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If I downloaded grails I have also groovy
4 hours later…
3 hours later…
@JMRboosties I've seen your post. Will see if I can get something to work :)
Do you have a problem?
Do I have problem? lol xD
@JMRboosties I think I found a solution, hold on, implementing it ;)
Yea, a programming problem? :)
Oh...android boys.
lol? @brano88
you don't know what that means?
I know what android is.
But don't get the refference "android boys"
Just guys which program Android apps
Oh :P
@brano88 How do you mean? :p
How did you guessed what is a problem?
@brano88 It was a logical problem which I interfer alot with.
But I dont get this part
"if its a gui application call JFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);

So when you call a gui, you can either have a window listener and if the window listener get's the event for closing, it will close.
But JFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); does the same.
But sometimes its better to use that then a Window listener ;)
Yes...but if he closes his FileReader, he can also call JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE
Yes, but he was talking about ."But the if i closed the application the application processed killed,but still the dist child process is running though all window are closed" So he wanted to close the window and all progresses.
So why should you call JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE he wanted to exit the application.
I see....but shouldn't he "close" all processes (opened connections i.e.) before closing app.
Yes else you have memory leaks.
Which he was interfering with so I said do you have any open FileReaders or so, if so, call the close() method of that function :)
you see?
Can I ask you one question, directly involved with this?
Yes ofcourse.
What is better option when calling JFrame's setDefaultCloseOperation() method: to pass as an argument this JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE or to pass as an argument this: JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE
@brano88 Well, it depends.
What do you mean, it depends...:)
If you want to hava an application which can work in the background and also will(lets say a bittorrent or steam) they always dispose on close, but if you have a program that closes(the progress is gone and such) its EXIT_ON_CLOSE (let's say a browser). You see?
Not a good answer
How do you mean?
If there is no processes running behind, calling DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE JFrame object will be destroyed
thus application will end
calling EXIT_ON_CLOSE your application will end no matter what
@brano88 Indeed, I was wrong.
even if there are processes running behind
Good observation, thanks.
Sorry I bodered you, but I was wondering wheater I was wrong or you :)
haha, no problem.
I was wrong.
So yea. :)
so passing DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE is always better :)
Yea, indeed.
Thanks for that information @brano88
No problem, you are good btw... That answer was still brilliant :)
lol thanks.
Bye :)
2 hours later…
@RubaMushtaq Hello there
Do you need any help?
can anyone help me?
What is the question ? :)
how can i change the jLabel text color by color code?
its foreground color right?
ya ya
jLabel is your variable
ok how to change it automatically? I mean the color will be changing a automatically,
You mean when there is an error ?
You can do something like this:
if(errorCode = -1){
else{ //do something else}
no no, Suppose jLabel has a text named "MAN", I want it to change the color auto, like now red, some time later white ,then again blue, then black........
how to do it?
Add a timer.
Ok, make a timer, and set in on a specific code.
then when the function runs, you just randomize a int, and check the value of the int, if its 1 BLACK 2 RED 3 BLUE and so on
you get it?
i get it
No problem ;)
I'm here to help if there are more problems.
ok, can i do it as a flash work or animation? like its changing the color smoothly, not just suddenly...
Yes, you can do that.
But it will require alot of work.
You will need to use Graphics2D
you heard of that? @Tushar
yes but i have not worked with it yet
do u have any video example?
Ok, can I invite you in a private chat?
I will explain what todo, and let you see some source code.
how to invite in private chat?
i am new here
I invited you in chat
That's the chat I invited you :)
h i
anybody has experience with lucene?
@kkkkk No sorry.
so sad
im stuck here need help
Maybe I can help, what is your problem?
can i ask my question anyway?
ok lets go
im trying to make a google suggestion
i am done with phrase suggestion using shingleanalyzerwrapper and spellchecker
but now i need to add word suggestion too, when there is no more phrase suggestion
still had no success
So you want word suggestion when phrase suggestion has failed?
Ok, this is going to be pseudo code.
"check if phrase suggestion has failed"
yes ? then switch to word suggestion
no? go on
you can do it with a simple boolean
I don't know lucene, so I can't help with that.
word or phrase suggestion
Well, you can have something like this:
public void checkFailed(){ //TODO: check if lucene failed phrase sugesstion and activate word suggestion
you see?
yes actually i dont know how to active word suggestion
spellchecker gives me phrases only
well, i will check the source code, dont know if i will give me what i want, thank you
No problem @kkkkk
Hello. I'm running into something rather strange
in my java code this scenario is happening:
apparently 1355068971382 + (1000*60*60*24*31*6) = 1353959502179
@VoidWhisperer Probably because you are using int?
If so, int has a maximum value of : 2,147,483,647
You will need to have a look at this document to see if there aren't any datatypes which you can use for your probem: docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/…
long a = ( r.getLong("timestarted") + (1000*60*60*24*31*r.getLong("length")));
where timestarted is a bigint in db
which seems to be storing the correct value
Try ths: singed long a
I think that was the correct way to make it signed
can the value be negative?
it's not negative in the database..
@VoidWhisperer Hold on, trying sometihng.
if it makes any difference
timestarted is a bigint
I get this: 1.353959502198E12
with this code: private static double a = (double)(1355068971382.00)+ (1000*60*60*24*31*6);
public static void main(String[] args){
I'm thinking about that it is larger then what a Biginteger can hold.
But that would be pretty large :)
the fuck?
That is what it is returning
the months, that is
Yea, that's because you go over what a double can hold :)
Uhm, strange
(1000*60*60*24*31*r.getLong("length")) = -9699403776
What does it do: r.GetLong("length")) ?
it gets the le ngth in months that it should be
which in this case is 6
Ok, thanks.
let me calculate :)
confirmed it is returning 6
I may as well just put these into a calculator
and do it myself
because this evidently is not working.
I'm not calculating it with a calculator, i'm trying to write a program that calculate's it.
is what it should be returning
Strange, With this code:
private static BigInteger a;
public static void main(String[] args){
int b = 1000*60*60*24*31*6;
a = BigInteger.valueOf(1000*60*60*24*31*6);

I get: -1109469184
b is not used btw
No wonder, you use int all the way and only convert the result to BigInteger
1000*60*60*24*31*6 is all ints and the result is int as well
Was thinking the same about that.
Yea, i'm don't know how to change it.
Can you give the good advise?
use BigInteger.valueOf on each of these numbers
and multiply the BigInteger instances
Thanks @Tom
case 6:
time = Long.parseLong("16070400000");
case 3:
time = Long.parseLong("8035200000");
case 1:
time = Long.parseLong("2678400000");
I decided this was not worth my time to try to figure out and just did it by hand
hey guyz a small help...been stuck on this for almost an hour...
Hello @Arno
Iam back with another prob
@Sudh Hello
Ask away
So I have a controller which sets up a form( a jsp page )
this contains a drop down list which is populated with the values passed form model
the prob is it does not seem to recognize the model
here is my controller code:
@RequestMapping(value="/createItem.htm", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String setupRegistrationForm(Model model) {

System.out.println("Setting up createItem form....");
Map<Integer,String> categories = itemService.getAllCategories();
System.out.println("Got categories....");
for(Map.Entry<Integer, String>entry: categories.entrySet())
System.out.println(entry.getKey() + "/" + entry.getValue());


return "createItem";
anf this is the place I am trying to populate the values:
<div class="DropDown">
<select name="categoryID">

<c:forEach items="${categories}" var="category">
<option value="${category.key}">${category.value}</option>
it must be something simple, I am missing
any idea?
No sorry.
I'm not an expert in spring.
I'm still strugeling with spring myself :)
guesses?.... though I am passing the model it is not populating it in the view
i'm going to probably try to fix that weird error later
Ok ;)
but for now it's not worth the time, considering i have like a half an hour
Good luck @VoidWhisperer
Do you see your printlns ? @Sudh
yes...the category has the values
Setting up createItem form....
Establishing Connection....
Connected sucessfully...
select categoryID, categoryName from categoryDetails;
Executing Query.........
Got categories....
@Sudh But the webpage doens't show anythinG?
no error nothing?
webpage loads properly only thing is there are no values in the drop down
it should display the values of categories
your functions doesn't return, is that normal?
It returns the view name : return "createItem";
Ok, but @Sudh I need to go for 30 mins, I will see if I can find something later, bye
sure bbye
@Arno Found the problem, As I told it was a silly mistake, wasn't giving model a name
it should have been model.addAttribute("categories",categories);
Ahn good that you fixed it!@Sudh
yeah..still a lot of work to do :(
A full wkend wasted lol
Hi guys.
Can somebody help me installing JDK 6 in ubuntu using the .bin that is found in the oracle website?
I spent a a few hours but i cant manage to make it work.
When i type java -v, all i see is:
The program 'java' can be found in the following packages:
* default-jre
* gcj-4.6-jre-headless
* gcj-4.7-jre-headless
* openjdk-7-jre-headless
* openjdk-6-jre-headless
@sfrj have you added Java to your PATH variable?
I have a doubt about that.
I want to make it availiable to all users.
Should I edit the etc/enveironment and place there the JAVA_HOME?
hey @Arno, what did you find?
1 hour later…
Fun fact: this compiles! int i = 0>0?0>0?0>0?0>0?0>0?0:0:0:0:0:0;
can anyone help me?
Hello, World!
@Arno figured it out, looks like you cant include both slick and slick-util jars because they have some overlapping classes
2 hours later…
Who know how to implement hello world websocket on Jetty 9

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