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Sigh.. I could try
@LewsTherin you still there?
2 hours later…
@LewsTherin Swing max sucks
use HTML and a CSS framework XD
If I have 3 classes A,B and C and
If I have 3 classes A,B and C and
A and B are abstract classes
such that B inherits from A and C inherits from B.
How do I get C.class as B.class
I am extending ServerResource from restlet in an abstract class X and the methods are implemented in a class Y which extends X. How do I get Y.class as an X.class
@copperhead make B into an interface
and you initialise new A and C object by B interface
InterfaceB a = new ObjectA();
InterfaceB c = new ObjectC();
11 hours later…
Can anybody help me with positioning a dialogbox?
when I use setLocation the main window also moves to the new location
Problem Solved :)
3 hours later…
Hi, anyone has similar problem: stackoverflow.com/questions/16292694/… I just met same problem now and still cannot find the solution.
I want to a complete online training on Spring . I want a good trainer on Spring

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