
@DivineDesert hi
hw are u??
I am fine and you ?
ofcourse super:))
@DivineDesert wru from :)
I am from desert :)
@DivineDesert hi maam
hw r u tday
I am good
how are you ?
progressing with xmpp ?
Well not so well :P ... im stuck with xmpp connection to jabber
lol still ?
what happened ?
@DivineDesert lol:))]
why loling ? @Yohan ?
u said na u from desert thats y
even i am from there only :-p
1 hour later…
been exploring autolayout priorities. It turned out to be really powerful

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