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I need some help to play a sound file in iphone app . anyone can help
what is the issue ?
actually i have 24 images and i have 23 mp3 clips when i reach the last image and press the play button applicaiton gets hangs . i need to check if its 23 image before playing . all my images are in a image array
Q: App hangs when i reach the last sound clip in ios5

IsseYI have a app with images and once the user presses the image a sound clip will be played. Once i reach the last image (25), which does not have a sound clip, if i press that the app gets closed automatically how can i prevent this. For example i need to play C01.mp3 once the user Click 01.Png (...

gave an answer
thanks i lot
if it solves your issue..do accept the answer.:)
yes of course
Hello all , does anyone has knowledge of paypal integration ?
In my app drow line chart with axis plz help
core plot
HI,Does anybody run win7 on mac book air 2012 before?
@CrazyCreator hi good morning
@CrazyCreator hi
Hi guys... I've combined the open source project "Auriotouch" with my new project "Aurioview". But the thing is auriotouch runs immediately when the project is run ie. the codes are on the didfinishlaunching method of appdelegate. But, i want to import all the functionalities of auriotouch in to the viewdidLoad method of my project. I've tried my hand, thr is no error in my project. But the window appears to be blank when i run my new project. Can u help me out here?
@CrazyCreator hi.Can you help me in AFnetworking
How can I track multiple file download progress separately in setProgressiveDownloadProgressBlock or setDownloadProgressBlock
I need to update progress bar in another view controller from this.I just started with NSNotification
@honey-bunny Can you look in to my question please
don't know..ASHIttp i have used..
AFNetworking haven't
@honey-bunny wats up
Hello everyone.
Anyone has an idea of conversion of wsdl file to iPhone files alternative of sudzc.com
@honey-bunny thanks fr your reply .Can You direct me to update progressview from another viewcontroller while loading in progress
you can use NSNotificationCenter/Delegate
Delegates will be best..if the other view controller is closer in view controller heirarchy
@honey-bunny In my app there is tabbarcontroller and from one tabe I'm adding the books as zip file to down load(here I don't know how to add each file separately to download Now Just started only and dwonloading all the books in one button click )
I need to show dwonloading books in another tab
you can implement NSNotificationCenter
and post update with progress
@honey-bunny hai
@honey-bunny I have issue with Printing UIView as Image. Actually I have AvPLayerLayer as a sublayer in a view. I need to create that view as image. If i do the render in contact that view.layer gives me blank image. Do you think is that possible to print a view with that sublayer images?
question is complex..and i don't know the answer...you should post a question on SO...and offer bounty to get answer fast
if no satisfactory answer...offer bounty on question
tomorrow only I can do that :(
hello @all
please tell me just
What version of sqlite does iOS provide?
please tell me just
probably googling will tell that..i don't have idea on it
@ikambad can you help me with inAppPurchase
hi to all
i have a question. i have a uipagecontroll that can display max 30 dots, but i have a scroll that can have up tp 50 pages. so it just make my uipagecontroll larger and i dont want that to happen.
@Deer what type of help
@ikambad I'm using inAppPurchase in my app, it works really fine with sandbox environment
so I live it, but it not work properly in live
pastie your code
what do you meant by make my pageControl larger ?
@honey-bunny the uipagecontroll is 800px but when i setNumberOfPages to 50 it changes the with of ui page control( the app is for iPad)
do you check what is the new width ?
check if clips to bound is yes or no
@honey-bunny it was set to NO and i set it to YES but now there are dots that arent shown... is there a way to make them smaller or in two lines?
@ikambad so do you want my whole view code
no way to make small/multiple lines
you have to implement custom page control then
@honey-bunny thanks
i meant custom page control..and you are welcome
@honey-bunny i think i'll just divide the number of pages in two. i dont have very much time to spend on it..
1 hour later…
5 hours later…
Hi @honey-bunny, @jpgr. Are you here?
i am here
Could you tell me the command to reorder NSManagedObject in CoreData.
I read some manual but can't find
I see some methods like that:github.com/zehrer/UIOrderedTableView .But which one is simplest and often use?
don't know core data
I've learn CoreData for 2days and see that it's so powerful.
nice for you..i use only sql straight
Learn CoreData like learn to ride bicycle. Need much time to learn, but after understand, it's so great.
i can learn much better things..core data is all about using sql which i know..
I learn iOS because I'm unemployment now,hope it can be my next job.
hello people
@LêQuýSang ..nice..
@LêQuýSang i did the same. Good luck!
hope you get a job soon
one question. For what is CoreData? i've never used it
@LêQuýSang thx, but why dont work directly with sqlite?
@oPi another way to store your Data in Graph concept. First you need to understand KVC-KVO: tomdalling.com/blog/cocoa/…
@LêQuýSang i see. Its seems useful :)
hehe, another thing to learn
@oPi If you feel so difficult to learn, stack and this room is the fastest way. I believe.
@honey-bunny I'm not good at English,so I don't read careful the Stack FAQ. Now, I can't post Question, only answer. How to solve this: "Sorry, we are no longer accepting questions from this account. See goo.gl/C1Kwu to learn more"
you posted bad question/deleted your question or other things..i don't know exact reason..
but this happens due to these reasons..
to ask question again..you should either generate reputation by giving answers..etc..and it will automatically remove the block sometime in future..other option is to make new account
OK, I wait and create new Account. Also I don't like it because Lê Quý Sang is my real name. Thanks!
Oh, now so late in VietNam. Bye bye @honey-bunny, @oPi
bye @LêQuýSang
Hi @ honey-bunny
That code you gave today still gives the same issue

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