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03:00 - 15:0015:00 - 22:00

@gem don't worry. Things change and they change faster than you think..
@ItachiUchiha I know, it's just that our money is running out and my better half is a worker-ant so staying at home with nothing to do is really awful :/
At least it won't be as hard for me when I'm done with my education...
Well you want to work as well. We all know that..
Well things will fall into place. Just skip thinking about it too much.
At least I'm good with money. I've been living below the swedish poverty line my entire adult life, yet I've never missed a bill and apart from the apartment loan, I've never had to ask anyone for money.
Ohh.. wow!! That is really very cool
Unlike my older brother who's always had a job since he graduated senior high. He even had to move back home after living alone for 4 months because he couldn't manage his money :') So it could be a lot worse.
Move back home to parents abode?
@ItachiUchiha I'm sorry, I don't quite get what you mean. :P
Hello internet!
Hello Uni!
<--- In the middle of searching for jobs
Oh! Good luck!
...For my partner
We need it D;
Though it's been kinda productive; these last 24h I've found 3 jobs relevant to his education
Short term with hopes of getting a better job later, or major career (with hopes of advancement and a ladder of success)?
Anything really
Oh, so it's dire?
yes. We only have money for 2 more months
Oh, I see.
Well, 2 and a half if I really stretch it
At least I'll loose a lot of weight ;)
@Gemtastic Nevermind
Ok (:
Oh, found a job to apply for!
If only that meant "found a job that will hire my partner"
But hey, you have to start somewhere.
Good luck!!
Thank you!
Found another one now as well. 5 applications in 24h is pretty good.
And it's monday so I don't have to wait all weekend to even begin to wait for a response. \0/ (Yes I'm waiting just as much as my partner)
anybody familier with Glassfish and Active Directory?
@Erates, If you have a question, please just ask it. Don't look for topic experts. Don't ask to ask. Don't PM! Don't ask if people are awake, or in the mood to help. Just ask the question straight out. To disable this message use ~welcome=false.
Well, I have an application where users should logon via Active Directory. When I specify each user individually to a role, it works like a charm. But when I say certain groups should be mapped, nobody is allowed to view the content.
are users in the groups?
I know Glassfish is or has been doing weird with nested groups, but when I map the most specific group to the role, or when I map the most generic group, both times the login fails
can you post your search string?
Hi guys. Please help me parse 2014-07-25T08:58:30+0000 date format. Thanks.
@small2122 use a java formatter
@smail2133 Would you like me to google it for you?
@Unihedro if you can) please)
DateTimeFormatter parser2 = ISODateTimeFormat.dateTimeNoMillis();
String jtdate = "2010-01-01T12:00:00+01:00";
@Michael: bot is dead
Q: Converting ISO 8601-compliant String to java.util.Date

Ice09I am trying to convert an ISO 8601 formatted String to a java.util.Date. I found the pattern "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ" to be ISO8601-compliant if used with a Locale (compare sample). However, using the java.text.SimpleDateFormat, I cannot convert the correctly formatted String "2010-01-01T12:00:...

@abcdef The above sample date format is not ISO 8601-c.
@Unihedro so what format I need use ??
@Unihedro no, you give me link to docs, I want right format. You can't help me ?
search-filter: (&(objectClass=person)(sAMAccountName=%s))
group-search-filter: (&(objectCategory=group)(member=%d))
Maybe the objectCategory should be objectClass
Ugh, monday.
Even though school hasn't started yet, I'm still feeling the boredom.
I like modays; it means we have the entire week to get replies on the job applications
I don't because I'm a student.
As am I but during this course, I'm not gonna attend class >_>'
@fge is sooo much better as a teacher ♥
@Unihedro why do you think you can't use "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ to parse 2014-07-25T08:58:30+0000?
Z Time zone RFC 822 time zone -0800
@abcdef What? That's exactly the pattern required.
The answer of your linked question was to use the ISO date formatter, where the correct answer is to use the RFC 822 date formatter pattern.
Dreadful Mondays!
@abcdef my search-filter: (&(objectClass=person)(sAMAccountName=%s))
my group-search-filter: (&(objectCategory=group)(member=%d))
does it work?
@Erates you can also use a GUI to try these out on first (such as jxplorer.org)
good afternoon
Good 'fternoon, dear sword!
@abcdef Well, my users can log in, but nested groups don't work. I've found that this is the case in Glassfish 3.x, but we're using Glassfish 4
But I can't find if this bug is fixed or still present
<-- still on JSR 203
But I have a design at last
Lucky Yew!
@uni why can't I suggest a question to move to CR? stackoverflow.com/questions/28661826/code-organize-in-javafx
Because you're not a mod.
But I should be able to suggest
@ItachiUchiha That question should NOT go to CR.
@ItachiUchiha ... no, you shouldn't
Migrating is for high quality questions. As a community member, you do not define quality, therefore no migration.
Only mods can migrate questions to beta sites.
And this question is not one
In fact, just close it.
@ItachiUchiha: I'll rephrase, as a close-voter of Stack Overflow, you do not know whether the question will be well received on Code Review, less to if it's even on topic. Allowing you to migrate questions to a site you are not a member of is a bad idea because you're just pouring sand to another site.
Migrating and then having the other community to invest time in studying and thereafter closing is a waste of everyone's close votes: five from this site, five from that site.
@Unihedro Got your point, Captain!
Plus time, effort, and chaos, and then "moderator nazis", and then reddit drama.
If however you find a question worthy of being asked on code review, ask in their chat room, they can take action by poking moderators or alike.

 The 2nd Monitor

General discussion about codereview.stackexchange.com - Welcom...
@OlivierGrégoire We on Code Review need the code to be reviewed to be present in the question. In its current state this question would be off topic. Please see our help centerHeslacher 13 mins ago
This is why you should close that question up there instead of migrating it.
Did you know worms eat themselves if they can't find food?
Actually, I did
Did you know your brain will eat itself if you don't eat enough fat?
Even I know
Did you know that cats have over 100 vocal chords?
brain will eat eat itself?
It's a common problem in anorectics; they get brain-damaged from their own brain eating its own fat
user image
@ItachiUchiha Yes, but the kind of "eat" is actually the scientific definition, not just inhaling
@Gemtastic LOL
@Gemtastic ROFL
Yes, the brain doesn't normally have teeth, it dissoles and consumes its own fat through another process.
shut up and take my stars :D
Did you know that some people do have teeth in their brain?
Not for the faint of heart ^
Hi Java!
If the article is about the tumour I think it's about, those tumours can happen at any place. Some have them on the neck, some get them in their bellies. It normally contains teeth, hair and/or nails.
Can we switch the topic ?
FactBot initialized.
Is that your bot @uni?
Yep, it tells a fact whenever you ping it.
Or reply to, since both are of the same event ids.
Fact: A Virginia law requires all bathtubs to be kept inside the house
Did you know that flamingos aren't actually pinnk; they just become pink from the shrimps they eat?
Oh gawd I read that as Vagina
miscomprehension unlimited
Freudian slip maybe?
Fact: The U.S. Post Office handles 43 percent of the world’s mail.
Fact: The electric chair was invented by a dentist.
Fact: the dildo was originally made to treat hysteria.
... :O
What the..
Fact: carbonated drinks were invented by a doctor
Hypothesis: one day, this room will return to discussing Java problems :p
Meta-hypothesis: Until then, music, anime and (not so) fun facts are populating the room.
Fact: Java is discussed too little in this room
Meta-fact: PHP sucks
Hello to all Greetings of the day
Meta-fact continued: PHP room is active
Hi @AniketDeshmukh
Fact: gender identity is formed around the age of 2 years old.
Fact: The lifespan of a taste bud is about ten days.
after long time i am here
"PHP is the medium of choice for relaying MySQL errors to web users"
Fact: Geneder identity is closely related to a part of your brain. You can ahve a CT scan and find out if a person considers themselves a man or a woman.
Ugh, TMI
How is that TMI? It's a medical fact O.o No stranger than that most people have an appendix
@Gemtastic @uni @fge Atleast the room is active with whatever discussion is going on :)
Fact: Oysters can change from one gender to another and back again.
@Nordehinu ??
Fact: One out of every eight residents in the U.S. lives in California.
Nord agrees with me about gender facts
@Nordehinu Calfornia seems to be populated
Fact: Leonardo Da Vinci invented scissors.
@Nordehinu How?
Fact: A rat can last longer without water than a camel.
@Nordehinu Seriously?
Eh, it's being throttled.
It ran into an exception. xD
I have one issue if we add persistence class in(hibernate) our code why we require to add persistence class path in .xml file
Guess, he is done :P
Fact: It's the male sea horse that becomes "pregnant". It carries the egs in a pocket in its belly until the eggs hatch. the fretilization also happen in that pocket.
@AniketDeshmukh What?
It won't answer you when you ask it questions, it just posts a new fact when you ping it. :p
@Gemtastic fertillization?
The female sea horse squirts in the eggs into that pocket and the male showers the eggs with his proper word for fish semen
Eh, I've always believed it was the opposite.
Not for seahorses
sees Hibernate mentioned; flees
Fact: Normally fish will lay their eggs on the ocean/lake floor and the male will shower them with his milt.
I gotta look up the english word for that
Fact: Most birds do not have penises.
Fact: using Oracle RDBMS at least, the total size of the indices for a table will exceed that of the table data itself as long as you have three indices or more
Fact: MySQL sucks. No exceptions.
Fact: I know too many weird things.
@Unihedro I know that. I was just playing around. Just pinging him sounds boring to me :P
(and that's for "bare bone" indices; let's not go to functional indices)
Fact: The mallard has the highest homosexuality rate of any bird or mamal.
Wait, really?!
Fact: Sloths take two weeks to digest their food.
Breaking News : While @Nordehinu breaks down, @gem is still going Strong!!
Obscure fact: "Dreamt" is the only English word that ends in the litters "mt".
Fact: insertion rate into a table with two indices or more is 5 times slower than this same table without indices
Beat that :D
^^ Something Diff
Therefore --> avoid carpet indexing
@fge I wholeheartedly agree. I can't begin ranting about the first time I made a database table, and tried to index everything several times.
Fact: Americans spell dremt "dreamed"
Fact: Facts are appreciated if sent to /dev/null.
Alternatively, /r/devnull. If you're a reddit person.
Fact: You have no muscles in your fingers; it's all moved with sinews.
In fact, I believe the only muscle in your hand at all is the one at the base of the thumb
Fact: The first VCR was made in 1956 and was the size of a piano.
Fact: it's called a "bug" because in the original computers, "bugs" were caused by actual bugs falling into the machinery.
@Gemtastic yes, that is true; also, the person who first "coined" the term, although unknowingly so, was no less than Lady Ada Lovelace, after which the Ada language is named
Fact: A coward was originally a boy who took care of cows.
And he took care of cows because he was afraid of getting kicked by horses!
As to fun facts about computing: the TWAIN technology was never intended to be an acronym to begin with; people came to derive an acronym out of it anyway: Technology Without An Interesting Name
Fact: When a human pets a dog, human and dog alike will produce the same chemical as a mother and child does when nursing.
@Gemtastic 100% right
Fact: SQL is originally intended to be read out as "sequel" not "S - Q - L"
loyalty of dog is one example
Fact: All dogs have Stockholm's syndrome
Fact: Dogs are better at reading and understanding human body language than humans are.
Fact: the relational model, as theoricized by Edgar J.F. Codd in 1956, didn't have the notion of indices, only of constraints; indices are just "byproducts" of the model
Fact: A dog can smell twins apart from around the age of 6.
Fact: we have no machines (yet) that can do the same.
Fact: a cat's purring frequency has a healing effect on mammal tissue.
really great observation @Gemtastic
The dog owner has shown up
Fact: Cat's don't only purr because they are happy. They purr to among all things, to calm and heal themselves when scared or injured.
Fact: The Dvorak keyboard is more efficient than QWERTY. 20 times faster, actually.
@Unihedro that's only after you are getting used to the layout
Fact: Under extreme stress, some octopuses will eat their own arms.
And actually the QWERTY layout came as it is in order to prevent key jamming in typewriters
Funny because the other day I read this:
Fact: there is no science that proves that Dvorak actually is more efficient; it all comes down to user preference and familiarity.
Hypothesis: Extremely many things come down to user preference and familiarity, especially in the computer ecosystem
Fact: Humans are biased creatures.
Fact: Small children don't have a concept of limited / mutual knowledge
Fact: Teen's brains actually functions slower than a child's brain; the teenager's brain is in full development and has yet to learn what neural pathways in the brain are still there and which have been severed for future optimization for the adult brain.
dammit I'm still in slowed down mode...
Dammit these facts are blowing my mind.
Fact: the frontal lobe is the part of the brain in charge of self-control. The frontal lobe is not fully developed until the late teens. Thus there is no reason to be angry with a child for having no self-control; they are physically unable to control themselves.
Fact: Children are fully capable of feeling remorse about not being able to control themselves.
Hypothesis: Parenting strengthens development of the frontal lobe
Fact: Not understanding sarcasm is a flaw in the brain.
@Gemtastic Wait, really?
Hypothesis: Sarcasm is an overvalued concept
Also, can we have some more Java facts? I liked those.
I agree
This is getting out of hand
go ahead.
Fact: parenting has no effect on the development of the frontal lobe. That part is all nature and no nurture.
this was out of hand 10 minutes ago already..
@Gemtastic [citation required]
Fact: Java is still the only language for which you can find practical implementations of mutation testing, and in fact there is only really one implementation
Fact: In git everyting is a textfile or BLOB
Anyways, afk for gaming ;)
Well, trees aren't
@Vogel612 Do you grow taller because your parents do or do not spank your ass?
Diets and physical trauma however can affect the development of the brain and body
Smacking your kid in the head will only cause it harm
I need to learn how to type >_>
Dear friend, i create a new project from maven.
Then import it to IntelliJ IDEA 14.0.3 . But IntelliJ IDEA not add dependencies to classpath? How to do that?

@dovy just have IDEA import them
Fact: Java is a dynamic language, just not dynamically typed; think "introspection"
@fre, How to figure out IntelliJ IDEA add many dependencies jar files to classpath?
Please see my screenshot
@dovy what tells you that XML namespaces are part of the jars at all anyway?
at above
They may, or may not, be in there
@Vogel612 um binary files
@dovy just alt-enter when your cursor is on a link which is red, you'll have options to fetch/import the resource, whatever that is in XML
I avoid XML like the plague
But sometimes I don't have a choice :/
Fact: the JVM is a stack machine, and each entry in the stack is 4 bytes; as a result, when you push a long or double onto it, it takes two stack slots, not one; also, before Java 1.5, pushing and popping a long was not an atomic operation
I hate YAML
I know. You've said it before.
Fact: more than 30% of the opcodes defined by the JVM specifications were there only for saving bandwidth (iload_*, lload_*); nowadays they are useless and only waste valuable opcode namespaces
Huh, really.
Fact: but the only opcode added since Java 1.1 and the appearance of interfaces is invokedynamic
(in java 1.7)
indy :D
@Uni are you adding this to your bot, because you should
Fact: more than a quarter of all opcodes in the JVM are for arrays alone
(the java facts, not my random facts)
I'm looking for another API that gives Java facts, or at least stuff related to technology.
The last bot build polls from funfactz.com.
And filters potential NSFW stuff, of course. :p
@Unihedro BLOB -> Binary large Object
Fact: when Java was created, Unicode didn't have code points outside the BMP; which is why char is only two bytes wide (related fact: at this time, UTF-16 was called UCS-2)
Hi, Maxthon! UCS-2 called.
(thank fge)
Fact: java.util.regex was the first regex engine to implement possessive quantifiers (++, ?+, *+ etc)
Wait, not PCRE?
No, not PCRE
Ah... I think PCRE only implemented atomic groups, possessive quantifiers were added in PCRE after java.util.regex as a shorthand to be optimized as (?>)+.
Meta-fact: java.util.regex still does not support atomic groups as of date, despite the above fact.
Fact: System.out.println(1+2+" = "+1+2); prints 3=12. Surprise!
@Unihedro huh? That's not what the Pattern javadoc is telling
Eh, it may have been added in Java 8, the last time I actually tried atomic groups and failed was in Java 7.
Huh, I don't have the incentive to check but I believe they were introduced earlier than that
Anyway, and that's a fact, named capturing group support only appeared in Java 7, and in a limited fashion; you can't have a group by the same name in different paths of an alternation for instance
(which kind of defeats the point to me)
Fact: Both .NET and Java supports lookbehinds, but perform differently.
In fact, Java only supports limited length lookbehinds, unlike .NET -- that is, if my memory serves me right
For example, ~(?<=.*).~ matches abc. in .net and c. in Java when matching abc..
@fge Java supports variable length lookbehinds but perform drop operations.
This is because the Java regex engine knows you could do (?<=a|bc) by using ((?<=a)|(?<=bc)).
Fact: Java is still the only programming language (that is, apart from research languages) to have checked exceptions
What about scala?
It doesn't; all "checked" exceptions can be thrown without your having to catch them
More precisely, the Java language enforces them
Scala doesn't
You can catch but you don't have to cacth
Or rather, they're not as "checked" as "java checked exceptions" are.
Also, you misspelled catch, but whatever. :p
Well, to begin with, the fact that an exception is checked or not is enforced at the compiler level
And I am of the opinion that the language designers made a mistake by making RuntimeException a subclass of Exception
Hey can anyone tell me how can a number be negated with just '+' operator?
1 + -2
@Gemtastic You can't use '-' operator
- in -2 is not an operator
@Gemtastic You have a function negate(int x)
what are you gonna return now?
@psychoCoder an easy way is to do ~n + 1
But, uh, why?
That's a pointless exercise
Unary minus exists, just use it
(and note that it only works because Java's primitive integer types use two's completement)
just set the msb to 1
in principle it's += Integer.MAX_VALUE
No, setting the MSB to 1 won't work
And if you want that what you want is to add Integer.MIN_VALUE
Leading one then all zeroes
In fact Integer.MIN_VALUE == ~Integer.MAX_VALUE
But the way to negate a two's complement number, which works for all BUT the minimum value, is as I said above: ~n + 1
Have anyone else seen the beta profile pages?
.. It doesn't seem to be as pretty as I expected.
in Trash can, 57 secs ago, by Unihedro
I appreciate the amusement, but there's no point quoting from an unwelcomed character. That's the whole point the suspension is there for, so I'm just going to trash all the related messages since it's of no value at all. :p
no problems uni :D
will vec[j]++ actually increment the value of vec[j]?
@deostroll Why wouldn't it?
just asking...not so much into java....
If it compiles, it can be assumed that vec is an array of a primitive type, where the unary suffix operator ++ does the incrementing
@Unihedro I like it more than the older draft though
12 / 5
@Vogel612 BadgeOverflow
why is this stuff not live on any other site again??
12 questions... not a single one with net downvotes
That's not how it works
If a question has a positive score (up - down > 0), it's "positively received", if it's closed or deleted, or downvoted with no upvotes (up = 0, down > 1), it's "negatively received". positively received - negatively received = progress
when progress >= 5, curious badge!
(questions you ask that fall into neither category isn't counted, consider them neutral.)
21 positive 2 neutral
No negatives?
can't see deleted ones...
Can't help you on that. :p
but there seem to be none..
Cool, shift + L enables looping on SC!
@Unihedro Oooohhh, what's this?
@SecondRikudo beta profile module
new profile page on mse
it's airing on mse as a preview.
Next badge 63/5
seems that thing is completely bugged
I'm at 1260% progress! Just a little more!
03:00 - 15:0015:00 - 22:00

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