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@Thinkerer let's troubleshoot your gravatar issue here
sorry about the time difference, im on Asian hrs so 12 hrs before
ill try yr suggestion and post the feedback here
sure thing
Dubai or India?
thanks for offering to help, appreciate it
anw the console.log(user) returns Object { hash: Object }
that's good - what about console.log(user.md5hash)? what kind of object do you have there?
it appears only on firefox dev tools
not on chrome devtools
the 2nd console log for md5hash returns undefined
ok that means the user object you're passing in doesn't have an md5hash key
can you inspect the object in the debugger and see what it is?
ok mp
how do i check that on firefox?
theres a debugger tab but just jumbled up codes
ahh ok chrome has it better
set a breakpoint inside the helper, then when it stops there, just type "user" into the console, it should print out the contents
sorry but im not exactly sure how to set a breakpoint
let me check how to do that
welcome to js debugging :)
im amatuer self taught ...never went into testing or higher levels of debugging
but yes good to go
have you stopped at the breakpoint?
yea im reading up how to do it
mayb i need a day to read them
ahhaha dont wish to hold u up
it shows this {hash: Object}
when i type user in concole
and when i run into the breakpoint pause ..the room with the missing gravatar also doesnt appear
Hi Michel, I gtg turn in. works early tmr. Ill read up and get back shortly
Thanks again!
sure thing!
It looks like your data context is incorrect - you don't have a user object there

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