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Uh, setting a variable named somethingFalse to true
That is... Uhm... Original
How do you open a Jframe from a Jframe appropriately?
With appropriately I mean
1. opening the new window if it wasn't open before and
2. that can't kill the whole process!
as any normal new sub-window should work
4 hours later…
Hi. What is the java equivalent of c# arraylist: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/…
It is a collection container to which we can add objects of any type to it...much like javascript arrays
7 hours later…
@deostroll that would be an ArrayList<Object> in Java, although semantics will be a little different
2 hours later…
Good morning, Java!
Good morning to you
@Lucio You might want to try JDialog. The method call "JDialog.setVisible(true)" blocks until the window closes.
@fge Thanks.
@Michael right, that is the effect that I want to
dunno about JDialog but the effect
@Michael If you design a GUI application, you have a main JFrame and several JDialogs?
@Lucio JDialog is very similar to JFrame. The main difference is that "JDialog.setVisible(true)" blocks, while "JFrame.setVisible(true)" does not.
@Lucio Yes.
oh, perfect then
let me show you a diagram
That would be 1 JFrame and 3JDialog.
@Michael would that be right?
@Lucio What do you think?
I'm starting at Java, no idea :D
I don't know what could happen with garbage collector or something related
Thank you, I'll go for it.
@Lucio To close the JDialog, call the "dispose" method.
This will free it up for garbage collection.
oh, that is good to know
Create a new JDialog instance every time you open a dialog.
Don't re-use the same instance.
I appreciate your advices.
see you!
You're welcome @Lucio
2 hours later…
guys who knows how to visualizate binary search tree in java?
@aliteralmind: github.com/fge/largetext <-- basically ready
@fge: Great stuff. Congratulations. Are you going to blog about it, or make it into a self-answered question?
I have a question for you: Why do you use a double-license? Never saw that before.
@aliteralmind no intention to blog or anything before it is fully tested and documented ;)
I have run it on many files successfully but it doesn't mean there aren't any bugs
As to the dual license, some projects don't like LGPL, so I leave the choice...
In particular LGPL is not compatible with APKs
@fge: Oh. You've set it up as either-or? I didn't know that was possible. I was planning on releasing my Java library with LGPL. Android doesn't accept it? I just want to be able to use it myself in my future job, and hope that others might use it... I want it to be open as possible.
@aliteralmind it is possible, yes; prior to this I only did LGPL v3 but some people wanted to use my JSON Patch implementation and couldn't because of that
@fge: Hm. Maybe I'll copy your licenses, then...
Now, java7-classpath-fs!
This one is going to be easy (compared to FTP)
@fge: I'd like to give largetext a try, but I'd only be able to use it with normal strings. I never use large files, and I'm way too busy to do something so different from my workflow. If that would be helpful let me know. I'd love to see an example of this, even if it ultimately makes no sense to use it that way.
@aliteralmind well, given how it is done at this moment you'd have to write the string to a file
And, eh, String implements CharSequence
@fge: So it's pointless.
Pretty much so, yes... Sorry ;)
Ah well.
If you are adventurous and have time to spare, working on java7-ftp-fs is an option ;) But right now --> java7-classpath-fs
I have discovered an unsuspected use for it: detect duplicates...
Time to spare. I've read about that. Only a rumor.
But as far as loading resources, it's going to be easy: fs.getPath("path/to/resource"), and then all Files are there for you to use
You're talking about the classpath here.
Well, any URLClassLoader in fact
How far is that along?
Not very far
By the middle of next week I'll have it working and documented
I don't have that much to do in fact, since the JDK already provides implementations for on-disk filesystems and ZIP filesystems -- all I have to do is the glue
I really like Java's concept of implementing interfaces!
@GauravGhosal aah, good to hear someone saying they like something, for once ;)
@fge I believe that Java has really changed many things about programming for the better and I feel that it does not always get the respect it deserves!
I don't understand this:
		if (getAttack() < defence) {
			System.out.println("DEFENCE: " + defence  + " attack: " + getAttack());
			accuracy = (double) ((getAttack() - 1) / (defence << 1));
accuracy is always 0.0, why?
defence returns 396
attack returns 261
Did I miss something?
@user3123545 what is the return type of getAttack(), what is defense?
@user3123545: The double-cast has to be on one of the numbers IN the calculation, otherwise the decimal portion is chopped off (integer operation). Not sure exactly where, but that's the idea.
defence, sorry
defence returns int, so is attack.
Well there you are
You are performing an integer division, and converting the result of that integer division to a double
need to add cast to int for def & att?
But it's too late at this point ;)
Do (double) (getAttack() - 1) / (double) (defence << 1)
@fge: This is my first library release. Likely not going to popular, but hopefully a handful will use it. It's critical to my work, so whatever happens happens. Expecting to make some big mistakes, as far as publishing is concerned, but looking forward. XBN-Java: goo.gl/qCIifq
The part you'll likely find most interesting is the text.regex. Unfortunately, its example code is not yet embedded into the documentation, as the embedding sub-package is the last thing I'm working on :) There's a lot of examples, though, they're just hidden in the src directory: goo.gl/aVB3Db
@aliteralmind looking at it!
My favorite class is RegexReplacer :) I went nuts with documentation, but the missing example code in the top (class) block makes it look pretty bad.
<< 1 is faster than * 2 right?
@user3123545 eventually, no, the JIT will translate it to whatever is faster
@user3123545 Java's JIT is smarter than you when it comes to optimization, so write correct code and let it deal with the nitty gritty details ;)
@aliteralmind uuh, there is quite a lot of stuff in that library
Damn it must be smarter than Einstein then.
Also, is SecureRandom is same as Random (speed sided) ?
@user3123545 the JIT runs over a CPU which means it can iterate without errors, unlike human thinkers who need sleep ;)
Which one is faster?
@user3123545 uh, no, there are edge cases with SecureRandom
Should I use SecureRandom over Random for my game combat hit generation?
@user3123545 if you don't need the additional cryptography guarantees provided by SecureRandom, use Random
It is good enough
What SecureRandom does? Reduces the chance of gettign the same int?
No, not exactly
I mean the same generated number
That is a very complicated matter
I heard SecureRandom runs on 128 bits, so the chance of getting the same number is lower
But basically: Random might just work for you, so try it out
I grew on Random class :P
Just wondered if i should use SecureRandom, if it gives better randomizing
@user3123545 here is some mathematical theory: a random number generator which always returns 42 is a valid random number generator
In the pure mathematical sense, it is true
SecureRandom does have advantages, but not the ones you think of
@fge: So what are you saying? Too much even just in the regex package?
@aliteralmind still exploring but I do see things I'd have handled differently ;)
Well if you're up to it, educate me, because I got a month left. I assume you mean project organization, and not specific code changes.
@aliteralmind what do you mean by "project organization"? If it's PR stuff etc I'm a sucket at it
I thought by "a lot of stuff", you were implying that there are actually ten projects that needed to be separated out, published separately. So what do you mean? I'm good at code and documenting specific classes and packages, but putting it altogether and publishing is new to me.
@aliteralmind OK, let us just take an example from Guava -- do you know of Equivalence?
Well, another example
In ListUtil
You have quite a lot of stuff related to primitives in there
I'd have a method named PrimitiveCollections.toDoubleArray(final List<Double> list) for instance
Or even a Iterable<Double>
Yes, Equivalence is my EqualsInclNull (I'm not stuck on rolling my own when there's stuff already out there, I wrote it before I knew about it).
This way it also covers Sets
And all Collections in general, since Collection implements Iterable
Also, HandleNullValue -- why not NullValueHandler? Also, make it an abstract class so you can have builtin implementations in it
Like, for instance, NullValueHandler.alwaysFail()
Or NullValueHandler.replaceWith(someValue)
Or even call that OnNullValue
I was talking about Equivalence earlier because it does that: Equivalence.identity()
Okay, lots of good stuff here, let me see if I get you...
ListUtil contains too much stuff, and should be both broken out into more specific utility classes (a primitive one, iterator one, and the rest), and even though with getBoolArrayFromList, it will mostly be used with lists, why limit it to Lists when it could be expanded trivially to include collections?
Hi, someone here know Primefaces and uses Jquery?
HandleNullValue -> NullValueHandler and the related comments is comments on naming, not content. Name them more "readably".
@aliteralmind this is a quick, cursory look only -- but implementing static factory methods this way can, I believe, greatly reduce the number of classes already
And yes, naming is very important
A name should be short, sweet and to the point
What library can I use for socket networking in Java? I haven't used Java's networking facilities before?
@aliteralmind look at this class for instance -- full with documentation etc: github.com/fge/json-schema-core/blob/master/src/main/java/com/…
(although this is a bad example since I'll rewrite this class in a few weeks so as to suppress the requirement on MessageProvider)
can anyone tell me that can we send udp mesg to any socket(other then datagram socket)
anyone here??
@aliteralmind You can simply click the menu button in mobile mode and in the popup click full site.
@GauravGhosal: Yeah, Thanks. I deleted the comment after I figured it out :)
I think I get you regarding naming. I looked at ProcessorChain.
@fge: Regarding interfaces versus abstract: I'm not stuck on anything here, and perhaps I'm misunderstanding you, but I don't agree about making an interface into an abstract class for the sake of static factory methods.
@aliteralmind that is a matter of tastes ;) You can also create a "function bag" producer, such as NullValueHandlers instead
Your choice
Every interface has either a concrete "Simple" or "Composer" implementation ("Simple" if it can be fully implemented, "Composer" if it can't), and that's the location I place the factories.
Well, as I said, my look was only cursory
I like the "...s" idea. Much more standard than my simple/composer design.
NullValueHandler is a pretty outlier class :)
Uncommonly used.
Not something I'd feature, among all my classes. But a good test case for your comments.
Representative of how I design things.
Eh, sorry for diving into it like that :p
I appreciate the comments. Lots to think about.
Oh, I've done worse
In the same project, I also have the possiblity to do new ProcessorSelector<IN, OUT>.when(predicate1).then(processor1).when(predicate2).then(processor2).otherwi‌​se(default).getProcessor()
With guaranteed ordering as to predicate evaluation and failure if no default
I use it to generate JSON Schemas from Avro schemas, and the reverse
@aliteralmind anyway, if you like, I can send some pull requests to your projects, but if you have a month remaining I will only ever be able to do so much
@fge: Well, it's been about two years of hard-core development, but it's been brewing in me since 1997. Now the last step, aside from publishing and naming and final design issues is the ixc package: insert example code. I'm currently working on the iterator that walks through a java source file, returning the lines from each example-code block
([(EXAMPLE-CODE-START:com.package.ExampleCodeName ... EXAMPLE-CODE-END)]), outputting the rest to the directory that javadoc reads from. Each "IXC Block" needs to be externally processed and output before retrieving the next block.
Why? Do blocks depend on each other?
Not sure what you mean. Sounds like a nice offer, whatever you're talking about.
The build process reads in the original source, with the IXC-blocks. There's no example code in it, an IXC-block is where it goes.
So the InsertExampleCode app will duplicate the original source-code into another directory, inserting each piece of example code into those spots.
It's just like a template, really.
And each IXC-block is a template as well, with the spot where the source and its output will go. Handling the "source" and "output" gaps is custom code I'm writing, but the rest of it (of each IXC-block sub-template) is just a stringtemplate.v4.
Blocks do not depend on each other. They just need to wait until the previous block is output.
(The end)
While we are on the naming thing, a quick fix --> your mains, put them into a subpackage examples somewhere
And comment them ;)
@fge: Is that to me? Example code is under xbn.z.xmpl
And they're all documented. It's a section in the API overview.
examples is standard :)
Will do.
That's easy. :)
Yes, but it has quite an impact
The general saying has it that you can achieve 80% of what is intended with only 20% work time -- and here, what is "intended" is "how do I tell people what to use and when"
Moving to an aptly named package; documenting a little more --> those are the 20%
Got it. If you're going to use anything, just focus on the regex package, and RegexReplacer in particular, which is one of the most important classes in my whole library.
hello, how do I properly design this: pastebin.com/DSw4mQGy
@fge: Thanks again for the comments.
@aliteralmind if I may... as to the 80/20 rule, package names like "er", "nlz" etc --> too short
It is not obvious what they do
Also, you can use github to publish your docs
You can have a gh-pages branch for your repository, this is what I use for my javadocs since I don't have a dedicated domain name
(there, you got me sidetracked -- I was on documenting largetext)
Well er is list.er. Lister. ListLister. That one stays. Cosmic joke. :) But I agree with nlz and in general.
Uh, newcomers don't take in that kind of jokes... ;)
ANyway, I am looking forward to a PrimitiveCollections package coming in soon :p
Note that it can even be extended
Same with the other cosmic joke: list.ifyIt's adapts anything to a list. Listify-s. Get it? GET IT?!
I do, but again: when looking for an API, people lack patience! They stumble upon some javadoc pages, they read the class names, they read the package names, they read the method names, and if they are inclined to it by all of these, they will also read the documentation
Don't rebuke them with "cosmic jokes" ;)
I get you. Lots of things to think about. Give me a couple weeks and I'll pass things by you again.
Thank you!
You are welcome ;)
Those are things I have learned over the years and I'd feel bad if I didn't share them
(although I have never been a professional programmer -- I'm only an amateur but looking forward to making a living out of it)
hi every one..
Indeed, I'd be mostly annoyed if a name does not make any sense by its own, but would require a creative reading of the entire path.
I'm developing simple chat application in java.. any one let me know a better solution for chat window list
like in the red box
@ChandanPasunoori it is already much better than anything I could achieve at the moment on a "looks good" standpoint
(since I'm a "server-side" programmer)
JLIst with a custom renderer?
looks good definitely. the only downside is the largish space requirements
#fge thanks
@kiheru can we get any ready mage library for that
i'm searching for something like that but I din't find
Probably nothing that does exactly that. If it's just the UI side you're concerned with atm, I'd start with a JList, using a custom renderer for the layout of each message. I'm not sure which is easier: translating the messages to html or doing the layout the usual way
@kiheru hmmm.. thank you. I will go with jlist custom renderer
Hey guys say I have these points. Currently if I update one such a r it will also update it for r2. Is there a way to stop this?
        Point p1 = new Point(0,20);
        Point p2 = new Point(20,0);
        Point p3 = new Point(30,30);

        Point[] vertices = {p1,p2,p3};
        ShapeList myShapes = new ShapeList();

        Shape t = new Triangle(vertices, Color.RED);
        Shape r = new Rectangle(p1, 10, 15, Color.BLUE);
        Shape r2 = new Rectangle(p1, 10, 15, Color.RED);
@jackdh if you have that much code to share, best is to use a pastebin
So to summarise make them unique sorry I'm new
Okay is that too much should I move it?
OK, well, first, I'm sorry but I don't see how your scenario is possible unless there is something deeply hidden in Rectangle
Unless your mutation methods on Shapes also modify your Points
Which is Not Good(tm)
and Rectangle keeps a reference to the Point, not a copy
Ah reference thats the word
(and this is why I struggle to make all my classes immutable where they can be)
Immutability rocks
Using a simple interface of mine, I can do final Point newPoint = somePoint.thaw().setXCoordinate(newX).freeze();
No need to go through a builder :p
(well, it does go through a builder, but you don't need to instantiate it separately)
Interesting approach. I need to remember that; could be useful some day
@kiheru if you are interested --> github.com/fge/btf
Simple, free to use
I believe even the license is too restrictive, I should probably make that public domain or something
I guess such interfaces could be renamed: Thawed -> Modifiable, Frozen -> Unmodifiable
But the idea is the same
on the other hand, thaw() and freeze() make good sense when the interfaces are named as they are
@kiheru yes, but, well, this kind of sounds "geeky" if you see what I mean, and I have just basically forced @aliteralmind to not use, let us say, "smart" names when behaviour can be conveyed in a more obvious manner
So, I believe it should be .asModifiable() in Unmodifiable and .asUnmodifiable in Modifiable
Even though it is longer to write...
What matters is the intent
Super MEGA smart!!! :)
(but, go figure why, I am attached to Thawed and Frozen)
Or even Sealed, with an .unseal() method, and Unsealed, with a .seal() method
(actually, I like that latter idea)
(it does convey meaning)
Those are fairly nice names. Understandable and not overly long
Not that obvious for non English speakers though
Could confuse those with C# background though
@kiheru oh? Why?
(I don't know C#)
sealed is a keyword there, iirc. Same as final classes in java
Well, sealed is but Sealed isn't, right?
(I'm not a native English speaker, but I'd get the meaning)
Ooh, I have just thought about something
Given that you can Proxy non final classes in Java, you can, I believe, forcibly prevent modifications of even classical beans by hacking some Sealed.copyOf(someBean)
Which would return the exact same type as someBean
After all, this is what Mockito does with its spy() and mock()
And the name does carry meaning, heh
Or even SealedCopy.of()
(noting that for a future project)
@aliteralmind meh, what about that in your library?
I actually have a question for you @fge: Why do you have your package-info.html-s in a completely separate package tree?
@aliteralmind in which project?
From the source code, I mean.
@aliteralmind I have a s*load of projects related to JSON, that doesn't help me ;) Link?
Oh, json-schema-validator, I believe
@aliteralmind github.com/aliteralmind/xbnjava/blob/master/… <-- final serves no purpose here, static method are always "final" by definition
That's a temp file from an SO question :)
But I've always put static final as a habit.
Sometimes I answer an SO question as fast as I can, and save it into my library, because that's where I happen to be working and forget it's there.
static final isn't harmful. Just redundant. You object to it for some reason, or just icky style? :)
Yeah, style ;)
OK, as to your other question -- I have links to source code of my examples
And go figure, neither maven nor gradle play well with that unless the javadoc is in a separate tree...
Huh. One of my first questions on SO was about maven. I've tried it twice, and gave up both times. stackoverflow.com/questions/20165674/…
I just use ant. Never used gradle.
@aliteralmind have a go at gradle
Yeah, JB Nizet said the same thing in my Maven question. Actually I remember trying it very briefly and it was slooooooooooooooow. But JB Nizet said the "gradle daemon" would help with that.
Create an interface named iOrder that identifies the following functions as member functions that must be implemented by any concrete class in this hierarchy.

EAN* getEAN()
bool add(int)
bool add(std::istream&)
bool receive(std::istream&)
int outstanding() const
void display(std::ostream&) const

Derive your Order class from this interface.

Store your interface definition in the header file named Order.h.

Order Class

Class Definition

Derive your Order class from this interface.

Add an empty destructor to your Order class with the keyword virtual.
can anyone explain what that means
I can state that it's not Java.
but can you help me, no one else will
yep. looks line C++
Why are you asking this on a Java site? Yep it looks like C++.
because the c++ lounge is no longer
As for me, you'll get better answers if you ask about Java or Gastroenterology.

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