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@LewsTherin , you around? Mind taking a look at that question?
1 hour later…
@KodeSeeker did you solve it?
Linux exam!
1 hour later…
7 hours later…
@KodeSeeker Hey, sorry. Fell asleep
2 hours later…
i need help
i new in java
im lost
I try to develop a desktop aplicacion
with mysql
What's the problem?
and java fx
the first one
how i create a only one windows with multiple panels in java fx
for example a list of button
hm.. never used javaFX sorry
and when i click in one, change de content of the windows
@Timo swing maybe?
a bit, i'm prefer SWT
is best?
best not, but SWT use native gui-widgets.. so it's look always same on different platfirms
and eclipse uses SWT, too
lonely room of 2
one of them is not active
the other is alone
chatroom haiku :P
Hello JVMs(Java Variable Martians) :D
hello :)
How's everything going?
Trying to get my maze gen algorithm to work
Anyone know how to fix an "ArrayStoreException" with Arrays.fill?
Did you check SO ?
never mind
yes I just did :)
argh... now it's not going up
write once, debug everywhere
I can't get used to the new font on SO! :P
I know.. it sucks
zjksngdfvjlakl zhef klSEbefgolhefkzJlefuweflawef287o43r4 <- me being angry at java for not working right
@Doorknob haha
@LewsTherin how are you?
Simultaneously doing assignment and studying as well as watching tv. Fuck that shit lol
system.Out.println("Hello, World!"); Ha! Take that, compiler!
@LewsTherin watch Dr. Who :D
@Doorknob Compiler error
Alright, the essential problem is that all my squares are being marked as in the maze
when they are not
Not sure
How are you doing it?
what the...?
17 1 in maze false
17 1 in maze false
Setting 17 0 to in maze
Setting 17 0 to in maze
17 1 in maze true
17 1 in maze true
@LewsTherin today punk concert :D
from this code
`System.out.println("17 1 in maze " + squares[17][1].inMaze);`
`System.out.println("Setting " + x + " " + y + " to in maze");`
`squares[x][y].inMaze = true;`
`System.out.println("Setting " + x + " " + y + " to in maze");`
`System.out.println("17 1 in maze " + squares[17][1].inMaze);`
@Washu Sounds fun :O
@Doorknob Um, so it isn't printing false?
it should
My question is.. how do you know x and y is 17 1 respectively?
I printed them
System.out.println("17 1 in maze " + squares[17][1].inMaze);
System.out.println("Setting " + x + " " + y + " to in maze");
squares[x][y].inMaze = true;
System.out.println("Setting " + x + " " + y + " to in maze");
System.out.println("17 1 in maze " + squares[17][1].inMaze);
Oh yeah.. sorry :)
some weirdness with squares I guess... :/
hang on, I think I konw
Oh.. wait.. why should it print false?
:D you are setting it to true :O
I'm setting [17][0] to true
which sets [17][1] to true
it's a reference thing
I think
this code is completely messed up
Maybe I should just start over
Lol, good luck ;)
fixed messed up going straight :)
now must fix backtracking algorithm
well then
nice "maze" I have here
Oh that looks cool.. :P
now I need to add borders
what the...?
alright, I obviously have a big problem here
@LewsTherin i'm sad.......
In my office
On a saturday?
people just doesn't understand what is a project in order
i mean they cant even follow up a well organized excel f@#!
they want their unorganized stuff and they even get mad lol
Studying programming and systems having another way to see the world... well not helping me here
Not good
@LewsTherin Peru is divided in 3 main zones.. or "Regions" Coast, Highlands, Jungle.
@LewsTherin let's say that 60% of the people that grow up in the highlands they have no good education and the main there is just agriculture or taking care of animals, or mining... so in other words most of them don't have knowledge of organized work
@LewsTherin and i'm working with 3 like them ._.
One is the warehouse manage
I'm mad lol
I'm trying to tell them to save the work on the system that i develop and they are arguing because the report is not like the unorganized sh@#@# they had
@Washu Tell them to get a secretary
@LewsTherin they don't have money for it
@Doorknob hi
@Washu Then they should shut up and stop whining.. but if they don't have money time to abandon ship methinks
@LewsTherin yeah... i'm starting to think the same. Is just that i hate when this happens
ok fuck it
i'm mad
everyone in the world should learn logic
and system analysis
for real...
2 hours later…
@user1629075 when you be here let me know. I m on lil break
ok back
When did you started java?
September of this year, from taking a Java class at school. I did C++ last year.
SO do you know basic concept of OOP?
Yes, if you mean definition of object/class/encapsulation.
What about overloading concepts?
I have an elementary idea of them, isn't it just naming a method the same as something else but passing a different number of parameters?
and what about constructor overloading?
Not as much, I don't understand applications/ purpose of overloading although I know what it is.
Don't just search for answers. If you know then say yes or let me know that you don't know that concept
I don't know the purpose of the concept, and why you would use it, but I know how to recognize it in a program.
overloading and overwriting allows us to make use of same method or constructor for different operations
Let me give you example
you created method to add two integers let say sum(int a, int b){return a+b}
Now you have to do the same operation with doubles but this method wont work on them so you can overload method say sum(double a, double b){return a+b}
here you are getting advantage of using same method name for different types of parameters , this same goes with constructors
ok, but why not use a different name?
is it because they both take sums?
Thats nice question.
let me put this way
if you give different name then it will make your life miserable. Its perfectly allowed though. You won't find much difference for small programs as you are on learing curve, but for big applications it will be heck to keep track of all those methods
@LewsTherin How are you?
I see.
@smit Alright, thanks
This concept called as polymorphism
@LewsTherin I am good man.
May be this could help you better
Method overloading is the most basic polymorphism
Q: When should we use method overloading vs method with different naming

Yan Cheng CHEOKSometimes, I felt method overloading may create confusion. class a { public: void copy(float f); void copy(double d); }; a me; me.copy(1.2); // Not obvious at the first sight on which version we are calling. A workaround on this is. class a { public: void copyFloat(float f);...

@LewsTherin Yes you are true. I am just helping him understaing this conceptes
I know.. just adding that little tidbit :)
Thanks It will really help him understanding concepts
That makes sense. Is there any way I can apply that to my LicensePlateFactory program?
@Washu My old pic isn't fake. That is a real girl.
I will suggest you to make some basic concept clear. Read some beginners tutorials.
Hello, World!
@code Hello
How's everyone doing?
HOw about you?
@user1629075 are you clear on this? Do you have any more ??????
Yes, thanks, I actually have another question.
What is the difference between static and instance.
@Code-Guru Hello
@user1629075 I thought you've done C++ before?
@Tushar Hi
can any one help me?
@Tushar HI
Sure if I could
Yes, but we never touched on static.
@smit i want to play a mp3 file from src folder
public void run(String url) {

try {
FileInputStream file = new FileInputStream(url);
Player p = new Player(file);
}catch(Exception e){
System.err.print( url + e);
wow thats cool. Is it rock and roll
read this and let me know if you dont understand
@smit i want to use this code this.getClass().getResource(url));
how to do it?
@user1629075 Static, means a variable is class wide.. although Java sorta uses that loosely. Instance means a variable belongs to an object.
@ tushar So where is the problem?
i want to play a mp3 @smit
@smit I am using this code
public void run(String url) {

try {
FileInputStream file = new FileInputStream(url);
Player p = new Player(file);
}catch(Exception e){
System.err.print( url + e);
@Tushar I am not getting your question?
@user1629075 Static are the variable or methods wchich get loaded by class
i want to make .jar file which will play a mp3 file.
Okay and for that you want to use resources folder
ya @smit
@user1629075 and instance are object through which you access class elemnts
which will work for any PC
If variable or method is static then you don't need to use instance of that class, for example classname.variablename or calssname.methodname
@tushar I got you point now
I want to use something like this this.getClass().getResource(url));
@Tushar okay, what's the problem with doing that?
That will work perfectly fine.
@user1629075 Are you here?
@Code-Guru i want to make .jar file which will play a mp3 file and work for any PC
@tushar don't repeat this we got it. but we are asking where is the problem you are getting while implementing this
@Code-Guru i dont want to use any specific path
there is no problem.
its playing well
@Tushar ???????
but i am using a specific path
i dont want to use that
allright like absolute path
the code i have sent u saw it?
Yes I saw that.
i am passing a path which name is url
and what are you passing to that URL
url = "H:\\waka waka.mp3";
that means you are passing absolute path.
i dont want to do that
and you need mechanism something else which could use user defined pass. Am I right?
@smith no I want any user double click on the .jar file in their PC it should play the song
currently that code only can play the file in my PC
okay so you want play only one song
thats tru cuz of absolute path
then why dont you put your mp3 file in root folder?
ok. but I want to learn how to use this.getClass().getResource(url));
into my code
before the mp3 player i was using `public static synchronized void playSound(final String url) {
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
Clip clip = AudioSystem.getClip();
AudioInputStream inputStream;
inputStream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(
} catch (Exception e) {
When you are passing url then suse this
@smith u got my problem?
I see now
You are passing through this method playSound(url) here you can use that resource
Okay put your mp3 in package appropriate package and and when you call this playSound(this.getClass().getResource(url));
just give your packacge path
as URL not absolute path
ok. can u please invite me private chat? i want to make u clear
please @smit
@Tushar you may find it funny but I dont know how to start private chat?
ya me too
i am finding
Let me go for smoke. Everthing is going on my head now.
ok no problem
FYI: 1. Click gravatar 2. Under actions, click "start a room with this user".
Though there isn't really such a thing as private chat here.
@mootinator may be you can help me
can u?
Probably not...
Good answer.
@Tushar I am back
@all why this room so quite?
@smit u there?
hello? any body here?
@Tushar YEs
I put comment in one of your answer
Did you read that?
public void run(String url) {

try {
FileInputStream file;
file = new FileInputStream(this.getClass().getResource(url));
Player p = new Player(file);
}catch(Exception e){
System.err.print( url + e);
can u fix the error?
thers is no error
you just have to put your mp3 file in specified classpath
yes there is a error
whts is error?
I dont have debugger so I can run your code
it says no suitable constructor found for FileInputStream(URL)
r u familiar with it?
Fileinput reader supposed to read all types of file
FileInputStream takes String argument if this line this.getClass().getResource(url) returning string you are good to go
you may try this this.getClass().getResource(url).getFile
but make sure you have your file in that class folder
2 hours later…
is there any one?
1 hour later…
i'm having a problem
Me too :(
i'm tryna make a Skype bot, and i get this
Exception in thread "main" com.skype.SkypeException: Loading libskype.jnilib failed.
I haven't used Skype api before.. sorry :(
it says the libskype.jnilib failed
I have a quick question
Isnt Javascript very close IN SYNTAX to Java?
java and javascript are very different
@javawarrior Okay, which is closer to C# if you know
You just left the C# room lol
@JABFreeware Java
@LewsTherin Okay, thanks!
So lewsis,, help me out
how do i load a library into a project
I've never tried it in Java :S
i'm studying random google trands
the place that googles africa the most is south africa
Are you looking at that?
it's really cool
i can see trands
lol- the state that googles flood the most is north dakot
How about pr0n? :)
and the country of papua new guinea
dude, this stuff is amazing
you can even view history
give me some more stuff to analyze
I can't right now.. doing some assignment :(
that's weird
when i tried studying numbers from 200-300, the ones i studied have a large concentration in one state
apparently papua new guinea googles lesbians a lot
someone over there must like porn
i'm making an assignment
holy crap
i just google the word knife, and it turns out there's a huge spike every december
A set of good kitchen knives is a good christmas present...
O rly?
and apparently wyoming doesn't google the word purple
A set of good kitchen knives is a good christmas present...

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