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04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 20:00

4:54 AM
stumbles into the room groggily
what's up?
5:10 AM
nothing much. compilation problem with changing the java version for my existing project
just got resolved it
what about you?
just woke up, having melon for breakfast
2 hours later…
7:00 AM
7:22 AM
this chat's abit dead
hehe southpark aliens
Seems people aren't awake yet ;P
Good morning guys, is there anyone who already did something with jenkins plugins?
7:29 AM
Morning :)
~desperately yearns for coffee
Sry but you know nothing
@JoshuadV define "do something"
so ... this is the first time I think about that we don't all have the same time o.o
I actually looked over someone's shoulder who did "something" with jenkins plugins...
7:31 AM
java morning
Well, actually im facing a problem with the config file (so the file where can i define which build staps should be done)
has an energy drink
@JohnSnow me 2 :P so ... if I don't have i nearly fall asleep sometimes at work ._:
I want so have some kind of nested parameters, and i also found a suitable code in the UIsamples, but i cant implement Describable for my class :/
@alovaros Though it's more of a soda to me than energizing :P
7:34 AM
public class HelloWorldBuilder extends Builder implements Describable<HelloWorldBuilder> does not work..it tells me something like its not within its bound
@JohnSnow soda ? o.O
Or could it be if I extend a class with Builder, that i already implement Describable? Pretty new to jenkins, and also new to java, can any1 tell me if this class builder already implements describable..im not really into javadoc yet :/ javadoc.jenkins-ci.org/hudson/tasks/Builder.html
no problem even if it implements it too
may have another reason but I don't know
7:39 AM
i see :/
this is the line from the working code sample:
public abstract class UISample implements ExtensionPoint, Action, Describable<UISample>
@alovaros I could just as well be drinking Sprite or 7up :P
@JohnSnow ahhh :D oke ! but 7up don't taste good
Well, they don't taste any thing like my energy drink, but the effect is the same; lots of sugar :P
haha :D yous should better drink some coffein
@JoshuadV you should be implementing Describable<? super HelloWorldBuilder> IIUC...
7:50 AM
Thanks for your help. Now i get the message that no wildcard is accepted :/
better, expected
Hmm... I wonder which site is appropriate for "which method is better or do you know an even better one?"
@JohnSnow codereview..
some people don't like though
How about best practices questions like "Is it the best practice to do this?"
depends on how you ask.
don't do it with a boiled down example and you may fare well
Well, what I want to ask is "how important is it to avoid mutating arrays" in JavaScript..
7:59 AM
not at all
Feels like I should ask that before I ask which way if achieving immutability :P
arrays in JS can be used as stacks, queues, and alike, while if you need an immutable list, just use an immutable list instead of an array
@JohnSnow Immutability has a lot of advantages
But it's by no means a must
I like the guarantee it gives me, and you tend to end up with cleaner code all around
But if you want to mutate objects, by all means go ahead
Just make sure to know what that means
I like immutability and that's what I'm used to in Java, but it's so much easier to just .pop() an array to both have it shortened and retrieve the "popped" item
.pop is not mutating the array, you know?
8:07 AM
@Vogel612 It is
In JavaScript .pop will remove the first element from the original array, and return it.
the first??
@JohnSnow depends on your purpose, there can be more elegant alternatives.
okay nvm then
@Vogel612 The last, my bad
But it still does mutate the array :D
What he said! ^
8:12 AM
Immutability is not a must; if this is "internal" code you can manage without it
@fge I'm talking about JavaScript now
Sorry to disappoint you
For "user facing" APIs however, it is important that it is at least documented whether what you return is immutable or not
@JohnSnow so do I; what I said applies equally to Java and JS
real container immutabilty often makes stuff harder than necessary.
@JohnSnow What he says is true in any language
That's great then
8:13 AM
If there is not danger anyone else would have a reference to an object (like an object you created within the function), feel free to mutate it as you want
If it's an object you received from the outside, either by parameter or via closure, you should be more careful.
8:33 AM
what kind of music you guys like ?
All kinds.
metal too ? :P
Some. Extreme ones like death metal are impossible. They make me question what kind of drugs it would take to enjoy.
haha :D jeah I don't like deathmetal too ... it's just screaming I love heavy metal some new metal bands some trash metal bands and power metal !
I have a string :
"my name is hossein. my name is hossein."
I want to replace first 'hossein' with another word. I don't know how to do that. please help me
8:43 AM
/javadoc String.replaceFirst
/javadoc String#replaceFirst
@Unihedron String replaceFirst(String regex, String replacement): Replaces the first substring of this string that matches the given regular expression with the given replacement. (1/3)
thx uni
yw ^^
8:56 AM
@wonderb0lt oak bot don't listen to edits (yet)
now if uni would finsh JCE he might.
@Vogel612 Aye.
~discrete coughing
@Vogel612 JCE?
@Vogel612 yes
8:58 AM
Augh 2 classes in one file, off to a bad start
ARGH I hate it when people sprinkle hardcoded Strings into Path-Based operations!
@Unihedron you're good in english right ?
@alovaros I have no comment to make regarding my abilities.
@alovaros that question seems somewhat dumb to me...
Superman does good, you do well.
9:01 AM
@Unihedron so if someone kill some other person is he a murder or a murderer ? o.O
Just killing doesn't mean they're a murderer.
the happening is a murder, the person is a murderer(er)*
@Unihedron jeah oke that's too :D
9:02 AM
oh crap yea
just use murd(er){2,}
@Vogel612 oke nice ty ... didn't knwo that a friend told me that and I won't belive him because it sounds strange for me o.o
it's the same in German, you know?
@Unihedron that confused me now ...
9:04 AM
the happening is "Der Mord" and the criminal is "Der Mörder"
@Vogel612 that's why it sound's so strange ;D you know mörder sounds more like murder and not murderer
@alovaros level up your regex module
the only difference is the Umlautverschiebung and the base-word
@Unihedron that should be parsable by a regex module of lvl 2...
@Unihedron I try to become better ._. I don't write rigth anymore :D or I correct it instantly
9:05 AM
cannot identify speech
@Vogel612 just confused me ... but make scence if murder would be Mörder what would be mord haha :D
Btw quick question for the java newbies around here that may or may not encounter java.io.File-based code:
What is the difference between the following 4?
x and xChar are strings and chars, pathSeperator seperates path elements (i.e. folders) from each other, while seperator seperates multiple paths (as in PATH, class path etc.)
Did I guess correctly? :D
the first part is right
the second part is exactly the other way round
damn it
9:17 AM
bonus points for Values on Windows and Linux!
pathSeperator : on linux, ; on Windows, seperator: / on linux, \ on Windows?
Welcome to the world of reading documentation!
I'm bored, I'd do anything to kill some time even if it's trying to remember stuff you could just as well look up
You're bored? O_o
Go code something.
help me with mine :P
9:22 AM
@wonderb0lt , @Unihedron , @OakBot thanks a lot . It is ok
@hossein Type /help to see all my commands.
@alovaros he still doesn't listen to edits.
@Vogel612 ohh ....
/about     Displays information about this bot.
/define    Displays word definitions from the dictionary.
/help      Displays this help message.
/http      Displays information about HTTP status codes and methods.
/javadoc   Displays class documentation from the Javadocs.
/shutdown  Terminates the bot (admins only).
/tag       Displays the description of a StackOverflow tag (acts like a Computer Science urban dictionary).
/urban     Retrieves definitions from urbandictionary.com
/wiki      Displays a one-box for a Wikipedia page.

mention   Sends a reply message when someone mentions the bot's name.
9:28 AM
OakBot by Michael | source code | built: About a month ago. | started up: About a week ago. | responded to 490 commands since May 1, 2015
Guys, is it worth it to get the OCPJP certification?
By the way, OCPJP means Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 7 Programmer.
@HassanAlthaf depends...
What about it?
about almost everything..
9:30 AM
Like what?
Also I dimly remember you asking that before
The certification costs $490. So I wanna know if its worth it or not.
Eh, I asked something else before.
before != the last of your countless question
Yes. Get all the certifications. They're useless but worth it.
9:31 AM
You bein' serious? lol
@HassanAlthaf You're kinda grown-up right?
I'm a teen.e
So not really.
also don't trust random people on the internet
/afk work
@HassanAlthaf Yes. Go get it now. What's keeping you?
The cost lol.
9:33 AM
Money is no object.
I don't have much with me lol
Last time I checked, I had only $30 lol
then don't ask
you're wasting our time
Haven't freelanced since a while.
But definitely gonna do it once I have.
but if you have an class called money you can make an object :P
new Money()
9:34 AM
oh yh
haha :D
Money money = new Money();
Shit, I'm richer than bill gates now
but money would better be an abstract class with child classes like dollar
It all depends on what concrete class you used
Maybe it's Money money = new ZimbabweanDollar()
so if you have just "money" it's not that usefull :D
9:36 AM
In which case no amount of zeros is gonna make you rich
being rich is about how much you give, and being smart is about how much you teach
Euro euro = new Euro(2000000)
Hey guys, any way to track the method calls programmatically?
Put a method inside your method
@Ant's Please explain your requirement :P
9:38 AM
@Ant's You mean an observer? No*.
But it's possible.
Yeah say for example, hello() method calls hello2(), then I need to get this "flow" programmatically that hello and hello2 methods are called.
Again, you can't, but it's possible.
@Unihedron. Possible, how? Any ideas will really help me!
@Ant's Using observers!
No, they won't.
@ItachiUchiha There is no such thing in Java.
9:41 AM
/javadoc Observable
Which one do you mean? (type the number)
1. android.database.Observable
2. java.util.Observable
3. javafx.beans.Observable
@ItachiUchiha javafx.beans.Observable: An Observable is an entity that wraps content and allows to observe the content for invalidations. (1/3)
That's JavaFX...
JavaFX is a part of Java
9:41 AM
I bet, but this is not UI code
/javadoc Observable
Which one do you mean? (type the number)
1. android.database.Observable
2. java.util.Observable
3. javafx.beans.Observable
And JavaFX beans can be used with any normal java application!
@Unihedron java.util.Observable: This class represents an observable object, or "data" in the model-view paradigm. It can be subclassed to represent an object that the application wants to have observed. (1/5)
@ItachiUchiha A JavaFX Observer does not observe methods.
9:42 AM
+ Method observation is a very different paradigm.
It observes a bean, which is way irrelevant.
I guess, jaccoco sort of tools help me.
@Unihedron I was coming to the point
In order to observe methods he will have to implement his own method observer
that won't work.
Because the JVM doesn't care about your observer.
The short answer is : you gonna have to code
9:44 AM
Just code itself won't cut it.
True that. @Unihedron
That's why it's possible but unviable.
@Unihedron I am not sure if we are on the same track
@Unihedron: Can you say me how its possible?That will help me thanks.
If he calls a notifier every time he enters the methods in which he's interested
9:45 AM
@Ant's No, it won't.
That should do it
@Amine Then you're changing the method. That's scaffold debugging.
But then again we don't have much of a requirement
@Unihedron: So it cant be done, thats what your saying ?
Of course it can be done.
9:46 AM
Well, if it works, why not
But it won't "work".
Right, why it wont work ?
Damn, lol, ESOFT only got OCPJP for SE6.
9:50 AM
/about     Displays information about this bot.
/define    Displays word definitions from the dictionary.
/help      Displays this help message.
/http      Displays information about HTTP status codes and methods.
/javadoc   Displays class documentation from the Javadocs.
/shutdown  Terminates the bot (admins only).
/tag       Displays the description of a StackOverflow tag (acts like a Computer Science urban dictionary).
/urban     Retrieves definitions from urbandictionary.com
/wiki      Displays a one-box for a Wikipedia page.

mention   Sends a reply message when someone mentions the bot's name.
@Ant's you may want to check out Mockito's Spy
@Vogel612 Using mockito outside unit testing is kinda new
Also, check out PowerMockito if spy isn't enough
it's got to be done via reflection and a delegating, dynamic subclass anyways
or you look into a more Aspect-Oriented approach
decorating each method is something that stuff is really good at
And you keep full control
10:52 AM
@ShauReturns greetings
ok I'm getting burnt out from JCE again
side project recommendation request plz.
some of you can handle websockets in java ? D:
Java doesn't natively support websockets. There are implementations of it though, like Java-Websockets library
So o.O I'm pretty sure I don't increased some libarys
Why exactly do you need websocket support in a typical application?
10:58 AM
jeah I have a webapp and try to stream some data into my client(just a littl JS code)
but ATM I just can call data by click on a button
Which framework?
Glassfish or Jetty has WS support, for instance.
I use wildfly as server o:
... JBoss?
It doesn't seem to have support for any useful features.
11:01 AM
so but it should work :D foun a tutorial for jboss and websocket streaming but it was crap ....
Well, good luck.
... xD thank you
Thank god Google Translate Community finally added the not translatable flag.
There's too much kanji.
Yeah, in the ja -> en section.
11:06 AM
don't get it
No, you were not. Quit trolling.
If you behave you can have a second chance chatting as a normal user, but if you don't I have no option but to banish you once again.
And it won't end there.
who is this o.O
I'm not in mood for chit chat. I'm going back to work from my short, unconstructive break, enjoy yourself.
@Unihedron have fun
11:11 AM
yes, I will :)
I am not your friend :X
@Shau seems to be popular
@ItachiUchiha who da hell is this guy?
@alovaros Indifferent from the rest of you, slightly infamous for their past as another user.
@alovaros You might want to search the transcript of this room :D
11:14 AM
@Unihedron oke :D
@ItachiUchiha nope I need to work ...
Great... Gotta work on a really nice heisenbug now...
Users are being logged in as other users.. sometimes. In the morning... Except for that one user.. except that mostly happens when doing this one thing... unless everything's normal
In quantum mechanics, the uncertainty principle, also known as Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, is any of a variety of mathematical inequalities asserting a fundamental limit to the precision with which certain pairs of physical properties of a particle, known as complementary variables, such as position x and momentum p, can be known simultaneously. Introduced first in 1927, by the German physicist Werner Heisenberg, it states that the more precisely the position of some particle is determined, the less precisely its momentum can be known, and vice versa. The formal inequality relating the...
It's wrong unless nothing's wrong?
11:20 AM
@wonderb0lt thanks ... but sounds to complicated for me o.o
@Unihedron the problem is, Login code looks fine, we actually even rolled back some changes I made. Problem persists. NoRepro on local.. pressure's increasing
@alovaros It's a word play on "Heisenberg", who has several sound theories as base of quantum theory.
@Unihedron ahhhhhh I remember this name from barlow ! :D
@alovaros It's a nice way of saying "unreproducible bug without an apparent cause"
... What is Barlow?
11:21 AM
@wonderb0lt ^sounds bad
@alovaros Also why not from Hellsing?
@Unihedron a german youtuber who made mp3 datas (I think they were created before youtube) to all WoW classes xD it's damn funny
@Vogel612 the anime ? o.O
yea, the anime
Hellsing has quantum physics?
11:24 AM
no. It has a ... thing, that exists by being self-aware
I never watched it :s
Doesn't everybody?
oh no nvm that's Schrödinger..
I'm not that much into animes just watched elfenlied
I haven't but I might if it's interesting
11:25 AM
Wait, I'm thinking Hellboy, not Hellsing
I know schrödingers cat :P
> Abilities
Super Strength
hey guys, any jenkins plugin developer here? (not very advanced question)
first heard of it in tbbt lol
Eh, administration department, you have my permission if any of you needs to kick him while I'm away.
11:31 AM
haha :D you really seems to love this guy
@alovaros Of course, not enough to match the incompetent users in the other certain specific new room created two days ago.
@ShauReturns I'm pretty sure you deserv it
@Unihedron hmm oke o:
@alovaros From now on I'll just call that other room the "certain specific (new) room".
sing they were crying when their sons left god is wearing black he's gone so far to find no truth he's never coming back they were crying when their sons left all young man must go he's gone so far to find no hope he's never coming home sing I love soad
@Unihedron oke :D
11:37 AM
Well, it's settled! Instead of calling them "the incompetent morons", I'll refer to them as "the users of the certain specific new room".
@Unihedron it sounds much less bad
@alovaros I've infused the meaning into the phrase "the users of the certain specific new room" so that it's insulting even if it doesn't sound like it.
Don't overestimate your Java skills.
> I ll tech Java to them
@Unihedron ohh make scence
I teach you C
11:54 AM
so silent now o:
@alovaros no c there...
@Vogel612 s/scence/sense
@Vogel612 hmm .... so sense ?
ohh :D ty try to keep this in mind
11:58 AM
that makes no scence at all.
Is it just me or is the room flooded with Germans right now?
o.O how many are we ?
04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 20:00

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