A: What is so bad about GL_QUADS ?

jalfThe point is that your GPU renders triangles, not quads. And it is pretty much trivial to construct a rectangle from two triangles, so the API doesn't really need to be burdened with the ability to render quads natively. OpenGL is going through a major trimming process, cutting a lot of functiona...

@pst: what about them? I'm not sure what you mean. Older versions of the API obviously aren't affected by what happens in later versions.
@pst: I still don't see what you're getting at. What do you want to know?
By v3.0, control of OpenGL was transferred to the Khronos group, following nearly a decade of stagnation and very minor updates. Since then, Khronos has been trying to 1) catch up with DX in terms of features and functionality, and 2) streamline the API, getting rid of old cruft that doesn't make sense on modern GPUs.
@Nicol: Please, how long did it take them to get 2.0 out the door? 2.1? OpenGL was hugely behind Direct3D before Khronos took over. It was a fossil. Yes, they managed to get GLSL out the door, but still lightyears behind the state of HLSL and Cg at the time.
@Nicol GLSL, HLSL and Cg aren't just singular entities. All three came in many different versions, with different features and limitations. And I'm not sure why you're choosing to focus on GLSL specifically. Like I said, we're looking at something close to a decade of very slow progress. The fact that they managed to get a shading language out the door doesn't mean that OpenGL as a whole suddenly no longer looked like a fossil. I'm sorry if you're emotionally invested in the API, but I'm not making it up when I'm saying they were completely out of tune with the 3d world for a number of years
@jalf, i've been testing between triangles and quads a lot now, and every time i notice quads is faster. does this make sense in the means of how GPU's work? could quads actually be optimized inside the GPU better than triangles? or could it be something to do about memory manager: triangles takes more memory. but i have set my VBO buffers to the same size though... maybe its about how many buffers i render then?
@jalf, tested now more, no matter what settings i have, the GL_QUADS is always faster. i have tried setting all buffer counts to same, all buffer sizes to same, and so on. But GL_QUADS always wins, the lowest difference between those two i got when i set them to use exact same amount of buffers: 33fps with triangles, 36fps with quads. SO, have anyone else done such tests ? this makes me think why do they want to get rid off this if its even faster.
@Rookie: but once again, you haven't tested it with different GPUs under different OSes. How can you be sure it's faster in all those cases? Another important point is that OpenGL translates your quads to triangles anyway, because the GPU can only render triangles. So in this case, OpenGL doesn't do anything you couldn't have done yourself just as efficiently. So if your code shows quads being faster, then it sounds like your triangle rendering code is just not as well writen as your quad rendering ditto. :)
And that is why it's getting removed. 15 years ago, quads were just as good as triangles, because you either rendered on the CPU, which has no dedicated hardware for either case, or on various GPU-like hardware, some of which supported quads natively. But today, no GPU supports quads natively. So OpenGL's support for quads in a modern implementation boils down to it internally cutting every quad in half, and rendering the resulting triangles. There's just no need for the 3d API to do that. If you really want quads, you could easily define an external helper library
@jalf, my quad/triangle rendering codes are identical, except that i push 2 more extra vertices in the triangle rendering code, which then results in larger buffer(s). also, wouldnt it make sense that the quad splitting in half would actually be faster because it uses 2 vertices less of memory access ? if you have Vertex, Color, TexCoord, Normal, VertexAttr, then it is wasting a lot of time reading those, when it could use the already read values... not to mention how much you would save in memory size!
@Rookie: no, because the splitting happens no matter what. Once again, the GPU doesn't udnerstand quads. So the choice is, either you split the quad, or OpenGL does it for you (on the CPU side). And if your code is "exactly the same", then that is your problem. YOu don't need to send more vertices. Upload a buffer which contains (probably among a number of other vertices) the 4 vertices that define your quad. Then upload an index buffer which contains the 6 vertex indices needed to render the two triangles. If you're calling the API inefficiently, it'll skew your results.
@jalf, but i dont want to send anything to the GPU.. i thought thats the whole point of using VBO: the data is already there, no need to send anything, unlike with vertex arrays.
@Rookie: the data is only "already there" if it was perviously sent to the GPU. But let me rephrase then. In order to render a rectangle, the GPU needs four vertices, in a single VBO, and an index buffer containing (at least) 6 indices. The GPU only sees each unique vertex once, but for some of them (the ones that are part of both triangles), it encounters two indices pointing to it. So the GPU never sees 6 separate vertices, which would have been costlier as you said. It sees four vertices, exactly as it would in the quad case.
So you give the GPU all the information describing your 4 vertices, and then you tell it "draw a triangle from vertices 0, 1 and 2", and then "draw a triangle from vertices 1, 3 and 2". That's what your triangle rendering code should be doing, and it is exactly what your quad rendering code makes OpenGL do for you.
@jalf, but is it possible to upload the indexes to GPU just once? i couldnt find a function for index pointer (glIndexPointer was for colors), is the only way to do that is to send them again every frame with glDrawElements() ? even with just uploading indexes, it would take 150MB/s in my app, and i really want to take the advantage of the VBO in the means of "upload once", and use them kinda like display lists, except that i can easily modify them.
@Rookie: Yes it is possible, and it is standard practice, even. It's been a while since I used OGL though, but I think you're simply looking for Index Buffer Objects (IBO). Nothing prevents you from making your VBO's "upload once", and in fact they should be as far as possible. But you're mixing two different discussions here. The way OpenGL renders a quad is, on the CPU side, to split it into 4 vertices, and 6 indices, uploading those, and rendering two triangles from them. And that is exactly what you should do as well if you don't use GL_QUAD, so there is zero extra overhead
the other issue is performance, and here, of course, you should try to "upload once" as far as possible. Both your vertices and indices can likely be uploaded once, and then rendering many many times, and that is exactly what you should do. But that's true for triangles as well as quads
I just googled it, the index buffer is created with glBufferDataArb(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, ...). That should get you started.