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"Win any way as long as you can get away with it. Nice guys finish last." -Leo Durocher (source)
2 hours later…
reads a book
4 hours later…
morning every one
2 hours later…
Hey @Tavo!
Hey lurking @wonderb0lt
Good morning
Hello Java!
@wonderb0lt places lurker traps
is caught
\o/ lol
1 hour later…
I am trying to scale the font in my javafx according to the window size. This window will be projected to a 16ft x 12ft LED display. How do I make sure that my font (and other elements) scale properly?
How will Java know which size of screen (in ft) it's displayed on?
helloo guys
can someone answer this question stackoverflow.com/questions/50738329/…
@JAVA Please don't use chat as fastlane for your questions. Instead, wait a few days before asking here to give the people on the main site some time. If we want to answer questions there, we will look for them on our own.
@ArifNoumanKhan hiya
need your help
access-control-allow-origin cannot handle this thing ... when ever client app call spring boot api
something with cross origin
Are you sending the header?
@wonderb0lt yes exactly this
ionic developer is accessing api inside chrome browser so he cannot access post,put
from mobile application its working fine
I am using JBOSS EAP 7.1 server and i am deploying my Spring application from console
but the spring beans are not getting instantiated??
can anyone help me please??
gist.github.com/zeroows/80bbe076d15cb8a4f0ad i have this piece of code do i have to just add this class to my code ? or something i dont get it
@Zoe thanks for suggestion,sorry i don't know that really. i just put the question here for quick answer.
@ArifNoumanKhan If you curl your API, does the Header get sent?
The documentation of that snippet seems pretty straightforward
@wonderb0lt curl and rest client fine
just from browser
but now its fine
i tried CORSfilter
i just had to annotate it
i didnt know that :(
since 2 days i was working around it
@wonderb0lt thanks for your time bro
3 hours later…
Hiya @Michael ._.
Hey @Zoe
@Kanth Kanth! LTNS!
@Michael Howdy!
Yeah, have been busy. However I am not sure why I have not been logging into SO chat
hi pplz! I haz question about android with javascript. Can you help me?
Help, I am bored. Don't tell me to pay attention to the lecture Michael
@geisterfurz007 Pay attention to the lecture Michael!! :p
@geisterfurz007 Java and JavaScript have nothing in common. The language SDKs are different, Java is a compiled language (where as JavaScript is not), and just knowing Java doesn't mean you know JavaScript or the other way around. For JS questions, use the JavaScript room, or a different room with JavaScript as the topic.
he he he
damn you two ate clowns for breakfast, huh?
@geisterfurz007 And no, Android is NOT Java - excerpt from room description Lol
Whats that question btw?
I don't have a question. I am just bored ._.
Dang it @gei!! Don't tell me what to not say!!
Dang it @Mic!! Don't tell me what not to do!!
reading concurrency in practice and there's this term of reentry - does this mean that the thread can call the same method again and the others thread are blocked until the count is 0, or can it call different methods as well and those methods are locked as well until it leaves
Dammit @Mic @gei!! Stop telling each other what to do!!
Dang it @Zoe!! Don't get into it as well!! Also it is Dang it and not Dammit.
Dang it @gei!! Stop telling me what to do!! Also dang it, it's a typo!!
Dang it @gei!! Why are you still on your laptop!!
I am not...
Dang it @mic!! It's obvious!!
Does javax validation annotations cover a string that should be parseable to a LocalDateTime?
I see @Pattern but when I add my dateformat to the pattern, it doesn't calidate it
It validates as false, rejecting my string when it should mathc
What pattern did you put in there?
@Pattern(regexp = "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSS")
Pattern takes in a regex and not a dateformat
Are you using Spring?
mm, maybe my solution won't be clean then. If I have to write a regex
If you are using Spring you can use @DateTimeFormat
I have a json file with a string as
2018-01-10T09:32:09.003, and I want to reject it if it comes in a different format
I saw that but I'm using javax.validation
I am sure you can write your own annotation but my JavaEE training was almost 1 year ago and I have no clue how that works
Would yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSS be difficult to regex?
to have it in the general format, that would be rather easy. Validating the actual values (ie 13 as month should not be allowed) would be a lot harder
Yea, it#s going to get tricky
@TheCoder It seems there is an annotation that takes in a "validateBy" attribute?
Which one?
something like @Constraint(validatedBy = DateFormatValidator.class)
I'd write the date frmatter?
Could that be? And then DateFormatValidator needs an isValid method returning true or false. Maybe that helps?
you could use SimpleDateFormat with your format, parse the value into a Date object, then check if the value equals the date's format - not sure if that's what you want
I've foun this:
@JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.STRING, pattern = "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSS")
Is there a JsonFormat annotation you can use?
Then I'd have to change my field from string to date
I don't know that I'm taking the best approach here. I don't like what I'm doing. I need some feedback please.
It's package com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation so maybe not
I don't like my current design for how I am going about parsing Java (9) source code and converting it to bytecode
I would probably take a look into https://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/validation/Constraint.html and https://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/validation/ConstraintValidator.html
I don't have a lot of experience with JavaEE but maybe you can make something out of the docs. In the isValid method I would essentially try to parse the string you got from your file, if any exception comes up return false, else return true @TheCoder
I'm using a Trie array of all Productions to identify Productions from largest to smallest in linear time. What I don't like, however, and I can't seem to settle on an approach, is how to instantiate a new Production object when it is found in the Trie array, but using a factory method called from the parse method so that the parser remains agnostic (more or less) instead of having a line of new Production(...for every single Production that exists.
@geisterfurz007 let me check
This is one of those times that I wish static methods could be inherited and overridden in subclasses
My current approach uses instance factory methods which I find very ugly.
The alternative is creating Factory classes for each Production, and that is just too much. That's one more class for each Production.
Reflection is too slow, so that is out of the question. Things like Lombok, or even compile-time generation libraries that use annotations like guice for dependency injection are not acceptable to me either.
As it currently stands, Production is abstract, and therefore does not allow me to call instance constructors for Production subclasses explicitly calling instance constructors. I need a common factory method that can simply take a list of Productions (or Token objects) and compose a new Production from them. Since the Production was already located using a Trie array as a search tree, we don't need to check for each Production, we just need to construct a new Production of the correct type.
I already thought about lambdas by the way
Effectively what I want is production.getClass().getDeclaredConstructor(Production.class[]).invoke(product‌​ions), but I want it to be without reflection, dependency injection "hacks", and practical to implement. I am willing to refactor the whole system.
@AMDG ugly or not, they are powerful
the issue with class level inheritance is that those classes dont have a class themselves
singletons might be much easier to work with depending on your case
The current structure would not allow singletons. It would be too inefficient, and I would have to make the Parser somehow recognize every possible Class of Tokens without ever referencing the Type
I have to be able to create Productions from smaller Productions. I don't want anyone to be able to just create a Production on-demand with public abstract <T extends Production> T build(Production[] constituents) from an instance of T
Besides, if for some reason in the future JCLA becomes useful and some company were to use it, that would be a security issue
What do you mean is the problem with class level inheritance?
I don't see how, considering we have invokedynamic, we can now make it possible perhaps with a JEP
That or if we had actual functional programming in Java instead of just Lambdas. For example: production.getType()::new(Production[]) or if MethodRef were an actual primitive or instantiable object that worked similar C or D (2)
And the fact that ... abstract ... T build(...) even exists is rather exhaustive to create for every single Production when it basically is just a wrapper for new T(...)
Any ideas?
i considered class level inheritance, but it just doesnt make sense for an interface to require a class to have certain methods
a class on the other hand should be able to implement interfaces
in kotlin, this works
what works in kotlin? class-level inheritance?
a class (static context) can implement an interface
an interface cannot require the static context of a class to have certain methods if the class implements the interface
what do you mean static context for a class?
in kotlin, class members are separated between instance members and class (or static) members
oh ok
I still don't know then what you mean by a class implementing an interface in a static context...
it doesnt matter, you dont use kotlin
but the feature you think you want is really not useful in the longer run
Which feature?
@Wietlol do you mean the fact that static methods cannot be implemented via interfaces?
because methods cannot be both abstract and static
@javadaskari Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! Please use a code snippet tool when posting code snippets. If you have an Android question, you're in the wrong place! And remember: this is not tech support! Thanks for visiting and have fun! :D
I want to remove item in foreach statement:
var isFind = -1;
this.List.forEach((item:any)=> {

if(isFind == -1 && item.Id == id) {

isFind = 1;
item.pop(); //THIS DONT WORK
Please format your code by hitting Ctrl+K when editting/writing your message
Language: Type script
This is not a JavaScript room; and no, just because JavaScript has Java in its name, doesn't mean it is in any way similar to Java. Please take your question to a room dedicated to JavaScript. I.e. the JavaScript room is one you can use.
1 hour later…
When would a HashList be better to use than an ArrayList or Vector?
Not 100% sure but maybe in case of a lot of adding? If an ArrayList exceeds the size of the backing array, all entries have to get copied over into the new array (iirc) while for the Map that is not the case (except it is backed by an array as well)
@JennaSloan in kotlin, static methods are methods placed on a companion object
for example, a static class would be
object UtilityClass {}
for a normal class, the static members go into the companion object
class NormalClass {
    companion object {}
@Wietlol false.
the utility class and companion object can implement interfaces
Static Kotlin methods are methods placed on file level, in companion objects, or regular objects, or marked with @JvmStatic
@Zoe static methods must be inside a class, young pupil
if they are placed on the top level, they are global functions
They're still static
> in kotlin, Java's static methods are methods placed on a companion object
kotlin doesnt know static members
they are placed as global members on the top level, instance members inside an interface or class or object or enum, or companion members, which are the kotlin version of static members
Videos I recorded during a solo flight on Monday: click
@geisterfurz007 Cool VR game. What's it called?
Flight Simulator XVIII
Dang that is cool
It is! Incredibly immersive but can be super exhausting if you play it for too long.
the graphics though
that game is top AAA definitely
It supports 4K as well but my device didn't at time of capturing. I hope for an opportunity for capturing with better hardware.

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