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"Your success will not be determined by your gender or your ethnicity, but only on the scope of your dreams and your hard work to achieve them." -Zaha Hadid (source)
1 hour later…
3 hours later…
hi guys...
1 hour later…
Good Morning
Good morning.
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
The average African family uses about 5 gallons (23 liters) of water a day. The average American family uses more than 250 gallons (946 liters) a day. (source)
I misread "African" for American, and was shocked on how much they use every day.
Now I'm really shocked
So a 10 minute shower takes about 120l of water
How the flamingo do you get 946 for a family
The fact is wrong anyway. How can 5 gallons be 23 liters if 250 are 946 liters
@OakBot How dare you spread fake news
I cannot find a single issue with this mySQL String. Can anyone find out why it keeps coming back an error?
String SQL="DELETE FROM camperSessionLink WHERE camperID=?, sessionID=?";
, should be AND I guess?
or OR that's why you gotta specify
Why did it work when I did it that way in another method then?
oh wait, it didn't
I never tested that method
awesome. tests passed
I'm adding a mySQL database to my cabin assigner Swing program and then creating a activity scheduling web application once that is finished.
posted on January 11, 2019

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Happy Friday, Jaba!
@OakBot thats dumb
I'm a white man, therefore successful, everyone knows that
Hi guys
Happy Friday!
one of our devs proposed to stop wif git and start using svn for all projects
I laughed
... he was serious
I seriously laughed
I have a gif for this @wiet
I have a sad face for this
ok, that is very relatable
I don't fuck around with my gif-game bro
I'm having problems setting up a Maven project in Eclipse
> I'm having problems ... in Eclipse
I see the issue
Apparently connection is refused to the maven compiler plugin repository
So I changed the proxy settings, but still getting the same error
I am calling a rest endpoint that sends me json. I have written a pojo that the Json should parse into. How do I parse the Json into my Pojo. I thought the below would work but it doesn't.

Response response = client.target(url).request(APPLICATION_JSON).get();
MyPojo pojo = response.readEntity(MyPojo.class);
maybe try using gson?
Refused occurs more because of request call being incorrect
@TheCoder Try the same call with postman or something
@TheCoder "Doesn't work" usually is a bad error description. What's the issue exactly?
Managed to solve it. Added some extra fields in the settings.xml file and ran a maven install
MessageBodyProviderNotFoundException: MessageBodyReader not found for media type=text/html;charset=utf-8, type=class com.MyPojo,
@TheCoder Whatever you expect JSON from doesn't send JSON but html.
Follow Saurabh's idea and send the request manually with something like Postman
That way you can see what you actually get.
Alternatively you can print out the response text with readEntity(String.class) and then System.out.println
2 messages moved to Trash
you are the literal definition of
<insert mildly racist, extremely offensive phrase of your choice here>
this endpoint is not working now
seems Microsoft stopped supporting
I didn't do anything
it was your own mind that came up with the phrase
You're the one who's mildly racist and extremely offensive, not me!
is there any other API endpoint to get authentication with office 365 account?
@ballBreaker preventive actions
I was going to leave it
@Shankar I am asked for a username and password.
@geisterfurz007 have you tried admin, and password
if there is something discontinued, the docs should mention it @Shankar
I'm going to have 5 guys for lunch
going to be so tasty
With the special sauce even
An inappropriate response can be seen on discord in a minute.
Actually... No it cannot :D
I waited and everything
have you ever had 5 guys before
Gotta try it once in your lifetime
Only 6 pretzels...
so good
so american
Hi all, anyone familiar with Hadoop? I have a quick question. Or is there a more appropriate room I should ask in?
Why do we need checked exceptions and throws keyword in Java? They seem to be useless to me...
@Abcd Maybe this comment thread has something for you: stackoverflow.com/q/6115896/6707985
A: Java: checked vs unchecked exception explanation

Tom DibbleTo answer the final question (the others seem thoroughly answered above), "Should I bubble up the exact exception or mask it using Exception?" I am assuming you mean something like this: public void myMethod() throws Exception { // ... something that throws FileNotFoundException ... } No,...

> No, always declare the most precise exception possible, or a list of such. The exceptions you declare your method as capable of throwing are a part of the contract between your method and the caller.
Isn't that a tedious process?
Like go through all the subclasses and then check which exceptions could occur in your method
That depends on how long your method is and how many exceptions are thrown.
Further with an IDE you usually don't have to write everything on your own as it will warn you that for example when deleting a file you have an uncaught IOException.
@geisterfurz007 the answer is efgh
mate if you don't have anything useful at least don't ping the people.
sorry friendo
> throw new ArithmeticException("Student is not eligible for registration");
Why do we need this? Won't a simple print statement work? Just print that student aint eligible for registration...
weird variable name
studentAge I guess.
lol yes
Yeah haha
i got that code on begineersbook.com
Also your code is fat shaming
its not mine.
@Abcd In this case yes. Mostly because of the reason that the exception will just bubble up to the main method and isn't caught anywhere.
So it will just display an error stacktrace to the user.
I'm calling the PC police
Yeah not necessary in this example
Do you have any concrete example of 'throw' ? I always have a hard time understanding stuff related to exceptions in Java coz its not explained properly anywhere!
You throw exceptions when you want them to carry to the classes calling the functions
^ explains the concept pretty decently
@ballBreaker Did you try turning it off and back on again?
hello all
@pingOfDoom Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! Please use a code snippet tool when posting code snippets. If you have an Android question, you're in the wrong place! And remember: this is not tech support! Thanks for visiting and have fun! :D
I'm going through a codebase that has a little Kotlin in it and I'm confused about some syntax
I'm a little confused about what the Local refers to
Haven't seen it anywhere
It's not a type defined in the codebase i'm not really sure what it means as a kotlin keyword
@Zoe Kotlin stuff ;)
I am going start writing merge sort
Fucking com sci course
If I don't make it back, tell my wife and children I love them ;)
This journey will be tough
Over and out
oh and everything needs to be done manually. No System.arraycopy or anything like that...
Kotlin? owo
@pingOfDoom Slightly late ^^" Are you sure it's in that order? Because it doesn't compile
<Name> (usually one letter, can me more) are generic types. In class definitions, it's enforced to be after the class name -- so something like interface interfaceName<Local> would declare an interface with a generic type named Local. If that's the exact order (and it does compile), then it's something else (and I'm not sure what, but I can look into that)
@JBis just copy something off the internet
@ballBreaker That works right up until the instructor has you write a program in a language they made themselves.
I have a habit of using one or two letter names for variables with very limited scopes.
wow that was just not difficult
Hello All i have a question out from java but its so good
other kids made it out to seem sooooo difficult (I dont like programming the more mind using things because I cant concentrate, I often do at home instead).
@ErikDobra Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! Please use a code snippet tool when posting code snippets. If you have an Android question, you're in the wrong place! And remember: this is not tech support! Thanks for visiting and have fun! :D
I Have One Problem with Android Studio have anway here for help me :/
This is not an Android room. See the room rules
Faster than me; what a shame!
I didn't create the header, I was forced to use it. Would have done something.
temp is useless
@geisterfurz007 Hm, this isn't good
I might have to remove your status as the fastest waffle in the west :p
can't understand why you don't just pass the first array and the second array to merge but ok...

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