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00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 20:00

"Our vision is to speed up time, eventually eliminating it." -- Alex Schure (source)
dreams of electric sheep
6 hours later…
reads a book
is it good?
the one I'm reading now is a bit boring
Yes! Part three of an amazing fantasy novel series. Just started this morning in the bus ^^
Is it Lord of the Rings?
Lord of the Rings is not the only fantasy novel series ;) and no, it's not the hobbit either :D
"fantasy novel"... So like the Twilight Saga then?
Nah, more fantasy-ish than sparkly vampires
@geisterfurz007 That's not what Wikipedia says.
"The Lord of the Rings is an epic high fantasy novel written by English author and scholar J. R. R. Tolkien." - Wikipedia
> not the only
It seems there is no english translation of the series I am reading currently :/
Wait, that's a food.
It is not
Apfelkuchen is a food. Apfelkeuchen is like a direct translation of "Apple gasping"
I blame google
Death Gate?
The Initiate?
Earthsea Quartet?
I don't know, there are so many...
6 mins ago, by geisterfurz007
It seems there is no english translation of the series I am reading currently :/
reading is for the weak
I'd rather go into a conversation with no context whatsoever
@geisterfurz007 is it "Der kleine Vampir"?
that actually has a translation even into Spanish
I read it when I was a kid
The series is called "Die Götterkriege" by Richard Schwatz
@Tavo That happened to me in bus two days ago. I sat next to an old man pulled out my book, and then he started asking me stuff and talked to me about his past and his friends life decisions and how important it is to be happy with your job and that it's no shame to change your career path even when you are in your 40s or older
@geisterfurz007 There's no wikipedia page for that novel.
I love when that happens. Reminds me of Spain :D
@JennaSloan ok
Also it's "Schwartz", not "Schwatz".
24 hours ago, by geisterfurz007
I want that I am not pinged by random rubbish.
Who are you talking to?
talking to me? talking to me?
make my day, punk!
@geisterfurz007 I do not understand what you mean.
What's so funny?
English please.
Why do I feel like in a kindergarden in this chat. That is worrying.
3 messages moved to Trash
1 message moved to Trash
I think my statement was rather clear, wasn't it?
Wherefore art thou, geisterfurz007?
Reread the rules again, please. Especially point 6 :)
You are acting like a little child that doesn't get what it wants for whatever reason and are nothing but annoying currently. That behaviour really doesn't belong in this chat.
@Pseudohuman Using your bot to flag messages targeted against you will lead to its suspension. You have been warned.
@MadaraUchiha I do not understand.
madara is fighting a bot?
@Wietlol The bot flagged geist's messages.
I see
lets make a new subject :D
I have this boolean[][] which is basically a picture in either black or white pixels
I compare this pixture to 18 other pictures to see which one matches most
basically... it counts the pixels where l == r
so white == white or black == black
but the comparison takes... long
Use Streams and make it parallel!
so I figured, perhaps I should use a singular array
@geisterfurz007 cant make it parallel
would have made sense tho
ok, don't make it parallel then
but I have one core to work on anyway
@geisterfurz007 So you kicked me multiple times because I don't understand what you mean?
6 mins ago, by geisterfurz007
You are acting like a little child that doesn't get what it wants for whatever reason and are nothing but annoying currently. That behaviour really doesn't belong in this chat.
I made my point pretty clear in that message. End of discussion.
So... yes.
anyway, I figured a boolean[h*w] would be faster than boolean[h][w]
where the one dimensional array is the size of height*width
which indeed makes it a lot faster
but not fast enough
Serious question: Why can't you run it on multiple threads?
so, I figured that a byte[ceil(h*w/8.0)] should be even faster
@geisterfurz007 its JavaScript
@Wietlol Node?
browser client side
I'd tell you to use a web worker
needs under 50ms so calling a service to do it wont do
But I have no idea how Kotlin.js works.
Ah, that's better.
I can also try to use kotlin->llvm->wasm and use that
Yeah I thought about that too; but I have no idea how web workers work.
How large the array?
anyway, I figured that a byte[] would be faster... or even... a long[]
arrays are 500x500
but I might have to up the size later on
depending on the accuracy of it
(so 250000 for a 1-dimensional array)
but I cant really get the long[] version to work
I wrote all the code, but for some reason, the comparison fails
it returns 0.0 similarity on my test case
which should be 0.89218
@MadaraUchiha That's not supposed to happen...
@JennaSloan That's right, it's not. Make sure it doesn't happen again, please.
That's not even a difference of 1! I don't see any issues with that @Wietlol ;)
its a difference factor
0.0 is where none of the pixels match
1.0 is where all pixels match
I don't think my bot even has a flag message method.
Do you have codez, Wietlol?
just a sec
I still don't understand why I was kicked from the room multiple times.
just wrote the fromImage differently
I guess I'll never know.
now I am getting... other results
oh, silly me
Which is good or not good?
> .div(data.size)
should be
> .div(data.size * 64)
Does anyone know how I can stop this from shaving off the 3 digits at the end? callableStatement.setTimestamp(9, Timestamp.valueOf(myObject.getMyTimestamp()));
@geisterfurz007 I dont think it is anything
considering that the similarity is now 0.10779930253391348
It's turing 2017-03-07 15:35:52.000001089 into 2017-03-07 15:35:52.000001
I do see one problem
/javadoc Statement#setTimestamp
@geisterfurz007 Sorry, I can't find that method. :(
the long array version will almost always make it slightly more similar
It's a shame I had to ignore geis though, he seemed like a nice guy.
since it has trailing 0 bits
@TheCoder what's callableStatement
CallableStatement callableStatement, package java.sql;
so... out of 250016 bits, 16 of them will always match
* fractional seconds may be omitted.
I'll just be over here, crying about losing another friend.
I dont want this
/javadoc CallableStatement#setTimestamp
It states it that 'fractional seconds may be omitted'
But my app requires format yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss.SSSSSSSSS
Might that be a limitation of the database?
Yes, you're right- when I debug, I can see the 3 digits ARE there
@Wietlol Isn't that almost the opposite of what you need?
I guess H2 is shaving them off
Might be something to read in their documentation about, I guess :/
Otherwise make everyone hate you and store as string :P
But Oracle is replacing them with zeros 07-MAR-17
oh yea, you are right
if I reverse the number, I get 0.8922006974660865
I can't stand it, I miss geis too much
which is exactly what I needed + the slight inaccuracy because of the trailing bits
And it's fast enough?
if I do keep the 16 bits into consideration and remove them from the result, I get
instead of
which is pretty damn close
Not too bad for 250000 pixels compared!
on my test cases, I get 5ms instead of 54ms for the booleans
now have to test this in the app
ofc... there is one problem now... I have to get the data in differently
What did I do wrong?
What I don't understand is why the booleans would be that slow
Good morning Tim! Was something flagged for once?
why is jenna's message flagged
twice in 2 days
I am getting tired of this.
lol wtf some insane flagger again
Are more messages being flagged?
Love it to be in the dark as RO :)
@geisterfurz007 booleans are single bits, which have to be iterated over
often, those booleans are stored as bytes
difference between boolean and bytes should be huge
difference between bytes and longs should be smaller because it only saves iterations
@TimCastelijns I'm sorry. I don't know who it is. From what I understood the flagged messages the last days were not valid either, so there is nothing I see I could have done either. If you got suggestions, they are very welcome!
don't apologize lol I don't care. I just came to check out any possible drama
You missed the drama
I found it, thanks for the tip
on the JS version, doing all 18 comparisons takes 64ms
I guess this is fine
About an hour ago, I was kicked from this room multiple times, for reasons unbeknownst to me.
So you went from 54ms for one image to 64 for all of them?
54ms on my JVM environment using boolean[][]
5ms on my JVM environment using long[]
64ms on my JS environment using long[]
I should now go and do llvm
and wasm
but the problem I have with that is probably the communication
but I am not sure
It's really difficult to not worry about getting kicked when I don't know what I did to get kicked in the first place.
Last time: You were annoying. And annoying. Any annoying. You were ignoring me when I told you to remain in English. Instead it felt like you were deliberately trying to be as annoying as possible while seeming innocent. To repeat myself from earlier (a message I already posted once as answer to the question why you were kicked): "You are acting like a little child that doesn't get what it wants for whatever reason and are nothing but annoying currently. That behaviour really doesn't belong in this chat.".
Also @TimCastelijns: Drama or whatever this is supposed to be called.
don't worry I am here
It hurts
Serious quesion; not meant as insult (for the people seeing the potential flag on this): Are you aware of any mental instability that you are affected by?
I think I'm dying
I don't know what to do
I recognize this feeling
Ah i thought something big happened , apparently not
enjoy your day everyone
it's ongoing CF, stay
It's the same feeling I felt when the staff locked me in that small room in elementary school.
It was so lonely
did they also force you to eat a giant chocolate cake
No, it was an empty room with only one door.
And that was just elementary school.
This is not depressing school story room but java on SO. Back on-topic or at least not as depressing please, thanks.
after that, I don't even know what grades I was in when the other things happened
Too many painful memories
Jenna, I suggest, you'd read the rules again, please.
I'm sorry
Please don't hurt me
I think I ran out of tears
@JennaSloan I don't know if you're high, drunk, or just trolling. But this behavior is unacceptable here, and you were asked to stop multiple times. Take a day off and when you return, please take better note of your behavior.
@geisterfurz007 datcord pl0x
Figured. Need to install it on my phone; am at work
no rush though, it can wait if you're busy
@MadaraUchiha you got flagged
this is getting out of hand
@TimCastelijns nice drama for you today xD
@Zoe Around 12 when I got my lunch break; have to leave you hanging till then.
@geisterfurz007 But... can't... breathe...
i am not even sure wtf happened
maybe some chat is missing
@Pseudohuman and I warned you against using your bots to flag messages.
CF you have to stay on point
aye aye captain
@Wietlol you clicked on copy too early
not too early... something went wrong there
no, it just didn't upload
look what I made
: D
That hurts to look at
im trying to find a way for a html canvas to draw a line where the shadow overlaps older parts of the line
but I guess that is impossible to do
sigh there are 2 festival today here ,i better enjoy my day
cya peeps
so... now comes the big task
given a point x,y, I need to flip the bits on the long[] to 1 on that location
but I also need to flip the bits on the long[] with a levenshtein distance of <=50 too
and probably have to do it for a line rather than a point
There is only one thing I will say to that while I continue to play lego with my RN components: Haha, Wietlol :P
Please tell me that there wasn't another flag, Tim ._.
that there wasn't another flag, Tim ._.
so about this flag that just popped up, you gonna do something about it Tim?
I am not too sure honestly
You are below 600 rep, Weddilel, you cannot even see them >.>
Did something get flagged again?
@geisterfurz007 but I know if I raised the flag :p
you need 10k rep to see flags
I am sure you wouldn't do that
you sure?
I mean... I am Wietlol
Yes, and this is Sparta.
me new in code pls be niece to me xoxox lol <3
Hey, I just met you.
And this is crazy.
But here is codebase.
So halp, I'm lazy.
@TaseerAhmad banned
lmao geisss
Ok, I won't say a word again pls don bun me pls <3
in Android, 9 mins ago, by Tim Castelijns
@geisterfurz007 feel free to ban taseer
anyway, I guess I will go to C-harp chat and give them my codebase to halp me
Good luck!
Cute birb btw Taseer!
one of the things I definitely do not miss: being RO here...
one of the things I definitely did not miss: low level programming...
my condolences
What a wonderful day
Hello Jaba
one of the things I definitely do not miss: java
I can't lie, I don't miss having to initialize my map keys :]
The only language coming to my mind that is smoother/better than Java would be Kotlin.
Or maybe JavaScript if you got a kink for things like that
I prefer C++. It's got null-safety, memory safety, and gives you control. It also lets you shoot yourself in the foot with undefined behavior, but we don't talk about that. xD
TypeScript \o/
Yeah well TypeScript for the non-kink JavaScript people
Exactly :)
I just don't think of TS as a language, but you're right
@Zoe, do you know how long the 3 kicks in a row thing counts?
I don't have much experience with C++, but from what I remember, Java has a lot of built in tools that make your life easier compared to C++
@geisterfurz007 wdym?
Atleast my last message is true for C, which is why I hate every language with a C in it
Like how long the suspension becomes, or how long it sticks before the counter resets?
The latter
Kick is 1, 5, 30 minutes and suspension depends on the mod.
@d0n.key Java is definitely easier in some areas, and C++ does require a different mindset when designing code, but I honestly love how you only can have null with real pointers
@geisterfurz007 wasn't it 1, 5, 15?
Nope, I saw the banner earlier.
@geisterfurz007 then no. It might reset at 3:00 UTC (SE really loves using 3:00 UTC in their code XD)
A: Impose a re-entry delay on users kicked out of a chat room

balphaThis has been implemented now. The short story is: room owners can kick abusive users, who will then be banned from re-entering the room for a certain time. Of course you want not just the short story but all the dirty details, so here they are: In the user popup that appears when you click on ...

To be fair it was a googleable question, sorry. 24 hours
Gelatin, the ingredient that makes Jello jiggle, is derived from collagen, which is often collected from animal skins. The gelatin in desserts, for example, comes from pig skin. (source)
00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 20:00

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