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If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of car payments. -- Earl Wilson (source)
@DanSchmidt Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! I'm Oak, one of the room's bots. If you want to ask a question, just ask it and someone will respond if they feel like it. But remember that this room is not a help desk or tutoring service! If you want to just hang out, then welcome aboard! Oh, and the room's full list of rules are posted here.
ok anybody so...im working on a project where I must do the following..."For this project, you will be reading data from a text file, processing it, and writing it out to another text file." so far I have managed to read the data from a text file, but now I am trying to read the data from the file into an array so that I can process some of the information in the file. Can anyone help?
6 hours later…
@I'm_Pratik Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! I'm Oak, one of the room's bots. If you want to ask a question, just ask it and someone will respond if they feel like it. But remember that this room is not a help desk or tutoring service! If you want to just hang out, then welcome aboard! Oh, and the room's full list of rules are posted here.
1 hour later…
@Trickyspy Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! I'm Oak, one of the room's bots. If you want to ask a question, just ask it and someone will respond if they feel like it. But remember that this room is not a help desk or tutoring service! If you want to just hang out, then welcome aboard! Oh, and the room's full list of rules are posted here.
Good morning!
Good morning.
Morning good!
Oh god no ._.
That wasn't even a pun
what are you on about?
You joined, that's all :)
oh ._.
Good Morning,

I got a problem in my current project.
I am creating a PreparedStatement with wildcards to insert dates in a db-statement.
In local environment (Windows 10) machine and Oracle 12b DB my code works totally fine, but when I run it on customer test stage (some linux distribution with same DB) every time i run my statement it returns an empty result set.
I tried to insert the date as java.sql.date instances via the PreparedStatement.setDate-Method which didnt work.
I thought maybe there is a problem date-format incompatibility between the different OS so I tried to insert the dat
@Demli95 Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! I'm Oak, one of the room's bots. If you want to ask a question, just ask it and someone will respond if they feel like it. But remember that this room is not a help desk or tutoring service! If you want to just hang out, then welcome aboard! Oh, and the room's full list of rules are posted here.
@Demli95 PreparedStatement.setDate requires a java.sql.Date
but you can easily convert from a Date to java.sql.Date
Tried it like that in my first attempt, works locally but not by the customer
what kind of inconsistency are you getting?
you get results in one case and not in another?
Does your customer have a different system Locale maybe? I don't know if that could have an impact but I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.
My statement just returns an empty result set so ResultSet.next() always returns false so my code never enters the processing loop
I gotta ask that bluntly: The same statement run on that database (if you have access to it) does produce results?
I work with the LocalDate and always assign locale at creation
Or could the cause of the issue just be a query that actually does not return rows.
yes it does, statement execution in SQL-Viewer returns results as expecte
@Demli95 is there a timezone difference between where you are and where the client server is?
if so, you should consider that maybe timezone is being taken into consideration
Not 100% sure, but probably no
could be worth looking into though
if you don't understand why something is happening, then it is because you have a series of assumptions, at least one of which is false
so you need to verify them one at a time. That's literally the only way to find the problem. Start with the most least likely assumption, and move downwards ;)
Is it possible to see what statement is executed on the database side when running your code?
Well should the time zone of the client server have any impact on my inserted dates if I parse them from a string via TO_DATE?
@Demli95 if the string doesn't have a timezone component, then the timezone component will be added as the same as the server timezone
Assuming you only deal with strings, then the "timezone" will always be considered the same
but if you mix strings and dates, you could get into trouble in that regard
just checked it same time zones.
ok, is it the same database? down to the version?
Yes both Oracle 12b
have you verified that the results of the queries launched on both databases result in the same thing? (sql client, without using the program)
I think so, not quite sure what you mean. I executed the statement against both databases I always receive plenty of results which should result in my program iterating over it, which as I mentioned doesnt work on customer server
So running the sql on the customer database results in data and that same customer database when called through the program returns no data?
Does this happen with other queries or only this one?
have you verified that the two queries are exactly the same?
yes that sums it up
yes they are exactly the same
Das weird...
Does this happen with other queries or only this one?
Well we got multiple queries in use, but it seems that has never happened before
But I dont think that the query itself is the problem
When in doubt, it's the customer :')
At one point in time my code did return a result from the db, with the same query. I work with the LocalDate-class in my code. I can go back to that stage of code I dont really do anything different I just call the method minusWeeks() one time more than right know originally being a bug returning a false date-intervall but resulting in a not empty result set.
And it is verified that the query returns results for the new date-interval, sounds strange but seems like it varies by which operations I execute on my date-Object if the db-Query returns any results
And String-parsing doesnt work at all
that is odd
you're not short circuiting the call to resultSet.next() are you?
that needs to be called at least once before you can get results from the query
if you do something like false && resultSet.next() it will seem like you aren't getting any results when perhaps you are
otherwise I don't see the connection between how you use the data and being able to retrieve the data
My loop looks like this while(rs.next) { ... there is no other condition in the head. But I dont call rs.next() any time before I enter the loop, do I have to do that?
call rs.next() before you enter the loop? no
that's how you're supposed to do it
ok, well is it possible you've done some weird configuration or parameter connecting to the database?
there must be some difference here..
The bad assumption here is "everything's the same"
that can't be true
Well connection parameters to DB of the program is pretty much the same except for the DB address. My access to customer server configurations is limited.
ok, well I can't think of anything else that would warrant checking
the versions of the two programs are the same?
probably a dumb question, but still
Yes versions are the same. I forgot to mention when I insert the date values hard in my sql-statement it works just fine the problem has to have something to do with wildcard-injection in the preparedStatement
ok, well are the jdbc drivers the same?
another important question
jdbc-driver gets inserted via maven, pom.xml is always the same which refers to ojdbc8 version:
well I'm out of ideas, sorry man
No problem, thanks for the attempt :D
I've a simple doubt about anonymous function in Java, any experts here?
@AjnasKt Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! I'm Oak, one of the room's bots. If you want to ask a question, just ask it and someone will respond if they feel like it. But remember that this room is not a help desk or tutoring service! If you want to just hang out, then welcome aboard! Oh, and the room's full list of rules are posted here.
Best of luck solving it (I have not enough experience to help with this one :/)
If you figure it out and would like to share the issue, I am very curious to hear it!
@AjnasKt Just ask your question. If there is someone around who can help and has the time for it, they will :)
I'm creating an anonymous (let's call it B) within a normal function (let's call it A) inside a class. Within the body of function B, I'm able to access the arguments passed to function A. Does that mean, all the objects passed as arguments to function A are kept alive as long as function B is alive?
*anonymous function
depends of what got passed to B
only those gets not removed by GC
Yeah, only the stuff you actually use in B are kept alive, no matter whether those are arguments to A, local variables inside of A or local variables inside of B.
I'm not passing anything explicitly, instead, B is a lambda function that I'm sending to an asynchronous operation as a callback to be executed on success. So within the body of this lambda expression, I'm able to access the arguments, local variable, and the local variables
@AjnasKt They're "alive" in the same sense that parameters of a method are alive for only as long as it is being run
you could save those variables, but for an anonymous class, it isn't necessary
it can also access class members outside the anonymous class or the parameters of the function which calls it, provided they're final
class Demo {
    void A(String exampleArgument) {
        Callable B = () => System.out.println(exampleArgument);
But the confusing part here is that, this anonymous function is not going to be executed right away. It's passed to another asynchronous method which may or may not execute it at a later point of time. Means, the function A would have ran fully before this anonymous function would get called.
So you mean you got something like that?
@HabibMotallebpour Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! I'm Oak, one of the room's bots. If you want to ask a question, just ask it and someone will respond if they feel like it. But remember that this room is not a help desk or tutoring service! If you want to just hang out, then welcome aboard! Oh, and the room's full list of rules are posted here.
@geisterfurz007 Yes. and this callable B is being sent to an asynchronous function startConnectionAndRun(B);
Hello you guys , I am trying to call rest Get service, using Spring RestTemplate but I am getting tmeout exception .
Do you know how can I set timeout for restTemplate ?
@AjnasKt that anon function is represented in object heap. It is not a "fly" wandering around
You can format the code by editing your message and pressing Ctrl+K :)
in that example, callback1 persists in the memory until at the end of the runAfterFewSeconds call stack
A: Spring RestTemplate timeout

dustin.schultzFor Spring Boot >= 1.4 @Configuration public class AppConfig { @Bean public RestTemplate restTemplate(RestTemplateBuilder restTemplateBuilder) { return restTemplateBuilder .setConnectTimeout(...) .setReadTimeout(...) .build(); } } For...

@AjnasKt yes, the values will be kept in memory while being referenced by closures
lambdas that access variables from their outer scope are called closures
@Neil you forgot to check the types
(that oracledb issue)
ask him
@geisterfurz007 Thanks Man , It worked :)
My guess is he'll tell you it's the same
@Wietlol@KarelG@geisterfurz007 So the callback1 and whatever objects it holds within it's body won't be GC ed till the end of runAfterFewSeconds?
@HabibMotallebpour You're welcome. It was the first google result for "resttemplate setTimeout" ;)
@AjnasKt yep
@Demli95 what's the type of your date column in the oracleDB ?
+ what's the java version?
you shouldnt have to care about the logic of the GC
the GC is smart enough to handle 99% of your cases
it wont ever collect stuff that you can still reference
but, you might sometimes want to null certain references in order to allow it to garbage collect stuff
often when doing observers or listeners, this might be the case
many people blames gc being the slowpoke that makes java slow. But they have improved it drastically by overhauling it and therefore such claims are irrelevant nowadays
but in most cases, even with those patterns, you should be fine
@Wietlol I'm doing this in an android project and the callback1 holds a referene to activity. So when the activity get's killed but this async function is still running the activity won't get GCed. And it causes a memory leak
if you think GC is slow, just use Epsilon
the key problem now is that many applications are not managing the resources correctly (memory space wise)
@AjnasKt not necessarily
as soon as your callback1 gets garbage collected, your activity will too
(assuming there are no other references to it)
@AjnasKt if you kill an activity, it clears its current memory space (where the anon function is stored to as well)
@KarelG Java applications are mostly slow because Java prefers design over premature optimizations
@Wietlol Yes. And it'll happen only after the runAfterFewSeconds() is ran completely, correct?
@AjnasKt sure... or what KarelG said
I dont know enough about android to accurately answer that tho
@Wietlol good design should not have impact on performance in that extend.
android might simply destroy all usefulness of your activity
@KarelG but it often has a certain overhead, usually
So I'm testing this with a tool that helps to identify memory leak and I can see that the parent activity is getting leaked.
@Wietlol Use Flutter instead :')
for example, following direct mapping and single level of abstraction often results in more, smaller classes
which means more alloc calls and more pointers and stuff
So I want to be able to say, GC the callback in the case of activity getting killed itself.
C++ devs would hate this
C++ devs hate #7!
#7 ?
All the objects are kept alive with a strong reference in the case of anonymous functions?
If we could define them as weakreference, wouldn't it avoid this issue?
@AjnasKt until the instance of the anon function gets garbage collected, it keeps references to its enclosed objects
@AjnasKt that would create an even worse issue
@Wietlol Like what?
zombie objects
What's that
What's an ideal way to handle a situation like this?
@Wietlol you've failed the clickbait test
Not use anon function ?
does not matter if you are using named or anon function
the object(s) you passed on is in memory until the function reaches its end of life
What if I define the callback as a static class and then pass the required objects and keep the weakreferences inside the callback?
if you want to use weakreference, there is no guarantee that the object is still alive at the moment you use it in the function
@AjnasKt it sounds like your callback is kept alive
it either throws a NPE or if you do a null check, does nothing
you need to stop that somehow
callback can convert the passed weakreference to a normal reference, and if it isn't null, call the callback
@KarelG If the reference is no longer alive, It's okay to do nothing in that case.
ah, in that case. well then
Probably better a SoftReference and not a WeakReference (weak reference gets garbage collected at the first available moment if it can)
I see a lot of people use WeakReference when they probably mean to use SoftReference instead
> private static class
better than an inner class tho
Two runnables passed to this constructor are lambda expressions
Please use a paste site for long code snippets and stacktraces.
1 message moved to friendly bin
@Neil bahahahaha!
@AjnasKt well... do you unregister when your activity gets closed?
@Wietlol I would just skip the callback when the activity is destroyed before the callbacks are run. In this case, I want to just avoid leaking the activity
Btw, I'm very curious about what will happen when I hold a weakreference to a runnable that was created as a lambda expression within a function :/
Like the above snippet?
I never used weak references actually
nor soft references
Can anyone answer that?
@Wietlol @geisterfurz007@KarelG Thanks for the help with the concepts. I appreciate it.
SoftReferences are ideal for caching
if you're using up memory and need more, well, no problem. memory freed
otherwise you can save potentially large amounts of data
WeakReference would be a mistake simply because it won't hold probably longer than 30 seconds
it's not meant to stick around
@AjnasKt does your listener get garbage collected?
@Neil I guess I might have mistakenly used WeakReference instead of SoftReference. I'll double confirm that.
just make sure when you need it, you save it to a local variable and check if it is null
if you call SoftReference.get() twice, it's a mistake
it could exist the first time and not the second
@Wietlol I think it's not getting garbage collected until the end of the async operations. So all the objects it hold reference to also won't, in this case the callback holds reference to an activity as well. That's the issue here.
@Neil Looks like WeakReference is appropriate for this usecase. stackoverflow.com/questions/18297378/…
this would be a regular callback situation:
> - 00:01 create activity
- 00:02 create callback (execute after 5s) referencing activity
- 00:04 destroy activity
- 00:07 callback executed
- 00:07 callback closed
- 00:07 gc callback
- 00:07 gc activity
however, your case probably looks more like this
> - 00:01 create activity
- 00:02 create callback (execute after 5s) referencing activity
- 00:03 create listener referencing callback
- 00:04 destroy activity
- 00:07 callback executed
- 00:07 callback closed
- 00:07 (callback didnt gc because still referenced by listener)
- 00:07 (activity didnt gc because still referenced by callback)
@KarelG the type is simple DATE; the java-version is Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_121-b13)
@AjnasKt I would argue the opposite
34 mins ago, by Wietlol
often when doing observers or listeners, this might be the case
the problem was caused by the use of WeakReference
@Demli95 java.sql.Date or java.util.Date ?
it needs a different take
> To conform with the definition of SQL DATE, the millisecond values wrapped by a java.sql.Date instance must be 'normalized' by setting the hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds to zero in the particular time zone with which the instance is associated.
could be that in linux, it is not normalized
@KarelG if he's converting from milliseconds since the epoch of java.util.Date, there's no timezone information
converting to java.sql.Date from java.util.Date.getTime() shouldn't be adding or subtracting timezones
at least to my knowledge
Well I suppose it could be adding timezones technically
I wonder how many epoch converters keep leap seconds in mind
Y E E T seconds
this one does not
1483228798 = Saturday 31 December 2016 23:59:58
1483228799 = Saturday 31 December 2016 23:59:59
1483228800 = Sunday 1 January 2017 00:00:00
1483228801 = Sunday 1 January 2017 00:00:01
where is Saturday 31 December 2016 23:59:60 ?
> The number of seconds per day are fixed with Unix timestamps.

The Unix time number is zero at the Unix epoch, and increases by exactly 86400 per day since the epoch.

So it cannot represent leap seconds. The OS will slow down the clock to accommodate for this. The leap seconds is simply not existent as far a Unix timestamps are concerned.
systematical time drift!
epoch seconds aren't a thing.. it's leap days that have to be taken into consideration
slow down?
> TAI has been exactly 35 seconds ahead of UTC. The 35 seconds results from the initial difference of 10 seconds at the start of 1972, plus 25 leap seconds in UTC since 1972.
I thought pc's just re-count the midnight time
1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5
1483228798 = Saturday 31 December 2016 23:59:59
1483228799 = Saturday 31 December 2016 23:59:59
23:58 -> 23:59 -> 23:60/24:00 -> 00:00 -> 00:01
I hate React Native.
oh, double 00 could also be
hence why I checked 58, 59, 00 and 01
dont worry geis, React Native also hates you
and... I also hate React Native
because it requires JS
You can use TS as well. Probably also works with kotlin-react if you set it up properly
I will stick to React-JS-without-JS-and-instead-I-use-Kotlin + Electron
React-JS has a few issues... JS issues
I have to write a 70 page thesis to compare it with Flutter. I would love to just write one page with the content "Flutter: 2 commands; React Native 2 hours just to get the archive step to work".
Electron. eww
Yeah you first archive the iOS app and then you sign and whatever it to an ipa file which you can then install on iPhones.
oh, deploying to app store
ye, that sucks
Not even that! I just want to build it for my iPhone to be able to compare the sizes between the frameworks.
I am building the ipa for essentially the same app in flutter and rn as well as the android app bundle and that gives me a good comparison as to how additional framework specific resources increase the app size (like the JS Engine for React Native or Skia and the Widgets in Flutter)
Currently the build is constantly failing because RN does not define a clear build target for either android or iOS so pretty much every library just does its own thing and usually it's not compatible.
That missing standard is probably the biggest weakness of RN.
why do you even use react-native?
instead of react-js-without-js-and-instead-i-use-kotlin
Because react-js is a little different from react?
When I was getting into app development it was clear that I was not going to do native development (not feasible for our small team) and React Native was the biggest thing and Flutter was still in deepest alpha so not really an option.
So I gained experience in RN which made it the ideal framework to compare to Flutter in my bachelor thesis because I could write a lot on it without having to research a lot.
I use react-js because it is one framework that runs on websites, mobile and desktop
basically everywhere where I care about
and... I can use kotlin instead of weird languages
react-js websites, ok.
react-js desktop with electron, ok.
how do you run react-js on mobile?
the only downside is that kotlin's multiplatform projects suck
so I cant use my client kotlin-jvm libraries on the ui application
electron's phonegap? cordova?
Yeah cordova's shit as well if you want native performance; that was the reason it was not considered for us.
if your browser can display your react-js website, then so should cordova
so... what exactly are you doing with your apps? bitcoin mining?
There is a difference if your app is limited to the constraints of the webview or actually have direct, native platform access.
And if all you want to do is to trashtalk decisions of mine that were made more than a year ago, you can go fuck right off :)
I dont trashtalk decisions you made
I only trashtalk the bad decisions you made
You are a dick.
what can I say?
@geisterfurz007 we are the mistakes we've made in the past
both figuratively and literally :)
According to the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, Shakespeare wrote about one-tenth of the most quotable quotations ever written or spoken in English. (source)
This has to be a monday. Even if I didn't knew by now, this mail gave it away. Why was I even happy about not being employed here anyway. The only response to my request as to how long a written statement would take, the answer was that I should show a little patience. They are currently checking the situation and might have to look for another conversation with my boss and stuff. I SHOWED PATIENCE FOR FOUR GODDAMN WEEKS?! How long can it take to write a piece of paper that says
"Yeah, he can leave, we are not giving him a contract, he does not have to pay anything back".
Everyone signs it, and I am good
@geisterfurz007 you can ask him for a deadline you know
if he doesn't want to give you one, you can also give one yourself if it comes down to that
but I would only do that as a last resort
What do you mean with asking for a deadline?
I mean you can say, "I have shown patience, but there are limits to my patience. Could you please give me a maximum amount of time I can expect to wait?"
in this way, he's obliged to follow the deadline he himself defines
Yeah I essentially asked for that already. Amongst other stuff that was in the mail I wrote to the HR woman that currently has "my case": "For planning (and admittedly curiosity) I wanted to ask how long putting together such a written statement, or when I could expect such an agreement."
oh and their response was to be patient?
hey guys, anyone here got much experience with netbeans swing UI applications?
@zadders Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! I'm Oak, one of the room's bots. If you want to ask a question, just ask it and someone will respond if they feel like it. But remember that this room is not a help desk or tutoring service! If you want to just hang out, then welcome aboard! Oh, and the room's full list of rules are posted here.
"This case is currently being checked. It could be that we will have to look for a conversation with your department. Regards."
well before you just storm out on them, make sure they know that you expect to know something within the month
@zadders Just ask your question! If someone can and wants to answer, they will :)
@Neil I don't want to be this annoying dude that is constantly pulling their leg but on the other hand I am also afraid that if I don't do exactly that, I won't get anything at all.
@geisterfurz007 I get that. That was my point simply
there are two lines in the sand, not one
Dafak does that mean now? :D
there's the one where you're willing to be a bit more rude to get the point across and then there's the one where you simply leave
Oh, yah
I just mean to say, they'd prefer you crossed the first line before the second
that's all I mean :)
it is in everyone's best interest
I mean, I don't need their statement to leave. If I don't get a new contract, I am out either way but if I do get a new one, I am pretty much obliged to take it or pay back and that is what I want to avoid by getting written confirmation that that won't happen. I just don't understand how hard that might be.
And it would also allow me to have a look around to new opportunities.
Okay so does anyone know of a way in which I can change the actual tab stylings within the Tabbed Pane Swing container on netbeans?
like tab border-colours / style etc rather than only changing the background and foreground colour
@geisterfurz007 well I'm not familiar with the current contract you have, but I fail to see why you'd be obliged to continue working there
Because otherwise I have to pay back quite a bit of money.
ok, well your current contract reduced that by a bit right?
ok, so why tf would you sign a contract which doesn't resolve this?
if anything, say you need some sort of guarantee that the contract you sign is going to reduce or ideally eliminate your remaining debts
you can't just go on trust
Yeah well that is exactly the thing I am waiting for!
or maybe you're wasting your time
sign the new contract only if it is in your best interests to do so
frankly, I'd be upset to have worked there and finished the contract with nothing to say for it
@geisterfurz007 <,<
aren't you a RO D:
@KarelG Do I care?
@geisterfurz007 *resists urge to flag it*
Feel free to flag it. I know what I wrote and I meant it that way :)
@Wietlol ty, i'll check that out
@Neil I mean yeah, that's kinda the idea. But I cannot sign anything if I don't get anything. And it's exactly what you said: I very, very, very heavily dislike the idea of trust only for this one.
@Neil what do you mean with that?
@KarelG if you flag it, I will moderate it :D
oh wait, this is not C-harp room... I am not RO here
@geisterfurz007 I mean you clearly already made this blunder once if you're under a contract and have nothing to show for it
you said they didn't reduce your debt by a bit under your current contract
I got a debt of 50k (which is the salary they paid me + the college fees over the last three and a half years). Per the contract that outlines that (which also contains them paying for my college, etc), I have to remain here for 5 years after I got my bachelor (and my current contract runs out) with each year removing the original debt by a fifth.
posted on November 18, 2019

archive - contact - sexy exciting merchandise - search - about ← previousNovember 18th, 2019nextNovember 18th, 2019: Shout out to all my humans in the audience - keep on keeping on!!– Ryan

@geisterfurz007 ok, so it is reducing your debt
Dev meeting; will be back in 30 I think.
@Feeds it's a freaking nightmare indeed
@Neil Yeah, I guess. But I'd rather it would vanish immediately and leave me free from this shithole.
@geisterfurz007 so probably you shouldn't expect much more than another contract reducing by another fifth
My boss asked me if I got anything back from HR in the meeting a second ago. Told him about it and he was super confused because he expected that to be a pretty straightforward process by now.
just make sure it's a fifth pertaining to the initial amount and not the "current" debt
because you could reduce by a fifth for an infinite number of years
@Neil I already have verbal agreement that I can leave without paying back. "Current" debt and initial amount is the same.
The five years count from completing my bachelor so it didn't even start yet.
well just put up with it for a bit longer
I would just hate it if they were doing some sort of talks behind your back
Yeah exactly....
it isn't in writing, so they have all the power
I made that mistake once to not get something in written and I learned from it.
Anyway, over to trying to get kerberos authentication set up with Java EE... We'll see how that goes.
can't trust anybody these days
It's really sad
I trust you :)
eventhough you are probably mafia but that's ok
shhh! you'll tell everybody!
Neil you haven't by any chance set up a Wildfly for Kerberos ticket authentication before, have you?
@geisterfurz007 that's extremely specific
and no
Is it really that specific?
I thought more people would use that stuff for SSO in their companies
well I don't at least
That's unfortunate; thanks tho :D
That's the freshest installment in the series "How to keep my developers busy while everyone knows there won't be any developers left by the beginning of next year"
The webapps me and my coworker are supposed to develop should use the kerberos ticket to determine the current user.
that sounds like fun
It's incredible! Especially because I understand pretty much nothing of all the tutorials because it has nothing to do with dev but with domain management.
tfw you have to do your own dev environment yourself instead of being provided one :)
my face?
I cant get CI/CD working tho
that would complete the dev environment
1 hour later…
i am facing some problems in selenium webdriver
i am able to locate the table till tbody and its not able to identify or locate the table row using selenium java
example :
By.xpath("/html/body/div[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div/div[2]/div/div/div[7]/div[6]//table/tbody/tr[5]/td[2]") is not working but By.xpath("/html/body/div[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div/div[2]/div/div/div[7]/div[6]//table/tbody") is working for me
any suggestions please
1 hour later…
5 hours later…
hi anyone home?
@JohnDoenym Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! I'm Oak, one of the room's bots. If you want to ask a question, just ask it and someone will respond if they feel like it. But remember that this room is not a help desk or tutoring service! If you want to just hang out, then welcome aboard! Oh, and the room's full list of rules are posted here.
I've got question regarding Java enterprise app hosting.
What's the best overall hardware server configuration in 2019 for hosting Java servlets enterprise-level web app?

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