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1 hour later…
@Gemtastic do you have any idea, looking at this picture www0.xup.in/exec/ximg.php?fid=95855262 how I could implement different subfeatures in that red square area depending on what the user select from the above combobox?
f.ex. the user selects to create a new layer... then he can put a name for that layer
if he select to an appending layer, he can select from layer
I was thinking about putting those features on top of each other and only one set of features will be visible depending on what the user selects from the combobox
do you think that is a good idea or is there a more elegant way? :)
oh i forgot to mention that it is jfx :D
room topic changed to Java::NOT ANDROID: Room dedicated to the Java programming language, yummy food, and cats. And no, Android is NOT Java (does not use the Java VM, runtime environment and base SDKs differ, etc). And no, Javascript is NOT Java either. -_- Neither are chips. github.com/JavaChat [fun] [its-always-friday] [java] [jvm] [my-code-is-compiling] [no-copyright-infringement] [out-of-context-stars] [serious-business] [type-erasure]
@Jude Before I was made a room owner, I actively visited the chat over 5 days a week, helped everyone I could, and gave the visitors a sense that they could be helped. Now I'm not active anymore, but even with over a year of activity I have over 43.2k (src) in this room alone. I was promoted to a room owner without begging to be one and trust that people who needs to be a room owner will get it naturally.
@ItachiUchiha I trust that you will be able to make good decisions so there's no need to ping me. :)
Morning, Java!
Hey @Uni!
How's it going?
Horrible :'(
busy with life and all
Why? :(
but you asked "how's it going" and not "explain what have been going for you recently in immersive detail" so I'll cut you some slack
What's a slack and how do you cut it?
there's this "show / hide" box for links and videos on this chat site, I don't know if it's a new feature or added in this extension I use
New feature.
oh nice!
plugin scripting when?
Proper grammar yes?
@Unihedron Actually, it's the extension. SO Dark Chat + lets you hide images.
OakBot Online.
@Michael yeah I'm using that
@Unihedron Nice.
2 hours later…
I gots a question for yall.
take a look at that and read the comments I put in
@Oakbot hello
@Adrian Type /help to see all my commands.
/8ball     Simulates a magic 8-ball.
/about     Displays information about this bot.
/define    Displays word definitions from the dictionary.
/help      Displays this help message.
/http      Displays information about HTTP status codes and methods.
/javadoc   Displays class documentation from the Javadocs.
/roll      Rolls a variable-sided die or makes a choice.
/shutdown  Terminates the bot (admins only).
/summon    Makes the bot join another room.
/tag       Displays the description of a StackOverflow tag (acts like a Computer Science urban dictionary).
OakBot by Michael | source code | JAR built on: About 2 days ago. | started up: Today at 10:04 AM | responded to 2820 commands since May 1, 2015
@oakbot /about
@Adrian Type /help to see all my commands.
cool bot @michael
please help me im dying here
heres the link again: hastebin.com/rogifoyiri.js
1 hour later…
Hi all- what happened to the fish & chips room?
@Adrian JavaScript is not Java
wait, there was fish & chips room?
There was
btw, for anyone whose listening: Gradle, Maven, or some other dependency management solution?
Hi everyone, I have a basic question, I'm trying to compare this:
int number = 0;
`if(number != 0){`

but it always return true, I readed some answer in google and some people suggest

`if(number > 0){` the problem is my integer will not allways be positive

What would be the best way to compare this?
What's the rest of the code look like?
if(number != 0) should work
the rest is like

int number = 0;
if(number != 0){

just that
Yeah, that's pretty straightforwad code
Should always be false
@fge that isnt a javascript question...
i asked about splitting a string at each and every character in the string, and splitting around non-letter symbols like commas, whitespaces, and apostrophes. The link had a short snippet of a regex splitting at each character, and another example that split at commas, apostrophes, and whitespaces. I asked how I could combine both. That is not a javascript question.
2 hours later…
GG to myself - I just got my first StackOverflowError :D

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