@ItachiUchiha I know, it's just that our money is running out and my better half is a worker-ant so staying at home with nothing to do is really awful :/
At least it won't be as hard for me when I'm done with my education...
At least I'm good with money. I've been living below the swedish poverty line my entire adult life, yet I've never missed a bill and apart from the apartment loan, I've never had to ask anyone for money.
Unlike my older brother who's always had a job since he graduated senior high. He even had to move back home after living alone for 4 months because he couldn't manage his money :') So it could be a lot worse.
@Erates, If you have a question, please just ask it. Don't look for topic experts. Don't ask to ask. Don't PM! Don't ask if people are awake, or in the mood to help. Just ask the question straight out. To disable this message use ~welcome=false.
Well, I have an application where users should logon via Active Directory. When I specify each user individually to a role, it works like a charm. But when I say certain groups should be mapped, nobody is allowed to view the content.
I know Glassfish is or has been doing weird with nested groups, but when I map the most specific group to the role, or when I map the most generic group, both times the login fails
I am trying to convert an ISO 8601 formatted String to a java.util.Date.
I found the pattern "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ" to be ISO8601-compliant if used with a Locale (compare sample).
However, using the java.text.SimpleDateFormat, I cannot convert the correctly formatted String "2010-01-01T12:00:...
@ItachiUchiha: I'll rephrase, as a close-voter of Stack Overflow, you do not know whether the question will be well received on Code Review, less to if it's even on topic. Allowing you to migrate questions to a site you are not a member of is a bad idea because you're just pouring sand to another site.
Migrating and then having the other community to invest time in studying and thereafter closing is a waste of everyone's close votes: five from this site, five from that site.
@OlivierGrégoire We on Code Review need the code to be reviewed to be present in the question. In its current state this question would be off topic. Please see our help center — Heslacher13 mins ago
This is why you should close that question up there instead of migrating it.
If the article is about the tumour I think it's about, those tumours can happen at any place. Some have them on the neck, some get them in their bellies. It normally contains teeth, hair and/or nails.
Fact: Geneder identity is closely related to a part of your brain. You can ahve a CT scan and find out if a person considers themselves a man or a woman.
Fact: It's the male sea horse that becomes "pregnant". It carries the egs in a pocket in its belly until the eggs hatch. the fretilization also happen in that pocket.
Fact: using Oracle RDBMS at least, the total size of the indices for a table will exceed that of the table data itself as long as you have three indices or more
@Gemtastic yes, that is true; also, the person who first "coined" the term, although unknowingly so, was no less than Lady Ada Lovelace, after which the Ada language is named
As to fun facts about computing: the TWAIN technology was never intended to be an acronym to begin with; people came to derive an acronym out of it anyway: Technology Without An Interesting Name
Fact: the relational model, as theoricized by Edgar J.F. Codd in 1956, didn't have the notion of indices, only of constraints; indices are just "byproducts" of the model
Funny because the other day I read this: Fact: there is no science that proves that Dvorak actually is more efficient; it all comes down to user preference and familiarity.
Fact: Teen's brains actually functions slower than a child's brain; the teenager's brain is in full development and has yet to learn what neural pathways in the brain are still there and which have been severed for future optimization for the adult brain.
Fact: the frontal lobe is the part of the brain in charge of self-control. The frontal lobe is not fully developed until the late teens. Thus there is no reason to be angry with a child for having no self-control; they are physically unable to control themselves.
Fact: Java is still the only language for which you can find practical implementations of mutation testing, and in fact there is only really one implementation
Dear friend, i create a new project from maven. Then import it to IntelliJ IDEA 14.0.3 . But IntelliJ IDEA not add dependencies to classpath? How to do that?
@dovy just alt-enter when your cursor is on a link which is red, you'll have options to fetch/import the resource, whatever that is in XML
I avoid XML like the plague
But sometimes I don't have a choice :/
Fact: the JVM is a stack machine, and each entry in the stack is 4 bytes; as a result, when you push a long or double onto it, it takes two stack slots, not one; also, before Java 1.5, pushing and popping a long was not an atomic operation
Fact: more than 30% of the opcodes defined by the JVM specifications were there only for saving bandwidth (iload_*, lload_*); nowadays they are useless and only waste valuable opcode namespaces
Fact: when Java was created, Unicode didn't have code points outside the BMP; which is why char is only two bytes wide (related fact: at this time, UTF-16 was called UCS-2)
Ah... I think PCRE only implemented atomic groups, possessive quantifiers were added in PCRE after java.util.regex as a shorthand to be optimized as (?>)+.
Meta-fact: java.util.regex still does not support atomic groups as of date, despite the above fact.
Fact: System.out.println(1+2+" = "+1+2); prints 3=12. Surprise!
Huh, I don't have the incentive to check but I believe they were introduced earlier than that
Anyway, and that's a fact, named capturing group support only appeared in Java 7, and in a limited fashion; you can't have a group by the same name in different paths of an alternation for instance
I appreciate the amusement, but there's no point quoting from an unwelcomed character. That's the whole point the suspension is there for, so I'm just going to trash all the related messages since it's of no value at all. :p
If a question has a positive score (up - down > 0), it's "positively received", if it's closed or deleted, or downvoted with no upvotes (up = 0, down > 1), it's "negatively received". positively received - negatively received = progress
when progress >= 5, curious badge!
(questions you ask that fall into neither category isn't counted, consider them neutral.)