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nvm. I think ive got it figured out
Does anyone else really hate coding when they don't know what to do, and then really love it when they do know what to do?
wowza this room is dead-ish
can someone explain exactly what public static void invokeLater(Runnable doRun) does, and when to use it?
Belated Happy new year to all champs of Stackoverflow
@JohnnyCoder - still here?
1 hour later…
@arcy indeed child
ive figured out that whatever cs i do, im staying far away from guis and shit for a while
I dont know how to write this program better, I just know that its total shit
1 hour later…
does anyone know apache tomcat 9 support http2
3 hours later…
morn all
and happy new year
3 hours later…
@arcy That's why we have predicates in Java 8. Its handy to handle such that single methods in a one single class. As madara showed you
@CrazyNinja The best intro to functional programming I've seen goes something like this
public function printNums() {
  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
You have this function
So any OO or procedural dev will immediately say "Ewwww, there are hardcoded data in this function"
So you can refactor into something like this
public function printNums(int from, int to) {
  for (int i = from; i < to; i++) {
A functional programmer will also say "Ewww, there's hardcoded behavior in this function"
public function printNums(int from, int to, IntConsumer callback) {
  for (int i = from; i < to; i++) {
OO generally emphasizes the entities in the system and the interactions between them. FP generally emphasizes how data flows through the application, and what things "do" rather than what they "are".
Done right it can be beautiful. Done wrong and you'll find yourself re-writing the whole thing because maintaining the mess costs more than re-writing it well.
@Gemtastic Java is not a functional language.
It's an OO language which only very recently got functional elements.\
It doesn't have partial application, currying, awareness for Monads.
So it's nigh impossible to write a proper functional "thing" in Java
@MadaraUchiha No, but it's OOP
Because everything is still bound to clumsy classes and interfaces (which help you immensely with OO, but not with FP)
And it doesn't change what I said either :P
Bad programming is bad :P
Yeah, but your message applies to programming in general.
You can be great or not in OO, FP, PP, or whatever other paradigm you choose.
I think it's a good thing to be aware of all of them, they each put a unique perspective that applies even when the language doesn't provide the tools.
For example, a good rule from FP is "(try to have) each function should accept inputs as parameters, return a single value as output, and should have as little as possible side effects"
And I agree with you fully on that
That rule also works for OO, the longer you wait with your side effects, and the more immutable you make your data structure and objects, the better your code reads, looks, and behaves (especially in threaded languages like Java)
ANd the easier it is to both modify and patch
and test
Someone wrote a Java program that's everything Java isn't
It's starting to make my old boss' code look better :')
@Gemtastic Example?
Best I can give you is public void doAllTheThings()
Fair enough
All methods kinda look like that; all side-effects, almost no objects at all and there are more interfaces than there are classes :P
A very good "I'm back from my holidays" morning to Java::chat. :)
@wonderb0lt hey!
Hey @Gemtastic
Hey @Tavo, @Gem & @Joe
and @MadaraUchiha of course :o)
I hope you all had nice holidays / NYE
I survived...
No holidays for the weary jews.
Found an interesting piece of Tech
@wonderb0lt it was nice. How about yours?
Ever see a Thumbdrive with built-in WiFi?
@Joe'sMorgue I've seen one whose purpose is to provide with WiFi.
Has a SIM card in it
@Tavo Pretty okay. I had some company during my time off though which is nice
Not one which has it as an extra, but given that 90% of a thumb-drive is plastic, I don't think it's too hard adding some storage in.
It allows you to access it from non-USB devices... Smartphones, tablets...
8 devices can connect, 3 can stream HD at the same time...
I picked up a 32Gig ver just before Christmas...
Hey joe!
@wonderb0lt oh cool. I hope it was wanted company ;)
@Tavo Oh yes. Unfortunately 2016 starts out pretty shitty: I have to move out of an apartment for about a month due to water damages :(
@wonderb0lt bollocks. I hope your contract has a temporary accommodation clause
@Tavo Nope, but everything will go through my and then through my landlord's insurance
@wonderb0lt did you lose anything?
@Tavo Nope. It's just an inconvenience. There will be heaters all over the place for a few weeks which make the place uninhabitable both space-wise and and temperature-wise
@wonderb0lt oooohhh, warmth... Can I move in?
I can take up to 20 mins in the sauna over 90 degrees
@Tavo Sure if you pay the flight to Frankfurt yourself. :)
I can take a $100 bill if somebody hands one to me
@wonderb0lt can we pass it through your insurance? :P
@Tavo You're a professional water damage inspector right?
of course! I have my diploma somewhere around here...
Hello!! I have a question about designing a solution for implementing a generic scheduler in web application for reports containing different filters for each report. Anyone here can help me designing the best possible solution?
No one here is interested? :D
I, for once, don't understand what "scheduler" is in this context, and how it fits in.
Let me elaborate a little, may be it's too non technical to say "scheduler"
By Scheduler I mean, schedule a report at particular interval of time. By reports I mean a particular line of code. Do I make sense now? :)
@ssc You could use the Quart Scheduler to run the code which generates/sends reports for you.
@wonderb0lt Damn dude, sorry to hear that
My 2016 started off on a weird foot too, but not as bad as yours lol :)
@ballBreaker Eh, the water damage really is the worst thing. Everything else - especially with rude people - is dandy :)
You didn't respond on WhatsApp, thought you don't love me anymore. ;)
@wonderb0lt That's good! My situation on that front has changed a bit. lol we'll see. Wait what?! You sent me somethin there
If it was thursday night, then that would explain why I didn't respond
Morning, Java!
Hi everyone can you help me with this stackoverflow.com/questions/33972926/…
@zt1983811 What database are you using?
I am using mysql
Any suggestion ? maybe I should not do it in JPA ?
maybe I should do something else in Repository ?
In this case, I don't understand what you're really asking. It's full of to me random information
I can explain you
At at the same time, not enough
what you mean ?
You can have JPA generate classes for you based off of the DB schema.
my question is , if I can do kind of relation in JPA for example ManyToOne , why should I put the query in repository >
It might be that I'm not familiar with Spring enough, but I still don't understand what you mean.
The repository should mean the Database, the database should already have the relation.
@zt1983811 It sounds like you're a little confused here.. Even though the JPA "handles" the many to one relationship, it's the database (repository?) that actually holds the relationship through the primary and foreign keys associated with each entity
Also, happy new year Gem! :)
Happy new year!
Happy new year ^^
@Unihedron You too Uni!
You guys get any fun christmas presents?
@ballBreaker yo dawg
happy new year
@zt1983811 you're talking about Spring JPA repositories, right?
hey guys i took this code from the libGDX project and i though, why would they make copy of the @items variable instead of using the existing one?
public void insert (int index, T value) {
		if (index > size) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("index can't be > size: " + index + " > " + size);
		T[] items = this.items;
		if (size == items.length) items = resize(Math.max(8, (int)(size * 1.75f)));
		if (ordered)
			System.arraycopy(items, index, items, index + 1, size - index);
			items[size] = items[index];
		items[index] = value;
@Tavo Happy new years dude!
Hows everything with the house looking?
I wish I had an engine that could simplify my code so I could compare it
@GettingNifty You do have one.
It's called a "Brain" engine, and each Human unit should have one built-in.
maybe it needs to be registered after the evaluation period is expired
@MadaraUchiha :D heh
@MadaraUchiha Each Human male's unit also has one built in ..
@ballBreaker No, there's only enough blood to power either Brain or Penis at one time.
hahaha I wasn't arguing that fact
3 hours ago, by Madara Uchiha
For example, a good rule from FP is "(try to have) each function should accept inputs as parameters, return a single value as output, and should have as little as possible side effects"
@MadaraUchiha should have as little as possible side effects can you comment on this?
@CrazyNinja methods in FP tend to be pure functions.
@CrazyNinja Inflammation should be reduced to the affected area, and if the problem persists, please see a doctor
@CrazyNinja Example for a side effect:
public void <T> add(List<T> list, T item) {
@ballBreaker should get the keys by the 20th. Hopefully
Example for a function with no side effects
sorry, it's a bit hectic here in the office today. Markets are crashing and our services are completely stressed
@Tavo I hope so too man! :D I'm excited for you
Oh what, markets are crashing? Did I miss something
I'm out of the loop apparently
public List<T> add(List<T> list, T item) {
  List<T> result = somehowClone(list)
China was down over 8%
look at the news
The second is a (badly implemented) pure function.
The object you pass in is never modified.
@Tavo I'm looking now, wow lol
If you call the same function again and again with the same parameters, you'll get the same results.
And this function is completely thread safe.
8%... how much money is that, I'm assuming a fuckin shit ton lol (excuse my language)
@MadaraUchiha given that somehowClone should be threadsafe
you can't even imagine how much money that is
@Unihedron Yes
Or you use an ImmutableList<T> or something
@MadaraUchiha yup
return ImmutableList.<T>of(list).concat(item);
@CrazyNinja As you've probably noticed, immutables are generally less efficient than mutables
@Tavo I'm going to go ahead and guess that it's billions, if not more
Not by much, mind you, if ImmutableList is correctly implemented behind the scenes, you normally only need to actually copy log_32(n) references
@MadaraUchiha so, immutable is good approach for a good programming language?
The thing I can't really imagine is how bad it would have been if they didn't have the failsafe measure to shut the market down
@CrazyNinja Pure functions are good, because they're predictable.
@MadaraUchiha unfortunately, quality for production tier code is dropping
@Unihedron Wat, really?
Immutable lists are not implemented as trees?
Immutable data structures in general?
who knows, they could use an underlying array
That's horrible.
@ballBreaker probably more
@Tavo Yeah probably in the hundreds of billions
@Unihedron I guess that's where the Scala comes to the stage
@CrazyNinja Normally, an immutable list should be modeled as a tree
China has closed its composite index
And then when you "modify" , you can reuse most of the references, and only modify the ones that need changing (which is a few)
Oh wow, an 8% drop in less than a day?
What the hell happened @Tavo?
so, the first part is equal to SOLID principles. But when we try to stick to Design patterns, at some point your code will become a mess. More & more interfaces, abstract classes etc
@MadaraUchiha in short, Chinese bubble exploding
@CrazyNinja What do you mean? Why would it become messy?
had to happen
also, the Saudis executing an opposing faction cleric doesn't help
Yeah it looks like they put in some rules/bans that made it seem inevitable that it would happen today
too much instability
/ this week
@ballBreaker every market has them. It happened in the States a while ago
I'm interested to see what happens tomorrow now with it
@MadaraUchiha simple example would be Decorator Pattern. It tried to achieve Open for expansion, Close for modification But when we try to add another wrapper, we must add an extra interface.
I'm guessing people are going to rush to sell before the trigger stops everything again, leading to another massive drop
@CrazyNinja Oh, it's not always feasible, especially in an OO language.
I'll put it in short: China made people sell. They had a very difficult position in the stock market, as they had borrowed too much money. Under those circumstances, nobody wanted to buy, so they had to sell for very little, taking great losses
A decorator often delegates methods to the wrapped object, sometimes changing the state on it internally.
so people desperate for selling and no buyers
there's your crash
@Tavo Yeah that makes sense
@Tavo Well, I'd say that the correct action would be to wait.
@MadaraUchiha not sure what you mean by "correct action"
as in being a small investor?
def add[T](list: List[T], item: T): List[T] = list + item
@Tavo Well, selling low sucks, so wait till it's higher
@MadaraUchiha The problem usually lies within day traders though if I'm not wrong. As a casual investor, it would make sense to wait
how it's done in scala, perfectly functional with no side effects
@Unihedron How is Scala, really?
@Nicktar Yes
Does it have partial application/currying?
@MadaraUchiha yes, types with the "apply" function supports currying
@MadaraUchiha major stakeholders were obliged by the Chinese government to keep their shares. Smaller investors sold as much as they could before they flooded the market
thousands of companies had to close
this is not a market movement. This is a crash
class FakeArray[A] {
  def apply(n: Int): A = ???
myFakeArray(5) // gets the fifth index (if it is implemented)
manufactoring in China is reducing its size, as prices are going up. Factories are going elsewhere
@Tavo crashes always excite me, but that's probably because I have no money in the markets :p
@ballBreaker not the right moment. Buy gold
Also my job is not market volatile so that helps
Yeah gold would be good, if I had money to put in haha
Oil would be alright too - if I was smart about it
I have reddit gold, does that count?
class R {
  def apply: R = ???

R()()()()(); // compiles
@ballBreaker unlikely to go up anytime soon
currying in scala in a nutshell
@MadaraUchiha what does reddit gold do?
@Tavo My landlord was a day trader for 40 years, he always tells me what to buy lol guy is insane loaded from the markets
@MadaraUchiha ehrm... I hope so :P
@Unihedron Nothing much, really.
I have 69 link karma
@Tavo Yeah it would be a long haul investment
@Unihedron So what does apply() do?
@MadaraUchiha defining the "apply" function allows its instances to be called as a function, directly providing an interface for currying
And the ??? ?
@MadaraUchiha It is a method stub. ??? acts as a method that throws an exception when it's called.
I see
So your array example would be something like
class FakeArray[A] {
  // real array
  def apply(n: Int): A = // return realArray[n]
Yeah, except for some weird reason you use round brackets in scala instead.
var arr = new Array[Int](5)
arr(2) = 0
Yeah, I'm looking into another functional language to get into go gain an extra perspective. JavaScript is great, but I feel like I've probably developed a bias by now and fail to see how some things can be done better.
I was thinking of either Haskell or Scala
I tried Common Lisp, and while I did like some of the concept, I don't see myself programming in it.
First day back from holiday: Blockers. Blockers everywhere.
@MadaraUchiha If you really want to hate yourself go with Standard ML
time to go home. Niters! waves hand
Adios Amigo!
Can anyone recall why every manipulation is attached to @items the developer create local instance of it? it looks odd and i would like to know why he chose to do it
1 hour later…
My 2016 Big Resolution
5 hours later…
Does anyone know how to use Java 8's Stream operations to convert a List of objects into a Map of a List of objects?
For instance, List<Object> -> Map<Integer, List<Object>
Where the key is based on Object::foo
Sorry -- haven't had occasion to learn Java 8 yet

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