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12:00 AM
@Unihedron its so comliacted lol
thanks for ur help though :
SEVERE: runtimeError: message=[An invalid or illegal selector was specified (selector: 'div.monologue:last' error: Invalid selector: div.monologue:last).] sourceName=[ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js] line=[3] lineSource=[null] lineOffset=[0]
@Unihedron Cya!
@Unihedron Tell SO that.
@mia :) Thank you. I did a search of Translate to English, and it did an auto-detect of language.
but no one is helping me :((((
12:07 AM
99% of the time, I'm doing comic relief/de-stress.
can u help me?
No ma'am
ru good with JS then?
I am trying to improve my Java skills I am better than I think AND worse than I think.
12:14 AM
I have memory issues, and sometimes
What was I walking about?
Actually, holes in my memory.
get flash drive lol
or 1 TB of hard drive should help lol
1TB?!?!?!?! I was thinking of a NAS with several 6TB drives...
@Mia How are you today?
headche cuz of stupid css lol
I know the feeling
I'm trying to get a grip on Android
thats good
12:23 AM
I have so many projects I'd like to do, but my skills are getting in the way...
Which is why I prefer to just do comic relief...
I can do that!
@Joe'sMorgue I have that problem. Though it only seems to affect the chronological sequencing of my memory within a 4 year period, during which I consumed a vast quantity of drugs.
I never touched drugs, I also never drank...
Never had the desire...
Unfortunately most of my drug consumption happened before I had even turned 18. Which I've read is the worst time to do drugs due to the brains development process.
14-18 is a total blur.
Me too...
Unfortunately, it's something I was born with...
Well that's not good.
12:33 AM
Get me somebody that CAN & WOULD help, I could do SEROUS change...
Have you considered shock therapy? :p
I thinks I scared @Mia
@Justin, you seem smart enough, I need to build a UI for a console… Wanna have some fun?
I would, but I'm trying to get the bot up and running atm :(
Though I'll answer any questions you have
I need to build the UI to some interesting specifications… I'm not sure if it can even be done the way I want it...
Well, like how?
12:40 AM
Legal aspects aside, I want it to be able to look/act EXACTLY like Window 95.
I also want the option to be able to make it look/act EXACTLY like OS X.
It HAS to has the flexibility to do either.
Also Windows 3.1.
And a few more I haven't dreamt up yet.
Asking too much?
Also iPhone UI
So, you want to build some type of Windows UI emulator?
LEGALLY, I can't release it, but I can release the spirit of each, but I want the flexibility to do ANY of them that can be mistaken for the real thing
I'm thinking about doing it on BSD
I don't think there's any legal issues for emulating a UI, as long as you don't include logos or use the word "Windows"
It HAS to be able to switch between ALL those [plus new concepts]…Preferably without a reboot, but, I will settle for reboot being needed.
Reboot what? Now it sounds like you're trying to build an OS
12:48 AM
I'm only discussing the UI right now.
I think it will be on BSD [Specificly FreeBSD]...
What is the standard Ubuntu UI called? [Add that to the list]
You can already do that in just about any desktop environment
I'm building a game system, not a desktop machine.
If you're trying to recreate a desktop environment, you should look into X
The differences are actually pretty minimal.
Especially if you're going to run it on a Unix/Linux based OS
What about the Metro UI of Winders 8/8.1?
You would be using this
12:57 AM
Could it do a menu that would display similar to this?
Cut Docky, and everything below it, AND the dock on the top of the screen, just leave the people and pick between them.
That's just a background 0_o
BTW: The UI would be the easy part...
Use the people instead of icons...
My goal is simple: Do to the gaming industry what Apple did to the music industry
You probably want to use OpenGL, or to build a desktop environment on top of X. Or use a minmal desktop environment like OpenBox and build on top of that.
I've thought about the environment on top. It might be the easiest.
I certainly wouldn't try to recreate X
1:07 AM
My friend suggested a simple database maintained by the OS itself that the UI works off of. That way, each UI can be basically an app run at boot...
Do you have cable TV?
defining different UIs and switching between them is trivial, but you can't just build a UI without having some way to display it. Which is where X comes in.
I want a UI that looks like the interactive cable guide...
Also, this definitely is not a Java project. You would want to use C/C++ for this.
Like I said "Wanna have some fun?"
1:11 AM
hey ru guys good with javascript
just gona ask simple question just for general info
no this is Java :P
I was thinking about something as limited as Ouya, but my friend gave me a colossal idea.
Hey @KalaJ
1:12 AM
@Gemtastic Good morning :)
kicks someone off a cliff
no I'm stalking anyone
except all the Java chatrooms
so can i i i i i i?
1:13 AM
How many chatrooms for Java are there?
just one as far as i know
I think there at least 3?
or maybe I'm confusing it with the Android chatrooms
I only knew of one more
Which there are at least three
The funny thing about the Android chatrooms are most people are on the Eastern Hemisphere
1:14 AM
Yea, I only know of this and a Java/android room
just one
so around this time, they are all sleeping :D
yeah there's android (locked), ios/android locked?, java, java and android
there are several
Though they should be waking up now, it's morning already in the east
There's a Java sucks room too
yes there is
I agree with that statement lol
And a RegEx
1:18 AM
but I'm just hoping to get better at it
hey guys
what's your question?
can you load full page of html code through java script?
1:19 AM
I don't really know any other programming languages so I have nothing to reference when it comes to whether Java sucks or not.
JavaScript and Java are two entirely different languages @mia
@mia, are you talking about JavaScript or Java? They are different
they are ?
yes they are!
how is that?
what is java alone used for then?
1:21 AM
JavaScript is a predominantly front-end language (however there lies an exception)
It is the language of the browser
Java is a backend language
is it for like gaming ?
Java could be for gaming
so could JavaScript
Honestly, it depends
The biggest difference is that JavaScript is a scripting language...
What are you trying to do?
1:25 AM
Hey look! It's the bot.
hey look omgg @justin u made my day lol
I didn't know there were test bots
Working on him with Unihedron
1:26 AM
It's a baby bot. It's being birthed right now ;D
@KalaJ It's a person not a thing.
lol anyways wht u guys use java for?
jus curious
Anything really
I can use it for games
I can use for Android apps
1:27 AM
STACK_OVERFLOW:Java(139) / Gemtastic(3763850): There's a Java sucks room too
@KalaJ wht u do work on the mose?
I can use it for websites
@Justin O.o
how can java be used for websites ?
@mia, I don't understand your question?
Java can be a back end language
1:28 AM
Unfortunately the bot only seems to get the first messages on load. After that it fails to insert into the DOM tree because of this error:
SEVERE: runtimeError: message=[An invalid or illegal selector was specified (selector: 'div.monologue:last div.message:last' error: Invalid selector: div.monologue:last div.message:last).] sourceName=[http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js] line=[3] lineSource=[null] lineOffset=[0]
you can manage your database and models using Java
You can use a web framework
to handle all the business logic and controls for your website using Javca
Twitter used to be ruby on rails
but they switched to Java because it can support higher traffic
I believe I can hook into the incoming AJAX calls and pull the message data from there, instead of relying on proper DOM tree inserts.
@mia Java is in the same category of programming language as C++, JavaScript is in the same category as python and PHP. (C++ is a different programming language, but they are both back-end is what I mean)
@Gemtastic, lol at your "Java song"
thanks for explanning guys
1:31 AM
@Gemtastic Oh gawd. Python and PHP are in a whole different league than JavaScript :p lol
i have used C++ so similar concept right?
Java STARTED as a joke of a language, but it did improve over the years...
@Kala I do weird stuff like that all the time
Yes, Java is similar to C++
1:32 AM
@Justin A different league yea, but that's a s close as I could explain it.
but closer to C# than C++
i alwaysys though java was same as javascript
Very different
@mia Very common mistake
don't be confused
1:33 AM
@Gemtastic I think the closest scripting language to JavaScript might be Lua or maybe ActionScript
When I was taking college classes, I was told not to take Java and C++ programming at the same time. Tends to cause confusion because they are so similar!
soo isn't docs use java?
@Justin I wasn't referring to the language vs the other language, just that they are not like Java and C++
@Gemtastic Yea I know :p
i speak the language of human kind lol :) except for 0s and 1s lol
1:34 AM
@Gemtastic Just I <3 Python and JavaScript burns my eyeballs.
@Justin Then why were you telling me those things? XD
@mia, huh?
google docs
@Justin Yeah, there's a big difference, just like there's a big difference 'tween Java and C++.
@Gemtastic I dislike Lua almost as much as I dislike JavaScript Lol
1:35 AM
I never looked into Lua
but I heard people speak of it
It's like comparing cheesecake to sponge-cake. Two entirely different pastries, but they're still cake pastries.
@KalaJ Lua is good for what it's good for, but in most cases Python can easily serve as a more powerful replacement.
I thought about looking into Lua, but she slapped my face...
Java and C++ are cakes, Javascrip is a cookie 8D
in other words its just too much for one person to learn all of those i have seen that
1:36 AM
@Gemtastic But I like cookies :(
cookies hahah
u wana by my chat budddy lol
ur freaking halarious haha:)
@In your case, JavaScript is a raisin cookie, and Python is chocolate-chipped 8D
I know C/C++, Java, PHP, SQL, Python, Lua, HTML, XML, XHTML
@mia But @Gemtastic Is already my chat buddy. She let me pet her yesterday without eating my hand.
I know C#, C++, Java... I want to say JavaScript but barely lol
A bit of SQL too
1:39 AM
@KalaJ Do you want to be MY chat buddy?
I only know HTML and CSS, dunno if I'd categorize them as programming though, code languages yes, not truly programming. So in the food likeness, HTML and CSS are cereal :D
mr. justin ur smartttmy ppants hahha
joe sure
Nah... aint nobody got time for that :P
I'm jk
Yeah Html and CSS are very basic languages
1:40 AM
I would not consider them either
I need to learn XML...
I've done so many languages over the years. I don't know why these are so difficult...
@Gemtastic at least u know those hahah :) i know HTM5, CSS3, Javascript, Batchscript, C++ basics
@Joe'sMorgue XML is almost like HTML without the CSS. It defines data structure rather than display.
Cobol, C++, Forth, RPG ][, [Several variations of] BASIC, some Assembler, Pascal, Fortran, .BAT...
i wana learn json
1:42 AM
json? Who is he?
and ruby
JSON is ridiculously simple. Go take a look at 1 example and you've pretty much learned it.
@mia, perhaps I should say that I know HTML, XHTML HTML5 and CSS3 to 5. I just like to bundle them up as simple HTML and CSS
@Joe'sMorgue its another language
ur the bill agtes soo hahah
dont even start lol
@Mia I know, I went for the laugh…Missed.
1:43 AM
first time i read about it iwas shocked lol
@mia Joe is this channel's punnifer
BTW: I'm a state-certified smart-ass.
@Gemtastic XHTML can be mentioned itself IMHO, it's different enough than standard HTML... Though HTML5 did take alot of concepts from XHTML
html5 is how i started lol
The only difference being is that XHTML is alot more strict. Since it requires proper XML structures.
1:45 AM
The best thing about XML is the tags
so you know how elements are grouped together
@Justin Yeah, I know but I'm used to that people either don't need me to say more than that I know HTML because they assume I'll know XHTML as well or they don't know what any HTML is so there's no point in saying more :P
and makes it easy to parse
@Gemtastic at least u know them u should feel smart heheh :)
@Justin, are you familiar with Android?
Also, I just had a look at the job ads for Java developers. Wow, that's different from the ads for the unqualified jobs XD
1:47 AM
@KalaJ I am.
Awesome, can I ask you a very basic question? LOL
@mia knowledge and intelligence are two entirely different things ;)
Goodbye Test
so whattt :)
1:48 AM
@KalaJ Sure
I have had days where I had both, but still couldn't apply them…. :(
@justin you were watching the bot all of the time ?
@mia Yes, I was seeing if any of the DOM tree insertions were successful. They were not.
SEVERE: runtimeError: message=[An invalid or illegal selector was specified (selector: 'div.monologue:last' error: Invalid selector: div.monologue:last).] sourceName=[http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js] line=[3] lineSource=[null] lineOffset=[0]
How can I toggle between several regular buttons? (Not toggle buttons)
@mia he made the bot so it's not that strange; like a father teaching his kid to walk ;P
1:49 AM
What I mean to say is, I have 10 regular buttons side by side. If I select one, I want to keep one button pressed down and if I click on another button, the button I previously pressed is no longer pressed but the other one is now pressed.
I'm not entirely sure how to fix this other than pulling the data out of the AJAX calls instead of the DOM tree.
@KalaJ Not sure if you can do that with the XML layout. You'll need to add click listeners to your buttons.
hey guys it was nice talking 2 yall :)
this was my first day in chat and i enjoyed every minute heheh:)
@mia, you too. Reminder Java vs. JavaScript :D
have a good one everyone
1:53 AM
Nice talking to you too @mia
can we add as friends here?
Was it something I said?
I don't think so but I could be wrong
1:54 AM
oh well
u guys have been amazing heheh:)
@mia Most of us are here all the time anyways :p
i hope 2 cyall soon
@Justin, okay so I'll assume not possible with XML. I will try something with onClick
i know one guy
Awww….Thank you! I try!
1:55 AM
whos on html javascript
hess soo annyoingg haahahha
@KalaJ The one thing you might be able to do in the XML is keep the button from being depressed. But you'll still need to depress it in the click listeners for your other buttons.
have funn guys
@justin sorry
Do you know, up arrow will let you edit your last message? You can do it within two minutes of posting it.
2:07 AM
Chat died...
I'm still here.
Look, Test is back!
Not ew. What did Test ever do to you?
He's been haunting me!
He's broken. He can't do that yet.
2:12 AM
He's just a baby! He was just born! Babies can't haunt people! ;P
He is young~ he is only a bot~♪
Raise the roof!
~o~ do the wave.
posted on October 21, 2014 by Artist

Java is a cake and JavaScript is a cookie. Java goes with the different C programming languages, and they are cakes. Like cheesecake, strawberry shortcake and sponge cake. (People who knows the different languages gets to decide which one is which) They are different cakes with different ingredients and flavors and all of that, but still all cakes. JavaScript belongs in the same category as P

…I can't swim
2:19 AM
I like to think of Java as a cookie cake and/or giant cookie and/or cookie brownie
Maybe Java is like a sandwich cake?
Oh sandwich cake, oh sandwich cake~ How much I love thee, sandwich cake~♫
You are cake, but also food~♪
Lol that one was good.
Seriously guys, you don't know what you're missing out on if you've never had sandwich cake
It's a good thing it's so expensive to make because else I'd be so fat from making one all the time :')
@Gemtastic Fix this :( it's the last thing in the way of the bot being functional
The sandwich cake?
2:27 AM
SEVERE: runtimeError: message=[An invalid or illegal selector was specified (selector: 'div.monologue:last div.message:last' error: Invalid selector: div.monologue:last div.message:last).] sourceName=[http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js] line=[3] lineSource=[null] lineOffset=[0]
Why is the lineSource null?
And why are you asking me, I'm a total n00b :')
And I don't have the source code either
I don't know why it's null :( I dunno why it's an illegal selector either.
Looks like a perfectly legal selector to me
@Gemtastic and the source isn't actually very helpful here. It's not the code itself, its the jquery on this chat page.
@Gemtastic Watch that...
2:31 AM
@Justin Apparently, it isn't a legal selector though :P
And I know absolutely nothing about jQuery
@Joe'sMorgue I don't get it
It's a cat in a glass box...
What did the sign say?
2:36 AM
The mysterious catbird! Such colourful, very bird. Wow.
Much accurate
My daughter pointed out the sign. I had to get a shot of it!
Americans are SO smart!
More like lazy
Who can be arsed to change the sign just because the display is different?
The best sign miss-match I've seen was a "back to school" rack filled with condoms
There was a back to school sign that priced a case of beer.
How about a Vegetarian section of the grocery store with pepperoni.
OK. I'm going to bed...
Wish me luck!
2:43 AM
Something I find funny is the whole gluten-free trend. GLUTEN FREE SOAP! You know, for when you just wanna take a nice bite out of that soap.
@Joe'sMorgue Goodnight
I've seen that pic. The pepperoni I actually saw in a real store...
I think i've figured out how to intercept the AJAX calls
{"r139":{"e":[{"event_type":1,"time_stamp":1413859484,"content":"I think i\u0026#39;ve figured out how to intercept the AJAX calls","id":39554793,"user_id":2272617,"user_name":"Justin","room_id":139,"room_‌​name":"Java","message_id":19524723}],"t":39554793,"d":2}}
Great if you did :)
Now I can just use those JSON objects instead of relying on proper DOM insertions.
2:47 AM
I don't know what that actually means, I just get the gist of it. Makes me feel like a bad conversational partner
Well, my experience with AJAX is pretty limited too. But basically, JQuery is used to insert those JSON objects as messages into the DOM to be displayed. Since HTMLUnit didn't like the selector being used for inserting them, I have to use the JSON objects themselves instead of pulling them out of the DOM tree.
I see. Now that I actually understood without knowing either language.
Also, do you know about this dude: youtube.com/channel/UCwRXb5dUK4cvsHbx-rGzSgw
I do not 0_o
He's got a lot of "program language in 30 min" videos. I wanted to know if you thought they were any good, because if thy are fairly accurate, it's a very simple way to initiate learning other languages for me.
Oh, I have no idea. I don't watch videos :p
2:54 AM
I like to watch videos while I do other things
Well, I have data usage limits. I'm on a mobile broadband connection.
Ah, yeah, I don't even have internet on my phone unless I am home or at a family's with wi-fi XD
But I got glorious broadband at home
100/100 baby ;D
A mobile connection is all I can get out here :( no fiber or cable lines within 3 miles.
That sucks

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