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1 hour later…
@AaronBlenkush most of that sorcery is the static import and use of a custom Arrayclass
Q: How to make the plus sign show for a variable in python

DomecraftI am currently working on a program in Python that will factor trinomial equations into binomial equations. However, the problem is that whenever I calculate the binomials, if it is positive then the + sign will not show up. For example, when I input 2 for b and -15 for c I get the output The...

@Domecraft that's a python question with an answer, is there a reason you are linking it in the Java chat?
5 hours later…
@zapl Yep, I was just curious if anybody actually uses it
5 hours later…
Hi all, I'm using GSON in Java to parse some JSON, but it's telling me I have malformed JSON despite tirimming and linting it :( Any ideas?
1 hour later…
Hello everyone!!
I just started learning Java.
and i'm stuck'd at a point.
is there anyone around to help??
Hi @JuzzCoding
Can i know where you stuck?
@TGMCians hi, i don't understand how does JAVA allows creation of objects even before we define the complete class.?
for example
public class Main(){
    void foo(){

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Main obj = new Main();

here, how can we create an object obj before the definition of our Main class is completed?
i never saw this in C/C++
The class is defined as soon as you wrote it in a .java file. It's not required that you write new Something() after the class definition is done
@zapl Agreed!
that the class is defined..
but the definition isn't complete!!
so how can u create an object out of it?
well main is just a method, the code in there is not executed until after the JVM has loaded the class. It's like 1) load class 2) call main
see the object behaves like a key for accessing the data and the functions of the class. Once you have defined the class, you can access it by it's object. Yes you can make changes later in the class and can access the changes again.
@TheLittleNaruto u said, *once you have defined the class* ...
so here, we rn't finished with the definition of the class yet...
so how can you create an object??
Ahh! You din't get me.
8 mins ago, by zapl
The class is defined as soon as you wrote it in a .java file. It's not required that you write new Something() after the class definition is done
please read above line
@TheLittleNaruto Defining means an open and closing * parenthesis * ... right?
then here, we rn't finished with the closing brace( parenthesis ) of our class yet..
still we are able to create an object?
there are multiple steps that happen when that code is executed
1) the actual class is loaded. (It's an Object itself). Class loading happens only once for every class and while doing that it's going to initialize all the variables that are marked static(nothing in your example)
2) the JVM calls the main method in that class (the method is static so you don't need to create an instance of the class to call that method)
3) the main method creates a new instance of it's own class. So far there was none.
uhmm... then why is this not allowed in languages like C/C++ ??
in 3) it would allocate memory, initialize all the variables that are not static, then call the constructor etc
I don't know :) Are you sure it is not?
@zapl i still don't understand that. .. . .
and yes, afaik C++ does NOT allows creation of Objects before the definition of Class is completed
hello? i need help about doubly linked list
I have to remove a node
public Object remove(int index) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {}
can any one help me?
@TheLittleNaruto your Mustache looks cool !! ;)
Tushar what help do you need?
Hi does anyone remember the link of the website where you can post software request, most likely to indian people?
@TusharTushKhush what help do you need?
Good morning, Javanators
hello guys. ive 3 gregoriancalendar objects: start, end and time. i want to check if time ist between start and end time like start 08:00, end 09:00, time: 08:30 return true; how can i do that?
@ycelik via Calendar#get() stackoverflow.com/a/17212955/995891
i have a solution now (:
1 hour later…
hello, have anyone a solution for WindowBuilder in Eclipse Kepler
I add all what the WindowBuilder need to run normally but it didn't work !

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